Is the only difference between Observable.of and Observable.from the arguments format? Like the and Function.prototype.apply?
Observable.of(1,2,3).subscribe(() => {})
Observable.from([1,2,3]).subscribe(() => {})
It is important to note the difference between of and from when passing an array-like structure (including strings):
Observable.of([1, 2, 3]).subscribe(x => console.log(x));
would print the whole array at once.
On the other hand,
Observable.from([1, 2, 3]).subscribe(x => console.log(x));
prints the elements 1 by 1.
For strings the behaviour is the same, but at character level.
Not quite. When passing an array to Observable.from, the only difference between it and Observable.of is the way the arguments are passed.
However, Observable.from will accept an argument that is
a subscribable object, a Promise, an Observable-like, an Array, an iterable or an array-like object to be converted
There is no similar behaviour for Observable.of - which always accepts only values and performs no conversion.
One line Difference :
let fruits = ['orange','apple','banana']
from : Emit the items one by one of array. For example
from(fruits).subscribe(console.log) // 'orange','apple','banana'
of : Emit the whole array at once. For example
of(fruits).subscribe(console.log) // ['orange','apple','banana']
NOTE: of operator can behave as from operator with spread operator
of(...fruits).subscribe(console.log) // 'orange','apple','banana'
Another interesting fact is Observable.of([]) will be an empty array when you subscribe to it.
Where as when you subscribe to Observable.from([]) you wont get any value.
This is important when you do a consecutive operation with switchmap.
In the below example, I am saving a job and then sites, and then comments as a stream.
.do((data) => {$.next(;
.switchMap(() => this.jobService.addSites(, this.sites)
.flatMap((data) => {
if (data.length > 0) {
// get observables for saving
return Observable.forkJoin(jobSiteObservables);
} else {
**return Observable.of([]);**
})).do((result) => {
// ..
.switchMap(() => this.saveComments())
if there's no site to save, ie; data.length = 0 in addSite section, the above code is returning Observable.of([]) and then goes to save comments. But if you replace it with Observable.from([]), the succeeding methods will not get called.
of will emit all values at once
from will emit all values one by one
of with spread operator = from operator
from: Create observable from array, promise or iterable. Takes only one value. For arrays, iterables and strings, all contained values will be emitted as a sequence
const values = [1, 2, 3];
from(values); // 1 ... 2 ... 3
of: Create observable with variable amounts of values, emit values in sequence, but arrays as single value
const values = [1, 2, 3];
of(values, 'hi', 4, 5); // [1, 2, 3] ... 'hi' ... 4 ... 5
from returns notification in chunks i.e. one by one.
for eg: from("abcde") will return a => b => c => d => e
of returns complete notification.
for eg: of("abcde") will return abcde.
The from operator takes source of events. from(source)
let array = [1,2,3,4,5]
from(array); //where array is source of events, array[of events]
let promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// executor (the producing code, "singer")
from(promise); //where promise is source of event, promise(of event)
let observable = Observable.create(function(observer) {;;;;;
from(observable); // where obsservable is source of events.
The of operator takes intividual events. of(event1, event2, event3)
of(1,2,3,4,5); // where 1,2,3,4,5 are individual events
I found it easier to remember the difference when the analogy with .call / .apply methods came into my mind.
You can think of it this way:
normally, all arguments, that are passed separately (separated by comma), are also emitted separately, in the order they were passed. of() just emits all arguments one by one as they are (like .call method passes arguments to the function it was called on)
from() is like .apply in a sense that it can take an array of values as an argument, and convert array elements into separate arguments, separated by comma.
So, if you have an array and want each element to be emitted separately, you can use from() or get the same behavior by using of() with spread operator, like of(...arr).
It's bit more complicated then that (from can also take observables) but with this analogy it will probably be easier to remember the main difference.
Yes it is true that of will result in an output in single go and from will happen one at a time. But there is more difference related to number of arguments and type of arguments.
You can pass any number of arguments to the Of. Each argument emitted separately and one after the other. It sends the Complete signal in the end.
However you can send only one argument to the from operator and that one argument should be a type of
an Array,
anything that behaves like an array
any iterable object
any observable like object
For example you can send a raw object like
to of operator to convert to Observable.
obj$:Observable<any> = of(myObj);
but you can not send this raw object myObj to from operator simply because it is not iterable or array like collection.
for more detail : visit here
from operator may accept one of
from emits each individual item from the observable , can also do conversions.
of operator takes in the raw value and emits the value from the observable.
