Get Constant name from value in VB6 - vb6

I have defined some Global Constants:
'Reason Codes'
Global Const MQRC_NONE = 0
Global Const MQRC_APPL_FIRST = 900
Global Const MQRC_APPL_LAST = 999
Now I want to get the constant name from its value in VB6.
Is it possible, I know it can be done in .Net and Java. Not sure about vb6.

Use a select statement. I do not like this solution but at least you can get things done with it.
Select Case constantValue
result = "MQRC_NONE"
result = "MQRC_APPL_FIRST"
result = "MQRC_APPL_LAST"
Case Else
result = "N/A"
End Select
If you have control over the constant values make them range 0,1,2. Then you can just index another array of equivalent constant strings based on this constant index.


Elegant way to pass as an optional parameter to make the subroutine work as if it was omitted?

In VB6, the function Mid(string, start, [length]) has an optional parameter length. If omitted, the whole characters after the start bound will be passed.
Say I want this default behaviour only in a certain condition:
s = Mid(s, i, IIf(condition, j, TheValue)) ' What could be TheValue?
Since length is of Variant type, I tried Empty. It didn't work. Neither did -1 and Nothing.
I didn't want to duplicate to Mid call in an If-Then-Else clause or somehow else. Is this possible?
Here is a working sample with OP's s = Mid(s, i, IIf(condition, j, TheValue)) line
Option Explicit
Property Get TheValue(Optional RetVal As Variant)
TheValue = RetVal
End Property
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim s As String
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim condition As Boolean
s = "test test test"
i = 6: j = 3
condition = False
s = Mid(s, i, IIf(condition, j, TheValue)) '<--- this works!
Debug.Print s
End Sub
Notice how TheValue returns a "missing" Variant i.e. one which tests positive for IsMissing and can be used in place of optional parameters instead of not passing actual argument.
No such value exists. When you omit the length parameter, the compiler chooses a different path through the VBRT -- it produces different code. If you want to emulate that, you need to do the same thing, using an If-Else or similar construct to handle the two cases, like #ÉtienneLaneville suggests
As an alternative to #Étienne's solution, VB provides the IsMissing method:
Public Function Mid(p_sString As String, p_iStart As Integer, Optional p_iLength As Integer) As String
If IsMissing(p_iLength) Then
Mid = VBA.Mid(p_sString, p_iStart)
Mid = VBA.Mid(p_sString, p_iStart, p_iLength)
End If
End Function
And as this wrapper method returns a string, I suggest using the String verions of Mid, which is Mid$. The later is slightly faster than the Variant version (Mid)
This was nicely explained at this site, but at the time of this posting, the request times out. Not sure if gone forever or just a temporary problem.
You could define your own Mid function:
Public Function Mid(p_sString As String, p_iStart As Integer, Optional p_iLength As Integer = -1) As String
If p_iLength < 0 Then
Mid = VBA.Mid(p_sString, p_iStart)
Mid = VBA.Mid(p_sString, p_iStart, p_iLength)
End If
End Function
This should work with the code from your question, using -1 (or any negative integer) as TheValue.
In c++, std::string these optional arguments are represented by either 0 when the default effect is zero position or length or std::string::npos when it is "infinite" length. You can explicitly supply that value and get the same behaviour.
I don't know what the equivalent constant is in m/s strings [In fact it is a different function definition, so there isn't one]. The alternative would be to pass in the string length, as that is the longest length currently possible.
The ?: ternary operator is an easy way to present 2 values with a condition to choose between them.

