Discover Google calendar created with service account - google-api

I created new Google calendar with API v3 in c# with Service account. I also set ACL rule:
var permission = new AclRule()
Scope = new AclRule.ScopeData() { Type = "domain", Value = "" },
Role = "reader",
Problem is how can users of domain "nicely" add this calendar to "Other calendars" in site?
They can add it if they enter calendar id, which is not user friendly, since id is some random string:
. I though I could search by calendar summary. But this is not the case. Only entering complete calendarId adds it to calendar list.


Stripe Subscription:Customer Creation

I am working on stripe subscription integration in my Spring Boot application. I am able to successfully redirect user to the checkout page and process the payment. I am working on the no-code application and the business model of my app is to charge the customer for each project created. Each time the user process the payment I am saving the customer-id and subscription-id in the database of the project but in order to subscribe to the same customer for the next project I have to create a new customer in the Stripe account and then the same flow continues. So, is it possible to subscribe the same customer for a new project without creating the customer in the stripe account?
I don't see why not. You just need to pass the existing customer Id when creating a checkout session.
That's what I'm doing:
If a user doesn't have a stripe customer created, I create one and store the customer id against my internal user id (I also send the user id in the customer metadata to stripe, so it's easy to correlate them, as they may use different email addresses for payment).
If a customer already exists for the current user, I just use that one.
I'm using typescript, the concept is the same:
// uid is my internal user id
const customerId = getOrCreateCustomer(uid);
const newSession: StripeType.Checkout.SessionCreateParams = {
customer: customerId,
mode: 'subscription',
payment_method_types: ['card'],
customer_update: {
address: 'auto',
name: 'auto',
shipping: 'auto',
subscription_data: {
metadata: { uid }, // store uid in subscription metadata as well
line_items: [
price: priceId,
quantity: 1,
success_url: successUrl,
cancel_url: cancelUrl,

Send 2 different types of mails using mailchimp

I have a set of internal users for my project. Admin can activate/deactivate them. I want to send them a mail saying "your account has been deactivated" when their account is deactivated by admin. Similarly they should receive a mail saying "your account has been activated" when admin activates their account. How can I do this?
I am trying by creating 2 separate lists in mailchimp and two separate campaigns. but when I'm writing mailchimps credentials in my development.js with 2 separate list ids and then trying to get it in my javascript file,it is getting undefined (checked by console.log)..
Is there a way to do it by just single campaign/list?
Here's my development.js code of mailchimp credentials:
mailchimp: {
api_key: "***************-***",
list_id1: "*********", //internal users
list_id2: "*********" //internal deactivated users
my user.helper.js
const config = require('../../config/environment');
const Mailchimp = require('mailchimp-api-3');
const mailchimp = new Mailchimp(config.mailchimp.api_key);
exports.addToDeactivatedList = function (email, name) {
mailchimp.members.create(config.mailchimp.list_id1, {
email_address: email,
merge_fields: {
FNAME: name
status: 'subscribed'
}).then(user => { }).catch(e => {
console.log("deactivate list me add ho gya");
exports.addToActivatedList = function (email, name) {
mailchimp.members.create(config.mailchimp.list_id2, {
email_address: email,
merge_fields: {
FNAME: name
status: 'subscribed'
}).then(user => { }).catch(e => {
console.log("activate list me add ho gya");
and my user.controller.js (selective part only)
var helper = require('./user.helper');
if(req.body.status != user.status){
(req.body.status == "active") ? helper.addToActivatedList(, : helper.addToDeactivatedList(,;
All the help will be appreciated. THANKS
I'd try to put everyone in the same list, and then create segments based on that list. After that, create a campaign based on that segment.
You could for instance create a custom list attribute that records wether or not an account is activated and create a segment based on that attribute. The campaign should then be based on that segment.
Perhaps also record the date an account has been activated or deactivated by the admin in another custom attribute and use that to check if a user already had an activation/deactivation mail.
MailChimp offers a feature for situations like this called automations. Automations allow you to send individual emails to subscribers when an event is triggered. So instead of creating separate campaigns every time a user is activated or deactivated, you can use just two automations and a single list.
Whether a user is active or not can be tracked with list merge fields. To do this, you'll need to add a new text merge field to your list. Let's name the field label 'Active'. Uncheck the 'Visible' checkbox so the user can't see it, and name your merge field something like 'ACTIVE'. You can use values like yes/no or true/false to identify the users by their active status.
Next, create your automations, one for activated users and one for deactivated users. You can set a trigger to send the email when a list field value is changed. So just make each of your two automations send the emails when the 'Active' list field values change to either 'yes' or 'no'.
Then all you need to do with the API is subscribe users to a single list whenever their accounts are activated or deactivated. Just make sure the new 'ACTIVE' merge field is set to 'yes' or 'no' when you do this, and any addresses already subscribed will be updated with the new value. So your mailchimp.members.create() would look something like this, based on the example from here:
mailchimp.members.create(<list_id>, {
email_address: <user_email>,
merge_fields: {
FNAME: name,
ACTIVE: 'yes' //Or 'no' if being used for deactivated users
status: 'subscribed'

Get all contacts from exchange server

I want to get all users from Exchange server, I don't want to get user's contacts. In fact, I want to get all AD users as Active Directory which we can't connect to.
mExchangeService.ImpersonatedUserId = new ImpersonatedUserId
Id = "",
IdType = ConnectingIdType.SmtpAddress
var contacts = _mExchangeService.FindItems(new FolderId(WellKnownFolderName.Contacts),new ItemView(1000));
I can above code to get user's contact, but that's not I want, I want use a service account to get all Exchange web service users.
You can sort of use EWS for retrieving your directory users using ExhangeService.ResolveName. The problem is that EWS will return no more than 100 users and there is no way to change it or to do any paging. So if you are in a larger company you can't really do it using EWS.
The code:
var nameResolutionCollection = service.ResolveName("SMTP:",
ResolveNameSearchLocation.DirectoryOnly, true);
foreach (var c in nameResolutionCollection)
Console.WriteLine(nameResolutionCollection.Count()); // Maximum 100 users.

Public image url from Google Gdata Contacts API

I'm trying to display related users through the Google GData Contacts API.
URL feedUrl = new URL("");
Query q = new Query(feedUrl);
ContactFeed feed = client.query(q, ContactFeed.class);
for(ContactEntry item : feed.getEntries()){
I know that there is a public image url for profiles on Google.{user_id}{user_id}{user_id}
However, when I retrieve a user's contacts, there just doesn't seem to be a field available to reference that user_id.

Google Calendar (API) questions

I'd like to use Google Calendar for adding party events, so I added a new calendar, "events". Is there a function for deleting all events in that calendar?
Or is it only possible by deleting the whole calender and re-creating it?
I'm having offline data which updates daily, so I thought the best method would be flushing the whole Google Calendar calendar and simply uploading all events.
This is helpful: Google Calendar .NET API documentation.
// Create a CalenderService and authenticate
CalendarService myService = new CalendarService("exampleCo-exampleApp-1");
myService.setUserCredentials("", "mypassword");
// Create the query object:
EventQuery query = new EventQuery();
query.Uri = new Uri("[calendar]/private/full");
where [calendar] = "" for default calendar or in your instance, the ID of your 'events' calendar (found in calendar in Gmail), that is,[calendarID]/private/full"
// Tell the service to query:
EventFeed calFeed = myService .Query(query);
// This should delete all items in your calendar
foreach(var item in calFeed.Entries) {