import {from, Observable, of} from 'rxjs';
const ofObs = of([1,2,3]);
const fromObs = from([2,3,4]);
const basicObs = Observable.create(observer=>{;;;
const promise = new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{
const array = [1,2,3];
const iterbale = "Dhana";
// const myObs = from(ofObs);//possible and can emit individual item value everytime 1, then ,2 , then 3
// const myObs = from(fromObs);//possbile and can emit individual item value everytime 1, then ,2 , then 3
// const myObs = from(basicObs);//possbile and can emit individual item value everytime 100, then ,200 , then 300
const myObs = from(promise);//possible can emit value 100
// const myObs = array(promise);//possible and can emit individual item value everytime 1, then ,2 , then 3
// const myObs = iterable(promise);//possible and can emit individual item value everytime D then h then a then n then a
import {from, of} from 'rxjs';
const basicOf1 = of([1,2,3,4,5,6]) // emits entire array of events
const basicfrom1 = from([1,2,3,4,5,6]) //emits each event at a time
const basicOf2 = of(1,2,3,4,5,6) // emits each event at a time
// const basicfrom2 = from(1,2,3,4,5,6) //throws error
//Uncaught TypeError: number is not observable
const basicOf3 = of(...[1,2,3,4,5,6]) // emits each event at a time
const basicfrom3 = from(...[1,2,3,4,5,6]) //throws error
//Uncaught TypeError: number is not observable
Here is the link to codepen
In the following example, for whatever reason, initial value is ignored.
const frameRateSubject: BehaviorSubject<number> = new BehaviorSubject(24);
const loadedMetadata$: Observable<Event> = fromEvent(this.videoElement, 'loadedmetadata');
withLatestFrom(loadedMetadata$), // by commenting out this line, both 24 and 20 values are received
tap(([frameRate]: [number, Event]) => {
// initial value of 24 is never received, why is it?
console.log('frameRateSubject', frameRate)
setTimeout(() => {
}, 10000)
Any ideas why?
withLatestFrom combines the source observable (here frameRateSubject$) with other streams (loadedMetadata$) and emits values calculated from the latest values of each, only when the source emits.
But in your case loadedMetadata$ hasn't emitted when frameRateSubject$ emits 24. So the value is skipped.
CombineLatest is most likely the operator you are looking for here.
Given an array of observables where each observable can emit EMPTY, how can I execute the next observable in the array on the condition that the previous observable returned EMPTY or stop iterating the array and return a non EMPTY value once an observable in the array has emitted the first non EMPTY value?
Here would be one approach:
const emptyVal = Symbol('empty');
const src$ = concat(
obs$ => obs$.pipe(
last(null, emptyVal)
filter(v => v !== emptyVal),
The last() operator will emit the last emitted value, after the source completes. If there is no last value(obs$ has used EMPTY), it will emit emptyVal.
filter(v => v !== emptyVal) will make sure that we keep iterating until we get a non empty value.
With first(), we'd stop the iteration and we'd get the emitted value.
Note: this approach works if the obs$ completes at some time, otherwise last won't be able to do its job.
I'm a bit confused about the rxjs operator delay.
When I test it with a fake observable created with from, then I only see an initial delay:
const { from } = Rx;
const { delay, tap } = RxOperators;
from([1, 2, 3, 4]).pipe(
(You can copy & paste this code snippet into rxviz.)
I placed a tap in there to make sure from actually emits the array items as separate values instead of a single array value.
An initial delay is not what I expected, but at least that's what the docs say:
[...] this operator time shifts the source Observable by that amount of time expressed in milliseconds. The relative time intervals between the values are preserved.
However, when I test it with an observable created from an event, then I see a delay before each emitted value:
const { fromEvent } = Rx;
const { delay } = RxOperators;
fromEvent(document, 'click')
What's going on here? Why is delay behaving differently in both cases?
All delay does is what it says: whenever it receives a value, it holds on to that value for the delay period, then emits it. It does the same thing for each value it receives. delay does not change the relative timings between items in the stream.
So, when you do from([1,2,3,4]).pipe(delay(1000)), what happens is:
Time 0: from emits 1
Time 0: delay sees 1 and starts timer1
Time 0: from emits 2
Time 0: delay sees 2 and starts timer2
Time 1000: timer1 completes and delay emits 1
Time 1000: timer2 completes and delay emits 2
So because all 4 values were emitted in rapid succession, you really only see an initial delay and then all 4 values get emitted downstream. In reality, each value was delayed by 1 second from when it was originally emitted.
If you want to "spread apart" the items so that they are at least 1 second apart, then you could do something like:
const source = from([1, 2, 3, 4])
const spread = source.pipe(concatMap(value => of(value).pipe(delay(1000))));
spread.subscribe(value => console.log(value));
This converts each individual value into an observable that emits the value after a delay, then concatenates these observables. This means the timer for each item will not start ticking until the previous item's timer finishes.
