I have been reading about the completeness of A* and I understand that it must be complete if it has a finite branching factor , but why it must be also complete when each edge weight is greater than 0 ?
It's not true that if the graph has finite branching factor and each edge weight is greater than zero then A* terminates.
For example, consider the graph with vertices 0, 1, 2, 3, ... and a single vertex *. Let the weight of the edge between i and i+1 be 1/2^i, and let the weight of the edge between 0 and * be 2. Let the heuristic be 0, so A* degenerates into Dijkstra's algorithm.
Then A* will not find (in finite time) the path from 0 to * -- it will explore the path along the natural numbers since the distance from 0 to n is always less than 2. So despite the fact that this graph has finite branching factor and positive edge weights, A* does not find the solution.
The correct statement of the theorem is: "If a graph has a finite branching factor and all weights are greater than some ε>0 then A* is complete." The proof is straightforward: if the path from the start to the end is of weight d, then in the worst case all vertices distance <= d are visited before the end node. But there can be at most finitely many of them because the path from the start node to each can consist of at most d/ε vertices.
Let G(V,E) a directed graph with weights w:E->R. Let's assume |V| is dividable by 10. Let s in V. Describe an algorithm to find a shortest path from s to every v such that it contains exactly |V|/10 edges.
So at first I thought about using dynamic programming but I ended up with complexity of O(|V|^3) which apparently not optimal for this exercise.
We can't use Bellman-Ford (As far as I understand) since there might be negative cycles.
What could be an optimal algorithm for this problem?
I forgot to mention a crucial information; Path can be not-simple. i.e. we may repeat edges in our path.
You can perform a depth limited search with limit of |V|/10 on your graph. It will help you find the path with the least cost.
limit = v_size / 10
best[v_size] initialize to MAX_INT
depth_limited(node, length, cost)
if length == limit
if cost < best[node]
best[node] = cost
for each u connected to node
depth_limited(u, length+1, cost + w[node][u])
depth_limited(start_node, 0, 0)
According to me Bellman Ford's algorithm SHOULD be applicable here with a slight modification.
After iteration k, the distances to each node u_j(k) would be the shortest distance from source s having exactly k edges.
Initialize u_j(0) = infinity for all u_j, and 0 for s. Then recurrence relation would be,
u_j(k) = min {u_p(k-1) + w_{pj} | There is an edge from u_p to u_j}
Note that in this case u_j(k) may be greater than u_j(k-1).
The complexity of the above algorithm shall be O(|E|.|V|/10) = O(|E|.|V|).
Also, the negative cycles won't matter in this case because we shall stop after |V|/10 iterations. Whether cost can be further decreased by adding more edges is irrelevant.
We have a Code on Weighted, Acyclic Graph G(V, E) with positive and negative edges. we change the weight of this graph with following code, to give a G without negative edge (G'). if V={1,2...,n} and G_ij be a weight of edge i to edge j.
for t=1 to n
for j=1 to n
G_i=min G_ij for All K
if G_i < 0 (we have a bar on G)
G_ij = G_ij+G_i for all j
G_ki = G_ki+G_i for all k
We have two axioms:
1) the shortest path between every two vertex in G is the same as G'.
2) the length of shortest path between every two vertex in G is the same as G'.
i read one pdf that has low quality, i'm not sure the code exactly mentioned, and add the picture. in this book he say the above axioms is false, anyone could help me? i think these are true?
i think two is false as following counter example, the original graph is given in left, and after the algorithm is run, the result is in right the shortest path between 1 to 3 changed, it passed from vertex 2 but after the algorithm is run it never passed from vertex 2.
My reading of the PDF is:
for i=i to n
for j=1 to n
c_i=min c_ij for all j
if c_i < 0
c_ij = c_ij-c_i for all j
c_ki = c_ki+c_i for all k
The interpretation is that for each vertex we increase its outgoing edges by c_i, and decrease the incoming edges by c_i, where c_i is chosen such that all outgoing edges become non-negative.
Claim 1
"the shortest path between every two vertex in G is the same as G'"
With my reading of the pdf, this claim is true because every path between vertices i and j is changed by the same amount (c_i-c_j) and so the relative order of paths is unchanged. (Note that the path may go via intermediate vertices, but the net effect is 0 because for each intermediate vertex k we decrease the length by c_k when entering, but increase by c_k when exiting.)
Claim 2
"the length of shortest path between every two vertex in G is the same as G'".
This cannot be true - suppose we start with an original graph which has a single edge A to B with weight -1.
In the modified graph this weight will become 0.
