Testing solutions for Bert Bos puzzle - prolog

Working on the Bert Bos Puzzle, where I need to print all possible permutations of a sequence (clicks or no clicks) that will turn the whole square red. This will be done by clicking the top row in a sequence of clicks and no clicks. Then, you go to the subsequent row and click squares there to make the first row all red. You progress through the puzzle like this until you turn the whole square red.
So a possible solution to a 4x4 square would be [click, click, no click, no click] on the first row. You dont have to follow the pattern for any of the lines below, just keep flipping until all blocks on the next line are red and continue till all squares are red.
Im trying to write a predicate that tests all possible permutations of ‘click’ and ‘no click’ for the first row of a square of size N. Right now Im trying to go about it by keeping track of the color of the top row after it has been clicked, then using that to say which squares of the second row should be clicked to make the top row all red.
The problem is I cant figure out how to keep track of the colors of the second row that are changed by clicks from the first row, and then how to keep track of clicks from the second row on and how they affect the rest of the rows. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here is what I have so far
flip(blue, red).
flip(red, blue).
board_permutations(0,[]):- !.
board_permutations(N, [H|T]) :-
N1 is N - 1,
board_permutations(N1, T).
first_row_solutions([], []).
first_row_solutions([H1, H2|T], [FirstRow|SecondRow]):-
H1 = click,
first_row_solutions(H2, FirstRow).
first_row_solutions([H|T], [FRH1, FRH2, FRH3|FRT], [SR1, SR2, SR3|SRT]) :-
H = click,
flip(FRH1, C1),
flip(FRH2, C2),
flip(FRH3, C3),
%flip(SR1, S1), I was thinking I could keep track of the second row colors here
%flip(SR2, S2),
%flip(SR3, S3)
%FlipListRow1 = [C1, C2, C3 | T],
%FlipListRow2 = [S1, S2, S3|T],
first_row_solutions(H, FRH3).
%Possible predicate to handle row 2, 3, 4 etc --> ClickList is what clicks to do on row 3 to make row 2 red, etc
%row_n_solutions(FlipListRow2, ClickList)
generate_board(0, [], _).
generate_board(N, [H|T], ConstantN) :-
generate_row(ConstantN, H),
N =< 12, N >= 1,
N2 is N-1,
generate_board(N2, T, ConstantN).
generate_row(0, []) :- !.
generate_row(N, [H | T]) :-
N =< 12, N >= 1,
N2 is N-1,
H = blue,
generate_row(N2, T).
test(X) :- generate_board(5,X,5).
test1(X) :- solutions([no_click, click, no_click, no_click], X).

