sorting a dataframe by values and storing index and columns - sorting

I have a pandas DataFrame which is actually a matrix. It looks as shown below
a b c
d 1 0 5
e 0 6 2
f 2 0 3
I need the values to be sorted and need the values of index and columns of them. the result should be
index Column Value
e b 6
d c 5
f c 3

You need stack for reshape with nlargest:
df1 = df.stack().nlargest(3).rename_axis(['idx','col']).reset_index(name='val')
print (df1)
idx col val
0 e b 6
1 d c 5
2 f c 3
For MultiIndex:
df2 = df.stack().nlargest(3).to_frame(name='val')
print (df2)
e b 6
d c 5
f c 3


How to create repeted seq in informatica?

How to generate repeated seq using Informatica mapping.
Src file
Trg file
A 1
B 1
C 2
D 2
E 3
F 3
G 4
H 4
I 5
J 5
Thank you in advance.
You can use a Sequence Generator, and then an Expression that divides the value of NEXTVAL by 2:
In the Sequence Generator you could set "Start Value" to 1 and check "Reset" so that the mapping always starts with 1 1 2 2 3 3 if that's what you need.
You should be able to achieve this using variable ports in an Expression transformation, as long as your input rows are sorted in the correct order. e.g. (pseudocode)
v_RowCount = v_RowCount + 1
v_Seq = if v_RowCount Mod 2 = 0 then (v_Seq + 1) else v_Seq
(Output port) out_Seq = v_Seq

Pandas pivot table Nested Sorting Part 3

Episode 3:
In part 2, we retained the hierarchical nature of the indices while sorting within right-most level. In part 1, we applied a custom sort to the left-most index level while sorting the values within the right-most index.
Now, I'd like to combine both methods.
Given the following data frame and resultant pivot table:
import pandas as pd
0 a x a 7
1 a y b 5
2 a z a 3
3 a x b 4
4 a y a 1
5 b z b 6
6 b x a 5
7 b y b 3
8 b z a 1
table = pd.pivot_table(df, index=['A', 'B','C'],aggfunc='sum')
a x a 7
b 4
y a 1
b 5
z a 3
b x a 5
y b 3
z a 1
b 6
I would like to specify a custom order of 'B'.
This seems to work:
Next, I'd like for the pivot table to keep the order for 'B' specified above while sorting the values 'D' descendingly within each category of 'B'.
Like this:
z a 3
x a 7
a b 4
y b 5
a 1
z b 6
b a 1
x a 5
y b 3
Thanks in advance!
UPDATE: using pivot_table()
In [79]: df.pivot_table(index=['A','B','C'], aggfunc='sum').reset_index().sort_values(['A','B','D'], ascending=[1,1,0]).set_index(['A','B','C'])
a x a 7
b 4
y b 5
a 1
z a 3
b x a 5
y b 3
z b 6
a 1
is that what you want?
In [64]: df.sort_values(['A','B','D'], ascending=[1,1,0]).set_index(['A','B','C'])
a z a 3
x a 7
b 4
y b 5
a 1
b z b 6
a 1
x a 5
y b 3

converting 3 variable into a matrix form to create a heatmap in SAS

I'm trying to convert 3 vairables into a matrix, for expample if you have the following:
(CHAR) (char) (num)
Var1 Var2 Var3
A B 1
C D 2
E F 3
A D 4
A F 5
C B 6
C F 7
E B 8
E D 9
Any ideas on how to convert the above three variables into this form of matrix below and my goal is to construct a heatmap using this matix
A 1 4 5
C 6 2 7
E 8 9 3
Can anyone help me do this in SAS, either using SAS/IML or other Procedure? Thanks!
Assuming you are using a recent version of SAS/IML (13.1 or later), use the HEATMAPCONT or HEATMAPDISC call:
proc iml;
m = {1 4 5,
6 2 7,
8 9 3};
call heatmapcont(m) xvalues={B D F} yvalues={A C E};
For details, see Creating heat maps in SAS/IML
It will be better if you post your code first then ask questions.
I think proc transpose is the fastest solution.
data _t1;
input var1 $ var2 $ var3 5.;
A B 1
C D 2
E F 3
A D 4
A F 5
C B 6
C F 7
E B 8
E D 9
proc sort data=_t1;by var1;run;
proc transpose data=_t1 out=_t2(drop=_name_ rename=(var1=HereUpToYou));
by var1;
var var3;
id var2;

Which function/algorithm for this merging and filling operation?

I have written R code that merges two data frames based on first column and for missing data adds the value from above. Here is what is does:
Two input data frames:
1 a
2 b
3 c
5 d
1 e
4 f
6 g
My code gives this output:
1 a e
2 b e
3 c e
4 c f
5 d f
6 d g
My code is however inefficient as it is not vectorized properly. Are there some R functions which I could use? Basically a function I am looking for is that fills in missing values / NA values and takes the value from previous element and puts it in place of NA.
I looked through reference book of R, but could not find anything.
Here is a solution making use of zoo::na.locf
a <- data.frame(id=c(1,2,3,5), v=c("a","b","c", "d"))
b <- data.frame(id=c(1,4,6), v=c("e", "f", "g"))
n <- max(c(a$id, b$id))
an <- merge(data.frame(id=1:n), a, all.x=T)
bn <- merge(data.frame(id=1:n), b, all.x=T)
an$v <- na.locf(an$v)
bn$v <- na.locf(bn$v)
data.frame(an$id, an$v, bn$v) an.v bn.v
1 1 a e
2 2 b e
3 3 c e
4 4 c f
5 5 d f
6 6 d g

How to sort dataframe in R with specified column order preservation?

Let's say I have a data.frame
x <- data.frame(a = c('A','A','A','A','A', 'C','C','C','C', 'B','B','B'),
b = c('a','c','a','a','c', 'd', 'e','e','d', 'b','b','b'),
c = c( 7, 3, 2, 4, 5, 3, 1, 1, 5, 5, 2, 3),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
> x
a b c
1 A a 7
2 A c 3
3 A a 2
4 A a 4
5 A c 5
6 C d 3
7 C e 1
8 C e 1
9 C d 5
10 B b 5
11 B b 2
12 B b 3
I would like to sort x by columns b and c but keeping order of a as before. x[order(x$b, x$c),] - breaks order of column a. This is what I want:
a b c
3 A a 2
4 A a 4
1 A a 7
2 A c 3
5 A c 5
6 C d 3
9 C d 5
7 C e 1
8 C e 1
11 B b 2
12 B b 3
10 B b 5
Is there a quick way of doing it?
Currently I run "for" loop and sort each subset, I'm sure there must be a better way.
Thank you!
If column "a" is ordered already, then its this simple:
> x[order(x$a,x$b, x$c),]
a b c
3 A a 2
4 A a 4
1 A a 7
2 A c 3
5 A c 5
6 B d 3
9 B d 5
7 B e 1
8 B e 1
11 C b 2
12 C b 3
10 C b 5
If column a isn't ordered (but is grouped), create a new factor with the levels of x$a and use that.
Thank you Spacedman! Your recommendation works well.
x$a <- factor(x$a, levels = unique(x$a), ordered = TRUE)
x[order(x$a,x$b, x$c),]
Following Gavin's comment
x$a <- factor(x$a, levels = unique(x$a))
x[order(x$a,x$b, x$c),]
orderBy(~ a + b + c, data=x)
