Laravel - How to get the guard that authenticated the user? - laravel

I have a customized LoginController with two functions:
loginCustomer that runs Auth::guard('customer')->attempt(...);
loginEmployee that runs Auth::guard('employee')->attempt(...);
I have customized two guards in config.auth that points to my two Models (Customer and Employee) and protect the routes of backoffice and frontend.
Now in my customized LogoutController i want to run Auth::logout() but it doesn't work because i think it uses the default guard.
It only works if i specify Auth::guard('customer')->logout() or Auth::guard('employee')->logout(), depending the guard that was used to login.
Is there any way to get the guard used to authenticate the user so i can use only Auth::guard($guard)->logout?

You can use shouldUse method:
After the call of this method you can logout user via guard you was previously set by shouldUse method.
In your case:
if( Auth::guard('customer')->attempt(...) ){
if( Auth::guard('employee')->attempt(...) ){
After this you can use Auth::logout and previously choosen guard (via shouldUse) will be used:
// just use Auth::logout without Auth::guard(GUARDNAME)->logout()
Short documentation about this method:

This might not be the perfect solution, but it works. Basically, just go through all the guards and check if the user is authenticated by that guard. If he is - log him out. Be aware that this will log him out of all the guards he is logged in to.
This code would go to your logout controller:
$guards = array_keys(config('auth.guards'));
foreach ($guards as $guard) {
if(Auth::guard($guard)->check()) Auth::guard($guard)->logout();


how to check if user is authenticated with passport (get user from token using laravel-passport)

I am using Passport to log in users to a Laravel API endpoint, users get authenticated using their social accounts (google, facebook) using laravel-socialite package.
the workflow of logging users in and out works perfectly (generating tokens...Etc). The problem is I have a controller that should return data based on whether there is a user logged in or not.
I do intercept the Bearer token from the HTTP request but I couldn't get the user using the token (I would use DB facade to select the user based on the token but I am actually looking whether there is a more clean way already implemented in Passport)
I also don't want to use auth:api middleware as the controller should work and return data even if no user is logged in.
this is the api route:
Route::get("/articles/{tag?}", "ArticleController#get_tagged");
this is the logic I want the controller to have
public function get_tagged($tag = "", Request $request)
if ($request->header("Authorization"))
// return data related to the user
// return general data
Assuming that you set your api guard to passport, you can simply call if (Auth::guard('api')->check()) to check for an authenticated user:
public function get_tagged($tag = "", Request $request)
if (Auth::guard('api')->check()) {
// Here you have access to $request->user() method that
// contains the model of the currently authenticated user.
// Note that this method should only work if you call it
// after an Auth::check(), because the user is set in the
// request object by the auth component after a successful
// authentication check/retrival
return response()->json($request->user());
// alternative method
if (($user = Auth::user()) !== null) {
// Here you have your authenticated user model
return response()->json($user);
// return general data
return response('Unauthenticated user');
This would trigger the Laravel authentication checks in the same way as auth:api guard, but won't redirect the user away. In fact, the redirection is done by the Authenticate middleware (stored in vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Auth/Middleware/Authenticate.php) upon the failure of the authentication checking.
Beware that if you don't specify the guard to use, Laravel will use the default guard setting in the config/auth.php file (usually set to web on a fresh Laravel installation).
If you prefer to stick with the Auth facade/class you can as well use Auth::guard('api')->user() instead or the request object.
thanks to #mdexp answer
In my case I can resolve my problem with using
if (Auth::guard('api')->check()) {
$user = Auth::guard('api')->user();
In my controller.

having anonymous user on laravel

I'm using Laravel 5.8. And I have created a custom Guard that is using jwt. That I use as a middleware for authenticating users.
I have some routes that need to have different responses based on being an authenticated user or an unauthenticated user. what do you suggest me to do? what is the best practices to implement this?
I can define a custom guard which its check function always returns true.and returning an integer like -1 for unauthenticated user while the user is not authenticated.but it does not sound a clean way of implementing this.
Depending on how you want to set this up, you can just use the Auth facade helpers in your controller method to see whether a user is authenticated or not:
// SomeController.php
public function index(Request $request)
if(Auth::guest()) {
return response()->json('i am a guest');
} else {
return response()->json('im not a guest');
or use any of the related methods:
// Inverse of `Auth::guest()`
$isLoggedIn = Auth::check();
$loggedInUser = Auth::user();

