how to Pass array from view to controller in Laravel? - laravel

I make a form in blade.php, Here I can select multiple checkbox, and I want to pass selected input’s value to controller in a array.But I failed, I can not send the data.
Here is code from view. The selected input’s value can be 1,2 etc;
<form method="post" action="{{action('votesubmitController#votesubmit')}}" class="form">
<input type="hidden" name="_token" value="{{ csrf_token() }}">
#foreach($candidate_list[$post_list->id] as $candidate_list[$post_list->id])
<input type="checkbox" name= "selected[]" value= {{
$candidate_list[$post_list->id]->id }}>
<!-- some code here -->
<button type="submit" id="login-button">Submit</button>
Here is route-
If I write return $input in controller I find –
That’s I need. I do not know how to get selected value. When I get specific route error exception happens . and says "Undefined variable: selected".
Here is my Controller’s code-
class votesubmitController extends Controller
public function votesubmit()
$input = Input::all();
// return $input;
foreach ($selected as $selected) {
echo $selected;

// You can try this
class votesubmitController extends Controller
public function votesubmit()
//$input = Input::all();
//$selected = $input['selected'];
$selected = Input::get('selected');
foreach ($selected as $selected)
echo $selected;

Either use
$selected = $input['selected']
pass it using Ajax.


Laravel Maatwebsite excel

I need your help. I don't know how to import the excel file. I mean I don't understand where to put this users.xlsx and how to get its directory
public function import()
Excel::import(new UsersImport, 'users.xlsx');
return redirect('/')->with('success', 'All good!');
its simple on mattwebsite you need a controller like below :
public function importExcel(Request $request)
if ($request->hasFile('import_file')) {
Excel::load($request->file('import_file')->getRealPath(), function ($reader) {
foreach ($reader->toArray() as $key => $row) {
// note that these fields are completely different for you as your database fields and excel fields so replace them with your own database fields
$data['title'] = $row['title'];
$data['description'] = $row['description'];
$data['fax'] = $row['fax'];
$data['adrress1'] = $row['adrress1'];
$data['telephone1'] = $row['telephone1'];
$data['client_type'] = $row['client_type'];
if (!empty($data)) {
Session::put('success on import');
return back();
and a view like this :
action="{{ URL::to('admin/client/importExcel') }}" class="form-horizontal" method="post"
{{ csrf_field() }}
<div class="form-group">
<label class="control-label col-lg-2">excel import</label>
<div class="col-lg-10">
<div class="uploader"><input type="file" name="import_file" class="file-styled"><span class="action btn btn-default legitRipple" style="user-select: none;">choose file</span></div>
<button class="btn btn-primary">submit</button>
and finally a route like below :
Route::post('admin/client/importExcel', 'ClientController#importExcel');

How to Make Joomla 3x Custom Toolbar Button Work

I am trying to add a couple of custom toolbar buttons to my component, and at the moment the buttons are showing alright but can't get them to work.
My main problem is how to pass the id variable from the view layout to the sub-controller to perform a task in the case update a single column in the database.
These are my code structure
THE VIEW (view.html.php)
class LoanmanagerViewLoan extends JViewLegacy
protected $loanDetail;
public function display($tpl = null){
//Data from loanlist Model
$this->loanDetail = $model->get_loan_detail();
protected function addToolbar()
// Get the toolbar object instance
$bar = JToolbar::getInstance('toolbar');
JToolBarHelper::Title(JText::_('Loan Details'));
JToolBarHelper::custom('loan.approve', 'approve.png', 'icon-save.png', 'Approve Loan', false, false);
JToolBarHelper::custom('loan.deny', 'deny.png', 'deny.png', 'Deny Loan', false, false);
VIEW LAYOUT (tmpl/default.php)
<form action="<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_loanmanager&view=loan&type=softloan&id='. (int) $loan->id); ?>" method="post" name="adminForm" id="loan-form" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_loanmanager" />
<input type="hidden" name="task" value="" />
<?php echo JHtml::_('form.token'); ?>
SUBCONTROLLER (controllers/loan.php)
class LoanmanagerControllerLoan extends JControllerLegacy
public function approve()
$jinput = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
$id = $input->post->get('id', 0, 'INT');
//Perform some SQL query with the $id
return parent::display();
you need to write an input with the id in the form itself.
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?= (int) $loan->id ?>" />
alternatively, don't get the id from post, as you have put it in the action get url of the form
$id = $input->getInt('id');

