Use of Windows undefined environment variable? - windows

Here's a simple but puzzling question.
For an undefined Windows environment variable, abc for example
In the Command Prompt window ECHO [%abc%] results in [%abc%]
But in a .CMD batch file ECHO [%abc%] results in []
Why the difference? I've researched the ECHO command and can't find anything about this. I'm concerned about where else this subtle difference might apply.

Really good question! Confusing huh?
There are actually two distinct parsers used to parse batch scripts and command line commands.
Quote from this excellent answer:
BatchLineParser - The parser inside of batch files, for lines or blocks
CmdLineParser - Like the BatchLineParser, but directly at the command prompt, works different
The key difference is in the first phase of parsing, particularly the extension of %var%:
In BatchLineParser if var does not exists will be replaced with nothing, in CmdLineParser if the var isn't defined, the expression will be unchanged.
So why did someone design it this way? I have absolutely no idea.


Using variables between files in shell / bash scripting

This question has been posted here many times, but it never seems to answer my question.
I have two scripts. The first one contains one or multiple variables, the second script needs those variables. The second script also needs to be able to change the variables in the first script.
I'm not interested in sourcing (where the first script containing the variables runs the second script) or exporting (using environment variables). I just simply want to make sure that the second script can read and change (get and set) the variables available in the first script.
(PS. If I misunderstood how sourcing or exporting works, and it applies to my scenario, please let me know. I'm not completely closed to those methods, after what I've read, I just don't think those things will do what I want)
Environment variables are per process. One process can not modify the variables in another. What you're asking for is not possible.
The usual workaround for scripts is sourcing, which works by running both scripts in the same shell process, but you say you don't want to do that.
I've also given this some thought. I would use files as variables. For example in script 1 you use for writing variable values to files:
echo $varnum1 > /home/username/scriptdir/vars/varnum1
echo $varnum2 > /home/username/scriptdir/vars/varnum2
And in script 2 you use for reading values from files back into variables:
$varnum1=$(cat /home/username/scriptdir/vars/varnum1)
$varnum2=$(cat /home/username/scriptdir/vars/varnum2)
Both scripts can read or write to the variables at any given time. Theoretically two scripts can try to access the same file at the same time, I'm not sure what exactly would happen but since each file only contains one value, the time to read or write should be extremely short.
In order to even reduce those times you can use a ramdisk.
I think this is much better than scripts editing each other (yuk!). Live editing of scripts can mess up scripts and only works when you initiate the script again after the edit was made.
Good luck!
So after a long search on the web and a lot of trying, I finally found some kind of a solution. Actually, it's quite simple.
There are some prerequisites though.
The variable you want to set already has to exist in the file you're trying to set it in (I'm guessing the variable can be created as well when it doesn't exist yet, but that's not what I'm going for here).
The file you're trying to set the variable in has to exist (obviously. I'm guessing again this can be done as well, but again, not what I'm going for).
sudo sed -i 's/^\(VARNAME=\).*/\1VALUE/' FILENAME
So i.e. setting the variable called Var1 to the value 5, in the file
sudo sed -i 's/^\(Var1=\).*/\15/' test.ini
sudo grep -Po '(?<=VARNAME=).*' FILENAME
So i.e. reading the variable called Var1 from the file test.ini
sudo grep -Po '(?<=Var1=).*' test.ini
Just to be sure
I've noticed some issues when running the script that sets variables from a different folder than the one where your script is located.
To make sure this always go right, you can do one of two things:
sudo sed -i 's/^\(VARNAME=\).*/\1VALUE/' `dirname $0`/FILENAME
So basically, just put `dirname $0`/ (including the backticks) in front of the filename.
The other option is to make `dirname $0`/ a variable (again including the backticks), which would look like this.
my_dir=`dirname $0`
sudo sed -i 's/^\(VARNAME=\).*/\1VALUE/' $my_dir/FILENAME
So basically, if you've got a file named test.ini, which contains this line: Var1= (In my tests, the variable can start empty, and you will still be able to set it. Mileage may vary.), you will be able to set and get the value for Var1
I can confirm that this works (for me), but since you all, with way more experience in scripting then me, didn't come up with this, I'm guessing this is not a great way to do it.
Also, I couldn't tell you the first thing about what's happening in those commands above, I only know they work.
So if I'm doing something stupid, or if you can explain to me what's happening in the commands above, please let me know. I'm very curious to find out what you guys think if this solution.

Good way to arrange variables and command calls in bash scripts

Is there some good way to graphically align the command calls in bash scripts when they're prefixed with a variable? I've got a script with a lot of lines that look like this
GIT_EDITOR="some interesting command with 'quoting and' spaces" "${SOME_DIR}/actual_command" argument
this doesn't look good and it's hard to find what the command really is when scanning the source quickly.
This seems to be a bit better, but still not perfect:
GIT_EDITOR="some interesting command with 'quoting and' spaces" \
"${SOME_DIR}/actual_command" argument
Are there some more clear solutions?
Don't know if this is any better than what you suggested, but:
env \
GIT_EDITOR="some interesting command with 'quoting and' spaces" \
"$SOME_DIR/actual_command" argument
You could arrange this way:
ShortVarName="some interesting command with 'quoting and' spaces"
GIT_EDITOR="$ShortVarName" "${SOME_DIR}/actual_command" argument
The idea is to keep the injected environment part as short as possible. If you name ShortVarName in a descriptive way, it will be readable too.
If you have lots of ShortVarName things, you could group them at the top of the file somewhere, so you can reference them quickly (using your search function?) if needed, but so they don't get in the way of the readability of the code where they are actually used.
If the GIT_EDITOR variable stays unchanged in your script, and it's OK to have it globally available, you may want to export it once at the beginning and not prepend it to commands at all.

