I'm not able to find any answer to my problem. I have two database, local and custom, and I need to join certain tables from both DBs between them. But I'm getting errors as for example "No such table PcApplicationsComponents".
My code is:
using (SqliteCustomDb.Custom customDbCon = Sqlite.SqliteConnection.GetCustomDbConnection())
using (SqliteLocalDb.Local localDbCon = Sqlite.SqliteConnection.GetLocalDbConnection())
var localCompss = from lc in localDbCon.Components
join c in customDbCon.PcApplicationsComponents
on lc.ID equals c.ComponentID
select new { lc.InstallationFolder, c.ComponentID };
I thought it was possible to make joins acrross multiple databases.
I've two tables Product and user. Now, i want to delete multiple records at a time with a relation like: i want to delete all the products related to particular user.
I've delete multiple records code in linq2db Templates
using (var db = new DbNorthwind())
.Where(p => p.Discontinued)
But, how to relate that user table to this code?
Source: https://linq2db.github.io/#delete
You can use the following solution to delete multiple rows using LINQ in linq2db Templates based on two tables:
from p in db.Product
join u in db.User on ... some join ...
select p
Try this:
using (var db = new DbNorthwind())
var deletionList=db.Product
.Where(p => p.Discontinued).AsEnumerable();
I want to display two tables data using join in web api. I have tried with this code, but getting error - The type of one of the expressions in the join clause is incorrect. Type inference failed in the call to 'Join'. and here is my code
public List<tblEmpTask> GettblEmpTasks()
var q = (from n in db.tblEmpTasks
join c in db.tblEmployees on n.intEmpCode equals c.intEmpCode
select new
return q;
Any solution will be helpful.
How do I left outer join two tables on two fields in linq?
I have a sql:
select a.*, b.* from courselist as a
left outer join Summary as b
on a.subject = b.Subject and a.catalog =
where a.degree_id = 1
order by a.sequenceNo
Below is my linq query, but there is error underline "join", failed in the call to "Groupjoin". I don't know how to correct that.
var searchResults = (from a in db.courselist
join b in db.Summary on
new { a.subject,a.catalog } equals
new { b.Subject, b.Catalogno } into ab
where a.degree_id == 1
orderby a.degree_sequenceNo
from b in ab.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
Courselist = a,
Summary = b
I've checked your code again,
I found it's fault
you just need to specify join parameters name like this:
new { suject = a.subject, catalog = a.catalog } equals
new { suject = b.subject, catalog = b.Catalogno } into ab
It seems you are missing the reference, the query doesn't have an error
try to use this:
using System.Linq;
The main issue when people start using LINQ is that they keep thinking in the SQL way, they design the SQL query first and then translate it to LINQ. You need to learn how to think in the LINQ way and your LINQ query will become neater and simpler. For instance, in your LINQ you don't need joins. You should use Associations/Navigation Properties instead. Check this post for more details.
There should be a relationship between courselist and Summary, in which case, you can access Summary through courselist like this:
var searchResults = (from a in db.courselist
where a.degree_id == 1
orderby a.degree_sequenceNo
select new {
Courselist = a,
Summary = a.Summary
If there is no relationship between the two, then you should reconsider your design.
This question already has answers here:
EntityFramework - contains query of composite key
(12 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I have a table as follows:
Columns are:
I have another list that contains 'Name' and 'AccountNo'.
I have to find all the records from table that whose respective 'Name' and 'AccountNo' are present in given list.
Any suggestion will be helpful.
I have done following but not of much use:
var duplicationhecklist = dataAccessdup.MST_FarmerProfile
t => new { t.Name,t.AccountNo},
t1 => new { t1.Name, t1.AccountNo},
(t, t1) => new { t, t1 })
.Select(x => new {
where lstFarmerProfiles is a list.
