I'm trying to access one file from beanshell sampler. However it shows me error as below :
Encounter "(C:"at line 9, column 2)
file path name is C:/Test/test.txt.
It seems i can't use C:/ drive in beanshell sampler? please let me know how can I resolve this
Most likely you have a syntax error in your Beanshell script, try using the below reference code which is reading the file and prints its contents into jmeter.log
String test = org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.readFileToString(new File("C:/Test/test.txt"));
log.info("test.txt file content is: " + test);
See How to Use BeanShell: JMeter's Favorite Built-in Component article to learn more about Beanshell scripting in JMeter.
NB: it may be faster and easier to use __FileToString function like:
I tried to pass a string from csv file to ${__base64Encode()} function but in result my API request is getting failed. When I checked my jmeter logs then in that I found that base64Encode function is unable to encode the string because it is too long and limit is 65535. So, is there any way by which I can increase the string limit to encode my string or is there other way because I need to pass that string to initially encode the data to make my script work.
Please find the attached screenshot for the error in mentioned link and let me know if there is any solution to resolve this issue.
Don't inline JMeter Functions or Variables in Groovy scripts, as per JSR223 Sampler documentation:
The JSR223 test elements have a feature (compilation) that can significantly increase performance. To benefit from this feature:
Use Script files instead of inlining them. This will make JMeter compile them if this feature is available on ScriptEngine and cache them.
Or Use Script Text and check Cache compiled script if available property.
When using this feature, ensure your script code does not use JMeter variables or JMeter function calls directly in script code as caching would only cache first replacement. Instead use script parameters.
Amend your code to look like:
vars.put('token', vars.get('token1').bytes.encodeBase64().toString())
and the error should go away
More information on Groovy scripting in JMeter: Apache Groovy: What Is Groovy Used For?
Alternatively just use ${__base64Encode(${token1},token)} function where required, but not in the JSR223 Test Element script
I am using the flexible file writer in Jmeter to write the four variables that I have captured and defined in the properties file. I have used the debug sampler to verify and view results of the values of each of the 4 variables that I have used.
But when I am trying to use number of threads as more than 3 or 5, I am getting garbled and multiple values of the variables in the same column of the output csv as:
But ideally I am expecting the result to be like:
1623596826050 1623596829514 1623596829868 1623596830045
1623596826195 1623596826434 1623596826840 1623596827071
1623596826427 1623596827736 1623596828138 1623596828319
1623596826629 1623596830096 1623596830417 1623596830600
1623596826809 1623596827113 1623596827514 1623596827692
Can someone help please. I have tried using other JS to capture the data one below the other but I am not able to capture the data in the above way. I am sure Jmeter must have an easy way to accomplish this.
We cannot help you by looking at the screenshot of the result file, we need to see your configuration of the flexible file writer, know how do you launch your JMeter script, is there any suspicious entries in jmeter.log file, etc.
Given that:
You declare your variables as Sample Variables
Configure the Flexible File Writer to save these variables as variable#0,variable#1,etc
Run JMeter in command-line non-GUI mode
You should get the anticipated results
More information: Using the JMeter Flexible File Writer Plugin
In Beanshell Post Processor I am creating a file and writing variable data received from a JDBC request to that file. I need to capture the file size of the created text file in KB and save to a variable so that I can call in a subsequent JDBC request.
Since JMeter 3.1 you should stop using Beanshell for scripting and switch to Groovy language.
Don't inline JMeter Functions or Variables inside scripts as they might resolve into something causing compilation failure or unexpected behavior or will be resolved only once.
You can save the size of the file into a JMeter Variable as:
vars.put("fileSize", String.valueOf(new File("/path/to/file").length().toString()));
To know file length in KB, use length() method:
long fileSizeInKB = new File("fileName").length() / 1024;
The length, in bytes, of the file
Here below are my scenario:
I am using JMeter to generate loads
I have to read multiple .csv files and extracting values, then add some logic to it and then pass this data to Java functions (we have a jars files for that)
I am using a BeanShell script. But I don't want to write all the code into one file. As its become a very big file and hard to maintain.
Query: Is there any way to write these functions in multiple beanshell script?
Query: Is that possible to call these function written in different beanshell scripts?
Can you provide a sample code for this.
You can use different JSR223 Elements to hold one file of beanshell scripts/functions by defining same script file
Script File
Name of a file to be used as a JSR223 script
If you have different functions you can use similarly Test Fragment
Test Fragment is used in conjunction with the Include Controller and Module Controller.
Looking to utilize jmeter for some automated testing but facing a problem. preliminary to my tests I want to run a query on my DB and then store the result in a text file.
I thought I'd do it via a JDBC request as such:
Then immediately after I want to do some post-processing that writes the result to our file:
I've tried, too, putting the paramater passed to vars.get in quotation marks, but I get no such luck. Jmeter does write a file, but that file is empty, and if I run the query independently, it does return results.
Does anybody know how to get this desired behavior?
If you look into jmeter.log file you should see a Beanshell Related error.
This is due to "Result Variable Name" being an ArrayList, not String, hence
You need to use vars.getObject() method instead of vars.get();
Ensure you quote the variable name
Remove the ";" at end of SQL Query
You need to iterate the ArrayList somehow or serialize it to file.
If result set is large it's better to consider doing it via JSR223 Sampler using "groovy" as a language as Beanshell has some performance limitations. See Beanshell vs JSR223 vs Java JMeter Scripting: The Performance-Off You've Been Waiting For! guide for benchmarking results and instructions on how to setup groovy scripting engine support.
To write the output to a file , see :
Append data into a file using Apache Commons I/O
If you decide to use Groovy it will be even easier :