Using Dijsktra's algorithm with unique distance between nodes - algorithm

For a school project, my friends and I are learning what is pathfinding and how to exploit it via a simple exercise:
For a group of ants going from A to B, they need to travel through multiple nodes, one at a time.
I've read some explanation about Dijsktra's algoritm, and I wanted to know if I could use it in a graph where every distance between every node is 1 unit. Is it optimal ? Or is A* more appropriated to my case ?
Since I had knowledge on the graph, BFS was prefered because distance between node was pre-computed, where Djisktra is prefered when you have absolutely nothing about the graph itself. See this post for reference

If every edge has the same cost, then Dijkstra's algorithm is the same as a breadth-first search. In this case you might as well just implement BFS. It's easier.
If you have a way to estimate how far a point is from the target, then you could use A* instead. This will find the best path faster in most cases.


Is there an efficient way to find shortest paths in a functional graph?

My task is to process Q shortest path queries in a functional graph with V nodes. Q and V are integers that can be up to 100000.
My first idea was to use the Floyd-Warshall algorithm to answer queries efficiently, but this algorithm takes O(V^3) time to calculate the shortest paths, which is way too slow.
My second idea runs in O(QV) time, because for every query I start at the starting node and traverse through the graph until I discover a cycle or reach the destination node.
However, this solution is still too slow; it has no chance of quickly processing queries when V and Q become large. I think that there is some pre-processing or another technique that I could use to solve this, but I haven't been able to find any online resources to help guide me. Can somebody please help me out?
A functional graph means that each node has only a single out-edge, so the maximum number of steps between A and B couldn't be more than the number of vertices without encountering a cycle. You should be O(V).
Since there are no choices, you could readily build a CostMap[V][V] which recorded the distance between two nodes, and lazily fill it as you encounter queries; thus successive queries would approach constant time.
There are a a lot of algorithm designed for this purpose, you can look up the Depth First Search (DFS) or Breadth First Search (BFS) algorithm. As well as the Djikstra's algorithm and the A* (A star) algorithm, this last one is often used in pathfinding for video games. They all have their pros and cons and it depends on the architecture of your network but it should suit your needs.

A* for unweighted graphs

Does it make sense to use A* search algorithm on unweighted directed graphs for finding shortest path?
From reading seems like A* could be expensive in terms of memory, also for unweighted graphs, how would it even determine heuristic?
This post here seems to conclude A* should not be used for unweighted graphs.
What would be the best/lease expensive algorithm to use for finding shortest path on unweighted directed graphs? Just a simple BFS?
There is no point to the full A* unless you have a useful heuristic to use it with. That said, if your heuristic is that every node is guessed to be the same possible distance from the target, then A* search will give you the same result as BFS because you will look at every node reached by a shorter path before looking at a node reached by a longer one.
As for the best, the best algorithm that I am aware of is a BFS starting at both ends, using a hash to detect the first intersection. That is, you mark the source and the target. Then extend the source out to a depth of 1, then the target to a depth of 1, then the source out to a depth of 2, then the target to a depth of 2, and so on. When you intersect, you have the shortest path out to the intersection from both directions. So traverse the one from the source out to the intersection point, then the intersection back to the target.
This is, for example, the kind of algorithm that gets used to find who is close to you in a large social network like LinkedIn.
If you have a heuristic, use A*. If you don't, don't.
Often unweighted graphs have additional structure that can be exploited, eg. if your graph is actually a 2D grid, Jump Point Search is much faster than normal A*. We'll need to know more about your problem domain to recommend anything further.

Is it possible to use A* search for non grid graphs

I know A* is the most optimal algorithm for finding the shortest path, but I cannot see how any heuristic can work on a non lattice graph? This made me wonder whether or not A* is in fact capable of being used on an undirected or directed graph. If A* is capable of doing this, what kind of heuristic could one use? If A* is not, what is the current fastest algorithm for calculating the shortest path on a directed or undirected non lattice graph? Please comment if any more information is required.
It might be possible yes, but A* is a popular algorithm for finding shortest paths in grid like graphs. For graphs in general there are a lot of other algorithms for shortest path calculation which will match your case better. It depends on your setting which one to use.
If you plan to do a Single Source Shortest Path (SSSP), where you try to find the shortest path from one node to another one and your graph is unweighted you could use Breath-First-Search. A bidirectional version of this algorithm performs well in practice. If you do SSSP and your graph is weighted Dijkstra's algorithm is a common choice, a bidirectional version could be used as well. For all pairs shortest path other algorithms like Floyd-Warshall or Johnson's algorithm are useful.
If you want to use heuristics and estimate the distance before the search is done you can do pre calculations which are mostly applicable to each of the algorithms mentioned above. Some examples:
shortcut calculation (ARC-Flags, SHARC, KFlags)
hub identification (also transite nodes): pre calculate distances between all hub nodes (has to be done only once in non dynamic graphs), find next hub of source and sink e.g. with dijkstra. add up distance between hubs and source to next hub and sink to next hub
structured look up tables, e.g. distance between hubs and distances between a hub an nodes in a specific distance. After pre calculation you never need to traverse the graph again, instead your shortest path calculation is a number of look-ups. this results in high memory consumption but strong performance. You can tune the memory by using the upper approximations for distance calculations.
I would highly recommend that you identify your exact case and do some research for graph algorithms well suited to this one. A lot of research is done in shortest path for dozens of fields of application.