Therefore the length of the shortest path has changed from -1 in G to 0 in G' so the statement is false.
Shown below is what would happen to your graph as you applied this algorithm to node 1, followed by node 2:
Topological sort
Note that as shown in the example, we still end up with some negative weights which is probably unintended. This is because the weights of incoming edges are reduced.
However, if we work backwards through the graph (e.g. by using a topological sort), then we will always end up with non-negative weights everywhere.
In the given example, working backwards means we first update 2, and then 1 as shown below:
According to the Algorithms book Corman, Dijkstra is applicable for only those graphs whose all edges have non negative weights.
Does that mean, if there is any edge with negative weight it will not work for whole of the graph?
Will it not count that negative weight edge?
Please indicate which one is right?
Dijkstra algorithm can work on a graph of some negative edges sometimes,like:
while w(A, B) = -1 and w(B, C) = -2.
But when there is at least one negative edge, it can't prove to be always right. like:
\ /
\ _____ /
where w(A, B) = 1, w(B, C) = 3, w(C, D) = -5 ,w(A, D) = 2.
If you choose A as sourcepoint, you will get the length of shortest path from A to D is 2 by Dijkstra algorithm, not -1 in fact.
It is because that Dijkstra algorithm is a greedy algorithm, and its proof procedure of correctness uses that all its edges is non-negative to obtain a contradiction.
About its proof procedure, you can look it up at Theorem 24.6 (Correctness of Dijkstra’s algorithm) ,Introduction to Algorithm.
The major problem with negative edges are negative cycles. If a graph contains a negative cycle between vertex S and vertex T, then there is no shortest path between S and T. Dijkstra finds a shortest path, which is incorrect.
Thus, negative edges are not only ignored but contribute to entirely false solutions.
An alternative is Bellman-Ford algorithm which finds those negative cycles in it's |V|-th iteration.
Can someone explain to me why is Prim's Algorithm using adjacent matrix result in a time complexity of O(V2)?
(Sorry in advance for the sloppy looking ASCII math, I don't think we can use LaTEX to typeset answers)
The traditional way to implement Prim's algorithm with O(V^2) complexity is to have an array in addition to the adjacency matrix, lets call it distance which has the minimum distance of that vertex to the node.
This way, we only ever check distance to find the next target, and since we do this V times and there are V members of distance, our complexity is O(V^2).
This on it's own wouldn't be enough as the original values in distance would quickly become out of date. To update this array, all we do is at the end of each step, iterate through our adjacency matrix and update the distance appropriately. This doesn't affect our time complexity since it merely means that each step takes O(V+V) = O(2V) = O(V). Therefore our algorithm is O(V^2).
Without using distance we have to iterate through all E edges every single time, which at worst contains V^2 edges, meaning our time complexity would be O(V^3).
To prove that without the distance array it is impossible to compute the MST in O(V^2) time, consider that then on each iteration with a tree of size n, there are V-n vertices to potentially be added.
To calculate which one to choose we must check each of these to find their minimum distance from the tree and then compare that to each other and find the minimum there.
In the worst case scenario, each of the nodes contains a connection to each node in the tree, resulting in n * (V-n) edges and a complexity of O(n(V-n)).
Since our total would be the sum of each of these steps as n goes from 1 to V, our final time complexity is:
(sum O(n(V-n)) as n = 1 to V) = O(1/6(V-1) V (V+1)) = O(V^3)
Note: This answer just borrows jozefg's answer and tries to explain it more fully since I had to think a bit before I understood it.
An Adjacency Matrix representation of a graph constructs a V x V matrix (where V is the number of vertices). The value of cell (a, b) is the weight of the edge linking vertices a and b, or zero if there is no edge.
Adjacency Matrix
A 0 1 0 3 2
B 1 0 0 0 2
C 0 0 0 4 3
D 3 0 4 0 1
E 2 2 3 1 0
Prim's Algorithm is an algorithm that takes a graph and a starting node, and finds a minimum spanning tree on the graph - that is, it finds a subset of the edges so that the result is a tree that contains all the nodes and the combined edge weights are minimized. It may be summarized as follows:
Place the starting node in the tree.
Repeat until all nodes are in the tree:
Find all edges that join nodes in the tree to nodes not in the tree.
Of those edges, choose one with the minimum weight.
Add that edge and the connected node to the tree.
We can now start to analyse the algorithm like so:
At every iteration of the loop, we add one node to the tree. Since there are V nodes, it follows that there are O(V) iterations of this loop.
