Integration Build column is not being updated after a TFS build - visual-studio

I have created a web TFS build like the image below.
After I have successfully build my application, the Integration Build column is not being updated and the changesets are not being populated in the email notification.
I'm using TFS 2015.

It's not be updated in Integrated in Build field in TFS 2015 Server with vNext build, only XAML build number will be updated in this field. This has been a uservoice for the vNext build.
vNext builds should update work items with Integration Build field value
As a workaround you could add a custom build task to implement it yourself: Build association with work Items in vNext
And for the changesets are not being populated in the email notification. There's also a uservoice. The changeset data and the associated work items don't seem to be exposed to default BuildCompletedEvent.xsl. For more info you could take a look at my answer in this question: TFS 2017 Build Notifications do not include "Associated Changesets" area


Script creation of Builds and Releases in TFS 2015

I recently finished figuring out a Build and Release process for our environment using TFS 2015 vNext build and release tasks. I'll now need to duplicate that several dozen projects. I've been looking around and I see no way to automate or script this process. Is it possible to script the creation of builds and releases or create them from a pre-populated template?
Not any official solution and task could do this for now. There has been a feature request in user voice and with STARTED status, you can vote up and monitor it
VSO build vnext: share build templates between projects
As a workaround, you could use an Export/Import Build Definition extension in Visual Studio Marketplace. However, it's only work with build definition.For release definition, give a try with this one Clone release definition (for TFS 2015 U2 and above).

Visual Studio XAML Build Process Template - Get Comment

I'm currently creating a custom build process template as part of a Team Foundation Build definition, using Visual Studio 2013.
The builds are set to 'Continuous Integration - Build each check-in' as their trigger, and I'm looking to get some information about the check-in once the build starts running.
So far, I can get the following:
Build number using: Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Activities.Extensions.WellKnownEnvironmentVariables.BuildNumber
Changeset ID using: Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Activities.Extensions.WellKnownEnvironmentVariables.SourceGetVersion
These have both been retrieved using 'GetEnvironmentVariable' from the list of 'Team Foundation Build Activities'.
What I need now is the comment associated with that changeset. So the comment I set during the check-in that triggered the build.
Is this possible?

Shortcut to queue a new build?

Is there a way to queue a new build within Visual Studio 2015? I'm having to go to builds --> pick my build ---> queue new build hundreds of times today, and I am wondering how can I set up a keyboard shortcut that will queue that specific build for me? I'm referring specifically to a TFS build.
The screenshot from chief7 is for vNext build which only support on TFS2015.
For TFS2013 and earlier version, you can find the option in Your Build Definition→ Trigger → Continuous Integration - Build each check-in
Moreover, suggest you to use Gated Check-in build-accept check-ins only if the submitted changes merge and build successfully. This is more suitable for your requirement. More info from MSDN.
You can setup the build to be trigger by each check-in on the Triggers tab of you Build Definition:

Visual Studio Scheduled Build Trigger

I am using the new Visual Studio build definitions on Visual Studio Online under Build. I would like to run a scheduled build every day for the branch TestingBuildDefinitions1 only if there have been changes in the branch since the previous build.
I cannot find the option to run scheduled builds only if there have been changes. The MSDN documentation says there should be a "Build even if nothing has changed since the previous build" checkbox. However, the new screen does not have this checkbox.
The documentation is referring to the old Xaml based builds, while the UI you are using is for the new VSO Build vNext, which does not have the functionality you are looking for.
If you want to create a new Xaml based build, you will need to do it from the Visual Studio client (it cannot be done from the portal).
Start by clicking on Builds in Team Explorer

Build process template always empty - VS2012 & MS TFS repository

I'm trying to define a new build on TFS using VS2012. When I go to New Build Definition -> Processes I'm seeing "Build process template" and an empty drop down.
I click on the "New..." button selects the default template from
$/<My Project Name>/BuildProcessTemplates/DefaultTemplate.11.1.xaml
and click OK but then I'm getting the error:
TF277000: A build process template for '$/<My Project Name>/BuildProcessTemplates/DefaultTemplate.11.1.xaml' already exists for team project <Project Name>. You cannot create another build process template for the same file. Use the existing one instead.
the drop down always stay empty. I tried to clean cache(AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation\4.0) and other sort brilliant tricks like close and open but nothing helped - the drop down stays empty.
I would really appreciate aמy help.
I had a similar issue crop up recently.
Background: TFS 2012 Project with multiple solutions under 1 Project Collection project. The 'BuildProcessTemplates' folder did exist in the Project collection project and did contain the standard templates. The solution was created in TFS 2012 and being coded using VS 2012 ultimate.
Symptoms: Any attempts to create a Build Definition failed due to a lack of Templates.
Actions - unsuccessful: I created a copy of the default template and used that for a template. I wasn't able to create a Build Definition since even with that, the dropdown was still empty. Also tried creating a custom template with the same lack of success.
Actions - successful: I separated the solutions into their own Project Collections projects. That put the solution at the same level as the 'BuildProcessTemplates' folder. Once that was accomplished, I was able to create a Build Definition for those solutions.
Comments: I'm not sure if this is a bug in TFS 2012 or not. I would like to think if it is a bug in TFS 2012, it is corrected in TFS 2013.
Your thoughts?
I recently ran into the same problem with not being able to see build process templates when trying to add a new build definition. We are in TFS 2012. This team project also appeared not to have any build definitions. That was expected though because we had not yet used the TFS builds on this team project.
The problem was caused by someone with admin rights setting the "View build definition" and the "View Builds" access rights to Deny for everyone.
By just setting that back to allow on the TFS group, we suddenly could see the build definitions and also were able to select build process templates.
It was really strange that it let us add new build process templates, but we couldn't select them.
