I am able to set theURL to be clicked when someone clicks on a province but it opens in the current window, I would like it to open in 'new' or '_blank'.
"dataProvider": {
"map": "canadaHigh",
"areas": data,
"urlField": "url",
"urlTarget": "new"
You can't set urlTarget at the mapData/dataProvider level. Unfortunately the documentation is a bit misleading at the moment. I notified the team about this and they're looking into it.
The correct way to set the urlTarget is in each individual mapArea/mapImage, for example:
"dataProvider": {
"map": "worldLow",
"areas": [{
"id": "CA",
"urlTarget": "_blank",
"url": "http://google.ca"
}, {
"id": "US",
"urlTarget": "_blank",
"url": "http://google.com"
I am developing a Slack app with Slack's Block Kit.
In Block Kit, I can create a list by using static_select, and I can confirm that action_id is requested when an option is selected.
However, when we checked the behavior on a smart phone, we noticed that there is no action_id response when an option is selected.
I have confirmed that this is not a problem with the Slack app on Mac and Chrome browser, but I have confirmed that the problem occurs with the Slack app on iPhone.
This problem does not occur if I place a static_select under type: actions.
As a solution, I feel that we should have a Submit button separate from the list, but I feel that it would be delicate to add more buttons due to differences in behavior in different environments.
Please let me know if you have any ideas.
# iPhone does not respond to action_id
# (I checked the access log in real time on the server that receives the action_id, but it seems that no request was generated in the first place.)
"blocks": [
"type": "input",
"element": {
"type": "static_select",
"placeholder": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": "Select an item",
"emoji": true
"options": [
"text": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": "*this is plain_text text*",
"emoji": true
"value": "value-0"
"action_id": "static_select-action"
"label": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": "Label",
"emoji": true
# iPhone reacts to action_id
"blocks": [
"type": "actions",
"elements": [
"type": "static_select",
"placeholder": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": "Select an item",
"emoji": true
"options": [
"text": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": "*this is plain_text text*",
"emoji": true
"value": "value-0"
"action_id": "actionId-3"
I would like to have the same behavior between the Slack app on Mac and the Slack app on iPhone.
I recently made my first Slack app - a sort of Tech Support FAQs tool for my workplace workspace.
I originally wanted the responses to be much more complex using the Slack Block Kit, and having trawled the documentation on the Slack API site it looked like I could simply exchange Attachments for Blocks:
function respondWithFaq(text, callbackId, respond, choice) {
frequentlyAskedQuestions.callback_id = callbackId
frequentlyAskedQuestions.text = 'What are you trying to do?'
text: text,
attachments: [frequentlyAskedQuestions[choice]], //All different choices are saved in a .json array and then saved at the top in a variable called frequentlyAskedQuestions
replace_original: true
However, when I swap that tag out the messages never print. I have used the Block Kit builder to try and construct more complex and useful responses using multiple sections but it doesn't seem to like more than 1 section in it's responses.
My .json files are structured in arrays depending on which choice was made in the previous select menu like so:
"fallback": "Upgrade your Slack client to use messages like these.",
"color": "#3AA3E3",
"attachment_type": "default",
"callback_id" : "slack_help",
"actions": [
"name": "subject_list",
"text": "Select one",
"type": "select",
"options": [
"text": "Add somebody to a channel",
"value": "addToChannel"
"text": "Find an old message",
"value": "oldMessageThread"
"text": "Fix my camera",
"value": "cameraBroken"
"text": "Fix my audio",
"value": "audioBroken"
"text": "Add a new workspace",
"value": "addWorkspace"
"text": "Submit a support ticket",
"value": "submitTicket"
"fallback": "Upgrade your Slack client to use messages like these.",
"color": "#3AA3E3",
"attachment_type": "default",
"callback_id" : "box_help",
"actions": [
"name": "subject_list",
"text": "Select one",
"type": "select",
"options": [
"text": "Fix Box Tools",
"value": "boxTools"
"text": "Unable to open a file from Box",
"value": "microsoftOnline"
"text": "Find a file or folder",
"value": "findFile"
"text": "Edit a file that has been shared with me",
"value": "editFile"
"text": "Merge my Box accounts",
"value": "accountMerge"
"text": "Submit a support ticket",
"value": "submitTicket"
and so on...
I wondered if this was something to do with the Response URL formatting but having read that documentation it appears that Blocks can be used within that.
Any advice or documentation that could help me with this?
I recognise that I am quite new to coding and perhaps I've done something really obvious - please point it out so I can learn!
I followed this tutorial online to create the app, and as they used attachments so did I. Then I tried to adapt from there.
