Web Dynpro ABAP in Mac OS - macos

I'm using sap gui in macbook os x. Whenever I execute the web dynpro programs, the browser will be opened and is keep on loading and it never ends. How can I fix this issue?

Though your Safari version seems actual, I assume your MacOS version is not supported by SAP, as PAM lists only versions from 10.11.
SAP issues PAM (Product Availability Matrix) sheets where you can match your Browser, Platform and Product versions and check for inconsistencies. Netweaver 7.4 PAM can be found here.
Probably, your MacOS version is too old for SAP and you should try to update. However, personally I feel that problem lies elsewhere and you should ask for help of experienced BASIS. Maybe your WDA uses certain feature that is not supported by Safari or WDA in general.
Additionally you can check:
Note 1634749 concerning Safari support for Web Dynpro ABAP (version for non-S-users).
Note 1098009 for general Web Dynpro ABAP browser limitations
Browser supporting page from SAP.


How can I use pkcs11 in mac os(10.9) native programs?

First, I can't communicate in english very well.
I will develop PKI.
I can control token in firefox, thunderbird but can't control mac native program(ex. safari, mail).
How can I control the token in os x 10.9(mavericks) native program (ex. safari, mail) ?
I heard use tokend but, also heard now tokend is deprecated.
Is that right?
and, I saw macosforge.org. but I didn't know.
frankly speaking, I'm a Windows developer. so, I don't know much about mac development environments.
Hope you can help.
TokenD is technically deprecated (as is the entire CDSA subsystem it sits upon) since at OSX 10.7.
It sounds like you want a PKCS#11 module to work with native components, you may want to take a look at Gemalto's PKCS#11 -> TokenD bridge: https://smartcardservices.macosforge.org/trac/browser/trunk/Tokend/PKCS11
Note that TokenD -> PKCS#11 usage is tricky in that updates to the contents of the PKCS#11 device may or may not show up until you remove/insert the token.
If you are unfamiliar with Mac OSX build environments, you will likely want to hire/contract out with someone familiar with legacy Mac OSX security (I say legacy since the "new" environment does not yet interact with external security devices).

FirefoxOS and Gecko SDK on Windows

I am trying to get my hands dirty of firefox OS apps. I tried to follow instructions on https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Gecko_SDK
to get the SDK. I downloaded Gecko 22.0 (Firefox 22.0) zip file for windows.
Could anyone please tell me how to build it on windows system. The details given on the website are not as clear as I expected(I had expected them to be like that on android's site). Or is there a binary available for the SDK?
No SDK needed, it is all HTML5. If people talk about SDKs in that context, its often frameworks or maybe tools that can export to HTML5. But generally, you can use all the languages that work in a browser and use them without any framework or SDK to make an app.
The developer docs on Marketplace have this great intro on app development and testing: https://marketplace.firefox.com/developers/docs/quick_start
Happy Hacking!
The "SDK" you are looking for is probably the Firefox OS Simulator Addon for the Mozilla Firefox browser. Actually, all you need to test your applications for most hosted ones is a browser of some sort, but the Simulator (also called as R2D2B2G) lets you preview most of the phones' functionality, API-s and install packaged apps.
Besides installing and testing your applications you will also get a feel of Gaia - the user interface of Firefox OS, written, too, in HTML5.
Like many of the answers here, there's no real SDK, as Firefox OS apps are basically HTML5 web pages with a manifest.webapp The firefox OS Simulator mentioned by Flaki is great to test your app.
I recommend watching this short video from Robert Nyman, one of Mozilla's FFos evangelists on getting started with it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqyrldlSx_o
And this is a good tutorial on developing an app: https://hacks.mozilla.org/2013/06/building-a-todo-app-for-firefox-os-part-1/