You probably found out that you can't join an Entity Framework LINQ query with a local list of entity objects, because it can't be translated into SQL. I would preselect the database data on the account numbers only and then join in memory.
var accountNumbers = lstFarmerProfiles.Select(x => x.AccountNo).ToArray();
var duplicationChecklist =
from profile in dataAccessdup.MST_FarmerProfile
.Where(p => accountNumbers
.AsEnumerable() // Continue in memory
join param in lstFarmerProfiles on
new { profile.Name, profile.AccountNo} equals
new { param.Name, param.AccountNo}
select profile
So you will never pull the bulk data into memory but the smallest selection you can probably get to proceed with.
If accountNumbers contains thousands of items, you may consider using a better scalable chunky Contains method.
Since you have the lists in .net of values you want to find, try to use the Contains method, for sample:
List<string> names = /* list of names */;
List<string> accounts = /* list of account */;
var result = db.PersonalDetails.Where(x => names.Contains(x.Name) && accounts.Contains(x.AccountNo))
If MST_FarmerProfile is not super large I think you best option is to bring it into memory using AsEnumerable() and do the joining there.
var duplicationhecklist =
(from x in dataAccessdup.MST_FarmerProfile
.Select(z => new {
join y in lstFarmerProfiles
on new { x.Name, x.AccountNo} equals new { y.Name, y.AccountNo}
select x).ToList();
Since data is usually located on different machines or in separate processes at least: DB - is one and your in-memory list is your app, there is just 2 ways to do it.
Download as small data part from DB to local as possible and join locally (usually using AsEnumerable() or basically ToList()). You got many good thoughts on this in other answers.
Another one is different - upload your local data to server somehow and perform query on DB side. Uploading can be done differently: using some temp tables OR using VALUES. Fortunately there is a small extension for EF now (for both EF6 and EF Core) which you could try. It is EntityFrameworkCore.MemoryJoin (name might be confusing, but it supports both EF6 and EF Core). As stated in author's article it modifies SQL query passed to server and injects VALUES construction with data from your local list. And query is executed on DB server.
If accountNo identifies the record then you could use:
var duplicationCheck = from farmerProfile in dataAccessdup.MST_FarmerProfile
join farmerFromList in lstFarmerProfiles
on farmerProfile.AccountNo equals farmerFromList.AccountNo
select new {
If you need to join on name and account then this should work:
var duplicationCheck = from farmerProfile in dataAccessdup.MST_FarmerProfile
join farmerFromList in lstFarmerProfiles
on new
accountNo = farmerProfile.AccountNo,
name = farmerProfile.Name
equals new
accountNo = farmerFromList.AccountNo,
name = farmerFromList.Name
select new
If you are only going to go through duplicateChecklist once then leaving .ToList() out will be better for performance.
Well I am trying to join 3 tables here is a brief summary of them
user - id,name,.....
contactdetails - id,detail,....,userId
adress - id,adress,.......contactdetailsId
how do I join these 3 tables with linq to sql?
Write something like (I can't read out the entire structure of the DB from your question):
var q = from a in ctx.address
select new {
When having one-to-many relationships it's easiest to base the query on the table which "is most many". It is possible to do it the other way around and use LoadWith options. Unfortunately linq-to-sql only supports translating two tables into efficient querys when done that way. If you try it with three tables you will get a load of small fetch-one-line-queries hitting the DB dragging performance down terribly (see http://coding.abel.nu/2011/11/always-check-generated-sql/ for an example).
ContactDetail[] ContactDetails = new ContactDetail[0]; // your contact detail entries
Address[] Addresses = new Address[0]; // your address entries
User[] Users = new User[0]; // your user entries
Users.Join(ContactDetails, user => user.ID, cd => cd.ID, (user, cd) => new { User = user, ContactDetail = cd }).Join(Addresses, UserAndCD => UserAndCD.ContactDetail.ID, address=>address.ContactDetailID, (UserAndCD, address)=> new {User = UserAndCD.User, ContactDetail = UserAndCD.ContactDetail, Address = address});
In this case you will get user-contactdetail-address entries. If you want to get a user with contactdetail enumeration, and an address enumeration for each contactdetail, then you have to use GroupJoin: