GroupBy and Distinct in EntityFramework Core - linq

EF Core dose not support GroupBy, and i think for Distinct i have same problem.
so, how can i fix it?
i just get 100 first elements and then i call Distinct() on result List
have a better solution?
is it possible to add groupby as a extension method to EFCore?
.Net Core is not a good idea for a reporting System :/
it is trap :(
query = query.Where(e => e.Goodscode.Contains(filter) || e.GoodsName.Contains(filter));
return query.Select(e => new GoodsDTO
Name = e.GoodsName,
Code = e.Goodscode,
T3Code = e.T3Code,
StockId = e.StockId
}).Take(100).ToList().Distinct(new GoodsDTOComparer()).Take(20);
//why we do like up: because EF7 dosent support Distinct and GroupBy yet (12-03-2017)
//microsoft, please don't be OpenSource, because you dont care for your opensource products

You can use Dapper library for queries that not supported in ef core
using (IDbConnection dbConnection = new SqlConnection(niniSiteConnectionString))
var sql = #"SELECT Name, Count(*) AS Total FROM Users
var result = dbConnection.Query<UserDto>(sql).ToList();
public class UserDto
public string Name{get; set;}
public int Total{get; set;}


Calling a query from RIA Services with entities that have children created by other methods

I have this bit of code that does not work because Entity Framework doesn't recognize the CreateItemDC method. CreateItemDC is a modular private method that creates a data contract for the given Item entity. I use CreateItemDC all throughout my service whenever I need to return an Item data contract, but I can't use it here. I can realize the sequence of ProjectItems into an array or enumerable because I would have to do this to all ProjectItem entities in my database as the query criteria is specified on the client and I don't have access to it here. Do I have any better options here? It seems that RIA Services is not worth the trouble. I'm really wishing I had used plain WCF with this project.
public IQueryable<ProjectItemDC> GetProjectItems()
return from projectItem in ObjectContext.ProjectItems
select new ProjectItemDC
ID = projectItem.ID,
LibraryItem = CreateItemDC(projectItem.LibraryItem),
LibraryItemID = projectItem.LibraryItemID,
ProjectID = projectItem.ProjectID,
Quantity = projectItem.Quantity,
Width = projectItem.Width,
Height = projectItem.Height,
Depth = projectItem.Depth,
SheetMaterialID = projectItem.SheetMaterialID,
BandingMaterialID = projectItem.BandingMaterialID,
MaterialVolume = projectItem.MaterialVolume,
MaterialWeight = projectItem.MaterialWeight
P.S. I do love LINQ and E.F. though. :)
Well, if you want to go with plain WCF, you can, no problem, just change the code to
public IEnumerable<ProjectItemDC> GetProjectItems(string myParm1, string myParm2)
return from projectItem in ObjectContext.ProjectItems
select new ProjectItemDC
ID = projectItem.ID,
LibraryItem = CreateItemDC(projectItem.LibraryItem),
LibraryItemID = projectItem.LibraryItemID,
ProjectID = projectItem.ProjectID,
Quantity = projectItem.Quantity,
Width = projectItem.Width,
Height = projectItem.Height,
Depth = projectItem.Depth,
SheetMaterialID = projectItem.SheetMaterialID,
BandingMaterialID = projectItem.BandingMaterialID,
MaterialVolume = projectItem.MaterialVolume,
MaterialWeight = projectItem.MaterialWeight
write your own filtering/sorting logic and you're done.
Yes, you've lost WCF Ria Services dynamic query capabilities, but this is pretty much what you get with plain old WCF, isnt'it ?
If you instead need WCF Ria dynamic sorting/filtering/grouping you must take some additional steps, involving the visit of the Expression that WCF Ria Services create for you.
You can call ToArray() against ObjectContext.ProjectItems to force EF to load all the items, however, your query will no longer be composable on the client.
public IQueryable<ProjectItemDC> GetProjectItems()
return from projectItem in ObjectContext.ProjectItems.ToArray()
select new ProjectItemDC
ID = projectItem.ID,
LibraryItem = CreateItemDC(projectItem.LibraryItem),
LibraryItemID = projectItem.LibraryItemID,
ProjectID = projectItem.ProjectID,
Quantity = projectItem.Quantity,
Width = projectItem.Width,
Height = projectItem.Height,
Depth = projectItem.Depth,
SheetMaterialID = projectItem.SheetMaterialID,
BandingMaterialID = projectItem.BandingMaterialID,
MaterialVolume = projectItem.MaterialVolume,
MaterialWeight = projectItem.MaterialWeight
As mentioned in your comment, it gets all of the data out of the database at once which is not ideal. In order to create the LibraryItem with your private method, you cannot compose the query on the client. Instead, you should filter within the query method and then create the array.
public IQueryable<ProjectItemDC> GetProjectItems(int id, string filter, object blah)
var projectItems = ObjectContext.ProjectItems.Where(...).ToArray();
return projectItems.Select(projectItem => new ProjectItemDC{...};

LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'Boolean CheckMeetingSettings(Int64, Int64)' method

I am working with code first approach in EDM and facing an error for which I can't the solution.Pls help me
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'Boolean
CheckMeetingSettings(Int64, Int64)' method, and this method cannot be
translated into a store expression.
My code is following(this is the query which I have written
from per in obj.tempPersonConferenceDbSet
where per.Conference.Id == 2
select new PersonDetials
Id = per.Person.Id,
JobTitle = per.Person.JobTitle,
CanSendMeetingRequest = CheckMeetingSettings(6327,per.Person.Id)
public bool CheckMeetingSettings(int,int)
///code I have written.
Please help me out of this.
EF can not convert custom code to SQL. Try iterating the result set and assigning the property outside the LINQ query.
var people = (from per in obj.tempPersonConferenceDbSet
where per.Conference.Id == 2
order by /**/
select new PersonDetials
Id = per.Person.Id,
JobTitle = per.Person.JobTitle,
}).Skip(/*records count to skip*/)
.Take(/*records count to retrieve*/)
people.ForEach(p => p.CanSendMeetingRequest = CheckMeetingSettings(6327, p.Id));
With Entity Framework, you cannot mix code that runs on the database server with code that runs inside the application. The only way you could write a query like this, is if you defined a function inside SQL Server to implement the code that you've written.
More information on how to expose that function to LINQ to Entities can be found here.
Alternatively, you would have to call CheckMeetingSettings outside the initial query, as Eranga demonstrated.
var personDetails = obj.tempPersonConferenceDbSet.Where(p=>p.ConferenceId == 2).AsEnumerable().Select(p=> new PersonDetials
Id = per.Person.Id,
JobTitle = per.Person.JobTitle,
CanSendMeetingRequest = CheckMeetingSettings(6327,per.Person.Id)
public bool CheckMeetingSettings(int,int)
///code I have written.
You must use AsEnumerable() so you can preform CheckMeetingSettings.
Linq to Entities can't translate your custom code into a SQL query.
You might consider first selecting only the database columns, then add a .ToList() to force the query to resolve. After you have those results you van do another select where you add the information from your CheckMeetingSettings method.
I'm more comfortable with the fluid syntax so I've used that in the following example.
var query = obj.tempPersonConferenceDbSet
.Where(per => per.Conference.Id == 2).Select(per => new { Id = per.Person.Id, JobTitle = per.Person.JobTitle })
.Select(per => new PersonDetails { Id = per.Id,
JobTitle = per.JobTitle,
CanSendMeetingRequest = CheckMeetingSettings(6327, per.Person.Id) })
If your CheckMeetingSettings method also accesses the database you might want to consider not using a seperate method to prevent a SELECT N+1 scenario and try to express the logic as part of the query in terms that the database can understand.

How to do a Full-Text search within a Linq query when using LLBLGen

[Using LLBLGen Pro 3.1 with Entity Framework 4, .NET 4 and SQLServer 2005]
I've got a linq query that includes .Contain(keyword);
IEnumerable<Product> products = null;
using (var context = new ModelDataContext())
products = (from product in context.Products where product.Title.Contains(keyword)
select product);
I was looking into the performance of the query and discovered that when the SQL is generated it's actually a "like '%keyword%'" that is being generated not a contains.
After doing a bit of research I came across some info in the LLBLGen Pro documentation regarding FunctionMapping:
I've created a table-valued function on my sql database, and also the classes required within my project:
public class CustomDatabaseFunctions
public static bool FullTextSearch(string fieldToSearch, string toFind)
// empty body, as it's just here to make the query compile. The call is converted to a SQL function.
return true;
public class CustomDatabaseFunctionMappings : FunctionMappingStore
public CustomDatabaseFunctionMappings() : base()
this.Add(new FunctionMapping(typeof(CustomDatabaseFunctions),"FullTextSearch",1,"Product_FullTextSearch({0})","ProductDatabase","Resources"));
The next part of the documentation states that you need to pass the custom FunctionMappingStore to the LinqMetaData. In the example this is done as follows:
metaData.CustomFunctionMappings = new NorthwindFunctionMappings();
var q = from o in metaData.Order where o.CustomerId == "CHOPS"
select new { o.OrderId, OrderTotal = NorthwindFunctions.CalculateOrderTotal(o.OrderId, true) };
The problem I have is that I'm doing my linq query using the DataContext and I've no idea where the variable metaData comes from or how to use it!
I'll keep looking to see if I can find out but any help very welcome!
the documentation you're linking to is for our framework, yet you're saying you're using EFv4. So you should use the function mapping feature of EF, not our own framework ;). That is, if you're using EF, but the code suggests you don't. So I'm very confused.
It's also better to post questions about LLBLGen Pro on our own support forums as we don't monitor SO.

