What data is available in client machine - hadoop

I know that the client machine consult the name node to store the data it contains.
Also the client machine will have Hadoop installed in it with cluster settings.
What cluster settings are present ?

Whenever an HDFS command is invoked, the Client has to send a request to the Namenode and to do so fs.defaultFS property is required. Similarly when submitting a YARN job, it needs yarn.resourcemanager.address to connect with the ResourceManager.
File level HDFS properties like dfs.blocksize, dfs.replication are determined at the Client node. If they need to be changed from their default, add the respective properties at the Client node.
Normally, the same set of configuration properties (*-site.xml files) defined in the nodes of the Cluster would be defined in the Client node as well. Having a uniform cluster settings among all the nodes of the Cluster inclusive of the Client nodes is considered the best practice.


Aggregation retaining in yarn-site. What does it mean, how does it work?

Let's look at https://hortonworks.com/blog/simplifying-user-logs-management-and-access-in-yarn
Here we have something like:
What logs are connected to this option? Hadoop DataNode? NameNode? Yarn Resource Manager?
Should I set it on all hadoop nodes? Where?
If it starts with yarn it only applies to YARN services. This includes Resource Manager, Node Manager and maybe the new Timeline Server (if enabled). YARN-specific configuration settings belong in the yarn-site.xml.
HDFS specific configuration settings are found in the hdfs-site.xml. They usually start with dfs.
Common settings belong to the core-site.xml.
You setup the yarn-site.xml on all hosts running YARN services.

When do YARN and NameNode interact

When a job is submitted, when do YARN and NameNode interact? When a job is submitted, who does it get sent to? Could someone explain the end-to-end flow - how hadoop ecosystem works?
Namenode: Stores the meta-data of all the data stored in data nodes and monitors the health of data nodes. Basically, it is a master-slave architecture.
YARN: It stands for Yet Another Resource Negotiator. The yarn has mainly two components.
1.> Scheduling
2.> Application Manager
Yarn also contains the master, i.e Resource Manager and Slave, i.e Node Manager.
For scheduling purpose, there are 3 Schedulers:
1.> FIFO 2.> Capacity 3.> Fair-share
There is a component called Application Master assigned by Resource Manager under the Node Manager.
One application master is assigned to one application.
The job is directly submitted by the client and Resource Manager assigns the job to the Application Master and Node manager monitors the liveliness of Application Master
Now, whenever the job comes in, Resource manager creates a job id and assign an Application Master for that job. Resource Manager contacts to the Namenode to retrieve the information about the metadata of the required data on which the task has to be performed. And the information received by Resource Manager is then passed to Application Master.
This is the basic overview of the working of Yarn with Namenode. You can also read in detail from YARN
Also, NameNode interaction is just in the Hadoop applications running within YARN that talk to the NameNode. Not all YARN applications need to communicate with HDFS
Basically there is no direct interaction between YARN and HDFS, see https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/current/hadoop-yarn/hadoop-yarn-site/YARN.html
However YARN jobs require some files (libraries, configuration, etc) which usually resides on HDFS

How to delete datanode from hadoop clusters without losing data

I want to delete datanode from my hadoop cluster, but don't want to lose my data. Is there any technique so that data which are there on the node which I am going to delete may get replicated to the reaming datanodes?
What is the replication factor of your hadoop cluster?
If it is default which is generally 3, you can delete the datanode directly since the data automatically gets replicated. this process is generally controlled by name node.
If you changed the replication factor of the cluster to 1, then if you delete the node, the data in it will be lost. You cannot replicate it further.
Check all the current data nodes are healthy, for these you can go to the Hadoop master admin console under the Data nodes tab, the address is normally something link http://server-hadoop-master:50070
Add the server you want to delete to the files /opt/hadoop/etc/hadoop/dfs.exclude using the full domain name in the Hadoop master and all the current datanodes (your config directory installation can be different, please double check this)
Refresh the cluster nodes configuration running the command hdfs dfsadmin -refreshNodes from the Hadoop name node master
Check the Hadoop master admin home page to check the state of the server to remove at the "Decommissioning" section, this may take from couple of minutes to several hours and even days depending of the volume of data you have.
Once the server is shown as decommissioned complete, you may delete the server.
NOTE: if you have other services like Yarn running on the same server, the process is relative similar but with the file /opt/hadoop/etc/hadoop/yarn.exclude and then running yarn rmadmin -refreshNodes from the Yarn master node

