How to add aem Uber jar dependency in maven build - maven

I have used the maven archetype10 as shown below and created the project structure and everything was fine.
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.adobe.granite.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=aem-project-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=10 -DarchetypeRepository=
Now i wanted to add the aem uber-jar dependency and added the below dependency tags in the project pom.xml and in core module pom.xml respectively and also my repository tags are same as
after adding the above dependency tag when i compile it is giving me the below error.
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project aemexample.core: Could not
resolve dependencies for project
com.krishh.example:aemexample.core:bundle:0.1: Could not transfer
artifact com.adobe.aem:uber-jar:jar:6.2.0 from/to
( hostname in
certificate didn't match: <> != <> OR
<> -> [Help 1]
Is there anything am missing to add extra dependencies to compile and run this successfully.

You seem to be missing a classifier in your dependency. Try adding the one for AEM APIs, as suggested in the documentation. This should help Maven locate the necessary JAR in the repository:
If that doesn't help, you should also look at the certificate warning. Check out the answers to this question for more information on the subject.
TL;DR - possible causes could be:
an old Maven version using an HTTP library that is not compliant with the certificate being used by the repository - try upgrading Maven
erroneous certificate used by the server
potential network configuration issues between you and the repository
an actual attempt at getting you to download a malicious file by a party pretending to be the Nexus


Plugin .url=jdbc:oracle:thin or one of its dependencies could not be resolved - Spring Boot liquibase

I'm currently working in my company developing an API in Spring Boot with an Oracle database, the problem is that we use liquibase to create the database, and when I try to use the command:
mvn liquibase:update -Dliquibase.url="jdbc:oracle:thin:#..." -Dliquibase.username="xxx" -Dliquibase.password="xxx" -Dinterface-user="xxx" -Dtablespace-tablas="xxx" -Dtablespace-indices="xxx" -Dstorage-tablas="xxx" -Dstorage-indices="xxx"
It returns me this error:
Plugin .url=jdbc:oracle:thin or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: Failure to find .url=jdbc:oracle:jar:thin in
.com was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of has elapsed or updates are for
ced -> [Help 1]
I think it is related with the dependency ojdbc8 from oracle but I can't figure out how to make it work.
I know that all the credentials for the database and everything are correct as I can totally use them to connect to the database with a db manager.
Here is my dependency in pom.xml:
Right now I've tried these things:
Downloading the dependency from maven repo ( and installing it locally using the command: mvn install:install-file -Dfile=./ojdbc8.jar -DartifactId=ojdbc8 -Dversion=19.3 -Dpackaging=jar.
This supposedly installed the dependency locally, but still does not work.
Adding the oracle server to the dependency repos in maven config, following this oracle guide
With this second change I manage to get a different error:
Plugin .url=jdbc:oracle:thin or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: Could not find artifact .url=jdbc:oracle:jar:thin in
.com ( -> [Help 1]
Could you help me find what am I doing wrong or something that I might be missing? Thanks!
You need to use the follow GAV for downloading the JDBC driver from central maven. Refer to Maven guide for more details
In the end, the main problem was that I was using the embedded console of IntelliJ and It wasn't working that way, I switched to cmd and it worked...

Dependency javax.mail:mail:1.4 not found

After I imported a maven project in IntelliJ IDEA, there are two errors in the pom.xml file:
"Failed to read artifact descriptor for javax.mail:mail:jar:1.4"
"Dependency javax.mail:mail:1.4 not found"
Does anyone know the reason behind these errors and how can I fix them?
Thank you and have a great day!
Due to license restrictions the older java mail classes are not in maven central or the repository. usually companies host their own maven proxy and add these classes there.
Since around version 1.4.5 the dependencies are available in the repository. Some later versions are also in maven central.
All other versions need to be downloaded from the oracle website and either added to a maven proxy or to your local maven repository - for example using the dependency plugin.
Change the pom.xml to include:
Or if you have a build.gradle file in the dependencies section add:
compile "com.sun.mail:jakarta.mail:1.6.3"