You tap the stream and get the values that are emitted then you pipe them into delay which emits them one second later. Each function in the pipe returns a new observable which emits a value to the next function in the pipe. Tap returns the same observable that has not been delayed yet and delay returns an observable that emits one second later.
const { from } = rxjs;
const { delay, tap } = rxjs.operators;
from([1, 2, 3, 4]).pipe(
tap(val => { console.log(`Tap: ${val}`); }),
delay(1000)).subscribe(val => { console.log(`Sub: ${val}`); });
<script src=""></script>
If you put the tap after the delay then you see them after the delay.
const { from } = rxjs;
const { delay, tap } = rxjs.operators;
from([1, 2, 3, 4]).pipe(
tap(val => { console.log(`Tap: ${val}`); })).subscribe(val => { console.log(`Sub: ${val}`); });
<script src=""></script>
In first code snippet you are emitting an array element by element. First delay, then array elements are handled.
'from' and 'pipe' make 'delay' perform once. Pipe sequences processing, first delay, then tap, tap, tap, tap.
In second code snippet you are emitting objects (they arrive), so delay happens once for each object.
'fromEvent' and 'pipe' make 'delay' per event. Pipe sequences processing of delay before each event.
I'm trying to create a hot range observable. This means that when I have an observer observering the observable after a certain timeout, it should not receive the values that have already been published. I have created the following program:
import Rx from "rxjs/Rx";
var x = Rx.Observable.range(1,10).share()
x.subscribe(x => {
print('1: ' + x);
setTimeout(() => {
x.subscribe(x => {
print('2: ' + x);
}, 1000);
function print(x) {
const element = document.createElement('div');
element.innerText = x;
I expect this program to print 1 to 10, and then the second observable to print nothing, since the values 1 to 10 are produced within the first second. The expected output is shown below.
1: 1
1: 2
However, I see that it also prints all the values. Eventhough I have put the share() operator behind it. The output is shown below.
1: 1
1: 10
2: 1
2: 10
Can somebody explain this to me?
share returns an observable that's reference counted for subscriptions. When the reference count goes from zero to one, the shared observable subscribes to the source - in your case, to the range observable. And when the reference count drops back to zero, it unsubscribes from the source.
The key point in your snippet is that range emits it's values synchronously and then completes. And the completion effects an unsubscription from the shared observable and that sees the reference count drop back to zero - which sees the shared observable unsubscribe from its source.
If you replace share with publish you should see the behaviour you expected:
var x = Rx.Observable.range(1,10).publish();
x.subscribe(x => print('1: ' + x));
publish returns a ConnectableObservable which is not reference counted and provides a connect method that can be called to explicitly connect - i.e. subscribe - to the source.
At the moment zip will only produce a value whenever all of the zipped observable produces a value. E.g. from the docs:
Merges the specified observable sequences or Promises into one
observable sequence by using the selector function whenever all of the
observable sequences have produced an element
I'm looking for an observable which can sort of zip an observable but will produce an array of sequence of the zipped observable wherein it doesn't matter if all produces a value..
e.g. lets say i have tick$, observ1, observ2.. tick$ always produce value every x secs.. while observ1 and observ2 only produces from time to time..
I'm expecting my stream to look like
[tick, undefined, observ2Res],
[tick, undefined, undefined],
[tick, observ1Res, observ2Res]
its not combine latest, given that combine latest takes the latest value of a given observable.
I believe buffer (or maybe sample) might get you on the right track. The buffer method accepts an Observable that's used to define our buffer boundaries. The resulting stream emits any items that were emitted in that window (example stolen from RXJS docs for buffer):
var source = Rx.Observable.timer(0, 50)
.buffer(function () { return Rx.Observable.timer(125); })
var subscription = source.subscribe(x => console.log('Next: ', x));
// => Next: 0,1,2
// => Next: 3,4,5
// => Next: 6,7
So we now have a way to get all of a stream's emitted events in a certain time window. In your case, we can use tick$ to describe our sampling period and observ1 and observ2 are our underlying streams that we want to buffer:
const buffered1 = observ1.buffer(tick$);
const buffered2 = observ2.buffer(tick$);
Each of these streams will emit once every tick$ period, and will emit a list of all emitted items from the underlying stream (during that period). The buffered stream will emit data like this:
|--[]--[]--[1, 2, 3]--[]-->
To get the output you desire, we can choose to only look at the latest emitted item of each buffered result, and if there's no emitted data, we can pass null:
const buffered1 = observ1.buffer($tick).map(latest);
const buffered2 = observ2.buffer($tick).map(latest);
function latest(x) {
return x.length === 0 ? null : x[x.length - 1];
The previous sample stream I illustrated will now look like this:
And finally, we can zip these two streams to get "latest" emitted data during our tick$ interval:
const sampled$ =;
This sampled$ stream will emit the latest data from our observ1 and observ2 streams over the tick$ window. Here's a sample result:
|--[null, null]--[null, 1]--[1, 2]-->