PUT request is getting mapped to GET request when deployed - asp.net-web-api

I am facing a weird problem. In my Azure mobile app, I added a plain vanilla webapi controller with standard http verbs get, put etc. Now on my localhost everything is working fine. but when I deploy this to my azurewebsite. and call using Post man. the PUT request gets mapped to GET code. I tested using Postman, fiddler.
I am sure I am missing sth, but couldn't figure it out, checked the route, tried multiple options, but just couldn't figure out. Same is true with DELETE and POST. below is the sample code
public class TestController : BaseController
// GET: api/Test
public IEnumerable<string> Get()
return new string[] { "value1", "value2" };
// GET: api/Test/5
public string Get(int id)
return "value";
// POST: api/Test
public async Task<string> Post([FromBody]string value)
await Task.Delay(100);
return "post: " + value;
// PUT: api/Test/5
public async Task<string> Put(int id, [FromBody]string value)
await Task.Delay(100);
return "put: " + value;
// DELETE: api/Test/5
public async Task<string> Delete(int id)
await Task.Delay(100);
return "delete: " + id;

You are mixing routing via WebAPI and routing via Mobile Apps, and they are conflicting. Pick one. For this application, I'd suggest removing the MobileAppController attribute and just going with the WebAPI routing.

Make sure you are making request via SSL i.e. your url should be starting from https.
when I was using Postman, my url was starting with "http" and any POST/PUT/DELETE request gets mapped to GET. and if I change it to "https" everything just works as expected.


Identify user/pc without authentication in ASP.NET Core

I'm trying to achieve the following:
Have an unauthenticated user navigate to a web page, where a SignalR (core) client will connect to a hub (say Notifications hub).
Have the user perform an action and, when the operation is completed on the server, use SignalR to notify him of the completion.
The problem: when a user is logged, I find his SignalR connectionId by a connectionId-username map that is saved in memory. Then I do:
hub.SendConnectionAsync(connectionId, "Message", data);
If the user is not authenticated, I came up with using SessionId, and the map I save in memory is something that gives me a ConnectionId given a SessionId. The code snippet I use on the HubLifetimeManager is something like:
public override async Task OnConnectedAsync(HubConnectionContext connection)
await _wrappedHubLifetimeManager.OnConnectedAsync(connection);
string userId;
if (connection.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
userId = connection.User.Identity.Name;
var httpContext = connection.GetHttpContext();
if (httpContext == null)
throw new Exception("HttpContext can't be null in a SignalR Hub!!");
var sessionId = httpContext.Session.Id;
userId = $"{Constants.AnonymousUserIdentifierPrefix}{sessionId}";
await _userTracker.AddUser(connection, new UserDetails(connection.ConnectionId, userId));
Problem: if my page is opened in an iframe, httpContext.Session.Id is the empty string, it looks like the cookies of my page opened in the iframe (among which is the Session cookie), are not added to the http requests performed by the javascript code executed inside the iframe...
More generally, how do you identify a user if he's not authenticated? Is there anything in the HttpRequest that you can use as a unique id, like machine name or ip?
If you want to identify an anonymous user you could use a custom http header generated on frontend. It can be accessed with IHttpContextAccessor in combination with custom IUserIdProvider:
public class CustomUserIdProvider : IUserIdProvider
private readonly IHttpContextAccessor _httpContextAccessor;
public CustomUserIdProvider(IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor)
_httpContextAccessor = httpContextAccessor;
public string GetUserId(HubConnectionContext connection)
if (connection.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
return connection.User.Identity.Name;
var username = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext?.Request.Headers["username"];
if (username.HasValue && !StringValues.IsNullOrEmpty(username.Value))
return username.Value;
return Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
Remember that in .NET Core you need to explicitly add IHttpContextAccessor to the DI container:
services.AddSingleton<IUserIdProvider, CustomUserIdProvider>();
Then you can use the generated identifier in hub method like this:
public override async Task OnConnectedAsync(HubConnectionContext connection)
await _wrappedHubLifetimeManager.OnConnectedAsync(connection);
string userId = connection.UserIdentifier;
await _userTracker.AddUser(connection, new UserDetails(connection.ConnectionId, userId));
Source: https://dejanstojanovic.net/aspnet/2020/march/custom-signalr-hub-authorization-in-aspnet-core/

How to set up Web API Routing for a Proxy Controller?