Authentication check for non auth url in laravel passport api

i am using passport authentication for my Laravel 5.4 i have a api for company details and it is a non auth api.i need to check logined user liked this company using auth in this url i can do this.
This is my route
Route::group(['middleware' => 'auth:api','prefix'=>'v1'], function(){
//auth urls
and this is my controller
class CompanyController extends Controller
public function show(Company $company,Request $request)
$data = array();
$flag = 0;
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['message'] = 'success';
$data['baseUrl'] = url('/');
$data['is_login'] = Auth::check();
Here is_login always return false,if i added autherization token in headers of api.
What is your default guard set as?
Auth::check() is Auth::guard(null)->check() which uses the current default guard.
If you want to check for an api you probably want to use the api guard just like your auth middleware is using when you use auth:api.
Auth::guard('api')->check() tells it to explicitly use the api guard instead of what the default is, which could be anything since we don't know what you have set.
When the auth middleware is ran it actually will set the default guard for you depending upon what guards are passed to it and which one it can resolve a user from. Which is why you can just call Auth::user() and get the correct user from the correct guard, because the middleware sets the current to the one that resolved the user. (When calling routes that have this middleware)

php laravel preventing multiple logins of a user from different devices/browser tabs at a given time

Does laravel provide a way to prevent multiple logins of a user from different devices / browsers at a given time? If yes then how can i force a user to logged in from a single device at a single time. I am developing a online quiz app using laravel 5.6 where users can logged in from a single place and take test.
laravel provide this method to invalidating and "logging out" a user's sessions that are active on other devices logoutOtherDevices()
to work with this method you need also to make sure that the
middleware is present and un-commented in your app/Http/Kernel.php class' web middleware group:
'web' => [
// ...
// ...
then you can use it like this
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
Perhaps this should get you started:
Add a column in users_table.php
When a user logs in: LoginController.php
public function postLogin()
// your validation
// authentication check
// if authenticated, update the is_logged_in attribute to true in users table
auth()->user()->update(['is_logged_in' => true]);
// redirect...
Now, whenever a user tries to login from another browser or device, it should check if that user is already logged in. So, again in LoginController.php
public function index()
if (auth()->check() && auth()->user()->is_logged_in == true) {
// your error logic or redirect
return view('');
When a user logs out: LogoutController.php
public function logout()
auth()->user()->update(['is_logged_in' => false]);
// redirect to login page...

Controller constructor to check Auth middleware for two different guards

I have a dashboard view that shows certain contain depending on which user is viewing, whether it be an admin or just a regular user.
I can get my admins onto that page, but regular users aren't able to currently because of my middleware guard.
class DashboardController extends Controller {
public function __construct()
public function index()
return view('dashboard.index');
The following code checks on each DashboardController call for auth:admins, but I want regular users to access this too, is there a way to check the auth middleware twice like so?
So ideally it will check if you're an admin or just a regular auth user.
Also on my view page, when accessing properties of an admin I'm using:
{{ Auth::user()->admin_username }}
Is this normal? I have an admin Model but I'm still accessing it via Auth::user() which feels strange to me, shouldn't it be Auth::admin()->admin_username
Accessing a particular page for users with differing roles is more suited for laravels gates and policy authorization mechanisms.
These allow you to write fine tuned rules for each use case you have. Simple gates can be defined as closures within your application AuthServiceProvider. For example:
public function boot()
Gate::define('access-dashboard', function ($user, $post) {
return auth()->check() && (auth()->user()->hasRole('admin') || auth()->user()->hasRole('regular'));
Then you can use the gate facade wherever necessary, for instance a controller method or constructor.
if (Gate::allows('access-dashboard', $model)) {
// The current user can access dashboard, load their data
Alternatively use the can or cant helpers on the user model directly.
if (auth()->user()->can('access-dashboard')) {
Of course, you can achieve similar via middleware, the advantage of using the above is you can authorize actions at specific points in your code as well as reusability.
As for for last question, as you have it written is correct.
{{ Auth::user()->admin_username }}
Auth::user() or auth()->user() simply returns the currently authenticated user, regardless of their role.
Policies will never work without auth middleware