NHibernate LINQ 3.0 Oracle Expression type 10005 is not supported by this SelectClauseVisitor

I have the following LINQ query
QueryResult<List<PersonDemographic>> members = new QueryResult<List<PersonDemographic>>();
var query = (from ms in this.Session.Query<MemberSummary>()
where ms.NameSearch.StartsWith(firstName.ToUpper())
&& ms.NameSearch2.StartsWith(lastName.ToUpper())
select new PersonDemographic
FirstName = ms.FirstName.ToProperCase(),
LastName = ms.LastName.ToProperCase(),
PersonId = ms.Id,
Address = new Address
Line1 = ms.AddressLine1.ToProperCase(),
Line2 = ms.AddressLine2.ToProperCase(),
City = ms.City.ToProperCase(),
State = ms.State,
Zipcode = ms.Zipcode,
PhoneNumber = new PhoneNumber
Number = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ms.PhoneNumber) ? null : Regex.Replace(ms.PhoneNumber, #"(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})", "$1-$2-$3")
if (this.Session.Transaction.IsActive)
members.Data = query.Distinct().Take(15).ToList();
using (var transaction = this.Session.BeginTransaction())
members.Data = query.Distinct().Take(15).ToList();
The code is running under the transaction section. If I use it without a Distinct I have no problem. Adding the Distinct gives me an exception
{"Expression type 10005 is not supported by this SelectClauseVisitor."}
I can't find anything definitive. Can anyone help?
There are lots of things in that query that NH can't possibly know how to translate to SQL:
ToProperCase (that looks like an extension method of yours)
string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (that's new in .NET 4, NH is compiled against 3.5)
Regex.Replace (that's just not possible to do with SQL, unless you have a DB that supports it and write a Dialect for it)

Linq nested select new not working

I'm trying to get eager loading working with Subsonic, and it's been returning null for me.
In the method below, I'm trying to hydrate a domain model (UserModel) which contains another domain model (CompanyModel). However, with the code below, UserModel.Company is always null.
What am I missing here. Any help would be appreciated.
public IList<UserModel> GetUsers()
return (from u in SubsonicSqlServer.Users.All()
select new UserModel
UserId= u.UserId,
Company = (from c in u.Companies
select new CompanyModel
CompanyId = c.CompanyId,
CompanyName = c.CompanyName
FirstName = u.FirstName,
LastName = u.LastName,
BirthDate = u.BirthDate
Update (08/11/09):
More toying around with the code, I found out that setting CompanyId in the following example doesn't work either. I initially thought this was an issue with Subsonic, but if the code below doesn't work, I'm guessing it has something to do with my Linq statement. Any ideas?
public IList<UserModel> GetUsers()
return (from u in SubsonicSqlServer.Users.All()
select new UserModel
UserId= u.UserId,
CompanyId = Guid.NewGuid(),
FirstName = u.FirstName,
LastName = u.LastName,
BirthDate = u.BirthDate
Update (11/17/2009):
Still haven't found a solution. But we are switching to nHibernate (not because of this issue).
"UserModel.Company is always null."
since you are setting this with an expression that ends with .SingleOrDefault(), I'm going to suggest that the query isn't returning a single item. Start investigating there. If you are expecting exactly one item in u.Companies, change to .Single() and force an early failure.
You can do the .Single() before creating the new CompanyModel object, I think.
As for style, I like the query comprehension syntax ("from x in y select") but find it awkward when combined with traditional dot-notation syntax. It's just hard to read. (LINQ - Fluent and Query Expression - Is there any benefit(s) of one over other?).
Consider using let in the query comprehension to make it clearer.
Also, since a query already returns an IEnumerable<T>, and calling ToList() forces all items to be realized, I would modify my method to return IEnumerable<T> if possible.
So, in your case, I would refactor the first to say:
public IEnumerable<User> GetUsers()
return from u in SubsonicSqlServer.Users.All()
let c = u.Companies.Single()
select new UserModel
UserId = u.UserId,
Company = new CompanyModel
CompanyId = c.CompanyId,
CompanyName = c.CompanyName
FirstName = e.FirstName,
LastName = e.LastName,
BirthDate = e.BirthDate
If it makes sense in your object model, you could modify User to have a constructor that takes whatever type u is, and it gets even simpler:
return from u in SubsonicSqlServer.Users.All()
select new UserModel (u);
or even
return SubsonicSqlServer.Users.All().Select(u => new UserModel (u));
Two things
You're returning a List<UserModel> when your method's signature line says IList<User> does UserModel inherit from User?
Am I missing something, where does e come from?
FirstName = e.FirstName,
LastName = e.LastName,
BirthDate = e.BirthDate Blockquote
Please check out my fork # github ( for this solution, actually there's a problem when subsonic try to project new type class, so there's nothin wrong with your code actually :D
