Usage of variable and role in openstack-ansible - ansible

I am a newbie to Ansible and I started to study deploying Openstack with Ansible recently.
Here is the git of openstack-ansible:
From the tutorial:
there is one command running playbook:
openstack-ansible setup-hosts.yml
I read this playbook, it includes another playbook at line 16:
include: openstack-hosts-setup.yml
Then I read the included openstack-hosts-setup.yml and following is the snippet from it:
- name: Basic host setup
hosts: "{{ openstack_host_group|default('hosts') }}"
gather_facts: "{{ gather_facts | default(True) }}"
max_fail_percentage: 20
user: root
- name: Check for a supported Operating System
- (ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' and ansible_distribution_release == 'xenial') or
(ansible_os_family == 'RedHat' and ansible_distribution_major_version == '7')
msg: "The only supported platforms for this release are Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial) and CentOS 7 (WIP)"
- role: "openstack_hosts"
- openstack-hosts
I was confused about roles here
- role: "openstack_hosts"
As far as I know, there should be directory structure when using roles like:
However, I can't find this structure in this openstack-ansible project.
So I have no idea where is the role(openstack_hosts) in this playbook.
When running this playbook , an error occurred just expected:
ERROR! the role 'openstack_hosts' was not found in /opt/openstack-ansible/playbooks/roles:/root/ansible/roles:/opt/openstack-ansible/playbooks
Also, I was wondering where the variablescome from:
hosts: "{{ openstack_host_group|default('hosts') }}"
I thought the variable will be found from the directory vars or defaults
under roles directory.
Since there is no such directory, I have no idea where this variable comes from.
Could any tell me where should I find the variable openstack_host_group
and explain how the role is used here?
Or did I miss something or I was wrong with some concepts about Ansible?
By the way, this is the first time I ask question.
If the question is not clear enough or something not proper, please let me know :). Thanks again.

I guess you didn't complete from this guide. So you don't have required roles installed.
As for openstack_host_group, it seems that it is optional variable, so you can override default host pattern (which is hosts) if you want with extra variable (like -e openstack_host_group=my_other_group).


Ansible pre-check before run playbook

Is it possible to add a condition before to run a playbook which check if there is a title, a description, the environment and the versions on the playbook ?
For example my test.yml playbook:
#Apache servers
#version 2.1.1
#Testing for secure the webserver
And I would like to check if all the comment before are present before to run this task !
I tried to test this solution :
name: run Apachetest playbook
include: test.yml
when: "{{ lookup('file', 'test.yml').split('\n')[1] == '#Apache servers' }}"
But still not working...
Comments are, well, comments. They do not impact the execution and are just ignored. So there is no way, and actually no real reason, to check if comments are present or not. You would need to implement that yourself.
To check playbooks, roles, etc. there is ansible-lint which will verify the syntax and some best practices (e.g. if you use a command or shell for something there is a module for) but this does not verify comments (again, checking for comments does not make sense from a execution perspective, as they are ignored).
You want some information to be present in your playbook, that is what I understand. If I was you, I would either create a git hook, that verifies if the information is present before letting you push that code to your repository or establish a proper review-process, where the reviewer only accepts a merge/pull request, if the information is present.
Otherwise, here is the code, that will do what you are trying to do:
#Apache server
- hosts: all
- name: set fact
pb: "{{ lookup('file', 'test.yml').split('\n')[1] }}"
- name: check if we found it
msg: 'found'
when: "'#Apache server' in pb"
You could use the apache role for apache installed like that
- hosts: apache
sudo: yes
- name: install apache2
apt: name=apache2 update_cache=yes state=latest
have a look here how-to-install-apache-on-ansible

Trying to split my Ansible playbook based on the Operating System

I have a playbook which needs to be run based on the operating System.
UseCase: Lets assume there is a service that is running.
On Linux we can check if it is installed and running using the
systemctl status application.service
While command and on windows we will be using the
sc query "ServiceName" | find "RUNNING"
Now we have to install it based on the output of the above a commands which requires us to segregate the playbook based on the OS.
Classic Example: Create a directory based on the OS
- name: Install QCA Agent on Linux targets
hosts: all
gather_facts: true
remote_user: root
- name: Create Directory for Downloading Qualys Cloud Agent
sudo: yes
sudo_user: root
path: /usr/q1/
state: directory
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0777
recurse: no
- name: Create Directory for Downloading Qualys Cloud Agent
path: c:\q1
state: directory
owner: Administrator
group: Administrator
mode: 0777
recurse: no
The playbook will alwayz be successful only if one of the condition is met and it is whether it is Windows or Unix OS. I can alwayz add a condition which will prompt based on:
when: ansible_distribution == 'Redhat' or ansible_distribution == 'CentOS'
However what i would like to achieve is based on a condition it should trigger my playbook.yml file.
name: Load a variable file based on the OS type, or a default if not found. Using free-form to specify the file.
include_vars: "{{ item }}"
- "{{ ansible_distribution }}.yaml"
- "{{ ansible_os_family }}.yaml"
- default.yaml
I would like to know if there is a better example explaining the same that i could implement or if there are other ways to achieve the same.
Thank you,
The example you show from the Ansible docs is pretty much the best practice and is common in many playbooks (and roles for that matter) that deal with multiple OSes. If you have code that is different (instead of the variable example here), you'll be using include_tasks instead of include_vars, but the concept is the same.

