I want to know how much memory is being used and free in my system. I ran the free command and following is my output
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 16334624 16199712 134912 372780 333456 4673092
-/+ buffers/cache: 11193164 5141460
Swap: 4194300 806484 3387816
Now I want to get rid of the first column and last line. So, I used this free | sed -n 1,3p | cut -d " " -f2- and following is the output
total used free shared buffers cached
16334624 16200348 134276 372732 333520 4658336
buffers/cache: 11208492 5126132
Now I want to arrange the values in a single line. e.g.
total = 16334624 , used = 16200348 and so on.... and finally buffers/cache used/free = 11208492 /5126132
Any idea how can I do this?
Using awk it can be done like this:
free | awk 'NR==2 { printf("total = %s\nused = %s\nfree = %s\nshared = %s\nbuff/cache = %s\navailable = %s\n", $2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7)}'
the condition NR==2 selects only the second line to apply the action on.
the different fields $2 to $7 are the numeric columns from free output.
the \n in the printf creates a new line.
I have hundreds of thousands of files with several hundreds of thousands of lines in each of them.
2022-09-19/SALES_1.csv:CUST1,US,2022-09-19,43.31,17.56,47.1,154.48,154. 114
The lines may have different number of fields. NO matter how many fields are present, I'm wanting to extract just the last 7 fields.
I'm trying with cut & awk but, have been only able to prit a range of fields but not last 'n' fields.
Please could I request guidance.
$ rev file | cut -d, -f1-7 | rev
will give the last 7 fields regardless of varying number of fields in each record.
Using any POSIX awk:
$ awk -F',' 'NF>7{sub("([^,]*,){"NF-7"}","")} 1' file
US,2022-09-19,43.31,17.56,47.1,154.48,154. 114
1 {m,g}awk' BEGIN { _+=(_+=_^= FS = OFS = ",")+_
2 ___= "^[^"(__= "\5") ("]*")__
4 } NF<=_ || ($(NF-_) = __$(NF-_))^(sub(___,"")*!_)'
154. 114
In pure Bash, without any external processes and/or pipes:
(IFS=,; while read -ra line; do printf '%s\n' "${line[*]: -7}"; done;) < file
Prints the last 7 fields:
sed -E 's/.*,((.*,){6}.*)/\1/' file
I've recently been working on some lab assignments and in order to collect and analyze results well, I prepared a bash script to automate my job. It was my first attempt to create such script, thus it is not perfect and my question is strictly connected with improving it.
Exemplary output of the program is shown below, but I would like to make it more general for more purposes.
>>> VARIANT 1 <<<
Random number generator seed is 0xea3495cc76b34acc
Generate matrix 128 x 128 (16 KiB)
Performing 1024 random walks of 4096 steps.
> Total instructions: 170620482
> Instructions per cycle: 3.386
Time elapsed: 0.042127 seconds
Walks accrued elements worth: 534351478
All data I want to collect is always in different lines. My first attempt was running the same program twice (or more times depending on the amount of data) and then using grep in each run to extract the data I need by looking for the keyword. It is very inefficient, as there probably are some possibilities of parsing whole output of one run, but I could not come up with any idea. At the moment the script is:
write() {
o1=$(./progname args | grep "Time" | grep -o -E '[0-9]+.[0-9]+')
o2=$(./progname args | grep "cycle" | grep -o -E '[0-9]+.[0-9]+')
o3=$(./progname args | grep "Total" | grep -o -E '[0-9]+.[0-9]+')
echo "$1 $o1 $o2 $o3"
for ((i = 1; i <= 10; i++)); do
write $i >> times.dat
It is worth mentioning that echoing results in one line is crucial, as I am using gnuplot later and having data in columns is perfect for that use. Sample output should be:
1 0.019306 3.369 170620476
2 0.019559 3.375 170620475
3 0.021971 3.334 170620478
4 0.020536 3.378 170620480
5 0.019692 3.390 170620475
6 0.020833 3.375 170620477
7 0.019951 3.450 170620477
8 0.019417 3.381 170620476
9 0.020105 3.374 170620476
10 0.020255 3.402 170620475
My question is: how could I improve the script to collect such data in just one program execution?
