How to stop the jmeter server from command line - performance

We are implementing CI for performance testing, As a part of this we have to run scripts from 3 different machines, I am facing an issue while stoping the Jmeter server in slave machines after the execution.
I am executing the shutdown.bat, stoptest.bat but no luck.
Please help me, How to stop the Jmeter server from the command prompt which is currently running.
Thanks in Advance.

Configure your file like this server.exitaftertest=true. It will stop the JMeter-server after the test execution.


Execute a file using OS sampler in JMeter on a RHEL 8 Machine

Have a .net core library Linux compatible on a Linux machine. I can execute it locally from terminal and getting the expected result. But while executing from JMeter using a OS sampler it is failing.
From Terminal: Running Fine
JMeter Settings:
Fetching the Response Body: (which should be 352 for example from the above terminal)
JMeter it is failing:
Check the file location and permission, everything is in place. What I have missed here any help ?
After change:
I changed as suggested and still facing the issue,
Error details,
I think you need to invoke a shell instead of trying to execute your command directly, something like:
Also if you open the OS Process Sampler in the View Results Tree listener you will see the output or in case of failure the failure reason
More information: How to Run External Commands and Programs Locally and Remotely from JMeter
I guess you misinterpret both Dimtri and User729 comment, you need to add both places and it should work.

Jmeter test status on non-gui mode

How can i get jmeter test status in non-gui mode.
Jenkins install jmeter helm chart on kuberntes and start the test as part of the installation, meaning that after the chart installed a script entry point will run automatically inside the container, jenkins is only trigger the chart. i want to know when the test is finished and get back the status to jenkins from the pod to publish the report test result on jenkins.
When JMeter's non-gui test execution is finished it returns a normal exit code which can be obtained:
%errorlevel% environment variable in Windows
$? environment variable in Unix and derivatives
Not knowing the details of how you launch JMeter it is quite hard to come up with exact Jenkins configuration but I'm pretty much sure that you can utilize the aforementioned variables to get the JMeter execution status
if you are triggering jmeter scripts via jenkins , you can have a post build operation after script execution using jenkins.
I am using powershell in jenkins to run jmeter in non gui mode, once test is done doing other post build operations.

How to run JMeter Webdriver samplers on a remote machine

I am trying to run JMeter Webdriver samplers in IE on a remote machine. I have changed remote_hosts to the IP address of the remote machine. JMeter server on the remote machine is also started. When I run the tests from the JMeter GUI on the local machine (Run->Remote Start menu) I can see the command line window in remote machine showing
"Started the test..."
and immediately
"Finished the test..."
So the test runs but nothing actually happens.
I must be missing some configuration.
Can someone please help?
You need to install the same Selenium/WebDriver Support plugin to the remote slave(s). This can be done either by copying the whole JMeter installation to the slave host(s) or using JMeter Plugins Manager on each slave.
You need to download Internet Explorer Driver binary and put it to the same location as on the master host.
In case of any problems check jmeter-server.log file on remote slave - normally it should contain the root cause (or clue on what is wrong)

Jenkins job windows batch execution 20 times slower than executing in cmd.exe

I just installed Jenkins 2.46.2 on a Windows 2012 Server \o/. It runs as a system service.
I created a job that execute a windows batch (.bat) script to build a code project. This batch results in executing 2 mingw32-make.exe commands to clean and then build a full binary from source code.
Executing the batch manually on the machine, located on the same filesystem (same workspace as used by the Jenkins' job, local disk - not network disk), the clean-build takes ~50 seconds.
But when executed by Jenkins, the job takes more than 20x more time longer! (~19 minutes). It terminates succesfully with the same behavior as executed manually in cmd.exe.
I changed the launch arguments for the jvm in the jenkins.xml file with "-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m" options as I have read in the documentation to improve performance. But it does not fix anything :-(
Also when I monitors the CPU/disk/RAM usages they all stay very very low while building, so I deduce that brute performances of the machine are not in cause.
Whether I invoke the batch with call statement in the Jenkins job build step or not does not change anything : the job always last 19 minutes.
Can anybody help me to investigate why so slowness ?
Thanks in advance :)
I had a similar problem. I noticed that .bat files with echo Hello World ran fast and with no problem.
But once I tried to launch any grep.exe from a batch script, it took 24 seconds (in my case) to run even with no input files. If launched manually it finishes in no time.
I used grep.exe version 2.5.4 from MSys 1.0 distribution.
The solution in my case was rather unexpected - I updated grep to version 2.24, and now, being launched from Jenkins, it takes less than one second to process over 1 MB log file.
For a couple of day investigation, I finally find the cause.
In my case, it is the reason of Jenkins agent.
When I install Jenkins agent as a windows service in the slave agent, the consuming time is so huge,but when I try to start Jenkins agent via windows command line, the consuming time is as normal as executing the batch file manually.
My env:
master: CentOS7
slave agent: win 7
And I also test this case in a slave agent of win 10 for comparison.
The time executing via Jenkins is approximately the same as executing the batch file manually on the agent machine.
So I guess this is the compatibility issue between win 7 and Jenkins.
But for that the Jenkins official said that Jenkins not support win 7 anymore (Microsoft does not support Windows 7), we temporarily put it aside.
Anyway we find a way to conquer this. Hope this will help you for similar scenario.

JMeter freezes when you run the test from remote server

On my remote host I am running jmeter server
I have kicked the jmeter from my local machine using this command
./jmeter -Jremote_hosts=Remote Host IP
GUI Pops up
Open my test.jmx and Run->RemoteHost->RemoteHostIP
At this time, jmeter freezes, I was unable to do much after that
my test had 1 thread, 60secs ramp, run 1 time
Any idea why is it frozen and I am not be see any test results. I do not have any listeners except "View Results Tree"
I faced the same issue. In my case, it was due to the firewall (ufw on ubuntu). After stopping the firewall I was able to run the tests normally.