Part of my application needs to act as a Proxy Server for a third party RESTful web service. Is there a way to set up Web API routing so that all requests of the same type will go to the same method?
For example, if the client sends in either of these GET requests I want them to go into a single GET action method that then sends on the request to the downstream server.
The single action method for GET would pick up any one of these three requests and send them on to the respective service (I know how to work with HttpClient to make that happen effectively):
I don't want to have to tightly couple my web service to the third party web service and replicate their entire API as method calls inside mine.
One workaround that I have thought of is to simply encode the target URL in JavaScript on the client and pass this into the Web API which will then only see one parameter. It would work, but I'd prefer to use the routing capabilities in Web API if possible.
Here's how I got this to work. First, create a controller with a method for each verb you want to support:
public class ProxyController : ApiController
private Uri _baseUri = new Uri("http://otherwebservice.com");
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Get(string url)
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Post(string url)
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Put(string url)
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Delete(string url)
The methods are async because they're going to use an HttpClient. Map your route like this:
name: "Proxy",
routeTemplate: "api/Proxy/{*url}",
defaults: new { controller = "Proxy" });
Now back to the Get method in the controller. Create an HttpClient object, create a new HttpRequestMessage object with the appropriate Url, copy everything (or almost everything) from the original request message, then call SendAsync():
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Get(string url)
using (var httpClient = new HttpClient())
string absoluteUrl = _baseUri.ToString() + "/" + url + Request.RequestUri.Query;
var proxyRequest = new HttpRequestMessage(Request.Method, absoluteUrl);
foreach (var header in Request.Headers)
proxyRequest.Headers.Add(header.Key, header.Value);
return await httpClient.SendAsync(proxyRequest, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseContentRead);
The URL combining could be more sophisticated, but that's the basic idea.
For the Post and Put methods, you'll also need to copy the request body
Also please note a HttpCompletionOption.ResponseContentRead parameter passed in SendAsync call, because without it, ASP.NET will spend an exremeley long time reading the content if the content is large (in my case, it changed a 500KB 100ms request into a 60s request).

.NET Web API 2 OWIN Bearer Token Authentication direct call

I have a problem with my Web Api Project.
I have files stored in my Database and want to call them directly in a new window to view/save (URL like : /api/Files/5 - 5 beeing the FileId)
I got everthing working with the Bearer Token for my general AJAX requests with AngularJS for normal Data and it works like a charm. For the file I created a Controller that shows the file in the browser with the corresponding MIME-Type. But now that I changed the action to [Authorize] I get an Access Denied which is correct because I didnt pass an access_token in the HTTP-Header.
I did quite some research if it is possible to pass the Token via the querystring but didn't find anything helpful.
Now my plan is to remove the [Authorize] Attribute from my Controller and try to validate the token myself but I don't know how.
Anyone know how I can get it to work?
I implemented bearer token authentication in my app (AngularJS, WebAPI 2) and I had similar problem - I needed to allow downloading files by clicking on a link. When you click on a link headers are not sent. :(
So, I sent the token value in a query string to download a file
and set "Authorization" header to the token value in Startup.Auth.cs. Here is the code:
public void ConfigureAuth(IAppBuilder app)
//It needs for file downloads
app.Use(async (context, next) =>
if (context.Request.QueryString.HasValue)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(context.Request.Headers.Get("Authorization")))
var queryString = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(context.Request.QueryString.Value);
string token = queryString.Get("access_token");
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(token))
context.Request.Headers.Add("Authorization", new[] { string.Format("Bearer {0}", token) });
await next.Invoke();
// Enable the application to use bearer tokens to authenticate users
This feature is already built in - I wrote about it here:
For ASP .Net Core I did something like this based on Forward's answer
Extension Method
public static void UseQueryStringBearerValidation(this IApplicationBuilder app)
//It needs for file downloads
app.Use(async (context, next) =>
if (context.Request.QueryString.HasValue)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(context.Request.Headers["Authorization"].ToString()))
var queryString = QueryHelpers.ParseQuery(context.Request.QueryString.Value);
var token = queryString["access_token"].ToString();
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(token))
context.Request.Headers.Add("Authorization", new[] {$"Bearer {token}"});
await next();
StartUp.cs -> Configure() method
app.UseQueryStringBearerValidation(); // <-- add before Jwt Handler
Although I'm not sure it's a very good idea, you could implementing a DelegatingHandler to achieve what you are looking for.
public class QueryStringBearerToken : DelegatingHandler
protected override Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var bearerToken = request.GetQueryNameValuePairs()
.Where(kvp => kvp.Key == "bearerToken")
.Select(kvp => kvp.Value)
request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + bearerToken);
return base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);
This handler will look for the query string named "bearerToken" and, if it exists, will add it to the request header for the subsequent handlers / filter to process. You might want to check first if the header is already present and not override in this case. You can add this handler in your configuration phase in the usual fashion:
config.MessageHandlers.Insert(0, new QueryStringBearerToken ());
A request for /YourRoute?bearerToken=theToken will pass in the DelegatingHandler, adding the token passed in the query string to the list of headers in the original request and the regular Bearer Token authentication will look for the header and find it.