#CapelliC has already suggested one possible approach: You can carry along the matrix (using predicate arguments), and use this to always inspect the current state of any surrounding cells.
Complementing this approach, I would also like to point out a different method to approach the whole task: We can consider this puzzle as finding a suitable linear combination of vectors from the finite field GF(2). The number of clicks can be represented as an integer coefficient for each vector.
It only remains to establish a correspondence between board positions and vector indices. We can define such a relation as follows:
n_id_x_y(N, ID, X, Y) :-
ID #= Y*N + X,
N1 #= N - 1,
[X,Y] ins 0..N1.
?- n_id_x_y(4, 6, X, Y).
X = 2,
Y = 1.
Note that I specified 4 to obtain a mapping that works for 4×4 boards.
This uses CLP(FD) constraints and works in all directions, including for example:
?- n_id_x_y(4, ID, 3, 2).
ID = 11.
Based on this, we can also relate any index to its neighbours, again denoted by their unique indices:
n_id_neighbour(N, ID, NID) :-
n_id_x_y(N, ID, X, Y),
( ( NX #= X - 1, NY #= Y
; NX #= X + 1, NY #= Y
; ( NX #= X, NY #= Y - 1
; NX #= X, NY #= Y + 1
n_id_x_y(N, NID, NX, NY).
Clicking on any board position flips the colour of that position and its defined neighbours. We will use a Boolean vector and let 1 denote that the colour of the position that corresponds to this index is affected:
n_id_vector(N, ID, Vs) :-
V #= N*N,
V1 #= V - 1,
ID in 0..V1,
findall(NID, n_id_neighbour(N, ID, NID), Ns),
sort([ID|Ns], IDs),
length(Vs, V),
phrase(ids_vector(IDs, 0), Vs, Zeroes),
maplist(=(0), Zeroes).
ids_vector([], _) --> [].
ids_vector([ID|IDs], Pos0) -->
{ Gap #= ID - Pos0,
Pos #= ID + 1,
length(Zeroes, Gap),
maplist(=(0), Zeroes) },
ids_vector(IDs, Pos).
For example, clicking on entry 0-0 affects precisely three other cells, which are indicated by 1:
?- n_id_vector(4, 0, Vs).
Vs = [1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0|...].
We are now ready to describe what we expect from a solution: A solution consists of a list of coefficients, one for each vector, such that the sum of the scalar products (vector times coefficient for each vector) modulo 2 is equal to (1,1,...,1). This means that the colour of each cell has changed.
n_solution(N, Cs) :-
findall(Vs, n_id_vector(N,_,Vs), Vss),
same_length(Vss, Cs),
Cs ins 0..1,
maplist(flip_cell(Cs), Vss),
flip_cell(Cs, Ts) :-
scalar_product(Ts, Cs, #=, Sum),
Sum mod 2 #= 1.
Note that in this case, due to the inherent symmetry, there is no need to transpose the matrix.
The fact that we are reasoning over Boolean algebra already entails that the order in which the cells are clicked does not affect the outcome, and also that each of the vectors needs to be used at most once in any solution.
Here are solutions for a 4×4 board:
?- n_solution(4, Cs).
Cs = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] ;
Cs = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] ;
Cs = [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0] ;
Cs = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0] ;
Each solution indicates precisely which of the cells we must click. For example, the first solution:
Here is one of the longest solutions for this board size:
And this is one of the shortest:
You can of course also apply this approach to other board sizes, such as 7×7:
Or 12×12:


Pruning symmetrical solutions in ECLiPSe Prolog with the use of constraints

This is a subproblem of a constraint satisfaction problem I'm currently working on and thus, I've omitted extra constraints that I apply to my variables.
Suppose we have a list of 5 variables and said vars can take values from 1 to 3. Symmetry is defined as such: Suppose we were to take 2 full assignments of all variables. Let's also suppose that for each one of those full assignments, we calculate the sets of the variables that have the same value. If we could find a way so that each set of the first assignment could have an equal/identical set in the second assignment, the two said assignments would be symmetrical.
Here is a small example to make things a bit clearer:
Let's take the following two assignments:
L1 = [ 1, 2, 1, 1, 3 ]
L2 = [ 2, 1, 2, 2, 3 ]
Those two are symmetrical.
Let's also take the following one:
L3 = [3, 1, 3, 3, 2]
This is also symmetrical with L1 and L2.
I am trying to prune all symmetrical assignments. How can I express this in constraints?
So far I've tried using constraints to find the first variable with no assigned value and basically locking its value with the #=/2; this happens once for each possible domain value. My code gets an instantiation error but I'm not really sure that my endeavour is actually a valid way to go about solving this problem.
getNth(0, [ H | T], H, T).
getNth(Count, [ _ | T], Target, Others):-
NewCount is Count - 1,
getNth(NewCount, T, Target, Others).
assigned(_, [], TruthVal, TruthVal).
assigned(Var, [Val | OtherVals], CurTruthVal, TruthVal):-
UpdatedTruthVal #= (CurTruthVal and (Var #\= Val)),
assigned(Var, OtherVals, UpdatedTruthVal, TruthVal).
firstUnassigned(_, [], _, _, _, _).
firstUnassigned( CurP, [Var | OtherVars], PrevVals, Found, CurCount, Index):-
assigned(Var, PrevVals, 1, TruthVal),
(TruthVal and (Found #\= 1)) => ((Index #= CurCount) and (Var #= CurP) and (NewFound #= 1)),
Found => (NewFound #= Found),
NewCount is CurCount + 1,
firstUnassigned(CurP, OtherVars, PrevVals, NewFound, NewCount, Index).
symmetryConstraints(CurP, NP, _, _):-
CurP > NP.
symmetryConstraints(CurP, NP, L, PrevVals):-
CurP =< NP,
firstUnassigned(CurP, L, PrevVals, 0, 0, Index),
getNth(Index, L, _, NextL),
NewP is CurP + 1,
symmetryConstraints(NewP, NP, NextL, [CurP | PrevVals]).
L = [ Var1, Var2, Var3 ],
L #:: 1..2,
length(L, N),
symmetryConstraints(1, N, L, []),
search(L, 0, most_constrained, indomain, complete, []).