ansible share variables between hosts during run time

I am using ansible 2.5.4 and I need to share variables between hosts.
I tried many examples thtat I saw on-line ( share with set_fact or using a dummy host ) and it is all not working.
maybe I am doing something different,
this is my playbook:
- hosts: master[0]
- name: generate kubernetes BootrapToken
command: kubeadm token generate
register: generate_token_result
- set_fact: token="{{generate_token_result}}"
- hosts: new # requires creating new group in inventory.cfg named new
- name: include docker-host role
name: docker-host
when: not skip_nodes_setup
- name: include kubernetes-host role
name: kubernetes-host
when: not skip_nodes_setup
- name: include kubernetes-operator role
name: kubernetes-operator
when: not skip_nodes_setup
- name: join node to kubernetes cluster
command: "kubeadm join --token {{ hostvars['master[0]']['token']['stdout'] }} --discovery-token-unsafe-skip-ca-verification {{ hostvars['kubernetes_machines']['kube_apiserver'] }}"
I am getting the following error:
The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: "hostvars['master[0]']" is undefined
the first task is able to run on master[0] but the second task does not recognize that host.
please help.
adding the inventory.cfg:
If you ask for "hostvars['master[0]']", you've got the entire master[0] inside quotes so you're referring to a host with the literal name master[0]. If you mean the first member of the master hostgroup, you need a variable reference, not a string, and you'll need to use the groups variable (and you need to remember your hostgroup is named masters not master):
You can find relevant documentation here.
Quoting from Playbook Basics
The hosts line is a list of one or more groups or host patterns
Pattern master[0] doesn't match hostname master[0]. If the hostname is master0 then the hostvars reference should be
It's not clear why hosts: master[0] works. It should not according to the documentation. hosts: master.0 which should be the same doesn't work.

Is there a better way to conditionally add a user to a group with Ansible?

I have a playbook that provisions a host for use with Rails/rvm/passenger. I'd like to add use the same playbook to setup both test and production.
In testing, the user to add to the rvm group is jenkins. The one in production is passenger. My playbook excerpt below does this based on the inventory_hostname parameter.
It seems like adding a new user:/when: block in the playbook for every testing or production host is the wrong way to go here. Should I be using an Ansible role for this?
- hosts: all
become: true
- name: add jenkins user to rvm group when on testing
user: name={{ item }}
- jenkins
when: "'bob.mydomain' in inventory_hostname"
- name: add passenger user to rvm group when on rails production
user: name={{ item }}
- passenger
when: "'alice.mydomain' in inventory_hostname"
Create an inventory file called inventories/testing
This will control what hosts are targeted when you run your playbook against your testing environment.
Create another file called group_vars/testing
rvm_user: jenkins
This file will keep all variables required for running a playbook against the testing environment. Your production file should have the same variables, but with different values.
Finally in your playbook:
- hosts: all
become: true
- name: add user to rvm group
name: "{{ rvm_user }}"
shell: "/bin/bash"
groups: rvm
append: yes
Now, when you want to run your playbook, you execute it like so:
ansible-playbook -i inventories/testing site.yml
Ansible will do the right thing, and look for a testing file in group_vars and read variables from there. It will ignore variables in a file or folder not named after your environment with the exception of a file called all which is intended to be for common variables across playbooks.
Good luck - Ansible is an amazing tool :)

Ansible - Unable to run certain JUNOS modules

I'm trying to run the Ansible modules junos_cli and junos_rollback and I get the following error:
ERROR! no action detected in task. This often indicates a misspelled module name, or incorrect module path.
The error appears to have been in '/home/quake/network-ansible/roles/junos-rollback/tasks/main.yml': line 2, column 3, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
- name: I've made a huge mistake
^ here
This is the role in question:
- name: I've made a huge mistake
host={{ inventory_hostname }}
comment={{ comment }}
confirm={{ confirm }}
rollback={{ rollback }}
logfile={{ playbook_dir }}/library/logs/rollback.log
diffs_file={{ playbook_dir }}/configs/{{ inventory_hostname }}
Here is the Juniper page:
Their example's syntax is a little odd. host uses a colon while the rest uses = signs. I've tried mixing both and only using one or the other. I keep getting errors.
I also confirmed that my junos-eznc version is higher than 1.2.2 (I have 2.0.1)
I've been able to use junos_cli before, I don't know if a version mismatch happened. On the official Ansible documentation, there is no mention of junos_cli or junos_rollback. Perhaps they're not supported anymore?
junos_cli & junos_rollback are part of Galaxy and not core modules. You can find them at
Is the content posted here has whole content of your playbook? if yes, You need to define other items too in your playbook such as roles, connection, local. For example
- name: rollback example
hosts: all
- Juniper.junos
connection: local
gather_facts: no
- name: I've made a huge mistake
host = {{inventory_hostname}}
Where have you saved the content of juniper.junos modules?. Can you post the content of your playbook and the output of the tree command to see your file structure? That could help.
I had a similar problem where Ansible was not finding my modules and what I did was to copy the juniper.junos folder to my roles folder and then added a tasks folder within it to execute the main.yaml from there.
Something like this:
- name: "TEST 1 - Gather Facts"
host: "{{ inventory_hostname}}"
user: "uuuuu"
passwd: "yyyyyy"
savedir: "/Users/macuared/Ansible_projects/Ouput/Facts"
ignore_errors: True
register: junos
- name: Checking Device Version
debug: msg="{{ junos.facts.serialnumber }}"
Additionally, I would add "" to the string values in your YAML. Something like this:
- name: I've made a huge mistake
host="{{ inventory_hostname }}"
comment="{{ comment }}"
confirm={{ confirm }}
rollback={{ rollback }}
logfile="{{ playbook_dir }}/library/logs/rollback.log"
diffs_file="{{ playbook_dir }}/configs/{{ inventory_hostname }}"
Regarding this "I've tried mixing both and only using one or the other. I keep getting errors."
I've used just colon and mine works fine even when in the documentation suggests = signs. See junos_get_facts
