buildozer version apk googleplay not changed - google-play

I change my version in code
___version____ = "1.xx.xx"
But Google Play say me: Version old 100.
How can i change version apk with kivy buildozer?

To change your apk's version you should specify in your buildozer.spec file:
Or use the second method:
version.regex = __version__ = ['"](.*)['"]
version.filename = (source.dir)s/


conflicting issue is coming when we are adding networkmanager in yocto build

We are using yocto to build a image.
I tried to add IMAGE_INSTALL_append = "modemmanager networkmanager" in /build/conf/local.conf.
But i am getting some errors :-
package networkmanager-1.10.6-r0.aarch64 conflicts with connman provided by connman-1.35-r0.aarch64.
So I try to remove connman and ofono ,change in local.conf.
IMAGE_INSTALL_remove = "connman connman-client"
IMAGE_INSTALL_remove = "ofono ofono-tests"
but it is not happening , same error i am getting
how to remove connman and ofono ?
Inside networkmanager .bb file changed # RCONFLICTS_${PN} = "connman" to
RREPLACES_${PN} = "connman" , it replaces connman and install networkmanager
it works for me.

Is there a way to make RichEmbed methods work in Heroku?

When attempting to use this code I got the error below:
const embed = new RichEmbed();
var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
let name = part + num + ".gif";
embed.setImage('attachment://' + name);;
TypeError: embed.attachFiles is not a function
I if I delete away embed.attachFiles([name]) I get an error saying that embed.setImage isn't a function either.
Is there anything I can do to make Heroku register these as functions? It is worth noting that this worked outside of Heroku, when I ran it using the command line on my own computer.
Heroku by itself does not modify the behavior of discord.js. Here's a list of things you can try:
Verify that your package.json file is updated with the version of discord.js you want and run npm i to make sure the version on your pc is the same*.
Make sure that RichEmbed is Discord.RichEmbed: try to write it explicitly to see if that helps.
Try to console.log(embed) and see what gets logged in the console: that might give you a clue of what the problem is...
* The RichEmbed.attachFile() method was added in the 11.0.0 version: any previous version of discord.js won't allow you to use it.

How to download File and prompt installation of apk

I've been struggling to get my application to update from a direct url, i want to download a apk and then prompt to user to install the apk.
How can I do this?
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ActionView);
intent.SetDataAndType(Android.Net.Uri.FromFile(new Java.IO.File(Android.OS.Environment.ExternalStorageDirectory + "/download/" + "WhatsApp")), "application/");
Forms.Context.StartActivity(Intent.CreateChooser(intent, "Open APK"));
With the code above , opens the app and asks to install with android 4.4, but in my phone android 7.0 doesnt work, gives this alert:"There was a problem parsing the package".
Then how can i open the apk after is downloaded?
You could use following code :
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ActionView);
intent.SetDataAndType(Android.Net.Uri.FromFile(new Java.IO.File(Android.OS.Environment.ExternalStorageDirectory + "/download/" + "app.apk")), "application/");
For more information, you could refer to : Android: install .apk programmatically

