Cryptic D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain output - directx-11

My D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain call results in the following output to the Output Window (I'm using VS2017):
IGIESW PATH_TO_EXE found in whitelist: NOIGIWHW Game PATH_TO_EXE found in whitelist: NO
where PATH_TO_EXE is actual path to my .exe.
This doesn't seem to be causing any issues and everything runs as expected, but still, I'm curious about what this message means.


How to bypass "stack level too deep (SystemStackError)" Error

(using OS X 10.9.4) I have this cool Ruby script which scans system/firewall logs and tells me if anything odd is happening. The script runs on a 1 second loop, however at exactly the 3852nd iteration, the script terminates with a "stack level too deep (SystemStackError)" error.
I am not new to this error and it seems to appear when a script enters a loop, and the system sandbox (probably) terminates it after a set amount of time or a specific parameter is reached.
I attempted to bypass the error by running the script as root, however this had no effect. I have also considered programming another script to relaunch the original script when it detects its absence in the command: ps -efs' output, however this is a very 'clunky' method which i would prefer to avoid.
I have also conducted some research into the error on the "Stack Overflow", however only found questions answered by altering the offending script ,as the error is in their case due to a bug in the code, which is not the case for me.
So my question:
Is there any possible way to bypass the "stack level too deep (SystemStackError)" error
Thanks in advance, greatly appreciated.

Visual-Studio, Database save error "There was an error parsing the query. [ Token line number = 1,Token line offset = 13,Token in error = , ]"

OK so I recently started getting into programming simple programs and I have taught myself everything using guides on the internet thus far and I have been doing really well and things have been working great, until now. So i feel that I have done a lot, A LOT of searching on this question and I cant seem to find an answer or even anyone else out there that is having the same problem as me. Im going to try to make this as simple as possible so here it goes.
I have made a program in visual studio that is simply supposed to allow me to make entries in fields such as first name, last name, and so on. It works like a charm and saves data like normal, I can close out and re open it and the data is there. BUT
While messing with the program and trying to test it I found that if I DELETED a row of data that i had previously inserted then added ANY new data then clicked the SAVE button it would crash every single time.
First it would say there is no proper delete command. So i gave it one, and it stopped giving me that error message. Then it said it was the update command. So i gave it one then that stopped showing up. But now it gives me the error message. "There was an error parsing the query. [ Token line number = 1,Token line offset = 13,Token in error = , ]. And it gives me this error every time i try to save after following the above steps. And I honestly dont know what to make of it.
I know im going to need to post a sample of my code that I have but I dont know what part of it to post so I figured I would wait and see so I dont post 1,500+ lines on here.
This is the only thing preventing my program from working correctly and if I wouldnt ask if I wasnt completely stumped. And im roughly 300% stumped. So any help would be greatly appreciated.

Lua hook-like call AFTER line processing

Lua features hook call BEFORE every processed line. What I need is a call AFTER line is processed, so that I can check for encountered errors and so on. Is there a way to make such kind of call?
Otherwise things get a little bit confusing if error is encountered at the last line of the script. I don't get any feedback.
We want to catch both Lua errors and 'our' errors asserted via lua_error(*L) C interface, and Lua should throw correct debug info including the line number where the error occurred.
Using return hook we always get error line number -1, which is not what we want. Using any combination of pcall and any hook setup after lua_error(*L) we get either line number -1, or number of the next executed line, never a correct one.
We managed to make everything work. The thing was that Lua throws a real C exception after it detects an error, so some of our 'cleaning & finalizing' C code called from Lua operation did not execute, which messed up some flags and so on. The solution was to execute 'cleaning code' right before calling lua_error(...). This is correct and desired Lua behavior as we really want to stop executing the function once lua_error(...) is called, it was our mistake to expect any code would be executed after lua_error(...) call.
Tnx Paul Kulchenko, some of this behavior was found while trying to design a simple example script which reproduces the problem.
Try setting a return hook: it'll be called after the last line is executed.
I'm not sure debug hook is the best solution for what you are trying to do (or you need to provide more details). If you just need to check for run-time errors, why use debug hooks at all if you can run your code with pcall and get an error message that points to the line number where the error happened (or use xpcall, which also allows you to get a stack trace)? You can combine this with debug.getinfo(func, "L") to get a table whose indexes are valid line numbers for the function.

(Re)starting Matlab after error from error location

I'm debugging a matlab script that takes ~10 minutes to run. Towards the end of the script I do some i/o and simple calculations with my results, and I keep running into errors. Is there a way to start matlab from a certain sport in a script after it exits with an error--the data is still in the workspace so I could just comment out all of the code up until the error point, but I'm wondering if anyone knows a better way to go about doing this without rerunning the entire script (the ultra-lazy/inefficient way)?
Yes, use dbstop. Type dbstop if error and then run your script. The minute it hits an error, it will create a breakpoint there and you're in the workspace of the script --- which means you can debug the error, save data ; anything you want! Here's a snippet from the documentation for dbstop if error --- there are other ways to do dbstop, so do check it out:
dbstop if error
Stops execution when any MATLAB program file you subsequently run produces a run-time error, putting MATLAB in debug mode, paused at the line that generated the error. The errors that stop execution do not include run-time errors that are detected within a try...catch block. You cannot resume execution after an uncaught run-time error. Use dbquit to exit from debug mode.
Double percent signs will enable 'cell mode' which lets you run little blocks of code in steps. Sounds like just what youre looking for.

Meaning of diagnostic output (like make[N]) from a makefile

When running something like "make install", there is a lot of information displayed in the terminal window. Some lines start with make[1], make[2], make[3] or make[4]. What do these mean? Does this mean there is some kind of error?
When make is invoked recursively, each make distinguishes itself in output messages with a count. That is, messages beginning "make[3]" are from the third make that was invoked. It is not indicative of an error of any kind, but is intended to enable you to keep track of what is happening. In particular, you can tell in which directory make is being run to help debug the build if any errors do occur.