Shortest path from single source to single destination in a graph

My graph contains no such edges which connect a vertex to itself. There is only one edge between two vertices. From Wikipedia i got to know about some algorithm which are used for calculating shortest path based on the given conditions. One of the most famous algorithm is Dijkstra's algorithm, which finds a shortest paths from source vertex to all other vertices in the graph.
But by using Dijkstra's algorithm, i am unnecessary exploring all the vertices, however my goal is just to find shortest path from single source to single destination. Which strategy should i use here? So that i need not to explore all other vertices.
One of my approach is to use bidirectional bfs. By bidirectional bfs i mean to apply two bfs one from source node, another one from destination node. As soon as for the first time when i find any same child in both tree,i can stop both bfs .Now the path from source to that child union path from child to destination would be my shortest path from source to destination.
But out of all the approaches described by Wikipedia and bidirectional bfs, which one suits best for my graph?
It depends if there's any apparent heuristic function that you could use or if you don't have any further usable information about your graph.
Your options are:
BFS: in general case or if you don't care about computation time that much.
Dijkstra (Dijkstra "is" BFS with priority queue): if your edges have weights/prices (non negative) and you care about CPU time.
A* (A* "is" Dijkstra with heuristic function - e.g. distance on a city map): if you want it to be really fast in average case, but you have to provide good heuristic function.
For some graph problems it may be possible to use Dynamic programming or other algorithmic tools. It depends on a situation. Further information can be found in tutorials from ...
From Introduction to Algorithms (CLRS) second edition, page 581 :
Find a shortest path from u to v for a given vertices u and v. If we solve the single-source problem with source vertex u, we solve this problem also. Moreover, no algorithms for this problem are known that run asymptotically faster than the best single-source algorithms in the worst case.
So, stick to Dijkstra's algorithm :)
The Wikipedia article spells out the answer for you:
If we are only interested in a shortest path between vertices source and target, we can terminate the search at line 13 if u = target.
You could use Dijkstra's algorithm and optimize it in the way that you stop exploring paths that are already longer than the shortest you found so far. Because those are not going to be shorter (provided that you don't have negative weighs on your edges).

Heuristic and A* algorithm

I was reading about dijkstra algorithm and A* star algorithm. I know that the difference is the heuristic used. But what is a heuristic and how this influence the algorithms? Heuristic is just an way to measure the distance? But dijkstra considers the distance too? Sorry, but my question is about heuristic and what it means and why to use them... (I had read about it, but don't understant)
Other question: When should be used each one?
Thank you
In this context, a heuristic is a way of providing the algorithm with some form of extra evaluative information, so that the algorithm can find a 'good enough' solution, without exhaustively searching every possible solution.
Dijkstra's Algorithm does not use a heuristic. It expands outwards from the start node, and examines every node in the graph in order to find the shortest path. While this is accurate, it can be computationally expensive.
By comparison, the A* algorithm uses a distance + cost heuristic, to guide the algorithm in its choice of the next node to explore. This means that the algorithm finds a possible search solution without examining every node on the graph. It is therefore much cheaper to run, but at a loss of complete accuracy. It works because the result is usually close enough to the optimal solution, and is found cheaper than an exhaustive search of the entire graph.
As to when you should use each, it really depends on the application. However, using the A* algorithm requires an admissible heuristic, so this may not be applicable in situations where such information is unavailable to the algorithm.
A heuristic basically means an idea or an intuition! Any strategy that you use to solve a hard problem is a heuristic! In some fields (like combinatorial problems) it refers to the strategy that can help you solve a NP hard problem suboptimally within a polynomial time.
Dijkstra solves the single-source routing problem, i.e. it gives you the cost of going froma single point to any other point in the space.
A* solves a single-source single-target problem. It gives you a minimum distance path from a given point to another given point.
A* is usually faster than Dijkstra provided you give it an admissible heuristic, this is, an estimate of the distance to the goal, that never overestimates said distance. Contrary to a previous answer given here, if the heuristic used is admissible, A* is complete and will give you the optimal answer.
