Endpoint URL has an invalid value - botframework

I am trying to register my Bot at https://dev.botframework.com
However, when I put https://localhost:44338/api/messages in the
Messaging endpoint field I get an error - Endpoint URL has an invalid
value. My bot is running locally on https://localhost:44338.
Also is there any way I can create my own web client which can
communicate with my Bot.
Is Bot Registration mandatory for it to be deployed in production.

It looks like you're trying to register your bot with your local instance whereas you need to use a deployed (production) instance.
Publish your bot to Azure and use the URL you get from that. In Visual Studio you can right click your project and select "Publish"- just follow the instructions from there.
You can make your own client, yes. You can use your browser or anything else to make HTTP requests to your production bot.
You need to register your bot if you're using the bot connector.
Hope that helps.


Teams communication to custom https endoint

I would like to know how does Team communicate with a custom https endpoint.
I am developping a bot using Teams Toolkit and I am trying to understand what commands does teamsfx in order to successfuly side load app on Teams.
When trying to run the default command of "dev:teamsfx" and building the package using the correct ngrok enpoint and then uploading that package on Teams, the bot does not receive any messages through the "api/messages" endpoint.
However, when i run the deugging tool in VS Code, everything works fine and we pin pointed that the part that we are missing to add is found inside of these commands :
Teams Toolkit executed commands
So i have 2 questions :
Where can i find documentation regarding the tasks that Teams Toolkit is running so that we can manually execute those commands?
Why does Teams not reach our "api/messages" endpoint when we ONLY run "dev:teamsfx" ? (The appPackage is correct with the right manifest)
To answer your two questions:
The documentation about using Teams Toolkit to debug you app is here. You can read the documentation to know the details about what Teams Toolkit does for you after you press F5. For bot, Teams Toolkit will register and configure the bot, see here for more details.
When you run dev:teamsfx, the bot service will start. However, you have not configured the bot messaging endpoint, this is why Teams does not reach api/messages. When you press F5, Teams Toolkit will automatically start ngrok to forward the local bot traffic to a public url, then use this url to configure the bot messaging endpoint, e.g. https://0556-2404-f801-9000-1a-6fea-00-690.ngrok.io/api/messages. If you want to use your own tunnelling tool instead of the default ngrok, you can follow this doc. By the way, you can manage the bot (that Teams Toolkit has created for you) in Bot Framework developer portal, https://dev.botframework.com/bots.

Microsoft Bot Framework - bot missing from "Bot Framework" tenant. How to add?

Half a year ago we created a bot using the App Studio app from Teams. This worked well and the bot is running happily. Apparently starting 2022 App Studio "evolved":
So, this time using the new "evolved" Developer Portal, we registered a similar bot in another environment.
Just to end up with a bot that somehow is not registered in the Microsoft-internal bot framework tenant. I cannot say how we ended up in this state but there is a troubleshooting site that we can use to verify our failed state. The result of this simple call looks like this:
For googleability:
AADSTS700016: Application with identifier
'68dafaa0-5755-4433-8f47-3e174c5ed131' was not found in the directory
'Bot Framework'. This can happen if the application has not been
installed by the administrator of the tenant or consented to by any
user in the tenant. You may have sent your authentication request to
the wrong tenant.
Now the question: how can we add our bot to this "Bot Framework" tenant? And: which of the button clicks in the Dev Center and/or Bot Framework portal do the magic of adding the bot? The troubleshooting article unfortunately gives no advice on how to fix this situation.
We also tried removing the bot via the Bot Framework portal and re-created it with the same IDs and had the hope this fixes the situation. Unfortunately not.
Note: everything else is in place and looks like our other functioning bot. A teams app containing the bot, the Azure AD app registration with the bot ID, the bot in the bot portal, correct client secret. Everything seems correct except that the bot ID is missing from the Bot Framework tenant.
Just ran into the same issue. It looks like you have your bot registered into your tenant (and not the global bot framework). So you can get the access token by changing the URL to the following (replacing with your tenant id):
Just tested this and was able to get an access token. Now will that token actually work the same way using the scope is another matter. You may need to change the scope to:
As of now I am getting a token either way
To generate a bot directly into the global tenant you can go to the following URL and click on "My Bots" and then "Create". Any existing bots you have should also appear here:

