how to upload Laravel project on Bitbucket? - laravel

i want to share my Laravel(version 5.4.12) project with client, but i didn't use BitBucket before and i have no idea how to upload my Local project on Bitbucket with Database and how to access. My client want to update him daily.. so please help me out

Just create a new repo on bitbucket, then select the option that reads
I have an existing project
They will give you all instructions how to upload existing project to bitbucket.
You cannot upload your local database to bitbucket by default, unless you manually download it and place it somewhere in your project, then on your next push, it will be uploaded.
But your project already goes online with all migrations. So you can use migration on the server to install the database.
How to link with website
Once on bitbucket, your code is now available online. Then you need to connect on your server on ssh. Once connected, you can navigate where you want to install it and clone the repo.
after cloning the repo on the server when you want to link the website, you can run usual commands like php artisan migrate --seed to create and populate the database.
Make sure you create .env file online. It won't be available on bitbucket.

You can use ngrok to expose your locally hosted project over secure tunnels to the public internet even if your local host is behind NATs and firewalls . It is very easy to use, for example after you have downloaded ngrok, by running ngrok http 8000 from the command line and it will give you a URL which will expose what is normally localhost:8000 for you. Give that URL to your client and they will be able to access your localhost.
You can find ngrok here -

You can only show the progress to the client if you have deployed the project on a server or if the client can pull from bitbucket and run on their own localhost but am assuming you are not going that way so upload it on a test server.


Retrieve website files from Laravel Forge/Digital ocean

I have a website that was made by someone. I’m trying to get my files and want to be able to update some front end stuff. He made the website with Laravel Forge and Digital Ocean. He has his account connected to his Github I think. I was able to ssh into my Forge with keys. I also have a sudo pass and database pass if this helps. He’s MIA btw deleted all his social stuff and website and won’t respond to emails.
If you don't have access to GitHub so the easier way is to download the files from the server there are many ways to do it as example by using FileZilla then create a new repository in GitHub and push your code to the repository in GitHub then you can deploy from GitHub to the server

How to deploy a github repo to heroku containing multiple projects?

I'm new to deploying stuff and I need some help deploying a school project to Heroku.
So I've got a github repo set up like this:
The folders e2e-tests, client, server and shared are all their own projects. The server is a nodeJS backend that communicates with a mongoDB and the client is a React app. They communicate via localhost.
Because the root folder does not have a package.json file I can't deploy to Heroku using their standard buildpack. Is it possible to deploy my app (client + server) to Heroku?
If so, how would I do that?
Heroku doesn’t natively support multiple apps in a single repository, you might find that this thirdparty buildpack,, gives you the functionality that you need?

Configure APNS on Parse Server

I'm trying to migrate from service to a self-hosted Parse Server, and it's been a bit difficult.
Basically I set up my server like this:
Run $ npm install -g parse-server
Run $ parse-server
Everything is up and running, and I also setup a machine running parse-dashboard in a very similar way.
I had already synced the database and had no problems with it.
The problem is that when I try to send a push notification, I get the message:
Missing push configuration
I believe that's connected to the APNS settings. In dashboard we can add the APNS certificates, but on the self hosted dashboard there is no such option (or I couldn't find it).
What am I missing? How do I set theses things up?
I believe that running parse-server without the recommended Express wrapper does not give me full control of everything I needed to configure the application.
I created an Express app, started the serving using the guide #thailey01 suggested and now it works.

Setup Laravel 5 Application without command-line access

Is it possible to Setup Laravel 5 Application without command-line access?
It's a common task do these commands with Laravel 5:
composer install
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed
Consider a non-dedicated server without SSH access, how can I setup the application in that environment?
Yes it is possible.
Briefly, when you have developed your Laravel on local environment you need to use FTP client/software (Like FileZilla FTP client) to upload the content to your host provider.
Before that you need to ensure some technical details so it can work
Ensure have write permission to folder Storage.
All Laravel folder should be upload, but the domain should point to Public folder.
You need to configure your host MySQL database information in your project.
And it should work, the only challenge left here is to ensure you find host providers that allow make modifications on 1 and 2.
I suggest you to try it before distributing it to your customers and make a step-by-step guideline, as there is risk for unseen scenarios.
In addition to my answer, few links for reading:
Deploy Laravel 5 using only FTP in a shared hosting

Host key verification failed Xcode with Mavericks Server

I'm trying to get a CI setup going and have got Mavericks server downloaded and linked with Xcode all on one machine.
Here's the set up:
Two git repos, hosted on OS X server, named CI and CISubmodule.
CISubmodule added as a submodule to CI
Every time I add bot I get a Host key verification failed error on integration. It's clear from the logs that the server is unable to clone CISubmodule due to an authentication error (I've tried SSH, HTTP, HTTPS) but I don't know why it's failing authentication.
I've set up the server so that logged in users can read and write.
I've tried everything mentioned here.
I'm guessing it's because the server is running as teamsserver and the repo is probably under my username, but I can't figure out how to give it permission to clone. Could it be that the SSH key requires a password? If so, how do I set it up so that it doesn't need a password any more?
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
I had the same case and I am not sure what happend exactly, I think the reason was I had more remote repository accesses and ssh keys pointing git-server side pointing to the same repository.
Deleting the remote repository accesses and cleaning up authorized_keys file helped.
I can confirm the CI server works with submodules, but make sure the .gitmodules file and xccheckout file point to the same repos
you may need to use passphrase-LESS keys for os x server to properly connect to 3rd party hosted git repos. it cannot connect with there is a passphrase needed.
ssh-keygen -p
it worked for us
One thing that helped me was to change my submodule URLs to use HTTPS instead of SSH.
When doing this, make sure that Xcode is actually using the new URLs. Even though I made the changes and pushed them, Xcode was caching the SSH URLs and using them. Remove all your SSH URLS from your server, then also remove them from your client under Preferences->Accounts. Then restart the server and restart Xcode, confirming that the new HTTPS URLs are being used when you create your bot.
