How to Use An Instance of A Table Cell in Interface Builder? - interface-builder

How do I use a copy of the same NSTableCellView in multiple columns in Interface Builder? In my table, there is only one cell identifier, which is a member of an NSTableCellView subclass, that is used throughout the entire table. Is this possible?
EDIT 1: This is my current project. The userInput NSTextField is wired up as an IBOutlet in the TextInputTableCellView class. My problem is that, when I try to add a TextInputTableCellView to the KeyColumn, I don't know where to begin.


Do you always need a prototype cell?

When adding a TableView to an existing scene that uses a UIViewController class, where do you add the reuse identifier string?
Do you "have" to add a prototype cell? That seems to be the only thing that supplies the reuse identifier field in IB.
When adding a TableView to an existing scene that uses a UIViewController class, where do you add the reuse identifier string?
If you have static cells then you do not need to provide a reuse identifier since the table's sections and rows are defined at comply time and are fixed: static.
If you are using prototype cells then you will have to define a reuse identifier, which you will do in code and Interface Builder. prototype cells are templates that are dynamically created and populated. Most people define a static variable to hold the cell reuse identifier. It is then used in the UITableViewDataSource method - tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: to dequeue a cell.
Do you "have" to add a prototype cell? That seems to be the only thing that supplies the reuse identifier field in IB.
You do not have to use a prototype cell, you could do it programmatically or use a NIB.

Possible to use NSView subclass in NSTableView?

I have an NSView subclass that I'd like to use in an NSTableView. Normally of course I'd use a NSTableCellView subclass but this view will be used elsewhere.
There's no requirement that the cell view used for a view-based table view be an NSTableCellView or subclass. It's perfectly OK to use an instance of some other view object. For example, an NSTextField works out of the box.
Your table view delegate's -tableView:viewForTableColumn:row: method can configure the view as appropriate for the row. Or, your view can implement an objectValue property (with -setObjectValue: setter). In this case, the table view will forward whatever object value your data source returns from its -tableView:objectValueForTableColumn:row: method to your view's objectValue property.
Also, if your view class has textField or imageView properties (like NSTableCellView does), then those will be treated specially in certain cases. For example, the text field will be the accessibility string for the cell.
Basically, all of the behaviors of NSTableCellView are generalizable. It's not that the class is treated particularly specially by the framework. It's that it provides the appropriate properties and methods and any view with those same properties and methods could replicate its behavior.
Change your NSView subclass to inherit from NSTableCellView instead of NSView, since NSTableCellView also inherits from NSView too.

How to set view outlet for a UITableViewController?

I created an empty xib, I dragged a UITableViewController, set Custom class to my class that extends from UITableViewController at both the UITableViewController and File's Owner.
When I run, it says:
'A view can only be associated with at most one view controller at a time! View ; layer = ; contentOffset: {0, 0}> is associated with . Clear this association before associating this view with .'
At connections inspector I see that the UITableViewController element has:
tableView - Table View
view - Table View (greyed)
dataSource - Table View
delegate - Table View
First Responder has nothing.
File's Owner has:
tableView is not attached to anything
view - Table View
If I remove the view connection at File's Owner, it claims that the view outlet is not set.
It is difficult to imagine what happens based on the information provided. However:
The error message says that you have a UIView, and you try at runtime to connect this UIView to two UIViewControllers, which is not possible.
If you just subclass a UITableViewController, without adding properties or implementing methods, then setup a UITableViewController in an empty storyboard, and set the class of this UITableViewController to your subclass, you have only a single UITableViewController, and you will not get this error.
So somewhere in your project you must instantiate a second UITableViewController programmatically, and set its UIView property (which is a UITableView) to the UIView of the other UITableViewController.
You should ensure that you have only a single UITableViewController, namely your custom subclass.
I guess the correct answer is DON'T drag UITableViewController to the interface builder. Have 2 IBOutlets connected, one for the view, one for the table. DO drag a UITableView instead.
Hope this helps other people.

How to connect outlet in a table cell view?

I am using a view-based table, and I want to create an outlet for an element in a cell view. I cannot get the outlet to connect though... it's always nil.
Specifically, I have a NSProgressIndicator in a table cell and want to manipulate it in code.
Here's what I have so far:
I have created a subclass of NSTableView, with the corresponding outlet property:
#interface MyTableCellView : NSTableCellView
#property IBOutlet NSProgressIndicator *myProgressIndicator;
#implementation MyTableCellView
// _myProgressIndicator is nil!
And I have set the custom class in the nib. The existing NSTableCellView is replaced with MyTableCellView via the dropdown.
At this point, some observations:
If I Ctrl+Click and drag the progress indicator to connect this outlet, it is not shown.
Likewise, if I try to Ctrl+Click and drag the progress indicator using the assistant editor, I can only connect to the property via binding. It doesn't recognize this as a valid outlet.
However this outlet IS shown on the sidebar, with a warning that it doesn't exist:
I know MyTableCellView is being used. Breakpoint on awakeFromNib confirms this, and confirms that _myProgressIndicator is nil.
This is a sandbox project, with barely more than what I've described.
SO, how do I access this progress indicator from code?
I don't believe you should do it that way; instead:
Modify the model object used by the table view's data source to populate the table view.
Call the table view reloadData (or better reloadDataForRowIndexes:columnIndexes:).
Therefore you should only need an outlet to the table view to do this and any modification of the table view's cell objects should be done within the table view delegate and/or data source methods.
As described in the question, the usual method to connect outlets in Interface Builder does not work (maybe it is fixed in a recent version of Xcode, I am still using a version earlier than 6). Anyhow, it does work via the Connections Inspector.
Create an IBOutlet in your subclass of NSTableCellView.
In your XIB, from Identity Inspector, change the NSTableCellView to your subclass.
From Connections Inspector, drag from your outlet to the View object.

How to add text to NSTableView

I made a Cocoa application that has an NSTableView, an NSTextField, and an NSButton. The user enters text into the text field and clicks the button. When the user does this, I want the text in the textfield to be placed in the NSTableView. I find that I can't even bind an IBOutlet to a cell in the NSTableView. What should be done?
The Model-View-Controller pattern, which is used extensively in Cocoa is your friend here.
What you need to do is to bind the NSTableView to an array (The model). Then configure the button so that a click tells the controller to add the content of the text field to the array and if the bindings are set up correctly the NSTableView (The View) will be updated.
What I think you need to do is make a class, AppController for instance which will be your data source and the delegate of the NSTableView. So you need the following.
Two IBOutlets (one for the NSTextField and one for the NSTableView)
An IBAction for the NSButton.
Make those connections in Interface Builder.
Remember to use the mandatory delegate methods (there are two of them) so you can add the data from your data source (usually a collection array, dictionary...etc.
