After restarting the services, the impala tables are not coming up - hadoop

After restarting the Impala server, we are not able to see the tables(i.e. tables are not coming up).Anyone help me what order we have to follow to avoid this issue.

You should try running "invalidate metadata;" from impala-shell. This usually clears up tables not being visible as impala caches metadata.
The following example shows how you might use the INVALIDATE METADATA
statement after creating new tables (such as SequenceFile or HBase tables) through the Hive shell. Before the INVALIDATE METADATA statement was issued, Impala would give a "table not found" error if you tried to refer to those table names.


NiFi - Clear PutDatabaseRecord Table Schema Cache

Could anyone suggest how to clear PutDatabaseRecord processor table schema cache. We've changed some of our tables (removed columns) but NiFi still uses old schemas and throws errors for columns that no longer exist. We tried to restart a processor multiple times, tried to restart DbcpConnectionPool - all without success.
To me this is the extremely weird behavior.
Thanks in advance

hive/impala metadata refresh

Does REFRESH table command refresh the metadata in Impala when a partition location is changed in Hive?
I am changing the Hive table partition location using
ALTER TABLE db.table partition(key=value1, key2=value2) set location='path'
After that, I am running REFRESH db.table in Impala which is not updating metadata. If I run INVALIDATE METADATA it is working.
There is Impala JIRA-4364 open for that. However its been in product backlog since 2017, so currently INVALIDATE METADATA is the only workaround.
UPDATE: This has been fixed in Impala 4.0 (see same JIRA link above).
Please make sure you perform msck repair after loading into the Hive partition instance.
Afterwards, you can invalidate the metadata for the DB in which the table resides in Impala shell/UI

Apache Drill - Not listing tables in Hive DB

I have created the necessary storage plugins and the relevant databases in hive show up when issuing the show database command.
When using one of the hive databases though using the use command, I found that I cannot select any tables which are within that database. Looking further, when issuing the show table command, no tables within that database show up via Apache Drill whereas they appear fine in Hive.
Is there anything I am missing by any chance in terms of granting permission via Hive to any user? How exactly does Apache Drill connect to Hive to run the relevant jobs?
Appreciate your responses.
Show tables; will not list hive tables as of now. It's better to create views on top of hive tables. These Views will show up on show tables; command.

Impala Query Editor always shows AnalysisException

I am running a Quickstart VM Cloudera on a Windows 7 computer, with 8Go of RAM and 4Go dedicated to the VM.
I loaded tables from a SQL database into Hive, using Sqoop (Cloudera VM tutorial exercise 1). Using the Hive Query Editor OR Impala Shell, everything works fine (i.e. "show tables" shows me the tables that were imported).
Using the Impala Query Editor, whatever I type, I get the same error message:
AnalysisException: Syntax error in line 1: USE `` ^ Encountered: EMPTY IDENTIFIER Expected: IDENTIFIER CAUSED BY...
I have the same if I type "show tables;" ...
I checked that Impala-services were up and running and it was the case, and everything works fine in the Impala shell:
I googled around but could not find any answer, many thanks in advance for your answer !!
Need to use the Hive Query Editor. The error shows up if you use the Impala or other Query Editor because you're using a library written for Hive.
Query -> Editor -> Hive
Yes, try selecting a database and if one does not appear, try either clearing your browser cache and reloading the page and also verify that your user has permissions to view the default database. Although since you said that Hive query editor works fine, it sounds like permissions are not the issue.
I solved this issue cleaning history from Firefox. After that i signed again on HUE and the databases on Impala Query Editor was showed again.enter image description here
Impala does not support ORC file format I changed to sequence file it works

I can read data from hive tables through hive client. But i cannot read from tools like talend

I have installed cdh4.4. And hive client is working properly and i am able to create, and display all the hive tables.
But when i use tools like talend i am getting the error 10001 table not found.
Can anybody tell where i am going wrong?
This is problem is due to the reason that the tool talend searches the default database.
Hence give database.tablename in the table field. This will solve the problem.
