Why does initialization of int by parenthesis inside class give error? [duplicate] - c++11

For example, I cannot write this:
class A
vector<int> v(12, 1);
I can only write this:
class A
vector<int> v1{ 12, 1 };
vector<int> v2 = vector<int>(12, 1);
Why is there a difference between these two declaration syntaxes?

The rationale behind this choice is explicitly mentioned in the related proposal for non static data member initializers :
An issue raised in Kona regarding scope of identifiers:
During discussion in the Core Working Group at the September ’07 meeting in Kona, a question arose about the scope of identifiers in the initializer. Do we want to allow class scope with the possibility of forward lookup; or do we want to require that the initializers be well-defined at the point that they’re parsed?
What’s desired:
The motivation for class-scope lookup is that we’d like to be able to put anything in a non-static data member’s initializer that we could put in a mem-initializer without significantly changing the semantics (modulo direct initialization vs. copy initialization):
int x();
struct S {
int i;
S() : i(x()) {} // currently well-formed, uses S::x()
// ...
static int x();
struct T {
int i = x(); // should use T::x(), ::x() would be a surprise
// ...
static int x();
Problem 1:
Unfortunately, this makes initializers of the “( expression-list )” form ambiguous at the time that the declaration is being parsed:
struct S {
int i(x); // data member with initializer
// ...
static int x;
struct T {
int i(x); // member function declaration
// ...
typedef int x;
One possible solution is to rely on the existing rule that, if a declaration could be an object or a function, then it’s a function:
struct S {
int i(j); // ill-formed...parsed as a member function,
// type j looked up but not found
// ...
static int j;
A similar solution would be to apply another existing rule, currently used only in templates, that if T could be a type or something else, then it’s something else; and we can use “typename” if we really mean a type:
struct S {
int i(x); // unabmiguously a data member
int j(typename y); // unabmiguously a member function
Both of those solutions introduce subtleties that are likely to be misunderstood by many users (as evidenced by the many questions on comp.lang.c++ about why “int i();” at block scope doesn’t declare a default-initialized int).
The solution proposed in this paper is to allow only initializers of the “= initializer-clause” and “{ initializer-list }” forms. That solves the ambiguity problem in most cases, for example:
HashingFunction hash_algorithm{"MD5"};
Here, we could not use the = form because HasningFunction’s constructor is explicit.
In especially tricky cases, a type might have to be mentioned twice. Consider:
vector<int> x = 3; // error: the constructor taking an int is explicit
vector<int> x(3); // three elements default-initialized
vector<int> x{3}; // one element with the value 3
In that case, we have to chose between the two alternatives by using the appropriate notation:
vector<int> x = vector<int>(3); // rather than vector<int> x(3);
vector<int> x{3}; // one element with the value 3
Problem 2:
Another issue is that, because we propose no change to the rules for initializing static data members, adding the static keyword could make a well-formed initializer ill-formed:
struct S {
const int i = f(); // well-formed with forward lookup
static const int j = f(); // always ill-formed for statics
// ...
constexpr static int f() { return 0; }
Problem 3:
A third issue is that class-scope lookup could turn a compile-time error into a run-time error:
struct S {
int i = j; // ill-formed without forward lookup, undefined behavior with
int j = 3;
(Unless caught by the compiler, i might be intialized with the undefined value of j.)
The proposal:
CWG had a 6-to-3 straw poll in Kona in favor of class-scope lookup; and that is what this paper proposes, with initializers for non-static data members limited to the “= initializer-clause” and “{ initializer-list }” forms.
We believe:
Problem 1: This problem does not occur as we don’t propose the () notation. The = and {} initializer notations do not suffer from this problem.
Problem 2: adding the static keyword makes a number of differences, this being the least of them.
Problem 3: this is not a new problem, but is the same order-of-initialization problem that already exists with constructor initializers.

One possible reason is that allowing parentheses would lead us back to the most vexing parse in no time. Consider the two types below:
struct foo {};
struct bar
bar(foo const&) {}
Now, you have a data member of type bar that you want to initialize, so you define it as
struct A
bar B(foo());
But what you've done above is declare a function named B that returns a bar object by value, and takes a single argument that's a function having the signature foo() (returns a foo and doesn't take any arguments).
Judging by the number and frequency of questions asked on StackOverflow that deal with this issue, this is something most C++ programmers find surprising and unintuitive. Adding the new brace-or-equal-initializer syntax was a chance to avoid this ambiguity and start with a clean slate, which is likely the reason the C++ committee chose to do so.
bar B{foo{}};
bar B = foo();
Both lines above declare an object named B of type bar, as expected.
Aside from the guesswork above, I'd like to point out that you're doing two vastly different things in your example above.
vector<int> v1{ 12, 1 };
vector<int> v2 = vector<int>(12, 1);
The first line initializes v1 to a vector that contains two elements, 12 and 1. The second creates a vector v2 that contains 12 elements, each initialized to 1.
Be careful of this rule - if a type defines a constructor that takes an initializer_list<T>, then that constructor is always considered first when the initializer for the type is a braced-init-list. The other constructors will be considered only if the one taking the initializer_list is not viable.