Is there an Adobe AIR like product for just HTML5 (no flash) on Windows

I would like to create a Windows desktop app using HTML5 features, specifically H.264 video,Web SQL Database,FileReader API. I don't want to use AIR (which currently does not support the video tag, instead uses Flash). Ideally I would like an exe file that just wraps the latest version of webkit in a basic window. It should be stand alone, not rely on the user having Chrome etc. installed. It could load an index.html file in the same directory as the exe. That is it.
I have been unable to find anything like this. I was going to build it myself using QTWebkit but the latest version (4.8.0) does not support the Video tag due to some kind of build issue. I assume the 4.8.1 version will fix this.
Does anyone out there know of something like this that is available now?
For anyone coming across this, Titanium for desktop is no longer supported by Appcelerator, but the project is still supported as an open source initiative. As of today (10/14/2012), it is called TideSDK. According to their Twitter account, they're behind in the 1.3 release due to some sponsored work that will end up in the code base.
Additional options not yet mentioned include AppJS (OSS, requires node.js) and Sencha Desktop Packager (quite pricey).
I think titanium is not totally gone. There is this stuff called tideSdk
I couldn't try it out yet also , so video support and the codec are open for your exploration. Here is how they say:
Create multi-platform desktop apps with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript
TideSDK is the new standard for creating beautiful and unique desktop
apps using your web development skills.
I recently thought about doing the same thing, you can still do it with air without using flash, but you could also use Chrome Packaged apps, mozilla prism (although inactive today) or Microsoft HTA (html application).
You can think of using a framework that does the browser embedding for you like Titanium. It's mostly used for creating apps that can be published to iphone, android, and windows devices. It will create a windows MSI install.
Another option is to use the CEF project ( Chromium Embedded Framework for C/C++). I havn't looked at it much, so I can't tell you how difficult/easy it is to work with. Their main site also has wrappers for Java, .NET, and other languages.

Mac OS and PackageMaker: Allowing user to choose language during installation

I am implementing a Mac application. Its Windows version is already implemented. Now I am facing the following issue:
implementation of the new package with multiple languages. I.e., for the Windows version of the software, when executing the installation file, the user can choose the language in which the application should be installed. I want this feature to be included in the Mac version.
Currently in the Mac version multiple language support is implemented using NSLocalizedString so that the app chooses a language according to the system language preference and the installation package is localized.
However, I specifically want the users to be able to choose the installation language of the app when installing. I am using PackageMaker now. Please help to solve this issue. I have been trying to implement this feature for several months, but no luck.
The official recommendation from Apple is that you shouldn't do that; just include all of the localization to the app just as you already do.
So, if it is not the requirement imposed on you by your employer, just don't do that and implement more useful things on your app.
The English user, who chose to install just English version, might suddenly marry a Japanese, who might want to use it in Japanese!

How to embed a web browser control in a cross-platform application?

I need to write quickly this application: a simple window that wraps
a web browser control, that runs html pages.
The Browser UI (e.g. Navigation buttons) should be suppressed.
As a .net developer, I would embed the WebBrowser OCX in a Windows Form.
But this has to run on Mac as well!
I found the following cross-platform candidates.
Which one would you choose (in terms of simplicity, stableness, community support, etc.):
wxWidgets: http://www.kirix.com/labs/wxwebconnect.html
QT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ee8eRwjbcFk&feature=related
MONO: http://www.mono-project.com/WebBrowser
Why not to use embedded Webkit?
The Qt port of WebKit currently compiles and runs on Linux (including Maemo), Windows, Mac OS X and Symbian.
Click here for build instructions.
A very simple test browser is built along with the port.
Since you have (assumption made from your post) .Net experience I'd go with Mono.
Have you considered Adobe AIR?
Mono is probably the best choice if you're primarily a .NET developer and don't care very much about making a well-integrated Mac app (one that behaves like a Mac app in all the many ways Mac users expect). Given your problem space, that sounds like where you are. That said, pay special attention to this limitation from the WebBrowser page if it applies to your problem:
The Mono Webbrowser currently lacks
support for window.external, the
bridge that allows Javascript code
embedded in the browser to communicate
with the managed world using the
QT is very well established, and a great platform if you want to develop this in C++. Remember that there are licensing fees if this is a commercial app.
I've played a bit with wxWidgets. It's big advantage here is that it's probably going to be the smallest distribution, since you only have to include what you need. If all you need is the web browser, I'd look at this, but in my experience it's hard to make wxWidgets programs look good or act correctly on Mac (or on Windows for that matter).
Another option may be to write it as a Java app using the Eclipse Standard Widget Toolkit. This includes a browser control that embeds IE, Safari or Firefox, depending on the current platform, and generally behaves well on OS X.
