Using JWT & Basic auth based on called resource - spring

I have an api running on spring boot along with spring security.
The app manages state with JWTs. The initial call issues a fresh JWT and all subsequent calls need to have it to get through spring security.
There is a new requirement for a couple of new endpoints (with uniquely identifiable resource paths)that are secured through basic auth. There would be no need for JWTs in this context.
So my question is, is it even possible to get both JWTs & Basic auth going in a single boot application ? Is it valid to think that I could direct auth requests to different auth filters/providers using an antMatcher on the resource path ?


Adding authentication based on API key and API secret to APIs in Spring Boot application

I am working on a Spring Boot application where existing user authentication is based on Oauth2 with 2FA. Now, I would like to call the APIs in my application from the third-party client as well, say from another service.
Basically, I would like to develop one auth API, where on providing a valid client name, valid API key, and API secret, the client will get an auth token, which will be valid for say 1 hour. Then this auth token can be passed in all successive API invocation until the token gets expired.
I found a few articles here:
a. Securing Spring Boot API with API key and secret
b. How to secure spring Boot API with API key and secret
c. how to implement api key secure in spring boot?
d. How to config multiple level authentication for spring boot RESTful web service?
But, I am not getting any concrete idea regarding, how to achieve this.
Could you please suggest how can I achieve this? Thanks

How to serve 2 different API with Spring Boot?

i have a spring boot application that provides an API consumed by a frontend app (CRUD operation). This spring boot app is based on oauth2.0 authentication standard to verify the JWT access token received in the header of each API against an authorization server. I want to provide another API to be consumed by a backend (M2M usage). This API will rely on same database (same entities) but it will be slightly different (only Read operations are allowed here and responses contain more fields). Also this new API will rely on an another authorization server to verify the JWT token.
Firstly, i was thinking to provide both API with the same spring boot application, but it looks like it will a hack to support both (for instance issuer uri of the token are diferent, port can be different, path of API are different..).
So, I'm now thinking to separate the 2 APIS into 2 different spring boot application, so that the apps are isolated by nature, but i'm not sure it's a good practice at the end? For instance, what about the concurrency issues that can occur with such design ? In the opposite, can i build easily teh 2 spring boot apps that share the same code repo (some code should be common for both apps). Those are the questions i have, so any suggestion will be appreciated.
You can try with multiple authentication providers. Example given in following -
Java Spring Security config - multiple authentication providers

custom oidc in keycloak

I have a spring based application which does authentication and authorization(oauth2 based) for a client app.I want to now use keycloak to manage my authorizations, but i want to keep my spring code. Basically i want to use my existing auth code as an external identity provider in keycloak.
I am thinking of adding changes in client app such that it receives token from my existing oauth code(which does the authentication) and then exchange this token with keycloak(for session and authorization management). How can i do this? What configurations need to be done in keycloak?
I read about token exchange in keycloak here, but i am not clear about the kind of token i need to send from my existing auth code.
Here is how OAuth2 roles are usually spread:
Keycloak is authorization-server
Spring service is resource-server
front-end is client
user is resource-owner
I have a doubt of you wanting your Spring service to be "authorization-server" as well (serve user identity). If so, I think you should not.
Keycloak (or any other OpenID provider) should be the only authorization-server. Both Spring and client(s) should be configured to use it as so.
To write it differently, Keycloak is responsible for users login and emitting tokens with user ID (subject) and rights (roles or whatever). Other tiers in the architecture (clients & resource servers) get user info from the token and apply relevant security checks (spring security annotations, Angular guards, etc.).
I published a mono-repo for a meetup with minimal sample involving a Spring resource-server and Angular (with Ionic) client talking to a Keycloak OpenID authorization-server. You might find some inspiration browsing it.

Spring Boot Authorization Only With Spring Security JWT

I am working on securing a REST API, here is the basic set up (Happy Path) I am working with:
1) UI will request to authenticate with another service, this service will return a JWT to the UI.
2) Once a user of the UI is done with their work, they will make a request to the REST API that I am tasked with securing using a JWT that is passed to me.
3) I will then ensure the JWT is legit, get the users roles and then determine if the user is authorized to access that endpoint (perform the requested function).
I am sure this is possible, but my past experience with Spring Security wasn't dealing with JWT or Authorization only.
Would it be a correct approach to implement Authentication and Authorization, get that working and then back out the Authentication part?
Thank you for your kind help!
I suggest that you take a look at the Spring Security OAuth2 project. It makes this kind of thing fairly easy.
In particular, have a look at this section about using JWT

Do I need Spring Security if I use JWT Authentication with Spring Boot?

I'm about to implement a token based authentication system with Spring Boot and Json web token. I have a frontend app built with Angular. My understanding is that once authenticated, all API calls from the angular app will send the token to the server to be verified before a response is sent back.
I'm wondering then how Spring Security would fit into the picture. It seems like it is no longer necessary if I just use the server to verify the token every time the frontend makes a call.
My question is whether or not Spring Security is required in this instance and if it is, what role will/can it play?
I would like to know from the outset before diving in. Thanks!
