Aptana Studio 3 indicate lines to be error that aren't - ruby

Aptana thinks the below line is an error but the ruby doesn't complain about it!
How to fix it?
Or disable the error indicator in Aptana?
Or update the ruby version that Aptana uses to indicate errors to solve this issue?
Thanks in advance.


how to make VS2017 output window show only errors

I have the VS 2017 Community version and I am trying to set the debug output window to show only errors and with no warnings (I don't care about them)
I think this should help with what you are trying to do.
Direct from microsoft and has step by step instructions to disable warnings.

Error: type namespace name 'AspNetCore' does not exist - Visual Studio for Mac

I'm pretty new to programming and I'm trying to get into Visual Studio for Mac but I can't even get the Hello World application to run without issue. This is what the program looks like:
This is the errors I keep getting.
I'm not sure what the issue is. I thought maybe I didn't actually have .Net installed so I installed it but that didn't help. Any help trying to diagnose this would be greatly appreciated.

Visual Studio Attaching the 'IntelliTrace Debug Engine'

I just need to know about this error.
UPDATE: I fixed it by reinstalling the VS. By the way, I got the error when I tried to install VS update 5. While installing, it keeps looking for missing packages so I decided not to continue installing it. So when I restarted the studio and opened a project, the error was there.
Try having a look at the links below as it might help you sort the issue:
Error: Unable to Start Debugging
or this one:
Diagnosing ‘The debugger is not properly installed’
Let me know how it went!

How to integrate ruby in Visual Studio 2010

Currently I'm started to learn Ruby in Steel 2.
I installed Ruby from the link and also I installed the Interpreters from the same link, rubyinstaller-1.9.2-p290.exe, but while running in Visual Studio 2010 it's showing
**Error :-**
'RunRuby Exception : unsupported Interpreter Type : Not Supported'
How do I resolve this issue? If anybody has some idea of correct interpreter for Ruby in Steel 2 please share your views.
I guess it is because of wrong version of Interpreter selected by visual studio.I mean the path may be wrong or version mismatch.
You uninstall all and install Ruby in Steel setup and then ruby Interpreter from the same link you used earlier.
And just follow this to get visual studio to select the right path of ruby installed.
Follow this link here
It should work and i got the same problem and it worked for me.

How to resolve replsync.dll DLL load Error? Please see the attached screenshot

I am getting the following error when using Windows 7. I started seeing this error after installing VS 2010 Beta 2.
I renamed the file to something else and it stopped. I only use management studio though.