I have a live Microsoft Teams application with a couple of working functionalities. Right now I am working on a new feature where the user clicks on a button in a previously sent adaptive card and I will open another adaptive card with a form for the user to fill. I am using this documentation as a base, which has a really similar example as to what I am trying to achieve here.
Since I am working with an adaptive card the button that will open my form card is an Action.Submit button with "msteams": {"type': 'task/fetch"} inside its data. When I click that button I receive the correct invoke call, the body looks like this:
"type": "invoke",
"timestamp": "2021-02-01T20:19:34.327Z",
"localTimestamp": "2021-02-01T15:19:34.327-05:00",
"id": "f:955407977095344101",
"channelId": "msteams",
"serviceUrl": "https://smba.trafficmanager.net/amer/",
"from": {
"id": "censured",
"name": "censured",
"aadObjectId": "censured"
"conversation": {
"conversationType": "personal",
"tenantId": "censured",
"id": "censured"
"recipient": {
"id": "censured",
"name": "Tcensured"
"entities": [
"locale": "censured",
"country": "censured",
"platform": "censured",
"timezone": "censured",
"type": "clientInfo"
"channelData": {
"tenant": {
"id": "censured"
"source": {
"name": "message"
"legacy": {
"replyToId": "censured"
"replyToId": "censured",
"value": {
"commandId": "reply_feedback",
"requested_feedback_id": 1,
"type": "composeExtension/fetchTask"
"locale": "censured",
"localTimezone": "censured"
It seems like the invoke call is correct, so the next step is to answer the call with my adaptive card. However, it doesn't matter what I answer this call with, when I inspect the invoke call in my browser the answer is always empty, even if I answer with a really simple task response like (which I got from the documentation)
"task": {
"type": "continue",
"value": {
"title": "Task module title",
"height": 500,
"width": "medium",
"url": "https://contoso.com/msteams/taskmodules/newcustomer",
"fallbackUrl": "https://contoso.com/msteams/taskmodules/newcustomer"
Or even
"task": {
"type": "message",
"value": "Test"
I still get an empty response on the front-end side. I am fairly confident that I am properly answering the call on my side with data, I have a lot of other features in this same application working so I don't think it is some problem where I am actually giving an empty body from my side. Maybe for the specific invoke call I need to answer things in a different manner?
Obs: I am using Python with no SDKs, so I build Adaptive Cards and interpret the requests on my application.
I am developing a Alexa Skill and I have an Intent named NewAppointmentIntent which originally had 7 slots.
I have added a new Slot yesterday named Doctor and successfully built the Skill.
When I invoke that intent, it still have 7 Slots and not 8. The Doctor Slot does not appears in the request and responses outputs.
The Intent in images:
The output when invocing the Intent, where slot Doctor expected in slots attribute:
"request": {
"type": "IntentRequest",
"requestId": "amzn1.echo-api.request.9529849e-190d-4278-95a8-3702b3ee4d1c",
"timestamp": "2018-12-12T10:05:14Z",
"locale": "en-US",
"intent": {
"name": "NewAppointmentIntent",
"confirmationStatus": "NONE",
"slots": {
"Status": {
"name": "Status",
"confirmationStatus": "NONE"
"Comment": {
"name": "Comment",
"confirmationStatus": "NONE"
"ReasonForVisit": {
"name": "ReasonForVisit",
"confirmationStatus": "NONE"
"Time": {
"name": "Time",
"confirmationStatus": "NONE"
"EmergencyType": {
"name": "EmergencyType",
"confirmationStatus": "NONE"
"PatientNumber": {
"name": "PatientNumber",
"confirmationStatus": "NONE"
"Day": {
"name": "Day",
"confirmationStatus": "NONE"
"dialogState": "STARTED"
So I wish to know how to refresh the Skill?
Close the window, re-open and in your console -> Save the model -> Build the model. Then test again.
If still doesn't show, click on the JSON Editor(this will be the last option in the list of your Interaction model), then in your NewAppointmentIntent can you see the Docter slot in the slots array?
If not, then maybe something was broken when you created the slot. So delete the Docter slot and re-add it. Then again verify it in JSON editor and this should solve the problem.
I have defined a menulist in package.json:-
"preferences": [{
"name": "editor_url",
"title": "Editor URL:",
"type": "menulist",
"value": 0,
"options": [
"value": "0",
"label": "http://localhost:53421"
How can we add options/menuitems to the menulist dynamically?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
To your "options" array I added:
"value": "1",
"label": "https://miskatonic.edu"
Then I tried the following as lib/main.js:
var preferences = require("sdk/simple-prefs").prefs:
preferences.editor_url = 1;
It didn't update the preferences display in Add-Ons Manager in real time, but after closing and re-opening preferences for the add-on, the other URL was displayed.