Compiled Services Class Has been removed Composer error laravel 5.4 - composer-php

Dears whenever i want to add any Packeg using composer i face below error
"Compiled Services Class Has been removed"
I search many solution like "composer update" etc but still i face this problem
due to this error my working is stop.
kindly help me whats the original solution.
thats the composer installation problem? or what ?

The message The compiled services file has been removed. is a info message from the clear compiled command: php artisan clear-compiled.
It is called from php artisan optimize that runs on every composer update or install.
The message is only a info reporting that the file bootstrap/cache/services.php has been removed.
The services.php file will be reconstructed at the next request.
So at the end its a normal info message.

I have encountered the same problem.
Just remove the "Vendor" folder then install the composer. It worked fine for me.


Running composer install doesn't resolve undefined type error in cloned Laravel project

I've cloned a Laravel project from Github, then I've run composer install for getting vendor folder. This folder has appeared but I also get weird red lines under each class that show Undefined Type errors. I also deleted the composer.lock and run composer update, but the errors are still there!
Is there any other thing that I should do?
The project was running perfectly, So I found out it was because of my IDE.
The VS Code wanted to validate code using php, and it is not finding php installed.
It's solved by setting php.validate.executablePath in Vs Code setting.
For more information: "Cannot validate the php file. The php program was not found"

Remove a package from laravel

I installed this Cartalyst Stripe package for laravel which was nothing but trouble for me.. I just couldn't get it working and now I decided to remove it completely.
So, I remove the line that requires this package in composer.json.
I removed the line from confing/app.php from the providers & aliases array. I also removed all references of that Cartalyst package from my code..
Somehow, after I run composer update I still get this error..
Class 'Cartalyst\Stripe\Laravel\StripeServiceProvider' not found
Script php artisan optimize handling the post-update-cmd event returned with error code 1
What am I missing here?
You need to clear config cache. Run php artisan config:clear command to fix this.
If you still see the error message when you run the artisan commands, clear the bootstrap/cache directory manually.

Class 'Stripe\Stripe' not found error in PHP

I installed laravel and composer and created my first project in laravel. I want to integrate stripe using PHP. When I try to execute my first project in localhost I take this message:
Fatal error: Class 'Stripe\Stripe' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\laravel\stripe\public\elda.php on line 21
To include the stripe libraries, I inserted inside the composer.json file the code from the API library for PHP. Here is an image of my composer.json file:
I run composer install in cmd and this is the output:
You may be getting outdated dependencies. Run update to update them.
I run composer update and the output is the error in the image below:
Can someone help me to solve this error?
Well, sorry did not make a comment of your post, but I have not enough points to do so. But you need to run composer install in the terminal after that includes a new package.
I had the same issue, but when I ran this command my issue is resolved.
composer require stripe/stripe-php
I hope this may help you, after you update your composer.

Laravel: array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an array error

Exceptions started to appear in all views, and when I try to run composer update, it always ends up with
{"error":{"type":"ErrorException","message":"array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an array","file":"\/laravel\/framework\/src\/Illuminate\/Foundation\/ProviderRepository.php","line":188}}
After a lot of searching and exploring each file in the 'app' folder, it appears that one file was corrupt
Delete app/storage/meta/services.json and re-run composer update and this should solve it.
Sometimes only deleting app/storage/meta/services.json and run composer update doesn't solve the ERROR: array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an array error. At least in my case, it didn't.
Most of the time it happens when you're screwing up the bootstrap/cache/services.json file. And running composer update will not generate services.json file.
To generate the services.json file, you need to delete the previous bootstrap/cache/services.json file and run php artisan serve. Then it'll generate a fresh services.json` file.
Hope it helps to someone!
I had similar problem with a fresh install.
I solved it like this:
Removed bootsrap/cache/**services.php** and then i
surfed to the website with browser, it generated a new services.php and then it worked.
delete bootstrap folder
git reset --hard
composer install
Just a composer update worked for me.
You probably just forgot to put compact('var') as the second return view argument
return view("", compact ('var'))
I was facing this issue, and my problem was the version of "pusher/pusher-php-server" in composer.json was not matching with my laravel version. For this reason composer-update and deleting caches were not working for me.
I thought maybe this information could help someone.
I got the same error - "array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an array error". running "composer dump-autoload" followed by npm run dev solved the problem immediately. No need of updating composer, npm etc.
in my case app/storage/meta/services.json was empty for some reasson
I deleted the bootstrap/cache/services.json and ran composer update after that it worked for me

Laravel 4: php artisan down not defined

I've updated my Laravel installation with the following commands today (which is a few days after Laravel 4's release date):
php composer self-update
php composer update
You can have a look at my composer.json file here:
In the Docs I've found out about the Maintenance Mode... ( Trying to use it returns:
Command "down" is not defined.
Command I've entered in the terminal for this exception:
php artisan down
My current version:
php artisan --version
Laravel Framework version 4.0.0
Any ideas? Did i miss something, am I still on some old version possibly?
Thanks in advance and best regards, Martin.
The fix for me was to update the 'providers' array in ./app/config/app.php. I thought I was doing a pretty good job of manually updating the L4 skeleton near the end of the beta period, but there was a minor change in that array (not sure which line) that allowed the 'down' command to finally appear in artisan.
The first thing I suggest you do is just run php artisan list to get a list of all the available commands. If the up and down commands aren't listed then you probably aren't fully updated.
If you have a bootstrap/compiled.php file try deleting it. Also make sure you pull the latest changes in from the laravel/laravel GitHub repository to update your application skeleton.
Once you've done the above you can again check for the existence of the commands by running php artisan list.
In app/start/global.php (or app/start/artisan.php), you need:
App::down(function() { return Response::make("Be right back!", 503); });
don't you?
Perhaps you could also try updating laravel via composer "composer update" in CLI.
I've just installed a clean Laravel 4 clone and tryed the maintenance mode with it.
Everything's working as supposed...
I've also compared the composer.json files + I'm pretty sure I've done nothing wrong updating to the stable release version even thought my app/start/* php-files remain unchanged.
Composer seems to not override the php files in app/start/* which would be needed in order to get the maintenance mode working correctly. Probably there are even more files not being updated. This also makes a lot of sense, since you could have done some important customizations to your application there.
Correct me if I'm wrong... I'll start importing my package into a clean install thought. Don't want to run into more trouble due to this.
Best Regards, Martin.