Make PHP on a Puphpet/Vagrant box use specific sub version e.g. 7.0.4 vs 7.0.5

Using puphpet a typical config.yaml php section might look like this:
install: '1'
version: '70'
- ioncube-loader
I have lots of other PHP modules installed but its ioncube I'm having issues with.
Up until just earlier, this was provisioning with PHP 7.0.4, which seemed to have a yum package for Ioncube loader.
I just had to rerun vagrant provision and now all of a sudden I appear to be on PHP 7.0.5.
Not much of a bother normally, except now I get issues with dependencies for ioncube (ioncube loader is crucial to run some encrypted 3rd party code I need).
My question is: Is it possible to lock php down to 7.0.4?
version: '704' doesn't work.
Also just to check I've understood the error message correctly:
Error: Package: php-ioncube-loader-5.1.2-1.el6.remi.5.4.x86_64 (remi)
Requires: php(zend-abi) = 20100525-x86-64
Installed: php-common-7.0.5-1.el6.remi.x86_64 (#remi-php70)
php(api) = 20151012-64
Available: php-common-5.4.45-5.el6.remi.x86_64 (remi)
php(api) = 20100412-x86-64
Available: php-common-5.4.45-7.el6.remi.x86_64 (remi)
php(api) = 20100412-x86-64
Available: php-common-7.0.4-1.el6.remi.x86_64 (remi-php70)
php(api) = 20151012-64
Available: php55u-common-5.5.33-1.ius.centos6.x86_64 (ius)
php(api) = 20121113-64
Available: php56u-common-5.6.19-1.ius.centos6.x86_64 (ius)
php(api) = 20131106-64
Available: php70u-common-7.0.4-1.ius.centos6.x86_64 (ius)
php(zend-abi) = 20151012-64
Other suggestions welcome, I just need ioncube loader working on this 1 project, am I right here? It looks like its available for every version of php except the one that's magically appeared on mine since the last provision. It's totally possible I'm barking up the wrong tree....
Author of PuPHPet here.
Unfortunately subversions are not supported (7.0.x), only major versions (7.0).
This is due to the absolutely insane way each distro and even each PHP version is so different to the other in regards to INI locations and module directories. It's ridiculous.
What could easily be added is support for ensure field to the YAML file that you could pass your specific version to. Mind opening a ticket on my github tracker to enable this?
version: '704' doesn't work
should be
version: '7.0.4'
ioncube loader is not yet compatible with PHP 7, whatever version you install (7.0.4 or 7.0.5).
See the Compatibility list
Also see: upstream forum thread

Meteor and graphicsMagic on Windows

I'm trying to run meteor app developed under MacOS on Windows.
Have this problem:
WARNING: cfs:graphicsmagick could not find "graphicsMagic" or
"imageMagic" on the system.
I just checked PATH to see if I could find the GraphicsMagick or
ImageMagic unix/mac os/windows binaries on your system, I failed.
1. I may be blind or naive, help making me smarter
2. You havent added the path to the binaries
3. You havent actually installed GraphicsMagick or ImageMagick
* Make sure "$PATH" environment is configured "PATH:/path/to/binaries" *
Installation hints:
* Mac OS X "brew install graphicsmagick" or "brew install imagemagick"
* Linux download rpm or use packagemanager
* Centos "yum install GraphicsMagick"* Windows download the installer and run
I've installed GraphicsMagick and ImageMagic, checked PATH.
In cmd gm command runs GraphicsMagick, but still this problem remain in meteor.
The cfs:graphicsmagick module is designed to work on windows. This is the script that looks for graphicsmagick. I've modified it to work with node and increased the verbosity to help you debug the issue:
var graphicsmagick = false;
var imagemagick = false;
var fs = require("fs"); //or Npm.require("fs") if you're running this script with meteor
// Split the path by : for linux
// Split the path by ; for windows
var sep = /^win/.test(process.platform) ? ';' : ':';
var binaryPaths = process.env['PATH'].split(sep);
// XXX: we should properly check if we can access the os temp folder - since
// gm binaries are using this and therefore may fail?
// XXX: we could push extra paths if the `gm` library check stuff like:
// $MAGIC_HOME The current version does not check there
// $MAGICK_HOME (GraphicsMagick docs)
// We check to see if we can find binaries
for (var i = 0; i < binaryPaths.length; i++) {
var binPath = binaryPaths[i];
console.log("Looking in", binPath)
// If we have not found GraphicsMagic
if (!graphicsmagick) {
// Init
var gmPath = path.join(binPath, 'gm');
var gmExePath = path.join(binPath, 'gm.exe');
// Check to see if binary found
graphicsmagick = fs.existsSync(gmPath) || fs.existsSync(gmExePath);
// If GraphicsMagic we dont have to check for ImageMagic
// Since we prefer GrapicsMagic when selecting api
if (!graphicsmagick && !imagemagick) {
// Init paths to check
var imPath = path.join(binPath, 'convert');
var imExePath = path.join(binPath, 'convert.exe');
// Check to see if binary found
imagemagick = fs.existsSync(imPath) || fs.existsSync(imExePath);
console.log("Found GraphicsMagick", graphicsmagick)
console.log("Found ImageMagick", imagemagick)
When you run it it will give you a path that it is looking in, in the through all PATH variables from the environment variable.
Look for the imagemagick installation you have and check that it matches up. If you run the script with Meteor make sure to change Npm.require("fs") from require('fs').
The check is very thorough looking for the gm.exe or convert.exe, if you have it installed you will have to find out why it is not being detected.