SignalR not broadcasting

I'm trying to create a server to client broadcast mechanism with SignalR and it doesnt seem to do anything.
I have a hub like this:
public class DataMessageService : Hub, IClientNotificationService
dynamic _clients;
public DataMessageService(IConnectionManager connectionManager)
_clients = connectionManager.GetClients<DataMessageService>();
public void SendDataChangeNotification(string entityName, string changeType, string id)
_clients.dataChangeNotification(new string[] {entityName, changeType, id});
My _Layouts.cshtml has this:
var _centralHub;
$(function() {
// startup the signalr hub and get the proxies we need
_centralHub = $.connection.dataMessageService;
And I have some code in a partial which is loaded by a jquery tab using ajax:
_centralHub.dataChangeNotification = function (data) {
alert(data[0] + "::" + data[1] + "::" + data[2]);
if (data[0] == 'User') {
Now in the data layer, when some crud action occurs, I call DataMessageService.SendDataChangeNotification but nothing happens at the client end.
Am I missing something?
Update: I thought it might be something to do with the vs web server thingy but it also fails when using full IIS (on Win 7).
Another Update:
I had confused my service with my hub. I'v'e now split these so it looks like the following, but it still doesnt work.
public class DataMessageService : IClientNotificationService
public void SendDataChangeNotification(string entityName, string changeType, string id)
IConnectionManager icm = AspNetHost.DependencyResolver.Resolve<IConnectionManager>();
dynamic clients = icm.GetClients<DataMessageHub>();
clients.dataChangeNotification(new string[] { entityName, changeType, id });
public class DataMessageHub : Hub
Even more info:
This works with FireFox but not with IE or Chrome.
I also tried to create a simple sample app and this worked fine with Chrome and IE.
Given that we don't have web sockets available to us, long polling may not be a good idea for our users/infrastructure. Maybe one day...
A new instance of the hub is created every time it is resolved so you can't persist state like that.
You can get all clients in the hub from this.Clients.
To broadcast from outside of the hub class use this:
IConnectionManager connectionManager = AspNetHost.DependencyResolver.Resolve<IConnectionManager>();
dynamic clients = connectionManager.GetClients<DataMessageService>();
clients.dataChangeNotification(new string[] {entityName, changeType, id});

Handling URL's with AppHarbor without Modifying All My Controllers

I'm trying to host an MVC 3 application (FunnelWeb) on AppHarbor. For a reason that's still not clear to me, when my route is only a Controller+Action (e.g. mysite/admin is Admin+Index and mysite/login is Admin+login) everything works fine, but if I have anything else in the route (e.g. a variable like {*page}) my URL will be mysite:12345/mypage (where 12345 is a port number assigned by AppHarbor and mypage is the name of the page I'm requesting). This makes the request fail as the port 12345 is not publicly exposed.
AppHarbor uses load balancing to distribute the request between multiple IIS's. This is their way of doing stuff and this is why internally the requests are routed to some non-standard ports. I don't have a problem with that, but I have problem with MVC that tries to route me to that internal URL.
I'm not pointing fingers here; it's nobody's fault :) so let's move to the question:
Why there is a difference between requesting a route with Controller+Action only and requesting a route with a variable like {*page}? Be technical please :)
Here is an example of how to handle requests in AppHarbor, however, it seems that it requires me to modify all my controllers (OMG). Is there any way to implement this without modifying my controllers?
Any other suggestions are welcomed :)
Thanks in advance.
UPDATE: Coincidentally, the behaviour that I observed matches the conclusion that I reached. However, the issue has nothing to do with ASP.Net MVC routing. The short story is, FunnelWeb forces lowercase URL's, so, whenever it receives a request to a resource it convert it to lowercase, if needed, and issue a 301 response. The problem is, when creating the URL for the 301 response, the request URL (absolute URL) is now the URL used when the request made from the load balancer to IIS and not the one made from the client; hence, the request fails.
This is known issue with FunnelWeb url generation on AppHarbor. When using standard MVC methods to generate relative URLs, this is not a problem. AppHarbor has a short guide and sample on how the generate public URLs in the knowledge base.
It's possible that the following is now all you need:
<!-- AppHarbor Setting to stop AppHb load balancer internal port numbers from showing up in URLs-->
<add key="aspnet:UseHostHeaderForRequestUrl" value="true" />
This is noted as an update on AppHarbor's support page at http://support.appharbor.com/kb/getting-started/workaround-for-generating-absolute-urls-without-port-number
MSDN says the following about UseHostHeaderForRequestUrl:
aspnet:UseHostHeaderForRequestUrl - If this value attribute is false [default], the Url property is dynamically built from the host, port, and path provided by the web server. If this value attribute is true, the Url property is dynamically built by using the host and port provided by the incoming "Host" header and the path provided by the web server.
There is a way, but it requires a couple of classes.
When ASP.NET MVC registers a route, it defines a route handler. This route handler returns a HTTP handler that handles the request. If you use a custom route handler that returns a custom HTTP handler, you can rewrite the HTTP context by using a couple decorator classes.
Start by creating a HttpContextProxy and HttpRequestProxy that derives from the base classes and wraps all methods and properties to an inner instance. I've made the hard work available.
Next create the decorators, first the HTTP context decorator:
using System.Web;
public class HttpContextDecorator : HttpContextProxy
public HttpContextDecorator(HttpContextBase innerHttpContext)
: base(innerHttpContext)
public override HttpRequestBase Request
return new HttpRequestDecorator(base.Request);
The HTTP request decorator:
using System;
using System.Web;
public class HttpRequestDecorator : HttpRequestProxy
public HttpRequestDecorator(HttpRequestBase innerHttpRequest)
: base(innerHttpRequest)
public override bool IsSecureConnection
return string.Equals(Headers["X-Forwarded-Proto"], "https", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
public override Uri Url
var url = base.Url;
var urlBuilder = new UriBuilder(url);
if (IsSecureConnection)
urlBuilder.Port = 443;
urlBuilder.Scheme = "https";
urlBuilder.Port = 80;
return urlBuilder.Uri;
public override string UserHostAddress
const string forwardedForHeader = "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR";
var forwardedFor = ServerVariables[forwardedForHeader];
if (forwardedFor != null)
return forwardedFor;
return base.UserHostAddress;
As mentioned, you also need to override the MVC classes - here the HTTP handler:
using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Routing;
public class CustomMvcHandler : MvcHandler
public CustomMvcHandler(RequestContext requestContext)
: base(requestContext)
requestContext.HttpContext = new HttpContextDecorator(requestContext.HttpContext);
protected override IAsyncResult BeginProcessRequest(HttpContextBase httpContext, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
httpContext = new HttpContextDecorator(httpContext);
return base.BeginProcessRequest(httpContext, callback, state);
protected override void ProcessRequest(HttpContextBase httpContext)
httpContext = new HttpContextDecorator(httpContext);
Then the route handler:
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Routing;
public class CustomMvcRouteHandler : MvcRouteHandler
protected override IHttpHandler GetHttpHandler(RequestContext requestContext)
return new CustomMvcHandler(requestContext);
Finally, you'll need to replace the associated handler for all registered routes (or map them properly from the beginning):
var routes = RouteTable.Routes.OfType<Route>().Where(x => x.RouteHandler is MvcRouteHandler);
foreach (var route in routes)
route.RouteHandler = new CustomMvcRouteHandler();
