How to Set Session Timeout for IISExpress - iis-express

I have found a partial answer to this here But it mentions 'YourAppPoolName' and I have no idea how to determine that for iisexpress where there is no management console available.

Jexus Manager is the console for IIS Express.
But IIS Express does not have application pools, so even if you set the second setting like that answer indicated, it won't be picked up.
To test out sessions, you'd better use full IIS.


ERROR_USER_UNAUTHORIZED visual studio 2019 deploy IIS. Noob

I'm setting up an server for school and I am getting ERROR_USER_UNAUTHORIZED.
I have looked over the internet and everyone says that it has to do with not being administrator or not having access to the site. I am just getting confused. I added the user to the local administrator group. added him to iis manager permissions and to IIS manager users in like 3 different ways (same user different type of name, with server/name, name, iis manager user name).
Man I am just trying to publish to this server and I've been at it for like 5 hours (not that much but still I havent gotten any further at all).
To give some more detail:
I setup a publish profile in visual studio, correct host, username,password,site name and I think correct url (we have no dns setup yet so its just the ip of the server). INTERESTING PART HERE (I Think) when I click validate connection it works correctly (in edit) but when I publish it gives the error stated above. Also when I change https to http in the url it makes the error ERROR_USER_NOT_ADMIN, which the user is... .
To summarize, I have no clue what I am doing please help me god.
Take as long as you want to, I just want to get this done.
Check if you open VS with administrative right?
I forgot to mark this as solved and post the solution.
Apparently the solution was that I didn't mark the folder(inside the site in iis manager) as an application.
Solution is simply, open iis, select the server, select the site, right click the main folder with all your stuff, click mark as application.
I couldn't find this anywhere on the internet or on the help page it shows but it solved the problem. (litterally just started to turn insane a bit after trying stuff for 5 hours so stopped and went at it again next day and solved it in 5 minutes).

How do I make VS2015 to use HTTP/2?

I tried looking for option to enable http/2 in Web Project file (.csproj), also on HttpRequest object without luck. Is it a setting in web.config by any chance?
How do I enable/disable use of HTTP/2 in Visual Studio?
First of all, you must have IIS 10 installed, and it's only available on Windows 10.
Then, the only thing you need to do is to turn on the Enable SSL label on your Web Application project, and if when you run your localhost to the HTTPS port, it will be automatically running on HTTP/2.
At the time of writing, there is no option for doing that on ASP.NET 5 Web Applications though.
You can grab more information here:

Visual Studio unable to start debugging

Every time I build my solution and try to start debugging, I get this message:
Unable to start debugging on the web server. The web server did not respond on a timely manner. This maybe another debugger is attached to the web server.
If I restart my IIS, I can start debugging but If I build again I have to restart my IIS again. I saw several people having same issue but no one same as mine exactly.
Open your cmd in administrator mode and run cmd
The below link contain some useful answers:
Unable to start debugging on the web server. Could not start ASP.NET debugging VS 2010, II7, Win 7 x64
Like this answer:
Try going to IIS and checking to make sure the App Pool you are using
is started. A lot of times, you will produce an error that shuts down
the app pool. You just need to right click and Start and you should be
good to go.
2) And this answer
Turns out that the culprit was the IIS Url Rewrite module. I had
defined a rule that redirected calls to Default.aspx (which was set as
the start page of the web site) to the root of the site so that I
could have a canonical home URL. However, apparently VS had a problem
with this and got confused. This problem did not happen when I was
using Helicon ISAPI_Rewrite so it didn't even occur to me to check.
I ended up creating a whole new web site from scratch and porting
projects/files over little by little into my solution and rebuilding
my web.config until I found this out! Well, at least now I have a
slightly cleaner site using .NET 4.0 (so far, hopefully I won't run
into any walls)--but what a pain!

