ImportError: No module named googlemaps - macos

I've installed this package via pip27 on macports. My OS is OSX El Capitan 10.11.6. My python install is 2.7.10.
I'm trying to run an example script that imports googlemaps module, but I keep getting that ImportError. I have a feeling that it's how pip installed it and the reason why python can't find it, but I'm relatively new to pip so I don't know where to start investigating.
I also tried googling for a fix but no dice. Any idea what's happening here?
Here's my code:
import googlemaps # can't import
import argparse
from datetime import datetime
# collect args for lat, long, # of addresses, radius of search
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Randomize addresses on Google Maps')
parser.add_argument('-lt', '--latitude')
parser.add_argument('-lng', '--longitude')
parser.add_argument('-n', '--count')
parser.add_argument('-r', '--radius')
args = parser.parse_args()
print('Results: ', vars(args))
Error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in <module>
import googlemaps
ImportError: No module named googlemaps

Found a fix. I uninstalled googlemaps via pip and then reinstalled using easy_install. Apparently OSX doesn't like pip.

Looks like you used pre-installed python since you mentioned version 2.7.10 (default version shipped with macOS) which is located at /usr/bin/.
MacPorts installs binaries and libraries under /opt/local. Try to install python via MacPorts and run the program again. Python and pip should both be linked so that packages installed via pip is available to python.
In this case packages installed using pip27 would be available to python27 installed via MacPorts and not /usr/bin/python.
Another way would be to download and install it against /usr/bin/python (pip installation guide).
Note: Make sure you are using python installed via MacPorts. To check this run which python, it should show something like /opt/local/bin/python2.7


Python 3.9 import issue

I just installed Python 3.9 with the Windows 64-bit installer. For some reason the all of the modules I had previously installed using pip will no longer import, unless I am running Python from the directory where they are located: C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\Lib\site-packages
I tried uninstalling/reinstalling the requests module with pip and then importing requests in a shell, still not recognized.
>>> import requests
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'requests'
I imagine this is probably some environmental variable path issue. I'm new to Python, any help getting this straightened out much appreciated.
Each version of python has its own global sites package directory where it stores the packages you install.
Ex: Python 3.8 will store under %appdata%\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\Lib\site-packages
Python 3.9 would store it in a different location (like Python39-32)
In order to install a package for specific version of python you need to install it with python version command.
py -3.9 -m pip install requests
You can refer the official documentation here

Python3 cannot find statsmodels.api but I can and so can my linter

I recently got into development with Python running on WSL (Ubuntu 18.04 LTS).
I followed the documentation from here and I'm able to run simple python scripts.
I started playing around with libraries that I installed using the pip3 command such as numpy and pandas and these work fine.
The problem arises when I try to use the statsmodels package.
I've installed it using pip3 install statsmodels
I can see the package in /home/username/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/statsmodels I can even see the file in that directory, however, when I type import statsmodels.api as sm as recommended on the statsmodels website I get:
Console output:
username#DESKTOP-1JP4BIE:/mnt/c/users/username/dev/project/playground$ python3
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 5, in <module>
import statsmodels.api as sm
File "/mnt/c/username/chris/dev/project/playground/", line 5, in <module>
import statsmodels.api as sm
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'statsmodels.api'; 'statsmodels' is not a package
I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling (did not work)
I really can't see anything that differentiates this package from the others that I've installed. Does anyone have any insights?
Thanks #Vorsprung durch Technik
The issue was that my file name was
I'll remember to be more careful when naming my python files.

ModuleNotFoundError for 'modin' even though it is installed by poetry

On import modin.pandas as modin_pd line I get ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'modin'. I am using poetry & JupyterLab. If in the cell I type !poetry add modin, I get ValueError saying Package modin is already present.
So it cannot install modin because it is already installed but it cannot import it either. Any obvious solution that I am missing?
pip freeze command also shows modin to be installed. I also tried to install it via pip install but absolutely nothing let me to import this module in the end.
The problem may be this one KeyError: CPU
It can be solved by using pip install psutil

Bug using Python 3.7 (from QGIS) and trying to install package with pip

I use QGIS 3.6 and Python 3.7 and I try to install a package with pip in command line tool under Windows 7 but I have the following message :
Fatal Python error: initfsencoding: unable to load the file system codec
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'encodings'
Current thread 0x0000188c (most recent call first):
My path and PYTHONPATH are well configured with link to QGIS' Python folders. The problem appeared recently with use of Python 3.7.
At least for Mac recent QGIS versions seem to support only Python 3.6, not 3.7, see

kmpfit module not in Kapteyn v2.2 module list

I am using Python 2.7 through Anaconda 2.7.8 and need Kapteyn 2.2 to perform Non-linear Least Squares fitting easily (it is probably an alternative to Scipy.optimize.leastsq() for dummies like me!).
After copy-pasting this from a previous post here on Stack Overflow:
conda install -c pyodbc
and then running on my cmd (as I did not have pyodbc installed I think, because of which maybe the command prompt on my Windows 7 64-bit system was not responding well to python install inside the Anaconda directory where I unzipped the Kapteyn .zip file downloaded from University of Groningen website.
But, after the installing pyodbc properly and running python install, the cmd gave me an error saying error: command 'C:\Users\windows 7\Anaconda\Scripts\gcc.bat' failed with exit status 1. Later, when I tried to import kmpfit module (needed for Non-linear least square fitting with Kapteyn), here is the problem:
import kapteyn
Help on package kapteyn:
kapteyn - Kapteyn package.
c:\users\windows 7\anaconda\kapteyn\
__all__ = ['celestial', 'wcs', 'wcsgrat', 'tabarray', 'maputils', 'mpl...
__version__ = '2.2'
As you can see, there is no module named kmpfit (or even wcs) here. But according to, these two should be there.
Kindly help. I have never imported any module before.
Thanks in advance...:-)
I just managed to get this working (on Mac OSX, so you may have to adjust this). My steps were:
$ conda install pyodbc (didn't need to go through binstar)
Download & unarchive the kapteyn package, then navigate to its directory
$ python install, which used my OS's C compiler and Anaconda's python, and installed kapteyn to my anaconda distro's site-packages, as it should.
Check that is in the kapteyn folder in site-packages, showing that kmpfit installed correctly.
>> from kapteyn import kmpfit failed, ImportError: cannot import name kmpfit. I did some digging and discovered that it was still importing kapteyn from the folder that I downloaded, not from site-packages.
Delete the downloaded kapteyn folder, then try again. It worked!
