How to quickly snap a view in storyboard back into its constraints after accidentally moving it - xcode

Everything I have found, every one says this cant be done.
I studied in fullsail university and they taught me how to do this so I know without a doubt it can be done. No one just knows how and assumes it can't.
Basically, when in XCode-story board, I would add constraints to a view and everything is all blue and perfect. From there, if you click, hold a drag, the view to another position then all of the constraints will turn orange. (Not RED because the constraints are still good it just simply needs to snap back into place..)
When in school my teacher taught me a quick key short cut that you press and everything snaps back into place and its all blue again. It has been a while since I have coded and i am just now getting back into it again and i just cant remember what that shortcut was.
I hope someone out there knows how to do this. Maybe any fullsail graduates?
Your responses are greatly appreciated.

I figured it out.
option + CMND + '='

What you're looking to do is referred to as "Update(ing) Frames."
The quick command is indeed option-command-equals
The command can also be reached from the bottom menu of a storyboard.
This link may change in the future but check out the Auto Layout Guide. Specifically reference the "Resolve Auto Layout Issues Tool" section.


Godot Engine Input Map

so i have been following this tutorial to get me started on a game creation engine on Godot. link here ==> and i've got to a point around the time 37:09 and then he told me to click "project settings", then "input map", go on to the action bar and type in "move_left" to create a function for me to move left and click "add". so I did exactly what he told me to except from one problem: nothing happened. it just cleared the action bar, i scrolled down, and there was nothing. i tried again and again, but nothing happened still. I tried putting in "ui_left" (which was already there) for a test and it said that it "already existed" so that confirmed my theory that it did not add to the input map. has anybody experienced this before and if so how do i fix it? Thanks.
it adds the new inputs to the bottom of the list. if they're not there and you're certain you're doing it exactly right (it's extremely easy to think you're doing it exactly right but just miss one thing) then you might want to uninstall/reinstall godot and see if it's just a weird bug/error from your install.

Is it possible to alter the layout of the Xcode user interface?

I have quite bad eyesight and have no peripheral vison and am blind in one eye, as a programmer this can be difficult if the interface is not laid out in a way that helps me focus in a general area. Basically, I can't see all of my screen at the same time, I sit 7" away from the screen and need to move my head about on a 27" monitor to see all of the screen at once.
One thing that would greatly help me is if I could move the object library to the left under the project navigator, and possibly put the assistant editor underneath interface builder instead of next to it. It's much easier for me to focus on things underneath other elements instead of next to as I have better vertical vision than horizontal vision.
I am very much a keyboard shortcut focused person as I also have trouble with my mouse, I tend to lose it a lot, so I much prefer editor tabs, this would help if when clicking a file it does not change the current editor and I would require double clicking to open the file, is this possible?
Coming from NetBeans where I could move interface elements to anywhere I choose I would love to apply this to Xcode, any help is greatly appreciated.
To place Assistant Editor under IB, Go to View menu->Assistant Editor->All Editors stacked vertically.
Unfortunately Apple doesn't seem to show an option to move object library.

Xcode: Method definition not found message on a non-existing method (?) + slight color change in XIB

I have two basic practical problems:
1) The first one is really stupid. I receive a message saying: "Method definition for 'aIncreasedSelection' not found, together with an "Incomplete Implementation".
Well, that is quite strange, because I don't have this method in neither my .m or .h file (and the class name is mentioned in the remark).
I used to implement this method, but I deleted it because it was redundant. In a certain way, it appears as if my Xcode project can't let go of the method...
2) The second question is also a very mysterious one. I have a couple of viewControllers in which I have put the identical same background, and the identical same buttons. It's really identical in size and position in the screen as well (I defined the pixels). For an unknown reason, when I switch between the views, one of the buttons changes very slightly its color (it is a Photoshop created button with mirror effect on the bottom, it's the mirror that becomes lighter). That is really annoying because it's supposed to be identical; when the user switches views now, he can see that there is a color difference in the button (supposed to be planted as a button in a dock, which should be identical over the entire app)...
Very frustrating as I cannot solve these small mistakes... Any ideas? Thanks!
Regarding your first problem, if you have verified that it no longer exists in your .h or .m file, try to cmd+shift+k and clean your project, then rebuild. This should update everything and in theory solve that issue for you.
As for the second problem, it sounds strange indeed. Is there any chance you could provide pictures somehow? Are you statically loading the image into similar buttons, or are you doing something differently?
Re - opening my project solved my first problem (unlike the refresh - cmd + shift + k, which didn't work). The color problem is not solved despite :-/
It was definitely a bug since I didn't change anything. It is in fact - very confusing!

iPad slidable right hand side

How did they do it? Look at these images:
As you can see you can slide the right panel to the left and back. Is that UISplitViewController?
That's definitely a custom view/controller. The stock split view is what it is. Although I think Matt Gammell cooked up a replacement split view that let's you drag the split around, it only changes the proportional size or visibility of your two views. It would take some additional customization to give it this kind of look and feel. I don't have the URL handy though, I'm sorry.
I don't know if you still need this, but you can check this open source class called IIViewDeckController available in github - it's exactly what you need. You can set a right and a left view, add shadows, customize tap or slide interactivity.
It contains a example project so you can understand how to program all properties.

Drop down window to edit Cocoa pop-up menu items

I'm relatively new to Cocoa and I would like to implement the ability to add or delete items from a pop-up menu in the same way that the OS X System Preferences/Network Location pop-up works. Selecting the 'Edit Locations...' option rolls down a window that provides the ability to add to, or delete from the existing Location list. My interest in doing things this way is as much about conforming to the relevant Human Interface Guidelines as having a way to dynamically change the menu content. (I have no real problem with the 'background' coding side of things, it's the user interface that's my primary issue at this stage.)
Is this a standard IB View?
On the surface, I can't see anything appropriate, but maybe that's just my inexperience. I'm assuming that, because this is not an uncommon sort of requirement, the task should be pretty straightforward and that Apple, or someone, would even have a relevant code sample to show how to define such a window.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Sorry for the late answer. I found this tutorial:
