Class 'App\Http\Controllers\Session' not found - laravel

I'm new in laravel. Having problem to show session temporary flash message.
Can not rescue from this error
Class 'App\Http\Controllers\Session' not found
What to do?

Use this
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Session;

You can add use Session; to the top of the class.
Or use full namespace, like \Session::
Or just use the session() helper instead of the facade.

Use Session at the head of your controller file
use Session;

You just need to import session Facade:
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Session;
or you can use the class like this :


Controller from package not found

I am trying to make a package and I am new for it, everything is going fine, but when I tried to use controller from package like
but I get
Please Help.
Because your admincontroller extends controller and you used RoshanDev\MiePackage\Controller that same as the class name your admincontroller exetends.
Solution is change it with as:
use RoshanDev\MiePackage\Controller as ctr;

Create controller with already included classes laravel

I am working with Laravel framework and I want to include my common classes in the controller file while I am creating controller from php artisan. For now it creates controller like
<?php namespace ReaPro\Http\Controllers\Home;
use ReaPro\Http\Requests;
use ReaPro\Http\Controllers\Controller;
class HomeController extends Controller {}
I want to include my common classes like
<?php namespace ReaPro\Http\Controllers\Home;
use ReaPro\Http\Requests;
use ReaPro\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use ReaPro\Model\Page;
use ReaPro\Helpers\Common;
class HomeController extends Controller {}
So how can I pre include my
use ReaPro\Model\Page;
use ReaPro\Helpers\Common;
Classes somewhere so that these may come with each controller by default when I create controller with php artisan ?
The Laravel GeneratorCommand class is quite easy to extend for your own needs. Here is the ControllerMakeCommand which extends GeneratorCommand. The most important part is in the getStub() method, from here you can see that it returns either controller.stub or controller.plain.stub depending on the options. These stubs are here.
In short:
Create your own command for generating controllers
Extend Illuminate\Console\GeneratorCommand
Implement your own command in the same way as Illuminate\Routing\Console\ControllerMakeCommand
Create your own stubs

How to integrate in Laravel 5 a Package from Packagist?

I'm working with laravel 5 and trying to integrate the following package:
I executed on my project:
composer require exacttarget/fuel-sdk-php
So I had on my vendor dir exacttarget provider.
First thing I've noticed this particular package doesn't use namespaces, so it still calls require directives but not "use \path\namespace"
Is it a right approach? I haven't seen many packages yet but among my past experience doesn't look to me the right approach to write a package...
After this I edit condif/app.php to use ET_Client class.
'providers' => [
Once I did this, I got an error: looks like Laravel frmwk tries to instantiate the class, that needs some parameters to work, even if I'm not yet using it (istantiating). It this a normal behavior from Laravel?
Am I missing something ?
The providers array is for registering service provider classes. Unless ET_Client extends Laravel’s base ServiceProvider class, it’s not going to work.
Instead, just add the use statements to your PHP classes as and when you need to use the class:
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use ET_Client;
class SomeController extends Controller
public function someAction()
// Instantiate client class
$client = new ET_Client;
// Now do something with it...

laravel5 package include using with namespace

I'm in developing of a new package in laravel5. At least my structure looks quite the same as here:
The problem occurs in the package controllers when I'm trying to extend from 'App\Http\Controllers\Controller' or set the alias of this class with 'use'. Here I'm always getting errors that the class "Controller" is not found.
I've setup my application in a different namingspace than "App", at my point MyCoolApp for example. So when I'm using 'MyCoolApp\Http\Controllers\Controller' it works, but that could not be the solution for an OpenSource package.
How can I reference to the the App-Controllers within the Namingspace without using 'App' or any other application-namingspace-string?
I don't know the reason why you want to extend App\Http\Controllers\Controller because it's specified for each Project and its behaviour could be changed because of setting in each Application.
I also take a look at App\Http\Controllers\Controller.
use Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\DispatchesJobs;
use Illuminate\Routing\Controller as BaseController;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Validation\ValidatesRequests;
abstract class Controller extends BaseController
use DispatchesJobs, ValidatesRequests;
I think you should extends Illuminate\Routing\Controller instead.

How to make laravel load all classes from a directory?

In my laravel app, i have a controller that does the following before the definition of the controller:
use PayPal\Rest\ApiContext;
use PayPal\Auth\OAuthTokenCredential;
use PayPal\Api\Payer;
use PayPal\Api\Amount;
use PayPal\Api\Transaction;
use PayPal\Api\Payment;
use PayPal\Api\RedirectUrls;
use PayPal\Api\Address;
Simply put, How can i make all the models in the API directory to be used?
Import the PayPal\Api namespace.
use PayPal\Api;
Then you can use the classes via Api\Class.
$payment = new Api\Payment;