Laravel user input form to query database

been trying to create a laravel form with several fields that the user can enter text/number into a field and it takes the field with data and performs a database query. Now the form works with just one field but when i add more fields it only returns data for the final query, not for the other two.
perfumes controller
class perfumescontroller extends Controller
public function index()
$pstoreNum = request('pstoreNum');
$result = perfumes::where('StoreNumber','=',$pstoreNum)
return view('perfumes',compact('result'));
public function perfWeekSearch()
$weekNum = request('perfWeekNum');
$result = perfumes::where('WeekNumber','=',$weekNum)
return view('perfumes',compact('result'));
Route::get('/perfumes', 'perfumescontroller#index');
Route::get('/perfumes', 'perfumescontroller#perfWeekSearch');
<form action="perfumes" method="get">
{{ csrf_field() }}
<div class="input-group">
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="perfWeekNum" placeholder="Type in Store Number">
<span class="input-group-btn">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-search"></span>
Do i need to use some sort of check if not null method? or is there an easier way??
I think this would be work below is your perfumes controller
class perfumescontroller extends Controller
public function index()
$data = $request->all();
$pstoreNum = $data['pstoreNum'];
$result = DB::table('perfumes')->where('StoreNumber','=',$pstoreNum)
return view('perfumes',compact('result'));
} else if(!empty($data['perfWeekNum'])){
$weekNum = $data['perfWeekNum'];
$result = DB::table('perfumes')->where('WeekNumber','=',$weekNum)
return view('perfumes',compact('result'));
and you use any with route like below:
Route::any('/perfumes', 'perfumescontroller#index');

"Unable to load the requested file: search_result.php" error

i want create a search box , where we input student name then show all records of that controller code is
public function search_function_in_controller()
if ($this->session->userdata('admin_login') != 1)
redirect('login', 'refresh');
$keyword = $_POST['keyword']; // you can also use $this->input->post('keyword');
$data['search_result'] = $this->crud_model->search($keyword);
$this->load->view('search_result', $data);
my model is :
function search($keyword)
$query = $this->db->get('student');
return $query->result();
my view is :
<form action="<?=site_url('admin/search_function_in_controller')?>" method="post">
search: <input type="text" name="keyword" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
// List up all results.
foreach ($results as $val)
echo $val['username'];
but when we give input on search box then it give "Unable to load the requested file: search_result.php" , can anyone help me??
Verify the path that you've called in your view.
I think you intended to call the view admin/search_result in your function search_function_in_controller;

Codeigniter loop through post array

So i have this form:
<form id="stepform" action="#" method="post">
<legend>Step #1</legend>
<input type="hidden" name="csrf_modo" value="b94961394f8e6f7efaa4e37ca9007822">
<input type="text" name="field[]" class="input-xlarge">
<textarea class="input-xlarge" name="field[]"></textarea>
When user clicks a button jquery dynamically appends another two exactly same fields:
count = 2;
$('#stepform').append('<legend>Step #' + (count++) + '</legend>');
$('#stepform').append('<label>Title</label><input type="text" name="field[]" class="input-xlarge">');
$('#stepform').append('<label>Body</label><textarea class="input-xlarge" name="field[]"></textarea>');
return false;
As you can see one step has 2 fields, when user clicks on the button step increments and adds another 2 fields to that step and so on...
After that i send data to the controller via ajax request. Now i'm stuck on the actual query which should insert new row for every step. How could i accomplish this?
Btw i'm using codeigniter and it's bind queries:
$this->db->query($sql, $data);
I corrected the handling of the difference between textareas and input fields.
Sidenote: The whole Controller logic belongs into a model. I just put it into the Controller here for simplification reasons.
<form id="stepform" action="#" method="post">
<legend>Step #1</legend>
<input type="hidden" name="csrf_modo" value="b94961394f8e6f7efaa4e37ca9007822">
<input type="text" name="field[input][]" class="input-xlarge">
<textarea class="input-xlarge" name="field[textarea][]"></textarea>
count = 2;
$('#stepform').append('<legend>Step #' + (count++) + '</legend>');
$('#stepform').append('<label>Title</label><input type="text" name="field[input][]" class="input-xlarge">');
$('#stepform').append('<label>Body</label><textarea class="input-xlarge" name="field[textarea][]"></textarea>');
return false;
class SomeController extends MY_Controller{
public function process_request()
$insert_data = array();
$field_data = $this->input->post('field');
for($i = 0; $i < count($field_data['input']); $i++)
$insert_data[] = array(
'db_col_name_input' => $field_data['input'][$i],
'db_col_name_textarea' => $field_data['textarea'][$i]
$this->db->insert_batch('my_table', $insert_data);
Old Answer:
Since you're appending square brackets to your input fields name you will get an array with the values of all fields that are having this name. So you can go trough them with a foreach loop and store all the values in an array and use CodeIgniters insert_batch() Method to insert multiple data at the same time.
class SomeController extends MY_Controller{
public function process_request()
$insert_data = array();
foreach($this->input->post('field') AS $field)
$insert_data[] = array(
'db_col_name' => $field
$this->db->insert_batch('my_table', $insert_data);
