Change deployment slot for published API App in Visual Studio - visual-studio

I have an existing Web API project published as a 'API App' on Azure. I recently added a "staging" deployment slot that I'd like to publish future versions of the API App before Swapping over to production. However, if I try to create a new publish profile in VS 2015 (or 2017), all my Web Apps are listed except the API App - so there is no way to select the existing deployment. Put this another way, if I delete the publish profile I have no way to publish the project using the Publish wizard (unless I download the publish profile from Azure, but I still have no way to change the deployment slot - that I know of).
I can see my API App in Cloud Explorer OK.
Any ideas?

I think you should be able to go to "deployment slots" in your web app click on a staging slot and then on the right side you will have your staging blade and then ou can download publish profile that is specific to staging slot:

According to your first screenshot, we could find that there are multiple resource groups in current subscription, but you just check the API App in resource group InergySystemsMain, please make sure if the API App belongs to other resource group.
Besides, as RAS said, we could download publish profile of Azure app service from Azure portal to local, and then we could import this publish profile file in Visual Studio.


How do I deploy continuous azure webjob using Octopus deploy

I am trying to get an Azure App Service to recognize my Web Job - meaning to show it in the portal under "Web Jobs" in the App Service. And to also run it on the schedule defined with a TimerTrigger attribute.
It is a .NET Core 2.2 Console Application with multiple web job classes in it. The App Service it runs within is a separate project and web site. I am able to publish it from Visual Studio and it shows as it should under Web Jobs in the Web App. But if I delete it and try the publish from Octopus to the same place WITHOUT doing the VS 2017 publish first, it won't show up.
My issue is that in a new environment, the Web Job does not get created when I use Octopus to deploy the Web Job files as described here:
by setting the physical path in my Octopus package deployment:
This is the same path as when I publish from Visual Studio 2017.
Related to this question, but there seems to be a step missing since the files are in the right place, but the web job does not appear in the portal.
How to deploy azure webjob using Octopus
Is there some additional ssetup or registration step for the Web Job to run or should the App Service just recognize the web job is there when the files appear in the correct place? Restarting the app service does not help.
Since you have a web app along with a web job, I would follow the steps outlined at You can build your project using .nuspec to get your .npkg and push/upload the package to Octopus.
Hope that helps.

How can a team download server code from a Mobile App service on Azure Portal

We have a mobile app service on Azure Portal.
We are a team with 3 members.
We hope to contribute to the server code (C#) together.
How can other teammates download the code which is published by one of us?
We could get the published files from azure WebApp with Azure kudu tool(, but the files are compiled, not the source code.
In your case, your team members could push your code to source control server such as github, VSTS,etc. Then team members could work together. And Azure WebApp(Mobile App) Allows us to continuous Deployment to Azure App Service. We could config Deployment options in azure portal.
In your app's menu blade in the Azure portal, click APP DEPLOYMENT > Deployment options. Click Choose Source, then select the deployment source.

SharePoint Provider Hosted app deployment

I am new to sharepoint so please bear with me! I have completed a provider hosted application that we will be hosting on premise! One of our requirements is that all apps are ran through TeamCity for build and Octopus for deployment and we use GIT for Source control. I have figured out how to get team city to build my MVC portion of the provider hosted app and got octopus to deploy it, my problem is now how to get he SharePoint part of the app to be automated like that. WHat I mean is now I have to click on publish in visual studio and have it create a .app file and I then have to give that to our operations guys who then upload it to our internal app catalog! is there a way to get TeamCity to create the .App file and then have Octopus deploy it to the Sharepoint Catalog?

Visual Studio hangs when creating Azure App Service

I'm trying to follow a tutorial on Azure deployment. I'm stuck on one of the first steps creating the App Service. It seams that the form tries to find all App Service Plans but can't, so all of Visual Studio hangs. I had to kill it with Task Manager. Any clues on how I can fix this? Do I need to create something at the Azure management console?
Had the same issue, turned out I hadn't installed Azure SDK, you'd think there would be some kind of error message, but no. Installing the SDK fixed issue
I did the steps below to resolve the issue.
Login to your Azure account
Manually create an app service (use any dummy app service name). The service plan and resource group will be created while you're creating this app service
Once you see the dummy app service created on your Azure dashboard (it will take around 1-2 minutes), open your visual studio from your pc, create your web project and check api service
--- This time, the service plan and resource group will be brought in.---
Click "Create" to create your "real" web/api project in Azure
Now you can remove the dummy service from Azure
I had the same problem. It started to work after I logged into the Azure Dashboard and manually created an App Services Web App.
Ran into the same issue a few days ago and here is how I got it working.
I had yet to create any App Services in the Azure account I had tied to Visual Studio and when I got to the Create App Service window you posted, Visual Studio would freeze.
I logged into the Azure Portal, created an App Service with a different name than the project. Once it was created, I then deleted the newly created App Service.
After doing this had no problem freezing in Visual Studio. The fix appears to be to create at least one App Service in portal before it works in VS.
I did two things at once, not sure which one got through the lock up.
1) In Visual Studio, went to File -> Account Settings then under the "All Accounts" section of the Account Settings window I reentered my credentials for the Azure account I had linked the project to. This account had a notification raised saying "We need to refresh the credentials for this account."
2) As others have said, I created a new Web App. I'm not sure this was the problem, however - I had previously created a couple other web apps and these resources were still present in my dashboard.
I have to agree with the above comments, too - the error messages provided for this are really, really poor.
Check that there are no characters that it will not accept. For instance an underscore '_'
Azure built a dummy name for me to use including an underscore which it does not accept. It was trial and error for me to find this where a simple warning would have saved lots of time.
Login to Azure Portal and create necessary resources. VS screens do not seem to work properly.
I created Api App on azure portal and my problem solved.
Same problem, however I have 3 Azure subscriptions, but even after making sure all of'em has at least one App Service it still hangs on this step. No other option than to not check the option to host.
Updating Azure SDK on VS2015 fix the problem in my case

How do I deploy an existing web app project to Azure using Visual Studio but no Azure Emulator?

I have an existing project with three web apps (two web API and a front end). I would like to deploy to Azure all three with a single click of Publish using the Publish Web wizard.
I installed the Azure SDK and tried to create a new Cloud Service, but this install the VMs and the storage emulator, that I don't need at all and slows down my PC.
I tried with Azure Resource Group to add to an existing project, but the Deploy button remains disabled, like it failed to connect to the web site project.
What is the recommended way to do this?
I am using Visual Studio 2015
You do not need to install the emulator for the deployment to work, just download the parts you need from (assuming you want SDK 2.7).
It's not really clear from your question if you want to deploy a Cloud Service or a Web App. If you want to deploy a Cloud Service, you can add all 3 projects as roles and they will all be published within a single deployment (just one click to Publish). But, if what you want is to deploy them as web apps, you will need to do it in 3 different apps, which means 3 clicks to publish.
