How to change the default shortcuts for copy/paste in urxvt? - terminal

I'm trying to set up copy/paste actions using ctrl+shift+c/p like it is done in GNOME terminal but for urxvt. I didn't find any simple solution - it seems like it always requires scripts, hacks etc which gets me annoyed when it comes to such a basic things. That's why I'm wondering if it is possible to just change/add some entries in ~/.Xresource to move the default behavior from ctrl+alt+c/p to ctrl+shift+c/p - since the former already works as expected.
Also, there is a lot of notions regarding clipboard itself: X calls them "selections" rather than "clipboards"; there are PRIMARY and CLIPBOARD selections; etc. I don't really understand all these subtleties - so feel free to be verbose!
I use Xorg server with i3 WM if it makes sense and rxvt-unicode v9.22 - released: 2016-01-23

Contrary to Thomas' answer, it looks like you can. In the same question he referenced Spencer and Enno both mention that you can bind the native eval extensions in your .Xresources file. This would look like the following:
URxvt.keysym.Shift-Control-V: eval:paste_clipboard
URxvt.keysym.Shift-Control-C: eval:selection_to_clipboard
To disable the previous keybindings, you'll also need:
URxvt.keysym.Control-Meta-c: builtin-string:
URxvt.keysym.Control-Meta-v: builtin-string:
You can reload the file with:
xrdb -load .Xresources
You'll need to restart rxvt for the changes to take effect.

short: no, you can't
longer: I pointed out in Rebinding CTRL-ALT-[C|V] to CTRL-SHIFT-[C|V] in URxvt >= 9.20 that the binding for these is essentially hardcoded in urxvt without an easy way to change them (aside from external scripts or modifying the program itself).


LLDB : Tab completion after user defined aliases?

Uding lldb I defined the following alias : command alias bfn breakpoint set -n %1
Sadly, it does not allow Tab completion as the regular command does. It's a pity because all the time gained in typing the command is lost typing whole identifiers that are sometimes quite complex.
Nevertheless, buit-in aliases allow for completion so I am hoping there's a way to achieve the
same behaviour for user defined aliases.
Are you aware of any solutions to this problem ?
Thansk in advance.
It looks like the problem is with completion in option slots in aliases. The completions work for arguments. I think that’s what you are seeing, not that there’s different behaviors for “internal” and “user” aliases (there isn’t actually such a distinction)…
Every option has its own completer, and lldb isn’t figuring out which slot the positional argument resolves to before handling the completion.
Please file a bug about this with the bug tracker. This should be possible, and would certainly be convenient.

Determine if bash/zsh/etc. is running under Midnight Commander

Simple question. I'd like to know how to tell whether the current shell is running as a mc subshell or not. If it is, I'd like to enter a degraded mode without some features mc can't handle.
In particular, I'd like this to
Be as portable as possible
Not rely on anything outside the shell and basic universal external commands.
Though it's not documented in the man page, a quick experiment shows that mc sets two environment variables: $MC_TMPDIR and $MC_SID. (It also sets $HISTCONTROL, but that's not specific to mc; it affects the behavior of bash, and could have been set by something other than mc.)
If you don't want to depend on undocumented features, you can always set an environment variable yourself. For example, in bash:
mc() { MC_IS_RUNNING=1 command mc "$#" ; }
Entering a "degraded mode" is another matter; I'm not sure how you'd do that. I don't know of any way in bash to disable specified features. You could disable selected built-in commands by defining functions that override them. What features do you have in mind?