Variable values in For Each loop being retained

I'm new to VBScript and I am running into some trouble. The script is making an API call and pulling account information, placing the data into a CSV file. I'm pulling the data into an array, looping through each account and, if certain properties qualify, assigning them to a variable to be written to the CSV. The problem I am having is if one account qualifies for a property, it sets the variable and if the next account doesn't qualify, the variable is still retaining the value, giving false results in the CSV.
Set SFTPServer = WScript.CreateObject("SFTPCOMInterface.CIServer")
accounts = SFTPServer.AdminAccounts
For each admin in accounts
adminName = admin.Login
Dim count : count = admin.GetPermissionsCount()
For i = 0 To CInt(count )- 1
Set permission = admin.GetPermission(i)
' AdminPermissionsPolicy:
' ServerManagement = 0,
' SiteManagement = 1,
' STManagement = 2,
' UserCreation = 3,
' ChangePassword = 4,
' COMManagement = 5,
' ReportManagement = 6,
Select case permission.Permission
case 0:
serverAdmin = "Server Admin"
case 1:
site = permission.SiteName
case 2:
stMan = "2"
case 3:
userCreate = "3"
case 4:
chPassword = "4"
case 5:
comMan = "5"
case 6:
report = "6"
End Select
Unfortunately variables in VBScript are either at global, or function scope.
So you'll need to reset each of the variables on each iteration of the for loop.
One way would be to write Dim dummy at the top of your script, and just before the Select Case, write serverAdmin = dummy, site = dummy etc.
It's good practice to Dim explicitly all your variables, and to use Option Explicit at the top of the module to enforce that.
Here's an alternate way to do what you need without having to empty each variable on each iteration. You've already documented what each value means in your code. Instead of using comments for that purpose, define them as constants at the top of your scope block:
' AdminPermissionsPolicy:
Const ServerManagement = 0
Const SiteManagement = 1
Const STManagement = 2
Const UserCreation = 3
Const ChangePassword = 4
Const COMManagement = 5
Const ReportManagement = 6
Then you can declare an array to hold the values:
Dim a(6)
And then in your loop you can empty the array on each iteration using the Erase function. You can use the constant names instead of 0/1/2/etc and, when it comes time to write the values, you can use Join() to combine your array values into a string instead of having to concatenate 7 variables.
For each admin in accounts
adminName = admin.Login
Erase a ' Empty the Permissions array for each new account
Dim count : count = admin.GetPermissionsCount()
For i = 0 To CInt(count )- 1
Set permission = admin.GetPermission(i)
Select case permission.Permission
case ServerManagement: ' Now you can use the constant instead of "0"
a(ServerManagement) = "Server Admin"
case SiteManagement:
a(SiteManagement) = permission.SiteName
End Select
WriteStuff.WriteLine Join(a, "|") ' Use Join() to combine array values
Let's start with the output. You want to print a list of items (some of them possibly Empty) separated by "|". That should be done like this:
WriteStuff.WriteLine Join(aOut, "|")
You don't need to know that VBScript's concatenation operator is &, not +, because you can't even use the wrong one with Join.
You don't need to repeat the separator.
No useless pre/ap-pending of the empty string "".
Works with any number of items.
aOut needs to be initalized in the loop. That is easy with ReDim - without Preserve.
You don't need to know that Empty is the literal for empty/uninitialzed in VBScript.
You don't need to repeat an assignment for each variable.
Works with any number of items.
Demo code:
Option Explicit
Const cnUB = 3
Dim nTest
For nTest = 0 To cnUB
ReDim aOut(cnUB)
Select Case nTest
Case 0
aOut(0) = "A"
Case 1
aOut(1) = "B"
Case 2
aOut(2) = "C"
Case 3
aOut(3) = "D"
End Select
WScript.Echo Join(aOut, "|")
cscript 31565794.vbs
Putting the data into the array anonymously (just known by number/index) may be more errorprone than using distinct variable( name)s. If you need the elements for further computations it may be a good idea to define constants
Const ciReport = 1
aOut(ciReport) = "B"

How to create the equivalent of a HashMap<Int, Int[]> in Lua

I would like to have a simple data structure in lua resembling a Java HashMap equivalent.
The purpose of this is that I wish to maintain a unique key 'userID' mapped against a set of two values which get constantly updated, for example;
'77777', {254, 24992}
Any suggestions as to how can I achieve this?
-- Individual Aggregations
local dictionary = ?
-- Other Vars
local sumCount = 0
local sumSize = 0
local matches =, query)
for _,key in ipairs(matches) do
local val =, key)
local count, size = val:match(([^:]+):([^:]+))
topUsers(string.sub(key, 11, 15), sumCount, sumSize)
-- Global Count and Size for the Query
sumCount = sumCount + tonumber(count)
sumSize = sumSize + tonumber(size)
local result = string.format(%s:%s, sumCount, sumSize)
return result;
-- Users Total Data Aggregations
function topUsers()
-- Do sums for each user
Assuming that dictionary is what you are asking about:
local dictionary = {
['77777'] = {254, 24992},
['88888'] = {253, 24991},
['99999'] = {252, 24990},
The tricky part is that the key is a string that can't be converted to a Lua variable name so you must surround each key with []. I can't find a clear description of rule for this in Lua 5.1 reference manual, but the Lua wiki says that if a key "consists of underscores, letters, and numbers, but doesn't start with a number" only then does it not require the [] when defined in the above manner, otherwise the square brackets are required.
Just use a Lua table indexed by userID and with values another Lua table with two entries:
T['77777']={254, 24992}
This is possible implementation of the solution.
local usersTable = {}
function topUsers(key, count, size)
if usersTable[key] then
usersTable[key][1] = usersTable[key][1] + count
usersTable[key][2] = usersTable[key][2] + size
usersTable[key] = {count, size}
function printTable(t)
for key,value in pairs(t) do
print(key, value[1], value[2])

