install portaudio with ./configure in unix systems - installation

Basic unix installation ignorance, I suppose. I'm trying to install/build Port Audio on macOS 10.11 in a terminal session. I downloaded Port Audio into a developer directory (using both the tarball and the git versions) and tried to follow the basic build instructions given on the website. I dragged the directory over to the terminal window to set it up. Then tried the "./configure && make". Using the command on the directory won't work. I can't find a file in there that I can use these commands on. What basic concept am I missing?
Okay, I figured out that I was changing the directory incorrectly using cd. Don't know why, but I had to change one directory at a time or bash would kick me back to the beginning directory. When I finally got to the portaudio directory, "./configure && make" worked just as advertised. Solved.


Installing Julia v0.5 on Ubuntu 16.04 while v0.6 is installed

I use v0.6, but certain packages do not function with v0.6 (such as Interact.jl). How can I install v0.5? I am running Ubuntu 16.04.
First we have to download the latest Julia version from
I used the “Generic Linux Binaries for x86” version. The choice between x86 and ARM depends on the processor of your machine. Also choose between 32 bit and 64 bit versions based on the operating system and processor you have on your machine.
After download, you will get a compressed tar.gz archive having name similar to “julia-0.6.2-linux-x86_64.tar.gz”. As the “julia-0.6.2-linux-x86_64.tar.gz” name suggests that I downloaded the Julia version 0.6.2 which is latest at the time of writing this.
The names may differ. Adapt the names accordingly.
Remember these are binaries, these don't need to be installed as they can be directly used from the directory they are extracted.
I am assuming that the downloaded file is in your ~/Downloads directory of Ubuntu.
Open the terminal and navigate to the directory where the downloaded tar.gz file is stored, in present case the Downloads directory.
The terminal when just opened will show:
where x should be replaced by your username and xpc should be replaced by your computer name.
Navigate to the Downloads directory using cd Downloads and then press Enter to get following terminal:
x#xpc:~/Downloads $
Extract the tar.gz file using the command
tar -zxvf julia-0.6.2-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
Now a directory with extracted contents will be generated in the same parent directory as of the compressed archive with a name similar to julia-xxxxxxxxxx where xxxxxxxxxx may be a combination of alphabets and numerals.
This is the final directory you need to run the latest Julia version, no installation is needed.
To run Julia, you can directly run using the julia file in location julia-xxxxxxxxxx/bin/julia as discussed below.
Navigate to the bin directory in the extracted directory using
cd /Downloads/julia-xxxxxxxxxx/bin
The terminal will now be like:
x#xpc:~/Downloads/julia-xxxxxxxxxx/bin $
Now run the command ./julia to run julia on the terminal as shown below.
The terminal will now change to julia as presented below. I know the representation is little different here as this is all I can manage to copy from the terminal to present it to you.
But the problem is that I have to navigate to the directory every time to run Julia.
Many people have discussed on the internet about defining the path and alias through very complex procedures and as I am not a hardcore computer geek, it was really difficult for me to understand.
I came to know about making a soft link.
So I decided to make a soft link to the Julia to run it directly from anywhere with a short command without navigating to the directory containing it.
I always try to do things neatly, so I decided to keep the extracted directory named julia-xxxxxxxxxx in the /opt directory of my system as most of my important programs reside in that.
You need root permissions to copy a file into the /opt directory, so I used the command sudo su and then provided password to get the super user privileges:
x#xpc:~$ sudo su
[sudo] password for x:
Now navigate to the directory presently containing the extracted directory:
root#xpc:/home/x# cd /Downloads/
Copy the directory using:
root#xpc:/home/x/Downloads# cp -r julia-xxxxxxxxxx /opt
After the directory is copied to the destination, now we will make the soft link in a directory which is in the system path so that the soft-link can be called from any location to run Julia.
To find out the directories in the system PATH use echo $PATH, you will get a list of paths of directories separated by colon(:) such as /usr/local/bin. You can use any of them. I used /usr/local/bin for the soft link.
Navigate to the chosen folder.
root#xpc:/home/x# cd /usr/local/bin
The terminal will become
Create the soft link using
root#xpc:/home/x/usr/local/bin# sudo ln -s /opt/julia-xxxxxxxxxx/bin/julia julia
Now return to the normal user terminal using the keyboard combination Ctrl+D at the empty terminal root#xpc:/home/x/usr/local/bin#.
The terminal prompt will become:
Type the newly made soft link i.e. julia in the terminal as shown below
x#xpc:~$ julia
This is where the magic happens and you get this:
The instructions can be used for any version of Julia in Ubuntu.
Firstly, you should really read the post that Reza Afzalan linked. It gives you everything you need to know about how to install. If you prefer a list:
Go to the Julia download page.
Download the Generic Linux Binary for your OS (probably 64-bit for Ubuntu 16).
Install it.
Find where the installed Julia binary executables are stored on your machine.
Symlink Julia v0.5 and Julia v0.6 to different aliases, e.g. julia5 and julia6. You can store the symlinks in a directory like /usr/local/bin.
Open julia5.
Start downloading your packages with Pkg.add.
It's very easy, here's how to install it on Linux in 8 steps:
1- go to Julia downloads page
2- Choose you version (32bit or 64bit) from Generic Linux Binaries, and then download it.
3- extract .tar.gz file in home or any place you would like to install Julia on it.
4- run > gksudo gedit /etc/environment on your terminal to setup envirnment path.
5- edit file :/Path_To_extracted_File/bin in my case it was like this:
6- Save edits and close the file.
7- Restart your machine.
8- Open your terminal again and run > julia -version
you shoud get "julia version 0.6.2" for Example according to your installed julia version.
Run > julia to open julia session.
Just type this
sudo apt install julia

