Scilab SIVP creating video - image

For a project, i'm trying to create a video then adding some images into it, using Scilab SIVP with the function avifile() to create a video and addframe() to add an image.
I tested the stantard scilab example :
im = imread('lena.png');
n = avifile('lena.avi', [300;300], 30);
for ii=1:200
ims = im(ii:512-ii, ii:512-ii, :);
addframe(n, ims);
The error that i get is that the image don't have the adequate size (the video is created but it has 0 ko).
Can you tell me how to fix that error or how should i choose the right size please?


Using ABCPDF draw another doc as an image with rounded corners

I find ABCPDF is very capable. However, so far I had not managed to find a way to draw one PDF into another with rounded corners - until now. But, the approach I discovered depends on getting the correct PDF object id for the inserted PDF stream, and herein lies the reason for this question.
Anyone who knows ABCPDF will ask why that is an issue ? Does not the addImageDoc() function which embeds one PDF inside another return the PDF object ID ? No - it returns something else - most likely the inserted PDF goes into the document catalogue as an isolated object and what you get in the returned ID is an object that refers to it. Unpacking the document streams seems to bear this out.
Long story short, in my experimenting I found that I needed to insert into the stream a 'Do' call, with the target of that derived as:
imgObjId = addImageDoc(some pdf object) // inserted off-page
insert into stream "/Iabc<imgObjId + 1> Do"
For example, if the returned imgObjId value is 5 then I need it to be 6 to make
/Iabc6 Do
Question: Whilst this works OK, I am relying on adding one to the returned value and I wonder how robust that is going to be. Or is there a correct way to achieve this ?
More info: I have kept the question short but readers may be wondering why the above matters? Because to achieve rounded corners you need to construct a stream of PDF commands which has a clipping region defined. Think of a path for a rectangle with Bezier curves for the corners. Having got that, you need to draw an image, or in my case another PDF, into the same context so as to get the clipping effect. After that you can close and reset the graphics state and be a good PDF stack citizen. However, there is no means, other than my approach above, that I can find in ABCPDF to get a handle on the inserted PDF doc stream in the catalogue so as to be able to ask for it to be drawn somewhere else.
Inserting an image seems to be a similar process, except the getinfo() function can discover the pixmap. There appears to be no like approach for an embedded PDF.
I don't know if you can change the target abcpdf rectangle prior to do a "AddImageDoc".
Maybe you can do a trick, getting a Bitmap from the source, editing it by changing borders, and adding to a new doc. Something like this:
Dim oDoc As New WebSupergoo.ABCpdf10.Doc
Dim oImg As System.Drawing.Bitmap
oImg = oDoc.Rendering.GetBitmap()
' image quality can be improved with .Rendering properties as 'AntiAliasImages', etc.
oDoc = Nothing
Dim oGraph As System.Drawing.Graphics = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(oImg)
Dim gPath As New System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath
Dim oBrush As New System.Drawing.SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.Red) ' only to see the rectangle... white when be ready
gPath.AddRectangle(New System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, oImg.Width, oImg.Height))
' 2 / 100 it's the percent factor for borders
Dim iLeftBorder As Integer = CInt(2 / 100 * (oImg.Width / 2))
Dim iTopBorder As Integer = CInt(2 / 100 * (oImg.Height / 2))
gPath.AddEllipse(New System.Drawing.Rectangle(iLeftBorder, iTopBorder, oImg.Width - (iLeftBorder * 2) - 1, oImg.Height - (iTopBorder * 2) - 1))
oGraph.FillPath(oBrush, gPath)
oDoc = New WebSupergoo.ABCpdf10.Doc
oDoc.AddImageBitmap(oImg, False)
oDoc = Nothing
But it's only a "trick".

