Instagram Location Data - location

I am working on developing a platform which is integrated with Instagram. My app is still in the review process currently but would like some clarification on what is the best way to build one of the modules.
An important part of our application involves us selecting the most appropriate user to carry out a task. In order to make this decision, we need to see the demographic information of a certain user’s followers. More precisely, we need to know how many followers lie in each country
The current workflow we have gone ahead with is, by fetching the list of follower’s of a user’s profile, checking any random post on their profile and fetching the geolocation of that follower. This however has lead to inaccurate information.
Can you suggest if there is an alternate to getting this done?
Thank You

There is no accurate way to get location of a user. You can use 2 methods to get best guess:
check the bio information for location
get all photos and get geo location area from where most of the posts are coming from.


Is it possible to Fetch Real-time data using Riot Valorant Api?

I am making an application that shows real-time status for a Valorant game. like players alive, the type of weapons each play has, time remaining, etc.
Is it possible to use Riot Valorant API to do this for live matches or for previously played matches?
As per my knowledge you couldn't. But I think you should try with Riot Games' official production API, not development API.
Let me know if you find something relatable.
(This is adding onto Sanskar's answer, which I cannot comment on as I lack the required 'reputation')
I'm aware that this is an old question, but for anyone who happens to have stumbled upon this question, there is no way to obtain real-time in-game events however, there is a way to retrieve certain data from a match-- only except, not in an official way that does go against Riot Game's TOS of using third party software. Though, I wouldn't worry about this too much as long as you do not ruin the competitive integrity of the game by providing yourself with an in-game advantage over others in the game. I personally have been using this for over a year now and have not received any form of punishment for doing so.
Anyhow, back to the actual question of this thread, check out this document of API endpoints that have been scraped through monitoring HTTP traffic of the Riot Client. You'll need to obtain certain authorization tokens of the Valorant account through whatever methods are available to you (I pray that it is through lawful means :) ), which highly depends on the type of endpoint. There are certain wrappers for these endpoints already made by other users somewhere on GitHub, and you can always ask for help in the small community of developers that are using these endpoints in the README of the GitHub page I sent in this post.

getStream - Flat Feed where multiple users can post

we are implementing stream in our application and so far we love the out of the box react components as well as the backend implementation stream ruby - this is our setup currently.
We are close to deploying a first MVP but found that it seems to be not possible to post activities to a flat feed from multiple users by default.
Our use case is that we have a group of people that want to post activities about a certain topic (think facebook groups). Therefore we create a feed for the object (lets say a company) and want each user to be able to post activities there. Our current workaround is to add the author id as additional data and add a custom header to a activity - obviously not the best solution as reactions won't work that way.
Looking around we found that this seems to not work out of the box see this issue and this question.
Is this a feature that is only available to paying customers or how can we activate it?
Thank you in advance!
When using Stream with React users can only post to their own user feed, this is a default permission policy that can be changed by Stream.
I suggest reaching to Stream support by email and ask to change the permission policy.

How to get place description using Google API or any other API?

I am using Google API to get the place information and store it into database. Using Google API I am able to get address, opening hours, rating and reviews as shown in below image.
But, I am not able to get place description which is highlighted in below image in red circle. ("Quaint Italian mainstay for deep-dish, Chicago-style pizza, calzones, pastas & hot dogs.")
I want that information in my application. I think google is taking those information from
But I am not sure.
Can any one help me suggest me that how I can get that information or any other API that I can use to get that information based on google place_id.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Thank you
Accordingly to the documentation and #xomena, currently you cannot obtain this data via Places API. There is a feature request in Google issue tracker to make the detailed business type available in Places API, however Google doesn't expose any ETA (estimation time of arrival:
Feel free to star this feature request to express your interest and subscribe to notification from Google.
To my knowledge it is not possible to get this information from the Google Places API. The API documentation does not display the venue description. Try to have a look here: (it might be that Google does not share all information from their platform with other developers..).
I would suggest you to do one of the following (or perhaps both):
Scrape Google the old school way; i.e. by getting the information from the HTML. There is a quite decent guide for doing that here (you would of course have to adjust the example to scraping Google instead):
What I would recommend and which probably is the fastest: enrich your current data with other data. You could e.g. use Foursquare and search for the places you get from Google. It should be possible to get the description for each place on Foursquare. See here: If you have problems with matching the places after your query has returned, because the venue names are not exactly the same - but close, then you could use an algorithm to match strings that are close; perhaps using the levenstein distance (

Twitter - how to get user's timeline

My app, in one of its parts, should reproduce the same behaviour as a web page, where you can find a section with a table of Twitter posts, I guess they are a user's timeline. I took a look at Twitter api's and I found a call which could return it, but, If I got it right, you are supposed to be authenticated with that user credentials. Is there a way to achieve it without being that user (thus without using that user's credentials)? If not we have to assume that web plugins have more flexibility than queries which return xml, or json? Which kind of approach fits best, considering the app needs to support iOS from 4.3 to 6.x? Does Twitter+Oauth provide more flexibility than direct Twitter api calls?
Hm, if you are looking to just display user's feed you can do it as simple as:
Where you change the screen_name to the desired user that you want to show the feeds for.
No need what so ever to use authentication for this.
Not sure if this is what you want to achieve, but I use this approach to show random user's tweet feed.

How do you acquire usage data from a webOS app and store that data remotely?

I am new to webOS development. I have one app in the app store and in the next update to the app I would like to be able to identify the age of users, their location, how long they use the app, which features they use the most/least and then store that data in a database. How do I do this? Many thanks in advance for your help.
Well, that's a pretty big question. Here's an outline of what to do, with some notes.
First, you're probably not going to be able to get age unless you ask the user directly and they tell you. Also, you're only going to get location if the application is location-aware and the user permits you to collect that data (when you install a location-aware application, it asks the user if they're okay with the fact that the application will be able to get their location).
As for how long they use the app and which features they use, that's easier. Depending on the granularity you need/want to capture, you can just record time stamps when a user starts and stops using a particular feature, such as when scene activate and deactivate methods fire. As long as you store feature name and timestamp, that should give you what you're looking for.
Then comes to question of collection. However you store it in the app, you have a couple of choices for how to get it out of the app. Unless you can get your users to just email the data to you, probably the easiest thing to do would be to create a web app (possibly with no user facing output, since you're just using it to collect data) using something like Google App Engine that gives you a URL you can send a POST request to using an HTTP request. Depending on how you set it up, it could do the request every time you collect a timestamp (bad for battery use, though), just occasionally, or only when the app is doing cleanup (possibly a problem if you don't get the request off in time).
I'd recommend taking a look online at how people do this type of thing in iPhone apps to get a good sense of how to do this type of thing. If you hit problems getting particular things to work, you can of course come here to StackOverflow with specific coding questions.