cvs no longer works on mac os x sierra from remote terminal

After updating to mac os x sierra my cvs (yes I am still using cvs) repository is no longer accessible from remote computer. I can still access the cvs commands on local machine using terminal window, using:
although if I define the cvs variables with
export CVS_RSH=ssh
export CVSROOT=:ext:twarren#tw-imac.local/usr/local/cvsrep
it also does not work, giving error message:
tw-imac:testcvs twarren$ cvs version
Client: Concurrent Versions System (CVS) 1.12.13 (client/server)
bash: cvs: command not found
The cvs program is installed in /usr/local/bin (which is on the PATH). It is the old version of cvs that used to come with mac os x and has worked fine with newer versions of mac os x until sierra.
I've just faced this same issue.
ie, remote cvs checkouts don't work.
ie, cvs -z3 -d:ext:<user>#<cvs-server-ip>:<CVSROOT> co -P -r <REVISION> <MODULE> results in cvs: bad command
There are three problems,
cvs was removed back in 10.9
cvs over ssh relies on the sshd PATH support, which is hard-coded
/usr/bin is rootless, ie read-only.
You solve the first problem by installing cvs with homebrew
Install homebrew see:
then brew install cvs
The next problem, is that when you try to run cvs:ext, you find the PATH is not right, this can be tested like so:
ssh <user>#cvs-sever-ip env | grep PATH
You will see, PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin, which is the sshd non-interactive hard-coded path. For non-interactive ssh, as used by CVS to access the homebrew cvs install (installed into `/usr/local/bin/cvs) you need to add /usr/local/bin to the sshd path. AFAICT this can't be done... non-trivially... as such, the best solution is to make a sybolic link in the /usr/bin directory.
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/cvs /usr/bin/cvs
Which leads to the third problem. It doesn't work, because /usr/bin is rootless... and thus read-only.
You could disable rootless mode in recovery mode... and then do it, and then re-enable it.
But the simplest solution is to reboot into Recovery mode, enter the terminal, then cd /Volumes, then navigate to the the /usr/bin directory on your boot volume, ie cd /Volumes/<bootvolume>/usr/bin
then run the command:
ln -s /usr/local/bin/cvs cvs
This will create a symbolic link from /usr/bin/cvs -> /usr/local/bin/cvs
Reboot back to your OS, and that should fix it.
You can verify this with
ssh <user>#<cvs-server-ip> which cvs
which should return :
And now your remote cvs checkouts should work...
so I found a way to get cvs to work on sierra. The problem seemed to be that the /usr/local/bin directory was no longer on the path of the shell started by ssh. So the solution consisted of copying the cvs executable to /usr/bin
However, in order to accomplish this on Sierra I had to temporarily disable SIP. This was done by:
reboot with recovery mode
run terminal utility
execute: csrutil disable
Then I could copy the cvs program. After verifying that it worked properly, I repeated the steps 1-4, except using: csrutil enable in step 3.
NOTE: there will probably be cases where updates to Sierra might replace /usr/bin contents, so it's possible that this process will need to be repeated after updates. To aid in this, I copied the cvs module rather than moving it, so it will still be available in its old location.
NOTE 2: I agree with those who recommend using git rather than cvs and will do that with all new projects. In addition I will eventually also convert existing projects to git where feasible, but am glad that I can still use cvs as before Sierra.