Converting a history command into a shell script

This is sort of one of those things that I figured a lot of people would use a lot, but I can't seem to find any people who have written about this sort of thing.
I find that a lot of times I do a lot of iteration on a command-line one-liner and when I end up using it a lot, or anticipate wanting to use it in the future, or when it becomes cumbersome to work with in one line, it generally is a good idea to turn the one-liner into a shell script and stick it somewhere reasonable and easily accessible like ~/bin.
It's obviously too cumbersome to use any sort of roundabout method involving a text editor to get this done, and it's possible to simply do it on the shell, for instance in zsh typing
echo "#!/usr/bin/env sh" > ~/bin/ && echo !523 >> ~/bin/
followed by pressing Tab to inject the !523rd command and somehow shoehorning it into an acceptable string to be saved.
This is particularly cumbersome and has at minimum three problems:
Does not work in bash as it does not complete the !523
Requires some manual inspection and string escapement
Requires too much typing such as the script name must be entered twice
So it looks like I need to do some meta shell scripting here.
I think a good solution would function under both bash and zsh, and it should probably work by taking two arguments, an integer for the history command number and a name for the shell script to poop out in a hardcoded directory which contains that one command. Furthermore, under bash, it appears that multi-line commands are treated as separate commands, but I'm willing to assume that we only care about one-liners here and I only use zsh anyway at this point.
The stumbling block here is that i think I'll still be running shell scripts through bash even when using zsh, so it won't likely then be able to parse zsh's history files. I may need to make this into two separate programs then.
Update: I agree with #Floris 's comment that direct use of the commands like !! would be helpful though I am not sure how to make this work. Suppose I have the usage be
mkscript command_number_24 !24
this is inadequate because mkscript will be receiving the expanded out contents of the 24th command. if the 24th command contains any file globs or somesuch they will have been expanded already. This is bad, and I basically want the contents of the history file, i.e. the raw command string. I guess this can be worked around by manually implementing those shortcuts in here. Or just screw it and just take an integer argument.
function mkscript() {
echo '#!/bin/bash' > ~/bin/$2
history -p '!'$1 >> ~/bin/$2
Only tested in Bash.
Update from OP: In zsh I can accomplish this with fc -l $2 $2

Result of shell script as build setting

Is it possible to run a shell script and use its result as a user defined macro in Xcode?
Basically I just want the result of a shell script to be put in a variable so it gets set in Info.plist (just like ${EXECUTABLE_NAME} etc.)
For example:
If I add $(/usr/bin/whoami) as a build setting condition (at the bottom of settings of the build configuration) it just sets an empty string.
See this question for a couple of different approaches. All of them require add a "Run Script" build phase.
Assuming a bash like shell, and given an almost complete lack of context for your problem, try
The $( ... cmd ... ) construct is called command substitution. What this means is the when the shell processor scans each line of code, if first looks to see if there are any $(...) embedded (and other things to). If there are, it spawns a new shell, executes the code inside, and if any text is returned, it is embedded in the command line and THEN the shell scans the line again, and eventually executes everything from left to right, assuming that the first word will turn into a built-in command or a command in the PATH.
I hope this helps.
P.S. as you appear to be a new user, if you get an answer that helps you please remember to mark it as accepted, and/or give it a + (or -) as a useful answer.

powershell script exits in "if" clause if run from command prompt

I am feeling surprised by the difference between two seemingly identical scripts.
if ($true) { "B" }
if ($true) { "B"
Now open a CMD window, and run these scripts like this:
powershell - < first.ps1
powershell - < second.ps1
first produces:
while second produces just
This has to be a bug.
In the redirection under cmd.exe case, the function completes normally and correctly if the if and else blocks are individually all on one line:
$candidate = '.\foo.txt'
$current= '.\bar.txt'
"Comparison starts"
if ($(diff $(get-content $current) $(get-content $candidate)).length -gt 0){"There was a difference"}
else {"There was not a difference"}
"Comparison over"
But if either block is split up onto more than one line and that branch is taken, the script aborts with no warning/output.
I'd report this on the PowerShell feedback site (
Not sure why the redirection to input doesn't work, but if you just specify the script as an input argument to powershell, it seems to work:
C:\fa2>powershell.exe C:\fa2\tc.ps1
Comparison starts
There was a difference
Comparison over
Yep, Jay proved it. The root problem is that Powershell does not support the '<' operator. I've been searching all day for some official documentaion on the web, but have not found it. I just occured to me to check some old notes, and I found a reference to this not being supported in v1. It only supports '>'.
I'll try to update if I find something more official than my memory. Leaving original text just for completnes.
I dont think the accepted answer is enitrely true here.
Take a look at Lee Holmes blog: link
He is one of the devs on the Powershell team, and wrote the Powershell Cookbook, just to give a little credence to his words.
I've run into this kind of problem with some complicated and archaic Bat scripts that relied on some funky fancy binary redirection. Powershell would run the Bat file, but at the point where the binary redirection took place it would just stop. Using [Process]:Start as described in the blog post worked wonderfully, and allowed me to parse the output of the Bat file like any other nicely behaved script to boot.
In your case I assume "diff" is an actuall exe and not a function, and its outputing binary and not text.
On a side note, I really don't see the need for redirecting the output of the script to Powershell like youre doing. Seems kind of counterproductive. You wrote a powershell script, seems like a waste not to use the paramter specifically provided to handle running input.
I don't think this is a bug. Try typing each of those lines in on the console and you will see what is happening. When you type and open bracket and don't close it, PowerShell goes into a multiline entering mode. To exit this mode, you need a closing bracket AND a blank line afterward. If you have a blank line before or after the "C" it should work.
Of course, maybe it is a bug and just has the same effect as multiline input. :)
I can't get this to work myself, powershell is ignoring what I send into it.
