How to implement the following scenario using Jmeter? - jmeter

Can anyone help me out how to implement the following scenario using Jmeter, in this scenario N number of users should be able to log in at once and implement the same scenario at the same time?
I have already tried using recording option but it is not updating in the database.
To some HTTP requests, it is showing SSO issue.
1. Login to the web application.
2. A landing page is displayed.
3. Two options displayed.
4. Selecting one option, which will redirect to the specific landing page.
5. From home page, we will search for the products.
6. Selecting one product and it redirects to the customization page.
7. In the customization page, we are inputting the values, updating the changes to the order.
8. Finally completing the order with update changes in it.
Where the customize order will ask us to move into the cart or it will ask us to submit for approval.

The solution basically depends on what you exactly testing.
Let's consider the application consists of single HTTP server (at least, in terms of endpoint) + single HTTP client (which doesn't reach different sources for data/services, especially with modern protocols like websocket).
Then each of your scenarios turns out to be a series of HTTP request/response interactions, whatever happens under the hood.
So the best way to lay it out for JMeter would be to record sample(s) of this interaction & parametrize it.
You can do it with JMeter itself (check, for example, this guideline or "official" one), or use other tools (like Fiddler) then implement the sequence in the JMeter.
But that is for more, say, "classic" web app, where client (browser) are pretty lightweight and mostly in charge of sending requests & rendering responses - while most of the duties lays on server, and this is that you going to test for performance.
For modern, web apps with responsibilities blurred & spread between server AND client (not to mention asyncronous interactions) that way may be good enough too - but may be NOT.
Then you'd may want to evaluate performance for app as a whole, in assembly.
One of the way to achieve that in JMeter is to use WebDriver plugin for JMeter, check this tutorial.


Performance tool for Web Single Page Application

Please, assist me on this one.
Project is for Web Single Page Application that does not provide different urls for different view. Everything loads by clicking within one screen. I was asked to find performance tool to test such application.
I will not be able to get HP Loadrunner or any such tool that is in the same price range. Maybe there is an open source or how to use JIRA for my project?
When you click somewhere, even if screen doesn't change, browser sends relevant HTTP Request (usually GET or POST). JMeter acts on protocol level, it doesn't actually "render" the page or execute JavaScript but it can send any HTTP Request.
So you should be able to record all the requests using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder and replay them with larger number of threads according to your load test scenario.
You can use View Results Tree listener to visualize request and response details and JMeter Assertions to ensure that test actually does what it should do.

How to hide request from Network tab

How can I hide api service request from the network tab of the browser developer tool?
Any suggestion
Although I would strongly disadvice from doing so (as it won't stop any serious user), it would be possible to for example send it through flash or for that matter any other plugin with such functionality. The easiest way to achieve this would be to use a flash-enabled XHR proxy object like the one provided by the flXHR project (though you would have to force it to also function on the same domain, rather than only cross domain). Let me finish once again with not advicing you to do so, as the use of plugins will cause for a significant subset of your users messages to appear or not to work at all, which is in no way a good experience.