You could use awk here and could get values into an array and later access them by index 1,2 and 3 in case you want to do this in a single command.
myarr=($(your_program args | awk '/Total/{print $NF;next} /cycle/{print $NF;next} /Time/{print $(NF-1)}'))
OR use following to forcefully print all elements into a single line, which will not come in new lines if someone using " to keep new lines safe for values.
myarr=($(your_program args | awk '/Total/{val=$NF;next} /cycle/{val=(val?val OFS:"")$NF;next} /Time/{print val OFS $(NF-1)}'))
Explanation: Adding detailed explanation of awk program above.
awk ' ##Starting awk program from here.
/Total/{ ##Checking if a line has Total keyword in it then do following.
print $NF ##Printing last field of that line which has Total in it here.
next ##next keyword will skip all further statements from here.
/cycle/{ ##Checking if a line has cycle in it then do following.
print $NF ##Printing last field of that line which has cycle in it here.
next ##next keyword will skip all further statements from here.
/Time/{ ##Checking if a line has Time in it then do following.
print $(NF-1) ##Printing 2nd last field of that line which has Time in it here.
To access individual items you could use like:
echo ${myarr[0]}, echo ${myarr[1]} and echo ${myarr[2]} for Total, cycle and time respectively.
Example to access all elements by loop in case you need:
for i in "${myarr[#]}"
echo $i
You can execute your program once and save the output at a variable.
o0=$(./progname args)
Then you can grep that saved string any times like this.
o1=$(echo "$o0" | grep "Time" | grep -o -E '[0-9]+.[0-9]+')
each of the 3x search patterns (Time, cycle, Total) occur just once in a set of output from ./progname
format of ./progname output is always the same (ie, same number of space-separated items for each line of output)
I've created my own progname script that just does an echo of the sample output:
$ cat progname
echo ">>> VARIANT 1 <<<
Random number generator seed is 0xea3495cc76b34acc
Generate matrix 128 x 128 (16 KiB)
Performing 1024 random walks of 4096 steps.
> Total instructions: 170620482
> Instructions per cycle: 3.386
Time elapsed: 0.042127 seconds
Walks accrued elements worth: 534351478"
One awk solution to parse and print the desired values:
$ i=1
$ ./progname | awk -v i=${i} ' # assign awk variable "i" = ${i}
/Time/ { o1 = $3 } # o1 = field 3 of line that contains string "Time"
/cycle/ { o2 = $5 } # o2 = field 5 of line that contains string "cycle"
/Total/ { o3 = $4 } # o4 = field 4 of line that contains string "Total"
END { printf "%s %s %s %s\n", i, o1, o2, o3 } # print 4x variables to stdout
1 0.042127 3.386 170620482
I've a log file that contains some lines I need to grab:
Jul 2 06:42:00 myhostname error proc[12345]: 01310001:3: event code xxxx Slow transactions attack detected - account id: (20), number of dropped slow transactions: (3)
Jul 2 06:51:00 myhostname error proc[12345]: 01310001:3: event code xxxx Slow transactions attack detected - account id: (20), number of dropped slow transactions: (2)
Account id(xx) gives me the name of an object that I am able to gather through mysql query.
Following command (which is for sure not optimized at all, but working) gives me the number of matching lines per account id:
grep "Slow transactions" logfile| awk '{print $18}' | awk -F '[^0-9]+' '{OFS=" ";for(i=1; i<=NF; i++) if ($i != "") print($i)}' | sort | uniq -c
14 20
The output (14 20) means the account id 20 was observed 14 times (14 lines in the logfile).
Then I also have number of dropped slow transactions: (2) part.
This gives the real number of dropped transactions that was logged. In other word, a log entry could mean 1 or more dropped transaction.
I do have a small command to count the number of dropped transactions:
grep "Slow transactions" logfile | awk '{print $24}' | sed 's/(//g' | sed 's/)//g' | awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}'
That means 73 transactions were dropped.