Prolog - merge digits to number

I want to merge list of digits to number.
[1,2,3] -> 123
My predicate:
merge([X], X).
merge([H|T], X) :-
merge(T, X1),
X is X1 + H * 10.
But now I get:
[1,2,3] -> 33
Another way to do it would be to multiply what you've handled so far by ten, but you need an accumulator value.
merge(Digits, Result) :- merge(Digits, 0, Result).
merge([X|Xs], Prefix, Result) :-
Prefix1 is Prefix * 10 + X,
merge(Xs, Prefix1, Result).
merge([], Result, Result).
The math is off. You're rule says you have to multiply H by 10. But really H needs to be multiplied by a power of 10 equivalent to its position in the list. That would be * 100 for the 1, and * 10 for the 2. What you get now is: 10*1 + 10*2 + 3 which is 33. The problem is that your recursive clause doesn't know what numeric "place" the digit is in.
If you structure the code differently, and use an accumulator, you can simplify the problem. Also, by using CLP(FD) and applying some constraints on the digits, you can have a more general solution.
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
digits_number(Digits, X) :-
digits_number(Digits, 0, X).
digits_number([], S, S).
digits_number([D|Ds], S, X) :-
D in 0..9,
S1 #= S*10 + D,
digits_number(Ds, S1, X).
?- digits_number([1,2,3], X).
X = 123
?- digits_number(L, 123).
L = [1, 2, 3] ;
L = [0, 1, 2, 3] ;
L = [0, 0, 1, 2, 3] ;
L = [0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3] ;
L = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3]

Generate all permutations of the list [1, 1, 2, 2, ..., n, n] where the number of elements between each pair is even in Prolog

