Build for Ionic project hangs in Visual studio - visual-studio

Im using Visual Studio 2017 and starter menu template from Ionic. When i try to build the project (to deploy it to device or run in simulator for example) build process hangs. The green bar for build just keeps scrolling but nothing happens. Task Runner Explorer window shows that ionic-app-scripts build task finished.
Im running Visual Studio as Administrator on high end workstation, so im not quite sure what can be the problem. I also deleted all files from temp folder regarding visual studio, but that did not help.
I tried building for android and windows configurations.
Has anyone else ever experienced this kind of problem, or have any guides on what to try on next?

I found out what the problem was. It seems that ionic build task does not notify properly VS that it is finished, so VS build is waiting for it forever. I excluded that ionic build task from build process and run it manually before VS Build and everything works ok now.


Updates to code on Xamarin iOS application are not applying at runtime/debug

I have an application which I am developing. Everything has been going smoothly, but suddenly my code no longer applies when I deploy. If I make a change and deploy the app to my iPhone, the app launches but my changes do not appear.
Furthermore, my breakpoints hollow, which I believe means that the code that is running differs from the code in Visual Studio.
I am running Visual Studio 2022 on Mac, deploying to my iphone hardware.
I have tried:
Normal build and run
Build -> Rebuild Solution
How can I solve this problem?
I was able to solve the problem with the following steps:
Open the location of my iOS project (note that I also have Android projects and other libraries, but I only did this for the iOS location)
Delete the bin and obj folders
Build project, observe there are now errors due to references missing to classes which should come from nuget packages
Right-click on the Packages folder in the solution explorer and select Restore
Build and deploy the project
I'm not sure why my project got in this state, but this seems to solve it when it does happen.

Visual Studio 2022 Can't Build Any Projects

Every time I go to build any project in Visual Studio 2022, all I get in the buil output is:
Build started...
1>------ Build started: Project: ConsoleApp7, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
The example above is a simple default template for a .NET 6 Console app.
It never progresses any further than that, the CPU sits around 0-3%, and the build has to canceled. Nothing happens, there's no errors. Same thing happens if I clean, or rebuild.
That's the full output with MSBuild project build output verbosity set to "Diagnostic"
I have VS 2015, and VS 2019 installed on the same computer, can can build projects fine.
I've tried:
Uninstall/reinstalling VS 2022
Clearing the cache (
Adding/removing features from VS
Rebooting the PC
Restoring Nuget packages manually (right-click solution -> restore)
Checking for VS updates
Running the dotnet commands from Powershell (dotnet run/clean/build) all work fine
I just can't think where to go next with this. Any help or suggestions, would be greatly appreciated, maybe even some condolences at this point ;).
The problem turned out to be caused by Symantec Endpoint Protection. It's an antivirus software that seems to kill processes it doesn't trust, by injecting its own DLL and causing them to fault.
So whenever msbuild.exe was running, Symantec would kill it. To resolve it, our IT team needed to add a policy to allow msbuild.exe.
Strange VS didn't detect MSBuild.exe had died, it just say there indefinitely.
I found this in the Windows Event Viewer under Application Events:
I have the same problem as you, since February 28th, VS2022 could not build any project, until today, I uninstalled the anti-virus software (360 Security Guard) installed on my computer, it returned to normal work, I think this is due to the anti-virus software update caused by the incompatible VS2022, You can try uninstalling the anti-virus software installed on your computer, which may solve the problem

VS2010 Build Fail with error: Cannot open 'PathToFile.rsp'

I'm having a problem when trying to build my project and i don't know where to look.
The problem is that the build fails every time. it gives me the following error
Error messages on build
When I searched for those files I found that they weren't in that folder
The strangest thing is that if i build the same project on the visual studio, or if I run MSBuild from Visual Studio 2010 command line the project builds without problem. Also, I have configured another builder in another computer, and when I run the build there with the same Build definition it builds correctly. My guess is that it have to be some configuration that i'm missing, but I don't know where to look.
The computer is running Windows Server 2012

Is there a way to run a Xamarin UWP project without deploying every time

Do I always have to click to deploy a UWP app before running it? Thats two steps and I'd like to perform just one.
I've just created a Blank Xaml App (Xamarin.Forms Portable) New Project from the list of Cross-Platform, Windows, Visual C# Templates in Visual Studio 2015 update 2. There are projects for Droid, iOS, and UWP (Universal Windows) as well as a few others. I set the UWP app as the startup project and attempted to run it (by clicking the green arrow on my local machine or hitting F5), but I received an error saying that I need to deploy first. If I right click the project and then choose deploy it deploys successfully and then if I run it runs successfully. If I stop execution, make modifications, then run again I do not see my changes. If I deploy again and then run I can see my changes.
I'm trying to just make sure my UI looks like it should and so anything that helps me iterate between making code changes and seeing those changes in any platform would be helpful. the Droid takes forever to start up and I can't run iOS (no Mac) or Windows 8.1 (I'm on windows 10 home) which is why I'm testing things out with UWP first. Is there a better way than right clicking the project to deploy every time before hitting run?
Goto Build menu ->select configuration manager goto UWP project select both build and deploy option .. it will automatically deploy default this option switch off

Issues after updating Cordova from 3 to 2 on Visual Studio

After updating my Visual Studio 2015 Professional to use Cordova Update 3, I became unable to use it. New and existing Cordova projects don't show my www folder's files (although they still exist in disk) and I can't add them back due the error "The project file could not be loaded. Could not find file _apachecordovaprojectsourceitems.targets".
Every build fails with error MSB4044 The "RunMdaInstall" task was not given a value for the required parameter "MdaVsixDir".
There's a bug opened for this issue
However, I have another machine where the VS 2015 still have the Cordova Update 2 installed and everything is ok. I don't dare to click the update button... The problem is that I can't use this machine to develop my project because it belongs to the company I work for, and I only work on this Cordova project at night, at home.
Is there any workaround for this problem?
I have a fix for this bug, thanks to help from MS Support!
1) Delete this folder: C:\Users[username]\appdata\local\microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\ComponentModelCache
2) Open Visual Studio and create a new blank cordova project. This will regenerate the deleted folder.
3) Debug the blank project in ripple, first run may complain about a problem with Chrome and the debugger may fail to connect. Close chrome after this, and try debugging one more time and it should connect as desired.
4) Enjoy a once-more functioning development environment!