These two works but when coming to the point of merging the two I am stuck. I really don't see how to combine them; I am pretty sure awk can do it (and probably a better way that I did) but I would appreciate if any expert from the community could give me some guidance.
Since above one was too easy for some of our awk experts in SO I introduce an optional feature :)
As previously mentioned I can convert account ID into a name issuing a mysql query. So, the idea is now to include the ID => name conversion into the awk command.
The mySQL query looks like this (XX being the account ID):
mysql -Bs -u root -p$(perl -MF5::GenUtils -e "print get_mysql_password.qq{\n}") -e "SELECT name FROM myTABLE where account_id= 'XX'"
I founded the post below which deals with commands outputs into awk but facing syntax errors...
How can I pass variables from awk to a shell command?
This uses parentheses as your field separator, so it's easier to grab the account number and the number of slow connections.
awk -F '[()]' '
/Slow transactions/ {
dropped[$2] += $4
PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "#ind_num_asc" # https://www.gnu.org/software/gawk/manual/html_node/Controlling-Scanning.html
for (acctnum in acct)
print acctnum, acct[acctnum], dropped[acctnum]
' logfile
Given your sample input, this outputs
20 2 5
Required GNU awk for the "sorted_in" method of sorting array traversal by index.
I want to spit out RAM usage as a percentage of total RAM using top. The script I have so far is
top -l 1 |
awk '/PhysMem/ {
print "RAM\nwired:" $2/40.95 "% active:" $4/40.95 "% inactive:" $6/40.95 "% free:" $10/40.95 "%"
I have 4gb RAM, hence divide by 40.95, so this script spits out something that looks like:
wired:16.1172% active:46.2759% inactive:8.79121% free:28.8156%
I only want it to show the percentages to 1 place past the decimal and I'm not sure how to do this. I looked into using bc but I always get an illegal statement error. Any ideas how to round it to the 1st decimal place within awk?
There are a few ways to do that with awk:
... | awk '{ print $2/40.95 }' OFMT="%3.1f"
... | awk '{ printf( "%3.1f\n", $2/40.95 )}'
each use the output format %3.1f to handle rounding. So all you need to do is add the argument OFMT="%3.1f" to your awk call. (Or you may prefer a format of %0.1f The 3 just gives a minimum width; the typical format string rules apply. )
I have collected vmstat data in a file . It gives details about free, buffer and cache .
SInce i'm interested in finding the memory usage , I should do the following computation for each line of vmstat output -- USED=TOTAL - (FREE+BUFFER+CACHE) where TOTAL is the total RAM memory and USED is the instantaneous memory value.
TOTAL memory = 4042928 (4 GB)
My code is here
grep -v procs $1 | grep -v free | awk '{USED=4042928-$4-$5-$6;print $USED}' > test.dat
awk: program limit exceeded: maximum number of fields size=32767
You should not be printing $USED for a start, the variable in awk is USED:
pax> vmstat
procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- -system-- ----cpu----
r b swpd free buff cache si so bi bo in cs us sy id wa
0 0 0 1402804 258392 2159316 0 0 54 79 197 479 1 2 93 3
pax> vmstat | egrep -v 'procs|free' | awk '{USED=4042928-$4-$5-$6;print USED}'
What is most likely to be happening in your case is that you're using an awk with that limitation of about 32000 fields per record.
Because your fields 4, 5 and 6 are respectively 25172, 664 and 8520 (from one of your comments), your USED value becomes 4042928-25172-664-8520 or 4008572.
If you tried to print USED, that's what you'd get but, because you're trying to print $USED, it thinks you want $4008572 (field number 4008572) which is just a little bit beyond the 32000 range.
Interestingly, if you have a lot more free memory, you wouldn't get the error but you'd still get an erroneous value :-)
By the way, gawk doesn't have this limitation, it simply prints an empty field (see, for example, section 11.9 here).
you can just do it with one awk command
vmstat | awk 'NR>2{print 4042928-$4-$5-$6 }' file