SVN commit using Jenkins - maven

I recently created an automated process to run multi-step Maven builds for my organization. They now are looking to have the entire process automated using Jenkins. I have been able to successfully create branches, builds, change versions, etc., using Maven commands but I am having difficulty committing the version changes (1.0.1-Snapshot to 1.0.1-E1 for example) with Jenkins. I have tried using basic commands like:
SVN commit "Comments"
However, Jenkins does not seem to know what to do with these command lines in the "Execute Windows Batch File" Post Build option. I simply receive build failures caused by the batch file for "unknown reasons." I see the help desk I am working with has installed the Subversion plugin, but perhaps something else is missing. I know that when I use the command prompt locally I need to use something like this:
"C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin\TortoiseProc.exe"
/command:commit /path: /url:
However, Jenkins is hosted by a third party and I do not have direct access to the servers so I would not be able to implement that kind of path data. So I am now looking to see if I can run this, somehow, purely through Jenkins as my client requests.
Anyone have any success with SVN Commit to update version changes through Jenkins?

Why did you decide to run TortoiseProc via Jenkins? TortoiseProc is not the right tool for this task, use svn.exe client.
TortoiseProc can be used for TortoiseSVN's GUI automation, but this case is completely different to running Jenkins.


Jenkins execute a job from work space instead of SVN path

I want to trigger a Jenkins job for a maven(v3.5.3) project from my local work space folder location instead of configuring SVN Repository URL in the Source code management section. Is there a way to achieve this?. I need to test with code modifications in the project and not wanting to commit the changes, that is the purpose.
I am using Jenkins (v2.161) and it is installed in another machine.
Thanks in Advance.
Although it might look like a sort of tinkering, the source code can be pulled to the Jenknins' host from your local machine, provided that they are properly configured to communicate via ssh.
In the project build configuration on Jenkins' host:
Do not use "Source Code Management" (choose "None").
Check "Delete workspace before build starts", to avoid conflicts with previous changes.
As the very first build step, add "Execute shell" and write a few commands that pull the data, for example:
scp myusername#myhost:/path/to/myworkspace/myproject/src .
scp myusername#myhost:/path/to/myworkspace/myproject/pom.xml .
# etc for all the files/dirs you need to build the project
Then continue with the build steps that were already used for building the project from SCM.

svn checkout and debugging

I have access to a project on SVN server and need to debug and understand the project. I exported the project as to ensure no changes affect the production or most recent updated version. But I cannot successfully run the ANT build as it looks for the jar files on the SVN server.
Can the project not run locally like this with my machine able to ping the server? I am familiar with MAVEN but not ANT so not sure if the checkout plays an important part in this.
Since this is in version control, you can change things and see what happens.
For example, if you have the jar files in a different location, change the ant script and see if it works.
If you type
svn status
it tells you the status; svn st for short.
If you want to roll back
svn revert [filename]
will put the script back as it was.
You need to do a svn commit to send changes back to the server.
Don't be afraid to try things locally.

Where does Jenkins store the project source

I have a Jenkins job that uses a script to build my project. On the following line, the script fails mvn -e -X -Dgit='$git' release:prepare.
Because I want to search for the cause of this, I want to go to the Jenkins server and run mvn -e -X -Dgit='$git' release:prepare from the command line, to see if it works.
Does Jenkins store the projects' source code somewhere, such that I can go to that folder and call Maven?
If yes, then where?
Yes, It Stores the project files for the job by default at
This is where jenkins suppose the project files to be present or it pulls it from a source before start working/building from it.
Quote from Andrew M.:
"Hudson/Jenkins doesn't quite work that way. It stores configurations and job information in /var/lib/jenkins by default (if you're using the .deb package). If you want to setup persistence for a specific application, that's something you'll want to handle yourself - Hudson is a continuous integration server, not a test framework.
Check out the Wiki article on Continuous Integration for an overview of what to expect."
From this Question on serverfault.
This worked for me:
but, if your build machine (node) is a different than the one where Jenkins is running (manager), You need specify it:
Where you can define label too:
jenkins stores its workspace files currently in /var/jenkins_home/workspace/project_name
I am running from docker though!

Create job in jenkins with calling svn and maven

For now I have a batch file with commands for update projects using svn and calling maven 'clean install'. How to create some job in Jenkins for similar actions?
Should I write it to ant file (sorry if it's stupid idea, I've just heard about it but I don't know what is it exactly and what can I do with this) or there is other way?
Like arghtype suggested, you need to be using Jenkin's own Source Code Management by configuring SVN as SCM source and supplying credentials as part of Maven build job.
If you have to use your own local working copy, you are organizing it wrong, you will lose on all the benefits of having Jenkins manage SVN changes, and in the end, this organization will give you more unsolvable problems in the future. Think about the advice people are giving here and come with up a reason why you need to have a local workspace outside of Jenkins management on a Jenkins build machine. My only guess is: your Jenkins and Development machine are the same. That again is not how it should be organized. Jenkins is a CI-server, not a personal build "automator".
Regardless, if you still want to do what you say.
What you think you want
Create a new Freestyle job
Under Build Steps, click Add build step
Select Execute Windows batch command
Write your batch execute command in there. Your working directory will be Jenkins's $WORKSPACE, so change your path accordingly to where you want to run it.
But with the above configuration, you might have as well put the batch file under windows scheduler... You are not really using Jenkins with the above.
What you should do instead
Create a new maven2/3 build job
Under Source Code Management, select Subversion
Under Repository URL enter the remote SVN repo (i.e.
Under Build, enter your Root POM location (this will be relative to the location of your SVN checkout, so if your POM is under, then enter maven/pom.xml.
Under Goals and options, enter clean install
Click Save
The Source Code Management section will take care of setting up a local workspace and checkout the repository into that workspace. By default, every time a new build is triggered, it will run svn update on that workspace for you.
The Maven Build step will take care of running your Maven, however note that it is configured to use default ~/.m2/repository location. If your local maven repo needs to be different, change this under Jenkins Global Configuration
Create a new job.
In Source Management choose Subversion, specify your repo and credentials.
Add a new build step - maven build, specify your maven goals ('clean install').
Jenkins is a CI(contiounus integration) server. It can be used to generate scheduled builds of ant or maven based projects. It can also start building projects by some triggering event such as a commit to SCM (git, svn, mercurial,...)connected to it. You really have to read its documentation to get a better understanding. It has nice tutorials.

Having a shell script refer to XCode build paths

I have a shell script that runs lcov (test coverage) on an iOS project that I have Hudson. Hudson's copy of this project is derived from a Git repository. The way that I have set up now is that whenever the repo is updated or if someone manually builds the project in Hudson, Hudson would automatically run the app, and then run my shell script after the build is done. lcov can only be run after the app is not only built, but automatically run with some functional test tools. So, I cannot run the shell script as part of the build process, through XCode. It must be run after the app finishes building and running.
However, I would like to use this project in multiple Hudson jobs. Unfortunately, in each Hudson job, the iOS project is named differently. I would like to refer to the build path with some sort of environmental variable, but I don't know how to. Does anyone have any tips as to how to find that?
If I understand you correctly this is really a Hudson question. You can set "global variables" in your Hudson config and then invoke shell scripts, batch files, ant builds etc. You can also set them dynamically on each invocation of your Hudson job. Not sure exactly how to help you in your specific environment without more info.