Hadoop Client Node Configuration

Assume that there is a Hadoop Cluster that has 20 machines. Out of those 20 machines 18 machines are slaves and machine 19 is for NameNode and machine 20 is for JobTracker.
Now i know that hadoop software has to be installed in all those 20 machines.
but my question is which machine is involved to load a file xyz.txt in to Hadoop Cluster. Is that client machine a separate machine . Do we need to install Hadoop software in that clinet machine as well. How does the client machine identifes Hadoop cluster?
I am new to hadoop, so from what I understood:
If your data upload is not an actual service of the cluster, which should be running on an edge node of the cluster, then you can configure your own computer to work as an edge node.
An edge node doesn't need to be known by the cluster (but for security stuff) as it does not store data nor compute job. This is basically what it means to be an edge-node: it is connected to the hadoop cluster but does not participate.
In case it can help someone, here is what I have done to connect to a cluster that I don't administer:
get an account on the cluster, say myaccount
create an account on you computer with the same name: myaccount
configure your computer to access the cluster machines (ssh w\out passphrase, registered ip, ...)
get the hadoop configuration files from an edge-node of the cluster
get a hadoop distrib (eg. from here)
uncompress it where you want, say /home/myaccount/hadoop-x.x
add the following environment variables: JAVA_HOME, HADOOP_HOME (/home/me/hadoop-x.x)
(if you'd like) add hadoop bin to your path: export PATH=$HADOOP_HOME/bin:$PATH
replace your hadoop configuration files by those you got from the edge node. With hadoop 2.5.2, it is the folder $HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop
also, I had to change the value of a couple $JAVA_HOME defined in conf files. To find them use: grep -r "export.*JAVA_HOME"
Then do hadoop fs -ls / which should list the root directory of the cluster hdfs.
Typically in case you have a multi tenant cluster (which most hadoop clusters are bound to be) then ideally no one other than administrators have access to the machines that are the part of the cluster.
Developers setup their own "edge-nodes". Edge Nodes basically have hadoop libraries and have the client configuration deployed to them (various xml files which tell the local installation where namenode, job tracker, zookeeper etc are core-site, mapred-site, hdfs-site.xml). But the edge node does not have any role as such in the cluster i.e. no persistent hadoop services are running on this node.
Now in case of a small development environment kind of setup you can use any one of the participating nodes of the cluster to run jobs or run shell commands.
So based on your requirement the definition and placement of client varies.
I recommend this article.
"Client machines have Hadoop installed with all the cluster settings, but are neither a Master or a Slave. Instead, the role of the Client machine is to load data into the cluster, submit Map Reduce jobs describing how that data should be processed, and then retrieve or view the results of the job when its finished."

Configure oozie workflow properties for HA JobTracker

With an Oozie workflow, you have to specify the cluster's JobTracker in the properties for the workflow. This is easy when you have a single JobTracker:
When the cluster is configured for HA (high availability) JobTracker, I need to be able to set up my properties files to be able to hit either of the JobTracker hosts, without having to update all my properties files when the JobTracker has failed over to the 2nd node.
When accessing one JobTracker through http, it will redirect to the other if it isn't running, but oozie doesn't use http, so there is no redirect, which causes the workflow to fail if the properties file specifies the job tracker host that is not running.
How can I configure my property file to handle JobTracker running in HA?
I just finished setting up some Oozie workflows to use HA JobTrackers and NameNodes. The key is to use the logical name of the HA service you configured, and not any individual hostnames or ports. For example, the default HA JobTracker name is 'logicaljt'. Replace hostname:port with 'logicaljt', and everything should just work, as long as the node from which you're running Oozie has the appropriate hdfs-site and mapred-site configs properly installed (implicitly due to being part of the cluster, or explicitly due to adding a gateway role to it).
Please specify the nameservice for the cluster in which the HA is enabled.
in properties file
