Mailchimp Custom Automation Suggestions? - mailchimp

Not sure if this is even possible - but we are looking for a way to trigger mailchimp newsletters based on a custom field value in a Wordpress website.
Basically we will have a field value that holds "the number of miles" a person has walked based on the data they enter. We will be calculating the "total miles".....when they reach 100 miles for example we will need an email to trigger from Mailchimp....then 200 miles will trigger a 2nd email and so on....
Does anyone know if this can even be done with Mailchimp? If not is there a better approach to handling this?

If you are familiar with Python, I'd recommend using a Jupyter notebook for this to cut down on development work. You could set it to run at regular intervals checking the status of each user (running either on your computer or a server), then updating the merge tag of the status in mailchimp. You can have automations that are triggered when the merge tag of distance is a specific value, say 100 they get the 100 email, 200 they get the 200 email. (You could also do it so when a user hits a certain milestone their merge tag is updated in MailChimp but from my experience that's a little more work.)
Net net there are a few ways to achieve your goal but I think using a Python notebook using pandas to manipulate the data and the mailchimp3 mailchimp API client would be the lightest lift.
TIP: Mailchimp currently has a bug where merge tags information is not always accurately represented in the UI. So for example if via the API you added 500 people with the Distance merge value of 200, and checked that via the UI how many people had a value of 200 for Distance you would likely see an inaccurate number displayed for the count in the UI. If you export the list, you will see the correct number that is reflected in your API update. To be clear, in some cases UI does not display the accurate number for users with that merge tag or value, but if you export the list with that merge tag/value via the UI it should match what you pushed to the API. This is currently an open ticket.


Velo - Wix - Counter

I am building a website that sells tickets and for various reasons I cannot use WixEvents. I would like to set a counter and have it incremented every time a user hits the select button.
Been trying to do this with collections but just can't seem to find the right reference.
I have also looked at repeaters but I'm struggling with finding the right syntax.
Any help would be appreciated.
The click of the button sends them to a hosted payment page so while it certainly wouldn’t be exact it would be close enough to track the number of tickets sold.
Unfortunately the HPP doesn’t return a success/failure so there’s no way to get an exact count from the web page.

Mailchimp members activity

I've got some kind of script. Goal is:
Get Mailchimp Lists
For each list get members
For each member get activity
Store it
Does anyone know - if there any way to not use one API call for each member to get his activity?
I've got around 28 000 members.
28 000 API calls - seems as bad as it can be.
I've tried to get Lists Activity, but no way, it is always empty. So I really have to get exactly members activity.
I'm currently attempting to do something very similar and there is a workaround, although I am not sure how feasible it is. Basically, you can do it through reports, email activity:
The challenge here will be that you will try to pull 28.000+ records at a time, therefore it will take a long time. From my brief calculations it can take up to 1 minute per 1000 records (you will need to loop through 1000 records at a time, otherwise it will most likely time out).
The larger problem is maintaining this 'database', if you have activity constantly happening (i.e. opens/clicks/bounces) then you will need to pull the whole campaign activity again and update wherever you store it. I've been trying to find a workaround with no success. You could use the 'since=2017-10-07T00:00:00+00:00' parameter, however it still returns a blank list when there is no activity unfortunately. If only 1000 members are actually active, it will return 27.000 rows of no activity. It would be great if there would be another parameter we could potentially apply to return only emails where there was an action.
Please let me know if you find a better solution.
P.S. - it might be worth reaching out to mailchimp support for this
Update - you can use the Mailchimp Export api: and extract the email activity. I had huge issues unpacking it, please follow the links below: Decode text response from API in Python 3.6 and Separate pd DataFrame Rows that are dictionaries into columns . Let me know if you have any other questions.

Mailchimp api: retrieving poll results

Is there a way to get the members to a certain response of poll without the need to create segments?
I am sending mails and have a poll included (basically participating at an event).
Now I would like to easily collect the respondents for an event from various mails (announcement, invitation, reminder 1, reminder 2,..)
Currently I need to create segments for each response where I need to reference the campaigns individually. So whenever I send a campaign (email) I need to update all segments as there need to be a segment per question, which I would like to avaoid.
Hope thats clear enough.
I had a similar question and after a review of the mailchimp API docs, in particular the reports section I realized there was not a way to retrieve poll results.
After my review, I followed-up with mailchimp and they mentioned access to poll results via API is not available - detailed comments with image attached below:
MailChimp Response - Start
"To be completely honest and transparent, there currently wouldn't be a way of accessing the campaign poll result data directly through the report... With that being said, it would be possible to use the API to create segments based on poll response, then call those segments to view the number of responses for each option, as well as the specific subscribers who chose each individual option.
More info here:
MailChimp Response - End
As you can see, although accessing poll results via the API is not available, there is a work around using a method.
Good luck!

Get property rating from API

I need to get the rating value from system for specific property. Is there an API that provides information such as overall rating and other useful information for properties that are listed in their system?
In case anyone has the same question I will answer in short - the API is not public! In order to get access you need to write them an email and provide a lot of information about why you're going to use it, how and who is going to use it. Describe your business model etc. Also you need to producing an average of 500 bookings per month. Then wait an approval process.
I decided to simple parse the website and get the overall rating.

How to feed Slack archive into GSA?

I am wondering how can I use Slack API to feed message history into GSA (Google Search Appliance) and having this kept up to date.
Did anyone wrote a script for this?
I don't have a readymade script, but it should be possible as you've imagined; IMO (without being familiar with the slack api, but with some knowledge of the slack archive sizes, i.e., >500K messages), I think the main challenge would be to identify and extract only the pieces of information that are important to you from the slack archive (which can easily get you to run out of your GSA document index license limit if you chose your GSA feed record elements too discretely - e.g., imagine if every message were a separate feed record).
In other words, you need to identify the discrete feed records keeping them as atomically large as possible in order to keep the document license usage down to a minimum, while keeping them discrete enough to yield accurate results.
Once that's done, or if your GSA index license limit is not a problem, one possible solution is to create an incremental/full feed by reading updates from the slack archive using its API, and then compiling the new records found, into the GSA feed format (with information that you want to be able to search-on/omit contained within the tags as appropriate, and info that you need to present in the results, contained in html meta tags), and push those new records in to the GSA.
Another solution, if you'd be able to host a few web application pages that you can have the GSA crawl, will even allow you to keep its index up to date with a continuous crawl. For this you'd need at least one "jump page" which would just be a list of links each populated with query string parameters, to be passed to your detail record page, which would serve to identify a set of various slack message archive element IDs, that you've determined as needing to be indexed as a discrete record. You'd then need to set your "jump page" URL to be crawled by the GSA, and also develop your XSLT or other search results consumer service to be able to read/render the returned results with info contained in meta tags. Note: when the consumer service makes the search call to GSA, it'll need to pass in a "&getfields=*" query string parameter to get the GSA to return all the info contained in the meta tags.
I hope that my wording is not too esoteric and helps you in some way in designing your solution.
