How to delete RethinkDB documents that cannot be joined? - rethinkdb

I have a tables Person and Property. Each one has its own id. In addition, properties have their human owner, hence have a field person_id which "points" to the id in the Person table.
This is an example of three people that have some things. For some reason, person with id=3 was deleted. However, he/she still owns properties with id in [4,5,6].
Person (1k documents)
{id: 1, name: John, age: 25}
{id: 2, name: Peter, age: 28, pet: cat}
{id: 4, name: Alice}
Property (120k documents)
{id: 1, person_id: 1, name: house}
{id: 2, person_id: 1, name: car, color: blue}
{id: 3, person_id: 2, name: phone}
{id: 4, person_id: 3, name: house}
{id: 5, person_id: 3, name: watch, size: big}
{id: 6, person_id: 3, name: table: material: wood}
The question is "How to delete the properties documents that no longer have an existing person they belong to?", i.e. in this case "How to delete properties with id in [4,5,6]?"
person_id is a secondary index.
My thoughs were like somehow extract the properties ids that don't match any persons and than delete them. However, I have no idea how to achieve that.


Filtering products index in elasticsearch by user

I have an index of products. They have regular fields such as id, name, brand etc. Querying this index is working great, however I want to limit the products which are returned for specific users.
Say I have 5 products who’s IDs go from 1-5
Id: 1, name: “Product One”, brand: “Fake Brand”
Id: 2, name: “Product Two”, brand: “Fake Brand”
Id: 3, name: “Product Three”, brand: “Fake Brand”
Id: 4, name: “Product Four”, brand: “Fake Brand”
Id: 5, name: “Product Five”, brand: “Fake Brand”
If there’s no filter, and I search for brand: “Fake Brand”, I get 5 results.
But I want to add this functionality: Say I have two users. User 1 is only able to “see” product IDs 1, 2, and 5. And User 2 is only able to “see” a different subset, say, product IDs 1, 2, 4 and 5.
So if user 1 searches for brand: “Fake Brand”, he only gets back product with IDs 1, 2, and 5. Where as if user 2 searches for brand: “Fake Brand”, he only gets back products with IDs 1, 2, 4 and 5.
Is there a way to add a “user id” to this products query and then store somewhere else what products a user is able to see?
In SQL I would probably have a different table storing what products each user can see and then just do a join. But using ES I think I either have to have two separate indexes or to use nested or has_child/has_parent queries but I’m not entirely sure how to implement it.

fetch perticular number of documents satisfying multiple conditions - Elasticsearch

I have a Elasticsearch index for an information of fruits as below
GET fruits/fruits_data/_search
[{ id: 1,
name: apple},
{ id: 2,
name: mango},
{ id: 3,
name: apple},
{ id: 4,
name: banana},
{ id: 5,
name: apple},
{ id: 6,
name: mango},
{ id: 7,
name: pineapple},
{ id: 8,
name: jackfruit}]
Now I need to fetch 7 fruits as per the priority (below):
{"apple": 3, "banana": 3, "mango": 2, "guava": 2, "pineapple": 1, "jackfruit": 1}
Here the key indicates the fruit to be fetched and valueindicates the maximum number of the document to be fetched.
This means I need to fetch maximum 3 apple, 3 banana and 1 mango and I can ignore the others in priority hash when I have required number of fruits. But here I have only 1 banana in my ES index so I need to fetch maximum 3 apple, 1 banana, 2 mango and 1 pineapple (Since guava is not present in index we need to ignore it.
Is there a way to fetch fruits like this in ES in a single query. I don't want to use multiple queries.
It is not possible to fetch results directly,Try using Aggregation in elasticsearch. You can refer to link below,

appending another object model to a model Laravel

0:{id: 1, user_id: 10, answer_id: 6, comment_content: "This is first comment ever in this", parent_id: 0, …}
1:{id: 6, user_id: 10, answer_id: 6, comment_content: "This is commenting again let's see whether it works or not, It should work.", parent_id: 0, …}
I am getting an array of objects...
Let's say i have three eloquent model Comment and User, Answer. I am just showing two comments which belongs to an answer. I want to also show user associated to each comments as you can see there is a user_id which is a foreign key
I want to get something like this using eloquent only ... how do i use append method
0:{id: 1, user_id: 10, name: "Jonh Doe" email: '', answer_id: 6, comment_content: "This is first comment ever in this", parent_id: 0, …}
1:{id: 6, user_id: 10, name: "Foo", email:'', answer_id: 6, comment_content: "This is commenting again let's see whether it works or not, It should work.", parent_id: 0, …}

Search in Elasticsearch objects from non blocked user

In Elaasticsearch we have 3 collections, users, products and blocked_users.
{id: 1, first_name: “John”, last_name:“Snow”, …}
{id: 2, first_name: “Sarah”, last_name:“Connor”, …}
{id: 2, first_name: “Arnold”, last_name:“Schwarzenegger”, …}
{id: 1, user_id: 3, title:“Apple”}
{user_id: 2, blocked_user_id: 3} // this mean user with id 2 blocked user with id 3
I want to search products by title, but I don't want to show products of blocked users.
So, when user with id 1 search he will get a response with 1 product
when user with id 2 search 0 products is expected, because product user id is 3, but user with id 2 blocked this user
How should be query?

Displaying Duplicate Records as One in Rails

I have a table of sales information, each product has twelve records for each month of the year. The only unique value is the sale total.
#<AccountMarginTarget id: 1, product_id: "123", sales: 2000>
#<AccountMarginTarget id: 2, product_id: "123", sales: 50>
#<AccountMarginTarget id: 2, product_id: "123", sales: 37>
#<AccountMarginTarget id: 2, product_id: "22", sales: 47>
#<AccountMarginTarget id: 2, product_id: "22", sales: 74>
I know I can retrieve consolodated data using .group, eg:
But when it comes to displaying all in the view, it's troublesome to have a list of 12 records. I've looked at .join .group .uniq etc. - but I'm still puzzled to as what the best method for only listing duplicates once?
Apologies for any naivety!
So, I've figured this out and feel a little dumb as to how easy it was to achieve. As I'm a Jr I'd appreciate any improvements on the below :) I'll update as my I review my code.
As I have many duplicates in my table, first I need to single them out
unique_ids =
then I iterate through the unique_id's and retrieve the first result from the database that matches it:
#unique_product_sale_records = unique_ids.collect.each do | unique_id |
SalesRecord.where(product_id: unique_id).first