Within each iteration of the loop, we need to find and test edges in the tree. If there are E edges, the naive searching implementation uses O(E) to find the edge with minimum weight.
So in combination, we should expect the complexity to be O(VE), which may be O(V^3) in the worst case.
However, jozefg gave a good answer to show how to achieve O(V^2) complexity.
Distance to Tree
| A B C D E
Iteration 0 | 0 1* # 3 2
1 | 0 0 # 3 2*
2 | 0 0 4 1* 0
3 | 0 0 3* 0 0
4 | 0 0 0 0 0
NB. # = infinity (not connected to tree)
* = minimum weight edge in this iteration
Here the distance vector represents the smallest weighted edge joining each node to the tree, and is used as follows:
Initialize with the edge weights to the starting node A with complexity O(V).
To find the next node to add, simply find the minimum element of distance (and remove it from the list). This is O(V).
After adding a new node, there are O(V) new edges connecting the tree to the remaining nodes; for each of these determine if the new edge has less weight than the existing distance. If so, update the distance vector. Again, O(V).
Using these three steps reduces the searching time from O(E) to O(V), and adds an extra O(V) step to update the distance vector at each iteration. Since each iteration is now O(V), the overall complexity is O(V^2).
First of all, it's obviously at least O(V^2), because that is how big the adjacency matrix is.
Looking at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prim%27s_algorithm, you need to execute the step "Repeat until Vnew = V" V times.
Inside that step, you need to work out the shortest link between any vertex in V and any vertex outside V. Maintain an array of size V, holding for each vertex either infinity (if the vertex is in V) or the length of the shortest link between any vertex in V and that vertex, and its length (so in the beginning this just comes from the length of links between the starting vertex and every other vertex). To find the next vertex to add to V, just search this array, at cost V. Once you have a new vertex, look at all the links from that vertex to every other vertex and see if any of them give shorter links from V to that vertex. If they do, update the array. This also cost V.
So you have V steps (V vertexes to add) each taking cost V, which gives you O(V^2)
Here is an excise:
In certain graph problems, vertices have can have weights instead of
or in addi- tion to the weights of edges. Let Cv be the cost of vertex
v, and C(x,y) the cost of the edge (x, y). This problem is concerned
with finding the cheapest path between vertices a and b in a graph G.
The cost of a path is the sum of the costs of the edges and vertices
encountered on the path.
(a) Suppose that each edge in the graph has a weight of zero (while
non-edges have a cost of ∞).Assume that Cv =1 for all vertices 1≤v≤n
(i.e.,all vertices have the same cost). Give an efficient algorithm to
find the cheapest path from a to b and its time complexity.
(b) Now suppose that the vertex costs are not constant (but are all
positive) and the edge costs remain as above. Give an efficient
algorithm to find the cheapest path from a to b and its time
(c) Now suppose that both the edge and vertex costs are not constant
(but are all positive). Give an efficient algorithm to find the
cheapest path from a to b and its time complexity.
Here is my answer:
(a) use normal BFS;
(b) Use dijkstra’s algorithm, but replace weight with vertex weight;
Also use dijkstra’s algorithm
If only considering about edge weight, then for the key part of dijkstra's algorithm, we have:
if (distance[y] > distance[v]+weight) {
distance[y] = distance[v]+weight; // weight is between v and y
Now, by considering about vertex weight, we have:
if (distance[y] > distance[v] + weight + vertexWeight[y]) {
distance[y] = distance[v] + weight + vertexWeight[y]; // weight is between v and y
Am I right?
I guess my answer to (c) is too simple, is it?
You are on the right track, and the solution is very simple.
In both B,C, Reduce the problem to normal dijkstra, which assumes no weights on the vertices.
For this, you will need to define w':E->R, a new weight function for edges.
w'(u,v) = w(u,v) + vertex_weight(v)
in (b) w(u,v) = 0 (or const), and the solution is robust to fit (c) as well!
The idea behind it is using an edge cost you the weight of the edge, and the cost of reaching the target vertice. The cost of the source was already paid, so you disregard it1.
Reducing a problem, instead of changing an algorithm is usually much simpler to use, prove and analyze!.
(1) In this solution you "miss" the weight of the source, so the shortest path from s to t will be: dijkstra(s,t,w') + vertex_weight(s)_ [where dijkstra(s,t,w') is the distance from s to t using out w'
The vertex weight can be removed by slicing every vertex a in two vertices a1 and a2 with an edge from a1 to a2 with the weight of a.
I think you are right for the adaptation of dijkstra’s algorithm.