Microsoft bot framework v3 webchat channel not working with ngrok

I created chatbot with microsoft bot framework v3.
I use mssql server 2017 database.
It runs perfectly on emulator. After that I registered my chatbot on azure through Bot channel registration.
Then I save AppId and Password etc in web.config and also in emulator and tested, It runs without any error.
I use ngrok , as ngrok http 3979 it gives me https://........ngrok.io and I save that access point in azure bot reg endpoint with api/messages.
Then I get embed code with key and placed in page.html and when I send message it gives me error as:
Yes I'm using webchat and here the screenshots
webconfig and running emulator
ngrok http 3979 and also save it azure settings as endpoint
When run django app, say hi

Writing A Bot Framework Client

I've been away from BotFramework development for a while and have now come back to it.
I am using this Bot hosted internally within my company, and talking to it using a relay application using REST. This all worked fine.
However, after updating to V3 of the Bot Framework I came across issues. I see that the changes mean that the Bot now replies asynchronously, sending data to the ServiceURL field. Therefore I have a couple of questions.
Can I still use this architecture for the Bot Framework? (i.e. hosting internally to the company, without using Azure or Connectors)
If I can, I assume that my relay application will need to have an endpoint that the Bot can reply to? Does it just do a http POST to the ServiceUrl I give it? (i.e. http://mybotserver:9000) or is it posting to a URL under that server address? I assume the body of the post is the usual Json you see in the Channel Emulator.
I don't know the specifics of your architecture, but in general, if your bot (via relay) can:
Reach the ServiceURL endpoint with an https post
Receive incoming requests to an endpoint you registered with the Bot Framework
The relay needs to be able to reach our login service to sign requests
Also needs to be able to reach our OpenId endpoint as part of signing/authenticating
That should be it.

Bot Framework always getting unauthorized response

I started using Microsoft Bot Framework and followed step by step all tutorials.
I has been able to register a new bot and to deploy it working good with emulator, but except it nothing else works.
Test connection to your bot chat do not works despite I get answer from emulator and from all connected channels, that where created and registered properly I always get an Unauthorized response or something like that, anyway no response, so nothing works.
I tried with Twilio, Web Chat, Telegram (Skype auth is pending) getting always the same response.
As it seems I strictly followed the tutorials, is there something else to do or to be approved? Or just the service is still not working at 100% as too young?
If you are using HTTP you need to disable basic auth because the connector won't send your appSecret in the clear.
The solution is to make sure you register as HTTPS, or if you need to use HTTP then disable the basic auth.
Took me a while to get it working locally too. Oddly for me it only works when those 'secret' fields are empty, as mentioned and running in debug.
Running without debugging seems to always result in a 401
Hi I was facing same problem to work bot locally in v3. I just made everything blank in web.config and it is working.
I solved the problem.
It was related to https. It's not well explained into tutorial but when you create and publish a service in Azure it is created as http://XXXXXXX.azurewebsites.net as shocased into tutorial, but it will not work as your service must run in https.
I so used https://startssl.com to create a free ssl certificate then turned on SSL into my Azure service so everything started working.
I've cleaned up the getting started with the following; hopefully it will make it clearer for the next person who uses it:
Click the “Register a Bot” button and fill out the form. Many of the fields on this form can be changed later. Use a the endpoint generated from your Azure deployment, and don’t forget that when using the Bot Application template you’ll need to extend the URL you pasted in with the path to the endpoint at /API/Messages. You should also prefix your URL with HTTPS instead of HTTP; Azure will take care of providing HTTPS support on your bot. Save your changes by hitting “Create” at the bottom of the form.
Make sure you are using HTTPS. BotFramework will not work with basic auth so tokens are not passed in the clear.
See: http://docs.botframework.com/connector/calling-api/
Make sure that you republish your bot service after registering and getting the app Id and password. If you fail to do this you will get Unauthorized. The steps are 100% clear on this and I hit this for a minute.