I recently started learning Prolog and I got a task to write a predicate list(N, L) that generates lists L such that:
L has length 2N,
every number between 1 and N occurs exactly twice in L,
between each pair of the same element there is an even number of other elements,
the first occurrences of each number are in increasing order.
The author states that there are N! such lists.
For example, for N = 3 all solutions are:
?- list(3, L).
L = [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3] ;
L = [1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2] ;
L = [1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 3] ;
L = [1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1] ;
L = [1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1] ;
L = [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3] ;
My current solution looks like:
even_distance(H, [H | _]) :-
even_distance(V, [_, _ | T]) :-
even_distance(V, T).
list(N, [], _, Length, _, _) :-
Length =:= 2*N,
list(N, [New | L], Max, Length, Used, Duplicates) :-
select(New, Duplicates, NewDuplicates),
even_distance(New, Used),
NewLength is Length + 1,
list(N, L, Max, NewLength, [New | Used], NewDuplicates).
list(N, [New | L], Max, Length, Used, Duplicates) :-
Max < N,
New is Max + 1,
NewLength is Length + 1,
list(N, L, New, NewLength, [New | Used], [New | Duplicates]).
list(N, L) :-
list(N, L, 0, 0, [], []).
It does two things:
if current maximum is less than N, add that number to the list, put it on the list of duplicates, and update the max;
select some duplicate, check if there is an even number of elements between it and the number already on the list (ie. that number is on odd position), then add it to the list and remove it from duplicates.
It works, but it's slow and doesn't look really nice.
The author of this exercise shows that for N < 12, his solution generates a single list with average of ~11 inferences (using time/1 and dividing the result by N!). With my solution it grows to ~60.
I have two questions:
How to improve this algorithm?
Can this problem be generalized to some other known one? I know about similar problems based on the multiset [1, 1, 2, 2, ..., n, n] (eg. Langford pairing), but couldn't find something like this.
I'm asking because the original problem is about enumerating intersections in a self-intersecting closed curve. You draw such curve, pick a point and direction and follow the curve, enumerating each intersection when met for the first time and repeating the number on the second meeting: example (with the answer [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 6, 7, 8, 1, 9, 5, 4, 6, 7, 9, 2, 8]).
The author states that every such curve satisfies the predicate list, but not every list corresponds to a curve.
I had to resort to arithmetic to satisfy the requirement about pairs of integers separated by even count of elements. Would be nice to be able to solve without arithmetic at all...
list(N,L) :- numlist(1,N,H), list_(H,L), even_(L).
list_([D|Ds],[D|Rs]) :-
even_(L) :-
forall(nth0(P,L,X), (nth0(Q,L,X), abs(P-Q) mod 2 =:= 1)).
select/3 is used in 'insert mode'.
edit to avoid arithmetic, we could use this more verbose schema
even_(L) :-
even_(L,E) :-
even_p(E,[_,_|R]) :- even_p(E,R).
Here is a snippet based on assignment in a prebuilt list of empty 'slots'. Based on my test, it's faster than your solution - about 2 times.
list(N,L) :-
N2 is N*2,
pairs([N|Ns],L) :- first(N,L,R),even_offset(N,R),pairs(Ns,L).
first(N,[N|R],R) :- !.
first(N,[_|R],S) :- first(N,R,S).
even_offset(N,[_,_|R]) :- even_offset(N,R).
My first attempt, filtering with even_/1 after every insertion, was much slower. I was initially focused on pushing the filter immediately after the select/3, and performance was indeed almost good as the last snippet, but alas, it loses a solution out of 6...

Prolog BattleShips bombing game

So i'm programming a battleship game in prolog. The game has 5x5 board where ships should be located with similar logic to real game, which means they can't be side by side and touch each other at all.
So i've came across these problems.
How to make the code recognize which board Tiles(cordinates) have been already shot?
How can i programmatically recognize ships as a whole and how to use this knowledge to recognize when the ship has sank.
Currently the prompt loop will end after first hit, but goal is to end the loop when all ships are sank.
EDIT: Board contains 2 values 0 and 1, 0 is empty Tile, 1 represents that it has an ship part on it.
board([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]).
row_at(X, Row) :-
nth0(X, Board, Row).
column_at(Y, Row, Cell) :-
nth0(Y, Row, Cell).
ship_at(X, Y) :-
row_at(X, Row),
column_at(Y, Row, Cell),
Cell = 1.
write('hit!'), nl.
miss :-
write('miss!'), nl.
target(X, Y, State) :-
(ship_at(X, Y) ->
hit, asserta(X,Y);
prompt_number(Prompt, Number) :-
write(': '),
:- initialization(main).
main :-
prompt_number('enter column number', Col),
prompt_number('enter row number', Row),
target(Row, Col, State),
(ship_at(Row, Col) ->
write('you won!'), nl, halt ;
write('keep trying!'), nl, fail).

