Laravel relationship between two tables - laravel

I'd like your input on this.
I have a Customer_table with a field name. I have another table called Reservation_table with a Customer_name field.
How can I relate them in such a way that I'd see all the bookings by the specific customer?

In Reservation_table you should have a field(foreign key) userid in order ta have a user for each reservation.

You can using primary key - foreign key relationship to relate/join those two tables. Also, instead of having a 'Customer_name' field as your FK referring to 'name' field in 'Customer_table' table, it is better to have an id (unique) generated for each customer; This way you can have an efficient way of uniquely identifying and relating customer across tables; can save space on Database side as well. Hope this helps!

If you want to use eloquent you must first define a relationship.
One reservation belongs to a user. Here is how to define the relationships:
Inside the Reservation model:
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo('App/User'); //User model
To define the inverse you do the following:
Inside User model:
public function reservations()
return $this->hasMany('App/Reservation'); // Reservation Model
Now you can do the following in your controller:
$reservations = Auth::user()->reservations;
Now you have all reservations by the currently logged in user.
I am not sure if I got the question right so ask away.


Laravel Relationships with 3 tables problem

I don't understand how to connect three tables in Laravel.
users> id, ...
groups> id, ...
group_user> id_group, id_user
I want to return all groups to me auth()->user()->groups.
Thanks in advance.
According to your explanation, group_user table holds many-to-many relationship between Group and User model. In case of a many-to-many relationship, you actually don't need a GroupMember model. This kind of table which holds many-to-many relationship is called pivot table. Read more from the Official Documentation
The first argument is the Model you are relating to, the second one is the name of the pivot table, and third argument is the foreign key name of the model on which you are defining the relationship, while the fourth argument is the foreign key name of the model that you are joining to
class User
public function groups()
return $this->belongsToMany(Group::class,'group_user','id_user','id_group');

Laravel Eloquent relation for getting user name for a specific id

I have a table named project. In this table I have a column named student_id. Model for this table is Project. And I have another table named user. And model name is User. Now I am retrieving all project table details in a page including student_id. Now I want to show user name instead of student_id. I mean I want to show this student name instead of student id. For example if student_id is 10 then I want to print name for that user from user table whose id is 10.
Any one please help.I have read document from laravel. But i don't know why I am not getting the eloquent concept properly.
Define belongsTo() relationship in Project model class:
public function student()
return $this->belongsTo(User::class, 'student_id');
And use it:

Eloquent relationship for multiple table

I am working in laravel5.4. I have created four table as ticket, users, and company. Here, I have stored users id in ticket table. And stored company id in users table.
Here, I want to show ticket's user name with that users company name.
Here, I have create relation for it that looks like below.
Ticket model :
public function requesters(){
return $this->belongsTo('App\User','requester_id');
Here requester_id is who create ticket.
Users model :
public function company()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Admin\Company');
Company model :
public function Users()
return $this->hasOne('App\Users');
Here, I have written query to get users information that looks like below.
Now, I want to fetch company information or request_id So what changes should I have to do in this query to fetch company info along with ticket and users ?
If you want to to Eager load multiple relationship you can put them all in single with like this:
but if you load nested relationship you can use shorter notation - you can omit parent relationship, so it's enough to use here:
Try this, it should work for this case:

How to check and get the result if the table contain user id in laravel

I have create a relationship between user and table column, I want show the table list which is belongs to particular user. For example if user_id 1 is logged in the system, the system will only show the information belong to him which is Table 1.
This is my controller code :
public function show(Request $request){
$table= Roundtable::findOrFail($user_id);
return view('')->withTables($table);
I know that $table= Roundtable::findOrFail($user_id); is incorrect but I had no idea how to do because I am new for laravel.
If user has just one table and if Roundtable model has user_id you can use this query:
Roundtable::where('user_id', $id)->first();
It will give you user's table or null if table doesn't exist.
Another way to get table is to use relation:
Well i found the solution, just need to change the code into
$table= Roundtable::where('user_id',$id)->get();
return view('')->withTables($table);
then the result will return correctly.

Eloquent - Two Relationships In One?

I've been getting along slowly but surely with Laravel / Eloquent, but am now stumped:
entries Table:
users Table
group Table:
faculty Table
So entries are related to users and groups, and users are related to faculties - I've set up the basic relationships without a problem, and this enables me to find all entries by users from a certain faculty:
Faculty Model:
public function entries()
return $this->hasManyThrough('Entry','User');
However, I now need to find entries by users that are from a certain faculty AND from a certain group, and I don't know how to write this combination this in Eloquent.
Hope that makes sense! Any suggestions?
Something like:
Entries::whereHas('user', function($q) {
$q->where('faculty_id', $facultyID);
->where('group_id', $groupID)
Assuming you have set up your 'user' relationship.