Why should we initialize data members on declaration (not necessarily on constructor)?

Does anyone could explain me the reason of this coding recommendation ?
Since C++11, please initialize data members on declaration (not
necessary on constructor) :
class Limit
Limit() = default;
int32_t quantity = 0;
double price = 0.0;
Someone thinks (correctly) that this way the variable is always initialised. Which is a good thing if it is initialised with a meaningful value and bad if the value is not meaningful. For example a person’s year of birth is a number from say 1890 to 2021. Initialising it to 0 isn’t useful and can only prevent the compiler from warning you.
So do this if you have a value that is always a useful initialisation value. I wouldn’t do it for anything that is likely to be overwritten in a constructor or shortly after.
I found this answer from CppCoreGuidelines C-48 :
C.48: Prefer in-class initializers to member initializers in constructors for constant initializers
Makes it explicit that the same value is expected to be used in all constructors. Avoids repetition. Avoids maintenance problems. It leads to the shortest and most efficient code.
Example, bad
class X { // BAD
int i;
string s;
int j;
X() :i{666}, s{"qqq"} { } // j is uninitialized
X(int ii) :i{ii} {} // s is "" and j is uninitialized
// ...
How would a maintainer know whether j was deliberately uninitialized (probably a bad idea anyway) and whether it was intentional to give s the default value "" in one case and qqq in another (almost certainly a bug)? The problem with j (forgetting to initialize a member) often happens when a new member is added to an existing class.
class X2 {
int i {666};
string s {"qqq"};
int j {0};
X2() = default; // all members are initialized to their defaults
X2(int ii) :i{ii} {} // s and j initialized to their defaults
// ...
Alternative: We can get part of the benefits from default arguments to constructors, and that is not uncommon in older code. However, that is less explicit, causes more arguments to be passed, and is repetitive when there is more than one constructor:
class X3 { // BAD: inexplicit, argument passing overhead
int i;
string s;
int j;
X3(int ii = 666, const string& ss = "qqq", int jj = 0)
:i{ii}, s{ss}, j{jj} { } // all members are initialized to their defaults
// ...
(Simple) Every constructor should initialize every member variable (either explicitly, via a delegating ctor call or via default construction).
(Simple) Default arguments to constructors suggest an in-class initializer might be more appropriate.
There is also the guideline C-45 that explains it.

Why template functions cannot deduce brace initializers, but auto-declared variables can? [duplicate]