Defining 5x5 matrix

the problem is ; we have a function take 3 argument,
like; func ( [[0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]], (1, 1), X ) the first one is nested list, which is
show 5x5 matrix and 1s means it is full, 0 means empty and,
the second parameter (1,1) our starting point 1st row 1st column,
the 3rd parameter X is ; variable that we will unify with
the points that are accessible from the starting point which is (1,1)
so if asked;
?- func ( [ [0,0,0,1] [0,0,1,0] [0,0,1,1] [0,0,1,0] ], (1,1), X).
X = (1, 1);
X = (1, 2);
X = (1, 3);
X = (2, 2);
X = (3, 2);
X = (4, 1);
X = (4, 2);
when we start from (1,1) we can move up, down, left and right;
since no left and up movement while on (1,1) look right if empty, write it, look down empty write down, go the (1,2) again, move right or left or up or down, and so on.
here the reason why we didn't write the outputs, (2,4) (4,4)
if for example point (2,3) is full and (2,4) is empty
we look that can we go point (2,4) one by one, I mean,
if left , up and down of them is full, we can't go point (2,4) using this point, since they are full.
My solution: get the textbook, sit at the computer, and figure it out for yourself! Simply labelling something as homework doesn't excuse not doing it yourself.
lastly I done it, here is the code;
%returns the nth element from the list
nth([_|R],N,M) :- N > 1, N1 is N-1, nth(R,N1,M).
%returns true if cell is empty: gets the cell value at (StartRow,StartColumn) and returns whether the value is 0
isempty(Maze,StartRow,StartColumn) :- nth(Maze,StartRow,Line),nth(Line,StartColumn,Y), Y == 0.
%returns the head of the list
%find accessible returns empty list if not in maze size (1 to N for row and column)
findaccessible(Maze, (StartRow,StartColumn), [], _) :- head(Maze,L),length(L,N), (StartColumn > N ; StartRow > N ; StartColumn < 1 ; StartRow < 1).
%find all empty cells and retain them in X. L retains the current found cells in order to avoid returning to visited positions.
findaccessible(Maze, (StartRow,StartColumn), X, L) :-
%if cell is empty, retain position and add it to the list
isempty(Maze,StartRow,StartColumn) -> (union(L,[(StartRow,StartColumn)],L1),X1 = [(StartRow,StartColumn)],
%check right column and if element not visited, find all accessible cells from that point and unify the lists
SR is StartRow, SC is StartColumn+1,(member((SR,SC),L) -> union(X1,[],X2) ; (findaccessible(Maze, (SR,SC), Tmp1, L1), union(X1,Tmp1,X2))),
%check down row and if element not visited, find all accessible cells from that point and unify the lists
SR2 is StartRow+1,SC2 is StartColumn, (member((SR2,SC2),L) -> union(X2,[],X3) ; (findaccessible(Maze, (SR2,SC2), Tmp2, L1), union(X2,Tmp2,X3))),
%check left column and if element not visited, find all accessible cells from that point and unify the lists
SR3 is StartRow, SC3 is StartColumn-1, (member((SR3,SC3),L) -> union(X3,[],X4) ; (findaccessible(Maze, (SR3,SC3), Tmp3, L1), union(X3,Tmp3,X4))),
%check up row and if element not visited, find all accessible cells from that point and unify the lists
SR4 is StartRow-1, SC4 is StartColumn, (member((SR4,SC4),L) -> union(X4,[],X) ; (findaccessible(Maze, (SR4,SC4), Tmp4, L1), union(X4,Tmp4,X)))) ; X = [].
%lists each result
%if no more results return false
results(_,[]) :- fail.
%return the result or return the rest of the results
results(X,[Head|Rest]) :- X = Head ; results(X,Rest).
%accessible predicate that finds all empty accessible cells and then list each of them
accessible(Maze, (StartRow,StartColumn), X) :- findaccessible(Maze, (StartRow,StartColumn), Lst, []), !, results(X,Lst).
%sample test run
%accessible([[0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]], (1, 1), X).