selenium-central-framework in pom.xml

I am not able to find any hint about the issue that I am facing and hence posting my question here. Please apologize if it is something silly.
I have some working experience in selenium webdriver. However in my new project, I was asked to use an existing Selenium framework.
In the pom.xml, I am seeing the below dependency (I have edited xxx to avoid displaying the company name)
Question :
I couldn't understand from where that dependancy was taken from ?
Solution Tried :
I have tried searching in the maven repository still couldn't find
anything related to "selenium-central-framework"
I have checked the dependencies of selenium RC, but they seems to be different from the one that is present above.
I have researched whether any local jars were used and were linked
as dependancy. However I understand from maven repository, local
repositories will be linked with the tag "systemPath"
Note that the depedency used in my project doesn't have the tag "systemPath".
Is there anyway the external repositories could be added without mentioning systemPath ??
Please help, what could be that dependency ? How to find more information about it. Thanks a ton for your help.
I suggest you one of these approaches:
Jar file
If you have access to the jar file called : selenium-central-framework-2.0.18.jar, open a command line pointing to the folder of this jar and execute:
mvn install:install-file \
-Dfile=selenium-central-framework-2.0.18.jar \
-DgroupId=com.xxxqa.selenium \
-DartifactId=selenium-central-framework \
-Dversion=2.0.18 -Dpackaging=jar
Source code file
If you have the source code of : selenium-central-framework-2.0.18.jar, open a command line pointing to the folder of this source code and execute:
mvn clean install
After one of these approaches, selenium-central-framework-2.0.18.jar will be available in you local maven repository ($HOME/.m2) and your other java maven projects will be ready to use it as dependency:
This is a workaround if you don't have a server to host an artifact repository management server like :
Almost all free, public, safe, useful and cool java libraries are hosted in . So any person in the world can use it in their maven project with this piece in their pom.xml:
But in some cases, publish your source code to is not an option:
Oracle Driver. This driver (.jar) can only be downloaded from the official Oracle page. Private source code like IBM, Microsfot,etc
Source code of your company that should not be public.
Some super cool library that is only in github but not in the maven central repository.
So in this cases, the best and scalable solution is host and configure some artifact repository management server like :
This platforms are an emulation of . So with a minimal configuration:
You can host your special or private jars
Your maven projects could use this jars with the standrad xml dependency in pom.xml.
If you don't have a server to implement one of these platforms, the previous approaches could help you and get the same results

Does maven automatically download artifact dependencies?

I've been working with Maven for a little while now and I had a question about the information shown on the Maven Repository site. I was looking at the tags to paste into my pom for spring-web-mvc 3.2.8.RELEASE and noticed the table with the header "this artifact depends on" and saw the host of artifacts listed below.
My question is simple: Am I supposed to include the all of the dependencies listed in that table in my pom?
To answer your question, no you do not need to include all of the dependencies listed in the artifact dependencies section. It is my understanding that when you include a dependency in your pom file, maven will automatically download any needed jars. I am inferring this due to the fact that I personally don't add any of the artifact's dependencies other than what I need to my pom.
For example if I wanted spring-core I would do the following:
And maven will automatically take care of the dependencies for me.
A good way to test this out is to open a new maven project in eclipse and specify a dependency such as this, update the project, and then check in the Maven dependencies folder.
For fun, I experimented with this and it is indeed true, Maven will download any necessary dependencies when you update your project. After putting only the above dependency in my pom.xml file I got the following:
No need to download all those.
Maven will take care of all the artifact's dependencies for the specified dependency mentioned in pom file.

Can I download a jar file from maven central using maven?

I have a dependency problem with maven. I used to have saxon 8.7 that is located on maven central. Then, I had to upgrade to the latests saxon-b which is only partially on maven central.
This is a snippet of my dependencies:
The first artifact 'saxon' is available on maven central, but the secon 'saxon-dom'. Here is the artifact I want.
Can I tell maven to download the "jar" file or am I obliged to download the jar and publish it locally on my maven repo to use it as a dependency?
Did not expect to resolve this so easily :
Basically, I can get the dependencies that are "attached" to the 'saxon' artifact using the classifier tag. Did not know about this and I found out that the tag existed when I searched for 'saxon' on Sonatype repository (which is quite good). It gave me the dependency snippet above.
Reference :
If the required version is not in the repo, then yes you need to do one of the following alternatives
Search for a public repo containing the required version of jar. And add the repo to your pom.xml file. OR
Download it manually, and install it locally on your machine, to help the project build completely.