syntax-check a VimL script

I have a sizable vim script (a .vim file, in viml syntax). I'd like to check (but not execute!) the file for simple syntax errors.
How do I accomplish this?
I just want a very rough syntax check. Something along the lines of perl -c or pyflakes.
Here is a syntax checker for VimL.
I don't think (I'm relatively sure, as much as one can be) one exists. VimL is an internal language of Vim (and only Vim), and there aren't many tools developed for it.
I tried searching on and several other places, with no luck. Not suprising, because I've never heard of one either.
So you're either stuck with running the script, or switching to an outside language like Python, Perl or Ruby.
vim-watchdogs, apparently, is a syntax checker for vim, it says that it supports many languages, including vimL
if you use vundle, you can just drop this into your vimrc:
Plugin 'git://'
..and then run:
:PluginInstall set it up (vundle is a very nifty plugin manager) If you have syntastic, you might want to be careful and disable it first, and then see if it is an adequate replacement (since it says it supports all those languages anyway).
It is a safe bet that when you have multiple syntax checkers going, you will need to put your "dogs on a leash", so to speak; by configuring one to check languages that the other one does not, and vice-versa. If you do not, there will be at best collisions, duplications, or misdirections. At worst, you will have all of the above and more.
Make sure that you always backup your ~/.vim directory (or your VIMRUNTIME directory if you install things on a global level), you will be glad you did. Hope that helped you or someone else out, good luck! Sorry you had to wait 7.5 months for a response, heh :)
There's now a second option: vim-lint (as opposed to vimlint)

Vim and Ruby - matching "do"s and "end"s?

I'm sure we're all familiar with the "unexpected kEnd" problem. They are always (to me) a lot of trouble to track down, because Vim doesn't match "do"s and "end"s. (And, obviously, other elements that end with "end", like "if")
Is there a way to configure Vim to show these matches to help make debugging easier?
If you are using a recent vim (I'm using 7.4), the built-in matchit macro works well with ruby code.
Simply enable it by adding the following to your .vimrc
runtime macros/matchit.vim
Hit % to match do/end combos and many others in ruby files.
I use this macro and then add this to my vimrc to enable it:
" % to bounce from do to end etc.
runtime! macros/matchit.vim
When I want to find the matching end for a do, I cursor over the do and hit %.
"endwise" is a pretty nice vim extension that adds them automatically, which I found greatly reduces the amount of missing ends. etc:
I use this matchit clone, that can be installed easily with vundle.

SWeave with non-R code chunks?

I often use Sweave to produce LaTeX documents where certain chunks are produced dynamically by executing R code. This works well - but is it also possible to have code chunks that are executed in different ways, e.g. by executing the code in the shell, or by running Perl, and so on? It would be helpful to be able to mix things up, so I could do things like run some shell commands to fetch some data, run some perl commands to pre-process it, and then run R commands to analyze it.
Of course I could use all R chunks and use system() as a poor-man's substitute, but that doesn't make for very pleasant reading in the document.
The new new thing (for multi-language, multi-format) docs may be which for example these guys at use as the backend.
Ana, who is behind dexy, is also giving a lot of talks about it so also look at the dexy blog.
It's not directly related to Sweave, but org-babel, which is part of Emacs org-mode, allows to mix code chunks of different languages in one file, pass data from one chunk to another, execute them, and generate LaTeX or HTML export from the output.
You can find more informations about org-mode here :
And to see how org-babel works :
There is certainly no easy way to do this other than through either foreign language interfaces from R (maybe through inline if it's supported), or system(). For what it's worth, I would just use system(); that should be easy enough.
You can see this previous question about having a Sweave equivalent for Python, where one of the respondents actually creates a separate interface. This can give you a sense what what it would take to embed other languages which may not already be supported. At a minimum, you have to do major hacking on the Sweave driver.
Do you know emacs" org-mode and, more specifically, Babel? If you already know Emacs or are willing to switch to Emacs, then org-mode and Babel are the answer to your question(s).
For instance, I am currently working on a document which contains some shell-scripts, does computations with R and creates flow charts with dot (graphviz). Org-mode can export a variety of formats, e.g. LaTeX (that's what I use).
There is the StatWeave project which uses java rather than R to do the weaving, but will run multiple programs instead of just R. I don't know how hard it would be to get it to do Perl or other programs like that, but the homepage indicates that it already works with R, SAS, Stata, and others:
