Find&Replace a quoted string with grep | sed - bash

I need to remove in a text file all quotation marks which enclosure strings that always begins with the same, but ends in a different way:
'something.with.quotation.123' must be something.with.quotation.123
'something.with.quotation.456' must be something.with.quotation.456
but quotated strings that doesn't begin with this should not be changed.
I've been working with a grep that finds & prints the quotated strings:
grep -o "something\.with\.quotation\.[^']*" file.txt
Now I need to pass the results to sed through a pipeline, but it doesn't work:
grep -o "something\.with\.quotation\.[^']*" file.txt | sed -i "s/'$'/$/g" file.txt
I've been trying with other options ("s/\'$\'/$/g", "s/'\\$'/\\$/g",...) and googling a lot, but no way.
Can you point me to the correct way to get a result from a pipeline in sed?

You don't need grep here. Just use sed like this:
cat file
'foo bar'
sed -E "s/'(something\.with\.quotation\.[^']*)'/\1/g" file
'foo bar'


Grep multiple strings from text file

Okay so I have a textfile containing multiple strings, example of this -
Thank you
I want grep to use these strings to find lines with matching strings/keywords from other files within a directory
example of text files being grepped -
so in this instance the output should be
With GNU grep:
grep -f file1 file2
-f FILE: Obtain patterns from FILE, one per line.
You should probably look at the manpage for grep to get a better understanding of what options are supported by the grep utility. However, there a number of ways to achieve what you're trying to accomplish. Here's one approach:
grep -e "Hello123" -e "Halo123" -e "Gracias" -e "Thank you" list_of_files_to_search
However, since your search strings are already in a separate file, you would probably want to use this approach:
grep -f patternFile list_of_files_to_search
I can think of two possible solutions for your question:
Use multiple regular expressions - a regular expression for each word you want to find, for example:
grep -e Hello123 -e Halo123 file_to_search.txt
Use a single regular expression with an "or" operator. Using Perl regular expressions, it will look like the following:
grep -P "Hello123|Halo123" file_to_search.txt
As you mentioned in your comment, you want to use a list of words to find from a file and search in a full directory.
You can manipulate the words-to-find file to look like -e flags concatenation:
cat words_to_find.txt | sed 's/^/-e "/;s/$/"/' | tr '\n' ' '
This will return something like -e "Hello123" -e "Halo123" -e "Gracias" -e" Thank you", which you can then pass to grep using xargs:
cat words_to_find.txt | sed 's/^/-e "/;s/$/"/' | tr '\n' ' ' | dir_to_search/*
As you can see, the last command also searches in all of the files in the directory.
SECOND EDIT: as PesaThe mentioned, the following command would do this in a much more simple and elegant way:
grep -f words_to_find.txt dir_to_search/*

grep to sed, append after string match but instead on end of line

I have the following text file with the following lines:
My aim is to have the above text file to be appended with a keyword "HELLO" after the above numbers, as following:
with the grep command and cut, I manage to get the value between the quotation mark.
grep -o "test=".* test.txt | cut -d \" -f2
I tried to use sed on top of it, with this line
grep -o "test=".* test.txt | cut -d \" -f2 | sed -i -- 's/$/.HELLO/' test.txt
however the closest I manage to get is instead a ".HELLO" which directly appended on the end of the line (and not after the numbers in between the quotes)
How can I fix my sed statement to provide me with the requested line?
You can do it with groups in sed. To create new output, you can do this:
sed 's/\(test="[^"]*\)"/\1.HELLO"/g' test.txt
To modify it in-place, you can use the -i switch:
sed -i 's/\(test="[^"]*\)"/\1.HELLO"/g' test.txt
() is a group. You can refer to it with \1. In sed we have to escape the parentheses: \(\)
[^"]* matches everything that's not a quote. So the match will stop before the quote
In the replacement, you have to add the quote manually, since it's outside of the group. So you can put stuff before the quote.
Try this:
This is how your file looks like.
bash > cat a.txt
Your text piped to SED
bash > cat a.txt |sed 's/">/.HELLO">/g'
bash >
Let me know if this worked out for you.
awk 'sub("[0-9]+","&.HELLO")' file
You can accomplish this with sed directly. Cut should not be necessary:
grep "test=" test.txt | sed 's/"\(.*\)"/"\1.HELLO"/'

Text Manipulation using sed or AWK

I get the following result in my script when I run it against my services. The result differs depending on the service but the text pattern showing below is similar. The result of my script is assigned to var1. I need to extract data from this variable
$var1=HOST1*prod**serviceList : svc1 HOST1*prod**serviceList : svc3, svc4 HOST1*prod**serviceList : svc5, svc6
I need to strip the name of the service list from $var1. So the end result should be printed on separate line as follow:
Can you please help with this?
Using sed and grep:
sed 's/[^ ]* :\|,\|//g' <<< "$var1" | grep -o '[^ ]*'
sed deletes every non-whitespace before a colon and commas. Grep just outputs the resulting services one per line.
Using gnu grep and gnu sed:
grep -oP ': *\K\w+(, \w+)?' <<< "$var1" | sed 's/, /\n/'
grep is the perfect tool for the job.
From man grep:
-o, --only-matching
Print only the matched (non-empty) parts of a matching line, with each such part on a separate output line.
Sounds perfect!
As far as I'm aware this will work on any grep:
echo "$var1" | grep -o 'svc[0-9]\+'
Matches "svc" followed by one or more digits. You can also enable the "highly experimental" Perl regexp mode with -P, which means you can use the \d digit character class and don't have to escape the + any more:
grep -Po 'svc\d+' <<<"$var1"
In bash you can use <<< (a Here String) which supplies "$var1" to grep on the standard input.
By the way, if your data was originally on separate lines, like:
HOST1*prod**serviceList : svc1
HOST1*prod**serviceList : svc3, svc4
HOST1*prod**serviceList : svc5, svc6
This would be a good job for awk:
awk -F': ' '{split($2,a,", "); for (i in a) print a[i]}'

sed emulate "tr | grep"

Given the following file
$ cat a.txt
I can easily parse out one item with tr and grep
$ tr ';' '\n' < a.txt | grep BAR
However if I try this using sed it just prints everything
$ sed 's/;/\n/g; /BAR/!d' a.txt
With awk you could do this:
awk '/BAR/' RS=\; file
But if in the case of BAZ this would produce an extra newline, because the is no ; after the last word. If you want to remove that newline as well you would need to do something like:
awk '/BAZ/{sub(/\n/,x); print}' RS=\; file
or with GNU awk or mawk you could use:
awk '/BAZ/' RS='[;\n]'
If your grep has the -o option then you could also try this:
grep -o '[^;]*BAZ[^;]*' file
sed can do it just as you want:
sed -n 's/.*\(BAR[^;]*\).*/\1/gp' <<< "FOO='hhh';BAR='eee';BAZ='ooo'"
The point here is that you must suppress sed's default output -- the whole line --, and print only the substitutions you want to performed.
Noteworthy points:
sed -n suppresses the default output;
s/.../.../g operates in the entire line, even if already matched -- greedy;
s/.1./.2./p prints out the substituted part (.2.);
the tr part is given as the delimiter in the expression \(BAR[^;]*\);
the grep job is represented by the matching of the line itself.
awk 'BEGIN {RS=";"} /BAR/' a.txt
The following grep solution might work for you:
grep -o 'BAR=[^;]*' a.txt
$ sed 's/;/\n/g;/^BAR/!D;P;d' a.txt
replace all ; with \n
delete until BAR line is at the top
print BAR line
delete pattern space

bash grep newline

[Editorial insertion: Possible duplicate of the same poster's earlier question?]
Hi, I need to extract from the file:
using the grep command, the following line:
How should the grep command look like?
Instead of grep, you can use pcregrep which supports multiline patterns
pcregrep -M 'second\nthird' file
-M allows the pattern to match more than one line.
Your question abstract "bash grep newline", implies that you would want to match on the second\nthird sequence of characters - i.e. something containing newline within it.
Since the grep works on "lines" and these two are different lines, you would not be able to match it this way.
So, I'd split it into several tasks:
you match the line that contains "second" and output the line that has matched and the subsequent line:
grep -A 1 "second" testfile
you translate every other newline into the sequence that is guaranteed not to occur in the input. I think the simplest way to do that would be using perl:
perl -npe '$x=1-$x; s/\n/##UnUsedSequence##/ if $x;'
you do a grep on these lines, this time searching for string ##UnUsedSequence##third:
grep "##UnUsedSequence##third"
you unwrap the unused sequences back into the newlines, sed might be the simplest:
sed -e 's/##UnUsedSequence##/\n'
So the resulting pipe command to do what you want would look like:
grep -A 1 "second" testfile | perl -npe '$x=1-$x; s/\n/##UnUsedSequence##/ if $x;' | grep "##UnUsedSequence##third" | sed -e 's/##UnUsedSequence##/\n/'
Not the most elegant by far, but should work. I'm curious to know of better approaches, though - there should be some.
I don't think grep is the way to go on this.
If you just want to strip the first line from any file (to generalize your question), I would use sed instead.
This will send the contents of the file to standard output with the first line deleted.
Then you can redirect the standard output to another file to capture the results.
That should do it.
If you have to use grep and just don't want to display the line with first on it, then try this:
grep -v first INPUT_FILE_NAME
By passing the -v switch, you are telling grep to show you everything but the expression that you are passing. In effect show me everything but the line(s) with first in them.
However, the downside is that a file with multiple first's in it will not show those other lines either and may not be the behavior that you are expecting.
To shunt the results into a new file, try this:
Hope this helps.
I don't really understand what do you want to match. I would not use grep, but one of the following:
tail -2 file # to get last two lines
head -n +2 file # to get all but first line
sed -e '2,3p;d' file # to get lines from second to third
(not sure how standard it is, it works in GNU tools for sure)
So you just don't want the line containing "first"? -v inverts the grep results.
$ echo -e "first\nsecond\nthird\n" | grep -v first
Line? Or lines?
grep -E -e '(second|third)' filename
Edit: grep is line oriented. you're going to have to use either Perl, sed or awk to perform the pattern match across lines.
BTW -E tell grep that the regexp is extended RE.
grep -A1 "second" | grep -B1 "third" works nicely, and if you have multiple matches it will even get rid of the original -- match delimiter
grep -E '(second|third)' /path/to/file
egrep -w 'second|third' /path/to/file
you could use
$ grep -1 third filename
this will print a string with match and one string before and after. Since "third" is in the last string you get last two strings.
I like notnoop's answer, but building on AndrewY's answer (which is better for those without pcregrep, but way too complicated), you can just do:
RESULT=`grep -A1 -s -m1 '^\s*second\s*$' file | grep -s -B1 -m1 '^\s*third\s*$'`
grep -v '^first' filename
Where the -v flag inverts the match.