Corona SDK, Lua

HELLLPPPPP!!!!! I am programming in Corona SDK, and I am trying to insert a backround image, with the following code ---local backround = display.newImage("bluebackround.jpg")--- But it does not want to show up in the simulator. It keeps giving me the following message in the output, ---Failed to find image 'bluebackround.jpg'---. My image is saved in the project folder. I am using Microsoft Windows software. I have done another project using Corona, and I inserted images completely fine. Anyone know what's going on with my code and how to fix it? Thank you very much in advance.
_W = display.contentWidth;
_H = display.contentHeight;
local image = display.newImageRect(--[["Name", width, heigth]] "bluebackround.jpg",_W, _H)
image.x = _W/2;
image.y = _H/2;
The your image need to be in the same folder as main.lua in your case. On the same level. Moreover, I think you misspell name of your image. You write 'bluebackround' without letter g in middle. So check name of the file.
From Corona documentation
Image guildelines:
Corona supports PNG and JPG format,
Images should not contain an embedded ICC profile,
Avoid progressive JPG files since they will take much longer to load.

Get Image Path on KitKat

Im having problem in my code in KITKAT OS. I want to get/display an image from gallery and decode it if its a higher size and its working fine for API lower than 19. But when I tried my app in KITKAT, I always get a null pointer exception because it returned.
I already look for solutions and found this.
input = context.getContentResolver().openInputStream(selectedImage);
bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(input);
Its displaying the image but I'm missing one more step, that is to decode it since i cant get the exact file path of the image.
Bitmap imgbitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(filepath, options_for_not_toobig);
How would I get the exact address of the image in KITKAT or how other way in decoding an image.
Try this code if Android version is kitkat:
ParcelFileDescriptor parcelFileDescriptor = getContentResolver().openFileDescriptor(uri, "r");
FileDescriptor fileDescriptor = parcelFileDescriptor.getFileDescriptor();
bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFileDescriptor(fileDescriptor);
Go through this link -
I've posted a answer in another post where similar issue is lifted. There youll find the method for getting the path in KitKat.
File Upload in WebView

GhostScriptSharp resolution problems

I am trying to create a thumbnail from a PDF file, but I need it to be 300px*300px but no matter what I do I can not get the image to be the correct size. It always seems to be huge.
This is my code:
GhostscriptSettings settings = new GhostscriptSettings();
settings.Page.AllPages = false;
settings.Page.Start = 1;
settings.Page.End = 1;
settings.Size.Native = GhostscriptSharp.Settings.GhostscriptPageSizes.a2;
settings.Device = GhostscriptSharp.Settings.GhostscriptDevices.png16m;
settings.Resolution = new Size(72, 72);
GhostscriptWrapper.GenerateOutput(Path.Combine(FilePath, Filename), FinalPath, settings); // Create the initial thumbnail
Is there any way to output an image with the PPI of 300*300 ?
Looks to me like you are setting a resolution of 300x300. That is 300 dots per inch, which will give you reasonably large files.
You want to change the page size, which looks to me like you are setting to A2. An A2 page at 300 dpi will indeed produce very large output files.....
I have no idea how you would change the media size in C#. The Ghostscript command line switches you need are -dDEVICEWIDTH=300 -dDEVICEHEIGHT=300 -dFIXEDMEDIA
You say you are using a 'PSD' file, which would suggest Photoshop native file format to me, which Ghostscript won't interpret. Possibly you mean a PDF file, in which case you should also add -dPDFFitPage. If on the other hand you mean a PS (PostScript) file, you should set the PageSize Policy to 3 (select nearest media and scale down).

how to cropp image in titanium by programming?

I am implementing one iphone/Android application using Titanium in which I want to crop the image.Please check below flow which I have implemented.
1)Open Camara
2)Take photo
3)Display photo in the application
4)Crop photo with some area
I have implemented above 3 steps but for croping I am facing issue.I have tried below code for croping.
var file = Titanium.Filesystem.getFile(header1).toBlob();
var cropped = file.imageAsCropped(10, 10, 290, 232);
var croImg = Ti.UI.createImageView({
image: file,
left : 0,
But i can't get sucess. IF you give me advice then would be appriciate.
Theres another way to do it with a separate imageView smaller than the original images and setting what portion to display. check out this link that gives a good example:
