Generating random numbers that conform to a range in Bash - bash

If I run ./ 10 45, it would only return random numbers between 10 and 45.
I am able to produce the random number using
randomNumber=$((1 + RANDOM % 100))
but now how can I allow user to specify upper and lower limit of random number?

You can use shuf
# $1: Lower limit
# $2: Upper limit
# Todo Check arguments
shuf -i $1-$2 -n 1
./ 45 50

Try the following (pure BASH):
rand=$((low + RANDOM%(1+hgh-low)))

The idea is to set your range at a default lower bound, say 10, with a higher bound, say 45. So you adjust the lower bound like this : $RANDOM % 45 + 10, don't you?
But there is a problem with this solution, it assumes that you'll always be between 0 + 10 and 45 so in fact it works until you reach 35 (35 + 10 = 45 your higher bound), anymore than 35 will be out of your bounds.
The solution in order to stay in the range is to do $RANDOM % (higher_b - lower_b) which will allow you to stay in higher bound then to add lower bound which gives you :
$RANDOM % (45 -10) + 10
example wrong output:
for i in {0..10};do printf $[RANDOM % 45 + 10]" ";done
47 31 53 23 36 10 22 36 11 25 54
example right output:
for i in {0..10};do printf $[RANDOM % 35 +10]" ";done
39 44 14 12 38 31 25 13 42 33 16
You can also write RANDOM % (higher - lower +1) if you want your index to include higher bound.

The trouble with modulo is that $RANDOM % N, unless N is a power of 2, does not have an equal probability distribution for all results: How to generate random number in Bash?. Per man bash, $RANDOM produces a number between 0 and 32,767 (2**15-1). This may not matter much in some situations, but by rewriting the expression slightly we do get an equal distribution.
for i in {0..10}; do echo -n "$((RANDOM*36/32768 + 10)) "; done; echo
A bash script with a user-selectable range:
echo $((RANDOM * ($HIGH-$LOW+1) / 32768 + LOW))
You will want to do some parameter checking also.


Referencing one number to another number

I have a question which I think is fairly simply but I am new to Bash and can't find much info on this.
5 references 3
10 references 4
20 references 10
30 references 20
inputBeforeLookup = 5 #this the number which needs to look up 3 above^^^^
# 10 would lookup and return 4
#20 returns 10
start = 1
end = $start + $lookupNumberfromFile # 3 in this case, since input was 5
seq $start $end
I guess my question here is what is the proper way to create like a configuration file which references numbers to other numbers?
If there is a better way than the snippet of code I posted I am always open to suggestions, like i said I am learning.
I am new to this so I am not sure if the syntax is 100% correct. I am more so looking for a solution on the best way to solve the problem.
Hope this sample helps you regarding variable expansion in bash:
Notice that: the \ prevents the expansion of $$ (current process id). For triple substitution you need double eval and so on....
echo $one
eval echo \$$two
eval eval echo \\$\$$three
eval eval eval echo \\\\$\\$\$$four
eval eval eval eval echo \\\\\\\\$\\\\$\\$\$$five
In zsh you can use nested substitution much more easily:
echo $one
echo ${(P)two}
echo ${(P)${(P)three}}
Set up an associative array, then test it with numbers 1 to 30. Those numbers that don't reference other numbers are printed as is:
MYMAP=( [5]=3 [10]=4 [20]=10 [30]=20 )
seq 30 | while read x ; do echo ${MYMAP[$x]:-$x} ; done | paste - - - - -
That last | paste - - - - - isn't necessary, but 5 column output is easier to follow given that the input has several multiples of 5. Output:
1 2 3 4 3
6 7 8 9 4
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 10
21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 20

How to find values 2 exponential in shell?

Is there a way to find a value's 2 exponential form in bash.
For example if I input 512 it should result output as 9 meaning 2 ^ 9 is 512.
Any help here is immensely appreciated - Thanks
When I read the question, 512 is the input, and 9 is the output. Is is possible what is being asked here is the answer to "log_base_2(512)" which has an answer of "9". If so, then maybe this would help.
$ echo "l(512) / l(2)" | bc -l
The explanation of the math can be found here:
How do I calculate the log of a number using bc?
Using awk.
$ echo 512 | awk '{print log($1)/log(2)}'
Put that into a script (
expon=$(awk -v a="$_num" 'BEGIN{print log(a)/log(2)}')
if [[ $expon =~ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]*$ ]]; then # Match floating points
echo "$_num is not an exponent of 2"; # Not exponent if floating point
echo "$_num = 2^${expon}"; # print number
$ ./ 512
512 = 2^9
$ ./ 21
21 is not an exponent of 2
A fast way to check a number x is an 2 exponent is to check bitwise and x and x-1 and to exclude 0, x>0
((x>0 && ( x & x-1 ) == 0 )) && echo $x is a 2-exponent
using this algorithm: fast-computing-of-log2-for-64-bit-integers to compute log2
tab32=( 0 9 1 10 13 21 2 29
11 14 16 18 22 25 3 30
8 12 20 28 15 17 24 7
19 27 23 6 26 5 4 31 )
log2_32() {
local value=$1
(( value |= value >> 1 ))
(( value |= value >> 2 ))
(( value |= value >> 4 ))
(( value |= value >> 8 ))
(( value |= value >> 16 ))
log2_32=${tab32[(value * 16#7C4ACDD & 16#ffffffff)>>27]}
log2_32 262144
echo "$log2_32"

Labelling of text files in bash loop

This script should give values to the program through the command line and store the output of the terminal in their corresponding files. Since I cannot put a decimal-point number as part of the label of the file, I intent to multiply each kappa by 10000 to turn them into integers and use them as labels, but I did it wrong in the code and I don't know how to it properly. How does it work? Thank you!
for kappa in $(seq 0.0001 0.000495 0.01);
kappa_10000 = $kappa * 10000;
for seed in {1..50};
./two_defects $seed $kappa > "equilibration_step_seed${seed}_kappa${kappa_10000}.txt";
Bash does not do floating-number calculation as pointed out by #Inian. A program like bc must be called and its output can be directly stored in a variable as follows:
for kappa in $(seq 0.0001 0.000495 0.01)
kappa_10000=$(echo "$kappa*10000/1" | bc)
echo kappa_10000
The output in the terminal would be
The /1 operation must be added to make the output an integer.

Can't seem to add two numbers in shell

I have been googling and trying different methods but nothing seems to work.
I have the following code
string=0 4 5 27 8 7 0 6
for n in "$string"; do
total=$(($total + $n))
This way I want to count the total sum of all the numbers within that string.
I have also tried expr "$total" + "$n" but that gives me an error saying the operand is not an integer.
Any suggestion how I might make this work?
Don't quote the string in the in clause, quoted string is not split into words:
#! /bin/bash
string='0 4 5 27 8 7 0 6'
for n in $string ; do
(( total += n ))
echo $total
string=0 4 5 27 8 7 0 6
This attempts to set the variable string to 0, then invoke the command 4 with arguments 5 27 8 7 0 6.
You need to quote the value:
string="0 4 5 27 8 7 0 6"
And you need to remove the quotes when you refer to it; change
for n in "$string"; do
for n in $string; do
You should use :
total=$(( total + n ))
no need for the $ before variables inside a $(( )) statement

How can hex addition in BC be made to overflow at the 8 byte limit (uint64)?

I am adding a series of 8196 64-bit unsigned integers, and I need the running-total to "roll-over" back to zero and continue counting from there... just as a "normal" programing language would do at the relevent INT_MAX ceiling.
As the test script shows, adding 1 to an boundary value (FF, FFFF, etc) just keeps on increasing the total. A feature, no doubt, but I'd like to limit it to 64-bits for this particular instance..
Is there some way to limit bc in this?
unset f
for ((i=0; i<8; i++)); do
f=${f}FF; echo -ne "$((${#f}/2)) bytes + 1 "
echo 'ibase=16; obase=10; ('$f'+1)' |bc
echo "I want 8th+1 to = 0000000000000000"
# output
# 1 bytes + 1 100
# 2 bytes + 1 10000
# 3 bytes + 1 1000000
# 4 bytes + 1 100000000
# 5 bytes + 1 10000000000
# 6 bytes + 1 1000000000000
# 7 bytes + 1 100000000000000
# 8 bytes + 1 10000000000000000
# I want 8th+1 to = 0000000000000000
This is called a modulo and you can read here about modulo and bc.