./configure command not found, pkg-config

When trying to install pkg-config on a brand new install of 10.8.5 i got a ./configure: no such file or directory.
first I downloaded the source with git
git clone git://
then I switched to the directory
cd /Users/nah/Desktop/pkg-config
when I run ls I can see the configure file but when I run
./configure --with-internal-glib
I get ./configure: no such file or directory. Even though I see the file in the pkg-config directory.
When I searched for answers online The two i saw were are you in the correct directory which i clearly am, and the second answer i saw was to use homebrew or Macports. I know homebrew and macports will work but that doesn't really answer the question it's sort of a work around. I than realized that the configure file wasn't executable so I ran chmod on it to make it executable but I get the same thing. The other thing I thought of was the configure file is , a quick glance at a bunch of other source files on my computer and they all have configure files with no .ac.
I also tried dragging the executable configure file to terminal to run it and I got
line 1: syntax error near unexpected token [2.62}
/Users/nah/pkg-config/ line 1: 'AC_PREREQ([2.62])'
do you think there's a problem with the configure script for Mountain lion, i did this on snow leopard about a month ago with no problems.
so in conclusion, i can't install pkg-config using normal ./configure; make; make install;
And would like to know way to solve problem with out homebrew or Macports work around.

How can i use ghost4j on OS X 10.9

When i want to use ghost4j on OS X 10.9, i see this error:
Unable to load library 'gs': dlopen(libgs.dylib, 9): image not found
I have installed ghostscript library on my macbook using this site.
how can i fix this problem. I can not install ghostscript using port and brew for some reason.
First you need to find the file libgs.dylib which was installed by the installer package compile the libgs.dylib library from source, and make a note of where you installed it to.
Hopefully it should have been installed to a standard library location, and there should be nothing more you need to do. If not, you need to set the environment variable DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH. In a terminal this would be done by typing export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:/directory, replacing /directory with the full path of the actual directory containing libgs.dylib. After typing this, in that terminal, if you run your application, it should work. To make it take effect permanently you would need to add the export command to your ~/.bash_profile. Or to make it take effect for all user accounts on your computer, you could add it to your /etc/profile.
If this doesn't work, I suppose the Ghostscript library could be 32-bit - you would need a 64-bit library I think.
A bit of an old thread but maybe useful for people still looking for an answer.
Install ghostscript using port
port install ghostscript
That done, you need to create a link so ghost4j finds the dylib.
cd /usr/lib
sudo ln -s /opt/local/lib/libgs.9.10.dylib libgs.dylib
Once I did that it worked like a charm.

Install Git separately from Xcode

Firstly apologies if this is a really simple question but Git is absolutely brand new to me. Basically I've been dabbling with a bit of iOS development for a little while and now have a project idea that I want to start working on and for the first time I'm planning on putting this into source control.
Now I know Xcode 4 has some Git integration but I've spotted a couple of posts that suggest the integration isn't that great and it's better to do it the command line way.
So, I've been following instructions here and I've downloaded version for Mac and ran the install.
However when I run git --version I get version which is the version that was installed with Xcode I assume?
My question is, how do I make use of my new version The plan is to learn to use Git via command tools and set up a central repository on a server I have at home, then have local copies on my laptop.
As I say I'm really new to this, so a quick step by step idiots guide would be helpful. I have searched and tried to find details here and on google but other than the suggestion to use Git outside of Xcode I've not found out exactly how to do it.
Any advice, or links to a decent tutorial that covers this would be very much appreciated.
I've changed the path to the new path in .bash_profile (/usr/local/git/bin) and now get git version (Apple Git-26). This still appears to be the wrong version (although this could be me being dense). I downloaded the installer for OSX from the above link. Should I be doing something else. I want to play around with the command line tools so I can get a proper understanding
Update 2:
I'm now also trying MacPorts as recommended in the article. This seems to be downloading a lot more than just Git though
Xcode installs git in /Applications/ but if you run 'Install Command Tools' then git gets installed also in /usr/bin/git. Xcode uses its private version in If you installed git in /usr/local/git/bin then you need to include that directory in your PATH. You should have a .bashrc file (or equivalent for whatever shell you are using). Add
PATH=/usr/local/git/bin:$PATH # your shell might use different syntax.
to that file 'rc' file.
Also, note that Xcode would allow you to accomplish your goal of setting up a remote at home while maintaining a local copy on your laptop. Go to the Xcode 'organizer' and click 'repositories'. There you will find all your machine's Git repositories. Choose one, select the 'remotes' folder and then '+' to add your home remote. I use Xcode this way.
Credits goes to #GoZoner for the answer. I'm just summing up everything.
Download official git installer from :
Install and add its directory to your path :
echo "PATH=/usr/local/git/bin:\$PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
The best way is:
step 1:
Install homebrew on your mac this is the official website Homebrew homepage
From a Terminal prompt:
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
step 2:
From a terminal prompt
brew install git