Basic regarding W3wP.exe - IIS 8

Sorry if it looks so simple.
Am trying to find when W3wp.exe will show up in the process list. Am using Windows 2012 beta with IIS 8. I have web and wcf applications deployed in it. And i tried to browse the pages locally. But am not seeing process.
Please let me know if am missing something.
Finally it worked. But i dono the exact root cause earlier
restarted the machine
Opened VS With Admin Previlages
i was able to see the process listed
Adding up -- For W3wp.exe to appear in the process list instance shuold be running already !
make sure to check
Show all processes in all sessions

ASP.NET websites under IIS 7.5 (Windows 7) running extremely slow

I've just installed Windows 7 x64 Ultimate on my desktop PC. I installed IIS, Visual Studio 2008, registered ASP.NET, etc.
I have this ASP.NET 3.5 website I'm working on running EXTREMELY slow on this new IIS. On STA and PROD servers (Windows 2003 Server) and on my old XP/IIS 5.1 everything runs smoothly.
A page which usually takes 1-2 seconds to load is taking 8 seconds!!!
I saw this post on IIS forum. It says something about Vista/7 not pooling connections (just to let you know, the website is running locally but it's connecting to a SQL Server 2005 hosted on a remote server).
It seems that it takes a while to "start loading" the page... I mean, I click refresh and it stays for several seconds "Waiting for localhost"... Then when it gets response it loads the whole page normally...
I don't have a clue how to force Win7/IIS7.5 to pool database connections.
EDIT: I've created a new empty ASP.NET web application to see if the problems happens too. The answer is no, it responds fast as it should with an empty default page. Maybe is something related to the DB connection. I will do a further test. It should be a way to fix it...
EDIT 2: Debugging the app I noticed that the delay occurs AFTER the execution of .NET code (Page_Load, etc)... so the delay seems to be somewhere when IIS serves the page to the browser.
For those having the same problem, here's two possible solution.
1) Disabling IPv6 support in Firefox (only for Firefox)
Most of the authors that I found out about suggest this approach as quickest and cleanest solution. What you need to do is basically to open configuration settings in Firefox (about:config) and to change network.dns.disableIPv6 setting to true.
2) Change localhost settings in your hosts file (all browsers)
This came to me as an idea to check where and how can I interfere in IPv6 settings on my machine. I saw one of the comments on above mentioned sources saying that one can get rid of the problem by simply replacing localhost with machine name in the url.
It didn’t take me long to check and see that disabling my IPv6 localhost lookup does the same thing as disabling IPv6 directly in Firefox.
What you need to do is basically to comment / delete this particular line in your hosts file:
#::1 localhost
Note: ::1 notation is IPv6 equivalent of the IPv4 lookup address.
I believe the second solution might be more suitable for users who do not want to disable IPv6 in general, and the first one for all others that still do not use IPv6 in their regular work.
I was having the same issue: extremely dead slow site performance using IIS 7.5 on Windows 7 64-bit with a Core 2 Duo with 4GB RAM and 3 Application Pool Processes running only 1 website. Here's what I did to get the speed back to IIS, problem solved...
The trick for me was to run IIS using 32-bit workers, as instructed by Microsoft on, which you can read here:
Simple solution provided (I don't want to rewrite it here)... Either you can run a 1-line command from the Windows Command Prompt or a 1-line command from Windows PowerShell. I just ran it from the command line (make sure you open Command Line or PowerShell as Administrator -- right-click > Run as Administrator).
Marty McGee
You can try running multiple processes as application pools:
Open IIS
Click Application Pools
Right click the app pool for your app
and click Advanced Settings
Find the
"Maximum Worker Processes" and update
it to 3 (or the number of processes
you want to allow to run).
I know the op was running IIS 7.5 and this may not apply to him, but I'm posting this as it might help others running IIS Express 8.0. I had the same problem and none of the IPv6 or hosts file changes worked for me. My MVC4 project was really slow after hitting F5 to refresh js changes on localhost. It was happening across all browsers - Chrome, FF, and IE. Eventually I discovered that IIS Express 8.0 is extremely slow when serving up js files and seems to be a bug. If I ran iisexpress on the command line and hit F5 I could see each js file took 4 or 5 seconds to load.
I ended up uninstalling IIS 8.0 and installing IIS express 7.5 and straight away the problem was fixed. Here are the steps I followed:
Uninstall IIS express 8.0
Delete the IISExpress folder (on Win 7 it's in My Documents\IISExpress)
Install IIS express 7.5 (Link to IIS Express 7.5 download)
IIS Express 8.0 seems to be installed with VS 2012 so if you had a new install or possibly a service pack update this might upgrade the previous IIS Express version.