I understand that, given a braced initializer, auto will deduce a type of std::initializer_list, while template type deduction will fail:
auto var = { 1, 2, 3 }; // type deduced as std::initializer_list<int>
template<class T> void f(T parameter);
f({ 1, 2, 3 }); // doesn't compile; type deduction fails
I even know where this is specified in the C++11 standard: bullet 5:
[It's a non-deduced context if the program has] A function parameter for which the associated argument is an initializer list (8.5.4) but the parameter
does not have std::initializer_list or reference to possibly cv-qualified std::initializer_list
type. [ Example:
template void g(T);
g({1,2,3}); // error: no argument deduced for T
—end example ]
What I don't know or understand is why this difference in type deduction behavior exists. The specification in the C++14 CD is the same as in C++11, so presumably the standardization committee doesn't view the C++11 behavior as a defect.
Does anybody know why auto deduces a type for a braced initializer, but templates are not permitted to? While speculative explanations of the form "this could be the reason" are interesting, I'm especially interested in explanations from people who know why the standard was written the way it was.
There are two important reasons for templates not to do any deduction (the two that I remember in a discussion with the guy in charge)
Concerns about future language extensions (there are multiple meanings you could invent - what about if we wanted to introduce perfect forwarding for braced init list function arguments?)
The braces can sometimes validly initialize a function parameter that is dependent
template<typename T>
void assign(T &d, const T& s);
int main() {
vector<int> v;
assign(v, { 1, 2, 3 });
If T would be deduced at the right side to initializer_list<int> but at the left side to vector<int>, this would fail to work because of a contradictional argument deduction.
The deduction for auto to initializer_list<T> is controversial. There exist a proposal for C++-after-14 to remove it (and to ban initialization with { } or {a, b}, and to make {a} deduce to the type of a).
The reason is described in N2640:
A {}-list cannot deduce against a plain type parameter T. For example:
template<class T> void count(T); // (1).
struct Dimensions { Dimensions(int, int); };
size_t count(Dimensions); // (2).
size_t n = count({1, 2}); // Calls (2); deduction doesn't
// succeed for (1).
Another example:
template<class T>
void inc(T, int); // (1)
template<class T>
void inc(std::initializer_list<T>, long); // (2)
inc({1, 2, 3}, 3); // Calls (2). (If deduction had succeeded
// for (1), (1) would have been called — a
// surprise.)
On the other hand, being able to deduce an initializer_list<X> for T is attractive to
auto x = { 1, 1, 2, 3, 5 };
which was deemed desirable behavior since the very beginning of the EWG discussions about
initializer lists.
Rather than coming up with a clever deduction rule for a parameter type T matched with a {}-list (an option we pursued in earlier sketches and drafts of this paper), we now prefer to handle this with a special case for "auto" variable deduction when the initializer is a {}-list. I.e., for the specific case of a variable declared with an "auto" type specifier and a {}-list initializer, the "auto" is deduced as for a function f(initializer_list<T>) instead of as for a function f(T).
For conclusion, the problem is that if we allow a {}-list to deduce against a plain type parameter T, then the function with parameter T would have very high priority during overload resolution, which may cause wired behavior (like the examples above).
First of all it's "speculative explanations of the form "this could be the reason"" as you call it.
{1,2,3} is not only std::initializer_list<int> but also allow initialize types without constructor. For example:
#include <initializer_list>
struct x{
int a,b,c;
void f(x){
int main() {
is correct code. To show that it isn't initializer_list let's see the following code:
#include <initializer_list>
struct x{int a,b,c;};
void f(x){
int main() {
auto il = {1, 2, 3};
Error is:
prog.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
prog.cpp:10:9: error: could not convert ‘il’ from ‘std::initializer_list<int>’ to ‘x’
And now to the question "What is the difference?"
in auto x = {1, 2, 3}; code it's OK to determine type, because coder explicitly said "It's not important what's type it is" using auto
While in case of function template he may be sure that he is using different type. And it's good to prevent errors in ambiguous cases (It doesn't seem like C++ style , through).
Especially bad it will be in case when there was 1 function f(x) and then it was changed to template one. Programmer wrote to use it as x, and after adding new function for other type it slightly change to call completely different one.

C++ Check if generic object has member function matching signature

first post, so hopefully not violating any etiquette. Feel free to give suggestions for making the question better.
I've seen a few posts similar to this one: Check if a class has a member function of a given signature, but none do quite what I want. Sure it "works with polymorphism" in the sense that it can properly check subclass types for the function that comes from a superclass, but what I'd like to do is check the object itself and not the class. Using some (slightly tweaked) code from that post:
// Somewhere in back-end
#include <type_traits>
template<typename, typename T>
struct HasFunction {
static_assert(integral_constant<T, false>::value,
"Second template parameter needs to be of function type."
template<typename C, typename Ret, typename... Args>
class HasFunction<C, Ret(Args...)> {
template<typename T>
static constexpr auto check(T*) -> typename is_same<
decltype(declval<T>().myfunc(declval<Args>()...)), Ret>::type;
static constexpr false_type check(...);
typedef decltype(check<C>(0)) type;
static constexpr bool value = type::value;
struct W {};
struct X : W { int myfunc(double) { return 42; } };
struct Y : X {};
I'd like to have something like the following:
// somewhere else in back-end. Called by client code and doesn't know
// what it's been passed!
template <class T>
void DoSomething(T& obj) {
if (HasFunction<T, int(double)>::value)
cout << "Found it!" << endl;
// Do something with obj.myfunc
else cout << "Nothin to see here" << endl;
int main()
Y y;
W* w = &y; // same object
DoSomething(y); // Found it!
DoSomething(*w); // Nothin to see here?
The problem is that the same object being viewed polymorphically causes different results (because the deduced type is what is being checked and not the object). So for example, if I was iterating over a collection of W*'s and calling DoSomething I would want it to no-op on W's but it should do something for X's and Y's. Is this achievable? I'm still digging into templates so I'm still not quite sure what's possible but it seems like it isn't. Is there a different way of doing it altogether?
Also, slightly less related to that specific problem: Is there a way to make HasFunction more like an interface so I could arbitrarily check for different functions? i.e. not have ".myfunc" concrete within it? (seems like it's only possible with macros?) e.g.
template<typename T>
struct HasFoo<T> : HasFunction<T, int foo(void)> {};
int main() {
Bar b;
if(HasFoo<b>::value) b.foo();
Obviously that's invalid syntax but hopefully it gets the point across.
It's just not possible to perform deep inspection on a base class pointer in order to check for possible member functions on the pointed-to type (for derived types that are not known ahead of time). Even if we get reflection.
The C++ standard provides us no way to perform this kind of inspection, because the kind of run time type information that is guaranteed to be available is very limited, basically relegated to the type_info structure.
Your compiler/platform may provide additional run-time type information that you can hook into, although the exact types and machinery used to provide RTTI are generally undocumented and difficult to examine (This article by Quarkslab attempts to inspect MSVC's RTTI hierarchy)

push to list of boost::variant's

I have the boost::variant over set of non-default constructible (and maybe even non-moveable/non-copyable and non-copy/move constructible) classes with essentialy different non-default constructor prototypes, as shown below:
#include <boost/variant.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <list>
struct A { A(int) { ; } };
struct B { B(std::string) { ; } };
struct C { C(int, std::string) { ; } };
using V = boost::variant< A const, B const, C const >;
using L = std::list< V >;
int main()
L l;
l.push_back(A(1)); // an extra copy/move operation
l.push_back(B("2")); // an extra copy/move operation
l.push_back(C(3, "3")); // an extra copy/move operation
// l.emplace_back(3, std::string("3")); // error here
return 0;
I expect, that std::list::emplace_back allows me to construct-and-insert (in single operation) new objects (of all the A, B, C types) into list, even if they have T & operator = (T const &) = delete;/T & operator = (T &&) = delete; and T(T const &) = delete;/T(T &&) = delete;. But what should I do, if constructor is a non-conversion one? I.e. have more, than one parameter. Or what I should to do if two different variant's underlying types have ambiguous constructor prototypes? In my opinion, this is the defect of implementation of the boost::variant library in the light of the new features of C++11 standard, if any at all can be applyed to solve the problem.
I specifically asked about std::list and boost::variant in superposition, because they are both internally implement the pimpl idiom in some form, as far as I know (say, boost::variant currently designed by means of temporary heap backup approach).
emplace can only call the constructors of the type in question. And boost::variant's constructors only take single objects which are unambiguously convertible to one of the variant's types.
variant doesn't forward parameters arbitrarily to one of its bounded types. It just takes a value. A single value that it will try to convert to one of the bounded types.
So you're going to have to construct an object and then copy that into the variant.
Assuming you can modify your "C" class, you could give it an additional constructor that takes a single tuple argument.

C++11 use-case for piecewise_construct of pair and tuple?

In N3059 I found the description of piecewise construction of pairs (and tuples) (and it is in the new Standard).
But I can not see when I should use it. I found discussions about emplace and non-copyable entities, but when I tried it out, I could not create a case where I need piecewiese_construct or could see a performance benefit.
Example. I thought I need a class which is non-copyable, but movebale (required for forwarding):
struct NoCopy {
NoCopy(int, int) {};
NoCopy(const NoCopy&) = delete; // no copy
NoCopy& operator=(const NoCopy&) = delete; // no assign
NoCopy(NoCopy&&) {}; // please move
NoCopy& operator=(NoCopy&&) {}; // please move-assign
I then sort-of expected that standard pair-construction would fail:
pair<NoCopy,NoCopy> x{ NoCopy{1,2}, NoCopy{2,3} }; // fine!
but it did not. Actually, this is what I'd expected anyway, because "moving stuff around" rather then copying it everywhere in the stdlib, is it should be.
Thus, I see no reason why I should have done this, or so:
pair<NoCopy,NoCopy> y(
); // also fine
So, what's a the usecase?
How and when do I use piecewise_construct?
Not all types can be moved more efficiently than copied, and for some types it may make sense to even explicitly disable both copying and moving. Consider std::array<int, BIGNUM> as an an example of the former kind of a type.
The point with the emplace functions and piecewise_construct is that such a class can be constructed in place, without needing to create temporary instances to be moved or copied.
struct big {
int data[100];
big(int first, int second) : data{first, second} {
// the rest of the array is presumably filled somehow as well
std::pair<big, big> pair(piecewise_construct, {1,2}, {3,4});
Compare the above to pair(big(1,2), big(3,4)) where two temporary big objects would have to be created and then copied - and moving does not help here at all! Similarly:
std::vector<big> vec;
The main use case for piecewise constructing a pair is emplacing elements into a map or an unordered_map:
std::map<int, big> map;
map.emplace(std::piecewise_construct, /*key*/1, /*value*/{2,3});
One power piecewise_construct has is to avoid bad conversions when doing overload resolution to construct objects.
Consider a Foo that has a weird set of constructor overloads:
struct Foo {
Foo(std::tuple<float, float>) { /* ... */ }
Foo(int, double) { /* ... */ }
int main() {
std::map<std::string, Foo> m1;
std::pair<int, double> p1{1, 3.14};
m1.emplace("Will call Foo(std::tuple<float, float>)",
m1.emplace("Will still call Foo(std::tuple<float, float>)",
std::forward_as_tuple(2, 3.14));
std::forward_as_tuple("Will call Foo(int, double)"),
std::forward_as_tuple(3, 3.14));
// Some care is required, though...
std::forward_as_tuple("Will call Foo(std::tuple<float, float>)!"),