Returning multiple ints and passing them as multiple arguements in Lua

I have a function that takes a variable amount of ints as arguments.
this function was given in a framework and I'd rather not change the code of the function or the .lua it is from. So I want a function that repeats a number for me a certain amount of times so this is less repetitive. Something that could work like this and achieve what was done above
is this possible in Lua? I'm even comfortable with something like this:
I think you're stuck with something along the lines of your second proposed solution, i.e.
because if you use a function that returns multiple values in the middle of a list, it's adjusted so that it only returns one value. However, at the end of a list, the function does not have its return values adjusted.
You can code repeatNum as follows. It's not optimized and there's no error-checking. This works in Lua 5.1. If you're using 5.2, you'll need to make adjustments.
function repeatNum(...)
local results = {}
local n = #{...}
for i = 1,n,2 do
local val = select(i, ...)
local reps = select(i+1, ...)
for j = 1,reps do
table.insert(results, val)
return unpack(results)
I don't have 5.2 installed on this computer, but I believe the only change you need is to replace unpack with table.unpack.
I realise this question has been answered, but I wondered from a readability point of view if using tables to mark the repeats would be clearer, of course it's probably far less efficient.
function repeatnum(...)
local i = 0
local t = {...}
local tblO = {}
for j,v in ipairs(t) do
if type(v) == 'table' then
for k = 1,v[2] do
i = i + 1
tblO[i] = v[1]
i = i + 1
tblO[i] = v
return unpack(tblO)

VBScript: Finding the number of non-null elements in an array

What is the "best" way to determine the number of elements in an array in VBScript?
UBound() tells you how many slots have been allocated for the array, but not how many are filled--depending on the situation, those may or may not be the same numbers.
First off there is no predefined identifier called vbUndefined as the currently accepted answer appears to imply. That code only works when there is not an Option Explicit at the top of the script. If you are not yet using Option Explicit then start doing so, it will save you all manner of grief.
The value you could use in place of vbUndefined is Empty, e.g.,:-
If arr(x) = Empty Then ...
Empty is a predefined identify and is the default value of a variable or array element that has not yet had a value assigned to it.
However there is Gotcha to watch out for. The following statements all display true:-
MsgBox 0 = Empty
MsgBox "" = Empty
MsgBox CDate("30 Dec 1899") = True
Hence if you expect any of these values to be a valid defined value of an array element then comparing to Empty doesn't cut it.
If you really want to be sure that the element is truely "undefined" that is "empty" use the IsEmpty function:-
If IsEmpty(arr(x)) Then
IsEmpty will only return true if the parameter it actually properly Empty.
There is also another issue, Null is a possible value that can be held in an array or variable. However:-
MsgBox Null = Empty
Is a runtime error, "invalid use of null" and :-
MsgBox IsEmpty(Null)
is false. So you need to decide if Null means undefined or is a valid value. If Null also means undefined you need your If statement to look like:-
If IsEmpty(arr(x)) Or IsNull(arr(x)) Then ....
You might be able to waive this if you know a Null will never be assigned into the array.
I'm not aware of a non-iterative method to do this, so here's the iterative method:
Function countEmptySlots(arr)
Dim x, c
c = 0
For x = 0 To ubound(arr)
If arr(x) = vbUndefined Then c = c + 1
countEmptySlots = c
End Function
As Spencer Ruport says, it's probably better to keep track yourself to begin with.
There's nothing built in to tell you what elements are filled. The best way is to keep track of this yourself using a count variable as you add/remove elements from the array.
