Extract data from oracle hyperion essbase - oracle

How can I extract data from oracle hyperion essbase with command via vpn client ?

There are several options to consider. The fact that it's on VPN doesn't really matter, but obviously your machine needs to be able to communicate with the Essbase server. The simplest approach would be to use the MaxL interpreter. MaxL is the scripting language that ships with Essbase. It is installed on Essbase servers but would need to be installed locally to your machine in order for you to extract data. The MaxL scripting language would give you the ability to run an Essbase report script (this is a script language that outputs data in a defined format), run an MDX script (MDX is like Essbase's equivalent of SQL), run a calc script that exports data, or just export all of the data in the cube using the appropriate MaxL command (this can end up generating very large files though).
You will need to do some amount of work to properly define a report script or MDX script and execute it, but the Essbase technical reference will help immensely.


Load multiple csv files in different tables using sql loader at once

Just started playing around with sql loader.
I have multiple csv files which I want to load into respective tables.
I used sql loader and created multiple .ctl files one for each csv and I was able to run them one at a time to upload the data to my tables.
But instead of running multiple commands, I want to create a script that will run all these commands at once. Is there a way to do this in a shell script?
Edit: I will be using Linux Rh7
Sure, why not ... sqlldr is an operating system executable so you can call it from a batch / shell script. The way it looks depends on operating system you use (and you didn't mention).

Package or automating execution of Hive queries

In Oracle or other DBs, we have a concept of PL/SQL package where we can package multiple queries/procedures and call them inside a UNIX script. In case of Hive queries, what's the process used to package and automate the query processing in actual production environments.
If you are looking to automate the execution of numerous Hive queries, the hive or beeline CLI (think sqlplus with Oracle) allows you to pass a file containing one or more commands such as multiple inserts, select, create tables, etc. The contents of said file can be created programmatically using your favorite scripting language like python or shell.
See the "-i" option in this documentation: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/LanguageManual+Cli
In terms of a procedural language, please see:
HPL/SQL does have a Create Package option but if whatever you are trying to achieve is scripted outside of HPL/SQL (e.g. python, shell), you can 'package' your application in accordance with scripting best practices of your selected language.
To run mutilpe queries simply write it down one after another in a file (say 'hivescript.hql') and then it can be run from bash by simply calling it through beeline or hive shell
beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://HOST_NAME:10000/DB" -f hivescript.hql

Teradata Jobs and KSH

I tried searching online but was unable to find anything pertaining to my requirements.
I am new to Teradata.
In our team Teradata jobs are used to call the ksh which in turn calls the procedure to run at a scheduled time.
I want to understand how exactly does this calling works? How does a job call a KSH and then how does a KSH call a procedure in turn.
Your help would be much appreciated.
At a very basic level UNIX has a scheduler mechanism called cron. Users with sufficient privilege on the UNIX server can use cron to run jobs at a scheduled time by defining a crontab. Your crontab can call UNIX commands or in many cases a shell script (ksh in your example) to perform a complex set of operations. In many production environments jobs may be scheduled using an enterprise platform instead of many independent crontab files across many users and many servers in the data center.
As this pertains to Teradata, the ksh is likely invoking a Teradata utility such as BTEQ to logon to the database and execute a stored procedure, macro, or set of SQL statements contained within the BTEQ script. Once the BTEQ script has completed a return code is sent to the ksh script to account for any error handling should an error occur within the BTEQ script or an unhandled/handled error within the stored procedure.
You can use your search engine of choice to read up on how to develop UNIX shell scripts (Korn, Bash, etc.) and how Teradata utilities such as BTEQ work. If you have a more discrete question about something in your environment feel free to post a separate question here with the appropriate tags in the question to target the audience who can best help you.

How to transfer BLOBs to an Oracle database through SQL scripts

I'm developing an application which runs on an Oracle database. I'm now in the process of creating an installation package which will contain some SQL scripts containing the default data that comes with the program.
Some of the tables have BLOB columns which need to contain MS Word documents. I'm not sure how to get these BLOBs into the SQL scripts. I know I could do it through Data Pump, but it is a requirement that all database stuff is included in plain text SQL files.
Does anyone know how to get these BLOBs into an SQL script which the client can just run?
I solved this problem by creating a PHP script that is run as part of the installation process - it loops through all my word documents and inserts them into the database. I would still rather have SQL scripts or something similar but this works for now.

Getting output in flat file using oracle on UNIX

How to get the output of a query into a flat file using Oracle on UNIX?
For example:
I have a TEST table; I want to get the content of the TEST table into a flat file and then store the output in some other folder in .txt format.
See Creating a Flat File in the SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference.
in the oracle SQLplus terminal you could type
spool ;
run your query
spool off;
Now the would contain the results of the query.
In fact it would contain all the output to the terminal since the execution of the spool command till spool off.
If you have access to directories on the database server, and authority to create "Directory" objects in Oracle, then you have lots of options.
For example, you can use the UTL_FILE package (part of the PL/SQL built-ins) to read or write files at the operating system level.
Or use the "external table" functionality to define objects that look like single tables to Oracle but are actually flat files at the OS level. Well documented in the Oracle docs.
Also, for one-time tasks, most of the tools for working SQL and PL/SQL provide facilities for moving data to and from the database. In the Windows environment, Toad's good at that. So is Oracle's free SQLDeveloper, which runs on many platforms. You wouldn't want to use those for a process that runs every day, but they're fine for single moves. I've generally found these easier to use than SQL*Plus spooling, but that's a primitive version of the same functionality.