Ajax vs. Web sockets vs. Web Workers

What is the difference between all three? They seem to do the exact same thing. Why and when would you choose to use one method over the other?
AJAX and websockets do similar tasks — they both establish a communication channel to a server. Web workers have nothing to do with either of them, they are just separate threads of JS execution.
AJAX is more mature than websockets — it has been around much longer and has a much wider browser support. AJAX is request-oriented — you make a request to the server, the server responds, and the connection is closed. Websockets on the other hand establish a persistent connection to the server, over which you exchange multiple messages in both directions.
Webworkers are useful if you want to perform a processor intensive task without blocking the browser interface.
They are not same. But one can use them together to build advanced application.
Ajax: As abbrevation States is asynchronous javascript and xml.. is used to load the content dynamically from the server upon called.
Websockets : Websockets is the feature defined in HTML5 . As wikipedia states "WebSocket is a protocol providing full-duplex communications channels over a single TCP connection." so this is mainly used for real time communication such as video call, live chat etc..
WebWorkers : this feature is also defined in HTML5. This is basically used to make bring multi threading feature in Javascript. Since javascript is a single threaded programming language , it breaks or pause whenever i.e heavy calculation tasks are done using it. to overcome this breakage , Webworkers are added to javascript.
You can perform Ajax and Websockets inside Webworkers . however you cannot manipulate DOM using webworkers due to security reasons.
They are not the same.
Ajax: It is a way of interacting with a web server asynchronously from a UI renderer
Web Sockets: An HTML5 feature using which you can interact with any Socket server extending the reach of the browser
Web Workers : Another HTML5 feature that helps you do multi-threaded programming from a web browser using Java Script
Ajax & Websockers are siblings.
Webworkers are completely different.
The best example of AJAX is Google's search bar - suggestions appear as you type, but the current webpage is not redirected or refreshed! (10 years ago this was amazing, not so much anymore). This is AJAX in action.
AJAX uses what's called a "request" and "response" model: you ask a question, and you receive an answer from the 'server'.
AJAX allows webpages to talk to "servers" behind the scenes, allowing you to update a webpage without navigating away from your URL. Back in the old days of the web, if you wanted to show different content on a webpage, users would have to navigate to a different URL: not any more. This concept has been taken to the next level with single page apps and applications (like React, Vue, Elm etc.).
With websockets, your web-page talks to your server (as with Ajax), and your server responds - except you do so like you're talking on the phone. There is a "connection" between your users and your server. This "connection" is not there with AJAX: in that case, you have a simple request and a response coming back from the server.
In other words, if you wanted to stream stock market data, constantly updating it to your users: it would probably be better to use websockets, than AJAX.
Use When you need intensive calculations - if you were to ask a web-page to calculate Pi to 100000 decimal places: that might take a while. The web-page might freeze, and you might lose $$. The intensive calculations can be done in the background, without freezing your webpage. People using your site can do other things - e.g. click around, while waiting for the result in the meantime.

Browser Overlay for Data Entry: Client or Server Side?

I am developing a Django app that functions basically as a data entry tool for websites. The use case has a trusted user or paid technician browsing the web. As they browse they enter data into an overlaid bar similar to what you see on many proxy websites, but containing a form that allows user to write metadata about the website (in this case, training classification data for an ML algorithm) and submit it to my app.
See for an example of a proxy website that inserts an overlay into browsed sites.
I have heard conflicting suggestions on how to approach this.
Serve Websites as Proxy
Pipe all url requests through the django app with something like, and rewrite the responses to include the header.
I can process the responses with sexy scientific libraries like the NLTK
AJAX-free failover. Users can submit human data (albeit with more of a hassle) without the need to submit computed data.
Greatly increased traffic. Now my webapp has to retrieve all websites and upload them to the user.
Some websites might block proxy requests. My intention is to deploy this on Heroku, but they might frown on an app that generates so many requests.
User Browses in an iFrame
The overlay is separated from the content by an iFrame, and I use javascript to inform the overlay on the page that is currently being browsed
Distributed Computing. User machines are used to make requests and do any necessary computations. The server is no longer a bottleneck.
Tighter Ajax integration. I can just post a JSON object representative of my entire Model.
iframes weren't really designed for full-scale browsing. Some websites force themselves out of iframes, and I worry that it won't be a reliable method of browsing.
I don't get to use all those sexy python libraries. My language processing will have to be done in javascript.
I've never done anything like this before. I'm pretty new to all the tools involved, and seriously having trouble choosing between the two very different approaches.
Which method would you suggest? Why? Are there any considerations I have missed?
OKFN's annotator provides imho a good basis for what you are trying to accomplish

How to fill out AJAX form programmatically and scrape results?

Basically, I want to use the Facebook Ads Manager Tool to estimate the number of users targeted by a particular set of targeting parameters. I know there is a published API available, but it is only usable if you are on their advertising application "whitelist." I am sure what I am asking is possible. Plus, it would be interesting to learn more about scraping.
Facebook's Ads Manager Tool is basically an AJAX UI for their ads API. In the process of creating a campaign, you can specify targeting parameters, and the page will dynamically report the number of users targeted as you modify the parameters. From what I've read on the web and here on stackOverflow, it is possible to use Firebug or a similar tool to pick apart what requests are being made by the page and to where, then mimicking these calls to get the information you want.
I'm having trouble interpreting the panels of Firebug. I think the URI I'm trying to send a request to is, though I'm not sure how to form a call.
So, if I want to write a script or program that takes a list of words to use as keywords and returns the estimated number of users for each keyword, how could I do it?
Link to Facebook's Ads Manager Tool, Campaign Creation Page:
yes using an extension like firebug to examine the HTTP requests is a good way to do this.
The Net tab is the one you want (last one).
Have you tried irobotsoft webscraper? It has a good ajax support.
Check their forum here:
